Written by Eric Zuesse
On April 9th, the blazingly brilliant military analyst who blogs anonymously as “Bernhard” at his “Moon of Alabama” site and whose headlines customarily understate what he actually proves, headlined “More Evidence That Ukraine Fired The Missile Which Killed Dozens In Kramatorsk”, and he or she supplied there not only ten screen-shots (plus links to many more of them) of the actual weapon that had been used in that bombing against Kramatorsk’s train station, but also explained how ridiculously unlikely is is that its trajectory, which he proved had come from an area that definitely was controlled by the Ukrainian government (NOT by Russian forces). However, what is to be provided here will be a historian’s take on this very question, which likewise displays manifestly the ridiculousness of the Ukrainian government’s accounts of this matter (that it had been an attack by Russia, not by Ukraine). When both the physical evidence and the clearly established historical narrative account of a given crime and of its motives fit together so perfectly, I believe that the legal case is proven true “beyond a reasonable doubt,” which is the ordinary standard of proof that’s required in any criminal matter.
On the morning of April 8th, the U.S.&EU press widely reported such headlines as “Live Updates: Russia Strikes Train Station, Ukraine Says, as Thousands Flee From East”, and “Ukraine News Live: Russian Rocket Attack on Kramatorsk Train Station Kills Dozens—Ukraine”, and “Dozens killed in train station missile strike in eastern Ukraine as civilians try to flee Russian onslaught” — all obviously trying to communicate (like their headlines were doing) that this had been an invasion of Kramatorsk by Russia in order to conquer its residents and take it for Russia, which is the story-line or narrative that the U.S. Government and its allies are presenting about this entire war — alleging, in other words, that the present war in Ukraine is a war by Russia to conquer all of Ukraine, and not a war by Russia to free from the Ukrainian government’s control areas of Ukraine that had voted heavily for the democratically elected and decidedly neutralist President of Ukraine in 2010, the President (Viktor Yanukovych) who subsequently became overthrown by a violent U.S. coup in February 2014, which was falsely presented to the public as having instead been a ‘democratic revolution’ there.

Fragments of a Ukrainian missile ‘Tochka U’ outside the railway station in Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast, April 8, 2022
Kramatorsk, in fact, was — along with nearby Sloviansk — one of the two Ukrainian cities that the newly installed Ukrainian government (which had been installed by Victoria Nuland of Barack Obama’s Administration) invaded the earliest in all of Ukraine in order to conquer them so that they would be ruled by the newly installed (by Nuland) non-neutralist, but instead rabidly anti-Russian, regime.
In order for the public to be able to understand how the residents of that area in eastern Ukraine actually feel about this war that now is engulfing them, and how they view both the (now-invading) Russian forces and (ever since February 2014) the U.S.-installed regime there, a knowledge of the relevant recent history of that area is necessary; and, therefore, here are a few indisputable, solidly documented, relevant highlights of that recent relevant history:
16 April 2014, “A day of humiliation, as Ukrainian military offensive stalls, six armored vehicles seized”, as described by the pro-overthrow-of-Yanukovych Kyiv Post. Kramatorsk and Sloviansk are specifically mentioned there as having being the first Ukrainian cities that rebelled (on the prior day) against the new regime, and whose residents would therefore henceforth be officially labelled by the newly installed government as being targets of a just-announced “Anti-Terrorist Operation” or “ATO” to eliminate them. Anyone who would support the “rebels” would now officially be a “terrorist.”
5 May 2014, “Ukraine crisis: ‘Those fascists killed this girl and they will be in hell’”, Britain’s pro-overthrow-of-Yanukovych Telegraph reports from Kramatorsk “the people engulfed in a climate of fear” of the then-invading Ukrainian forces:
“For good or ill, more than 80 per cent of them voted for Viktor Yanukovych, the fallen president, in the last election in 2010. After all, he was born in the region and had previously served as governor of Donetsk. Moreover, a large minority of the people in this area – almost 40 per cent – identify themselves as ethnic Russians.
When Mr Yanukovych was overthrown in the revolution in February, supporters in his home area did not see this as the richly deserved downfall of a corrupt, authoritarian leader. Some had indeed come to loathe him, particularly for the shameless theft that was the most striking feature of his rule, but even they tended to believe that the moment to get rid of him would arrive at the election in 2015.
So the consensus in Donetsk was that the revolution was a coup d’état. … Never mind that the revolution was actually a genuine popular movement, supported by huge numbers of ordinary Ukrainians, including some in the east.”
7 May 2014, pro-overthrow Kyiv Post: “Ukrainian military forces have gained ground in the flashpoint cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in Donetsk Oblast over the past week, but government authorities in general have largely lost their grip in the tough industrial oblast … [due to] the lawlessness stoked by the Kremlin.” Notice there the attribution of blame to Russia and NOT to the United States, which had actually installed the new government and dictated its racist-fascist anti-Russian character and policies at the top.
17 May 2014, anti-coup International Observatory of Ukrainian Crisis: “Reporting that militants of neo-nazi “Right Sector” have murdered a group of soldiers (members of the Ukrainian army) near Kramatorkaya Starovavarke (Kramatorsk)”, saying that “The soldiers [of Ukraine’s invading army in Kramatorsk] didn’t want to kill civilians. Then at midnight a squad of neo-nazis have fallen on them and murdered the soldiers. This is how the USA-EU impose democracy in Ukraine!!! Killing their own soldiers! And just because they didn’t want to kill civilians!!!”
18 May 2014, “Mortar Shelling of Kramatorsk” by Ukraine’s army on 18 May 2014, as it was shown on youtube
14 June 2014, International Business Times: “Kiev’s Slovyansk ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation’ Kills 300 Pro-Russian Separatists”: “Ukrainian government forces are continuing with an ‘anti-terrorist operation’ which Kiev claims has eliminated 300 rebels and wounded 500 around the flashpoint city of Slovyansk. The Ukrainian forces used aircraft, helicopters and artillery to switch the balance of power [in Ukraine’s favor] in the strategic city which rebels have controlled since April. … US President Barack Obama has met with [America’s stooge-President of Ukraine at that time] Poroshenko in Poland, calling him a ‘wise selection’ to lead the country on its pro-European course. He said the country had the potential to become a thriving democracy.”
7 July 2014, U.S. State Department, Washington, DC:
[no headline nor current record on the Web, but archived by me here]
Daily Press Briefing Index
Monday, July 7, 2014
1:23 p.m. EDT
Briefer: Jen Psaki, Spokesperson …
MS. PSAKI: Well, a few updates. As you noted, over the weekend we all saw reports that the Ukrainian Government was able to expel Russian-supported separatists from the cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. The government immediately moved to begin restoring public services and to providing assistance to residents in need in those areas.
Fighting does continue in the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, and the option of a ceasefire remains on the table. But it takes two to participate in a ceasefire, and President Poroshenko had that ceasefire for 10 days and didn’t see reciprocal participation or engagement from the other side. So there are still remaining steps that we have called on the Russian-backed separatists and the Russians to take. Those remain on the table.
QUESTION: You say that it’s two sides, but it would seem that all your discussion is three sides.
MS. PSAKI: Well, I think the Russian-backed separatists and the Russians are on the same side.
QUESTION: So they – so you equate the separatists with Russia?
MS. PSAKI: I don’t think I’m equating, but in terms of —
QUESTION: For the purposes of – for the purposes of this, you think that the – Russia saying yes to a ceasefire is the same thing as the separatists saying yes to a ceasefire?
MS. PSAKI: Well, we’ve long felt that they have a strong influence with the actions of the Russian separatists, and there’s more they can do to influence.
QUESTION: Right. Right, but the thing is – is that they had said yes, had they not? I mean, the Russians had supported it; Putin had supported it. But you don’t think that that message – or that they did enough to rein in the separatists in fighting the Ukrainian Government, right?
MS. PSAKI: Correct.
QUESTION: Is that – so that would mean that it’s three sides to the ceasefire, because you need the separatists to go along with it, and you think that that won’t happen unless Moscow says “do it,” right?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I still – my view is two sides. We can disagree on the shape of the —
QUESTION: I’m just – whether it’s a triangle or a line, I don’t know.
MS. PSAKI: Triangle or a line, yes.
17 August 2014, “Interrogation of a [Captured] Ukrainian POW conscript – ENG SUBS”, youtube, my excerpt here being from the Donetsk-Lugansk militia’s interview with a Ukrainian-army draftee, the 24-year-old Private Juri Petrowich Smyk, whose Battery of men got caught “in a tight cauldon,” and so were captured by the Donetsk-Lugansk (anti-coup) forces. “You mentioned prior to this recording that wounded soldiers were buried alive. Where did this occur? That was near Krasny Terrikon. They hired an old man, a local, who used an excavator to dig a dump. Afterwards, the wounded [Donetsk-Lugansk militiamen] were dropped in there. And they were buried, right? Yes. The dump was filled up, and a tank circled over it afterwards. Maybe to make sure they were buried deep.”
October 2014, “How Our People Do Their Extermination-Jobs In Ukraine”, an article by me based upon a then recently captured (22 October 2014) videocam recording which showed corpse-creation-and processing that was very much like what Private Smyk was describing, but of corpses of civilians instead of soldiers:
Below is a video of “our side” in the Ukrainian civil war carrying out part of the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Mikhail Koval’s, extermination plan, which was injudiciously announced and described by him right after a press conference.
On June 11th, an “Anti-Maidan” or anti-ethnic-cleansing, site, posted to youtube excerpts from previously unpublished press-conference Q&A-session statements by Koval, which had been made perhaps immediately following the Defense Minister’s private meeting on June 4th with top NATO officials, who endorsed his plan, which thus started. This youtube was titled “Secretary of Defense [Mikhailo Koval] About Concentration Camp for Eastern Ukraine People.”
He was shown there saying:
“There will be a thorough filtration of people. There will be special filtration measures put in place. We will filter out people, including women, who are linked to separatism, who were committing crimes on Ukrainian territory, crimes related to terrorist activities. We have a lot of information regarding this, and we have a formidable framework to combat this, and respective power structures will carry out this operation. Besides, this is a serious issue, related to the fact that people will be resettled to other regions.”
The people shown in the video below were not “resettled to other regions.” These were instead among the ones who were slated for immediate processing. They were forced into a ditch at night, and shot. Presumably, dirt was then immediately pushed over them (or over their corpses, for the ones that were dead).
Here is that video. The interesting background as to how this video came to be uploaded to the Web, instead of merely filed in an accounts-payables office of the Ukrainian military in order to verify that the perpetrators had done their jobs and needed to be paid the contracted amount for the people whom they had disposed of, and for the corpses that they had produced and presumably buried, for the Ukrainian Government, is well explained at the site linked-to below. It’ll be presented here, with full credit to them and to everyone who has enabled this information to become public at liveleak, youtube, and other sites, though those individuals are anonymous, for understandable reasons. Here, then, that is (with its typo uncorrected):
“Ukrainian fascists execute locals that sympathize with Donetsk People’s Republic — video”
By Lviv | October 23, 2014
Car with a mounted video camera belonging to members of Ukrainian punitive nationalist battalion was caputred earlier this week by self-defense forces of Donetsk People’s Republic. Part of the video shows Ukrainian radicals taking several locals to a large hole in the ground in a wooded area, make locals get in the hole and then shot them.
And here is that video at LiveLeak.com (the scene shown here being only a frame from it, which portrays the receiving team, guiding the truck-full of victims, toward the ditch):
That title is entirely correct: this outfit is called the “Donbass Punishers Battalion,” and the victims shown being thrown into the ditch are all dressed in civilian clothes, not dressed as soldiers are.
Here is the broader context in which this extermination-program can be understood.
February 2016, University of Sussex study: “Violence and political outcomes in Ukraine — Evidence from Sloviansk and Kramatorsk”:
In this paper, we study the effects of violence on political outcomes using a survey of respondents in Sloviansk and Kramatorsk – two cities that were affected heavily by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. We show that experiencing physical damage goes together with lower turnout, a higher probability of considering elections irrelevant and a lower probability of knowing one’s local representatives. We also find that property damage is associated with greater support for pro-Western parties. … Of the 396 respondents in our final sample who named the party they voted for, 52.5% indicated they voted [in May 2014, the first ‘election’ that was held after the coup, and after perhaps around a million voters in Ukraine had either been killed or escaped into Russia, or were residents in Donbass or in Crimea who therefore no longer could vote in Ukrainian elections] for a pro-Russia party, while 47.5% voted for a pro-Western oriented party. Others either did not vote, didn’t remember whom they voted for or didn’t want to say whom they voted for. [Due to the paper’s “pro-Western” slant, the authors didn’t treat the interviewees who “didn’t want to say whom they voted for” as possibly being afraid of the invading post-coup regime’s forces and being afraid that the interviewers might somehow be agents of this new Ukrainian regime. The interviewers didn’t ask the interviewees whom they had voted for in the 2010 election, because the authors were pro-coup and didn’t want to know that information.]
In this paper, we investigate the effect of personally experiencing the consequences of violence on political participation, views and knowledge, using individual level data from the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. After the Maidan revolution that replaced the then-president, Victor Yanukovich, in February 2014, pro-Russian militants in the East of Ukraine started to take control of government buildings in several cities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions during the first two weeks of April 2014. On15 April 2014, the Ukrainian government launched a counter-offensive [notice their use of that phrase “counter-offensive,” denoting that the military forces which had invaded Kramatorsk and Sloviansk from Kiev represented the interviewees instead of represented the interviewees’ enemies] deploying government troops in the East of Ukraine. Initially, this counter-offensive had limited success and the Ukrainian army only made major advances after separatist forces pulled out from the city of Sloviansk on 5 July 2014. [The authors simply assumed that it had been a “revolution” instead of a “coup”: the authors were suckers, or else liars, but in either case, to call them social “scientists” is to insult science and all authentic practitioners of science. Their study was instead an example of propaganda, not of any authentic science.]
Furthermore, Obama’s effort to get rid of enough pro-Russian voters so as to be able to ensure long-term continuance of the new anti-Russian Ukrainian government by ‘democratic’ (meaning here simply electoral) means, did, indeed, cause many residents there to flee into adjoining Russia.
So: considering that both Kramatorsk and Sloviansk were the first two Ukrainian cities to rebel against the Obama-installed regime, one might reasonably assume that Russia would have had zero motivation — indeed, negative motivation, motivation to OPPOSE — any bombing of Kramatorsk’s train station and killing of civilians there, but that Ukraine would have had much motivation to do it, in order to be able to fool the publics in U.S.-allied nations to support sending to Ukraine’s government even more weapons, and ultimately to expedite NATO’s expansion to include Ukraine, which now is being cast by the ‘news’media in those nations into the role of being a heroic defender of democracy.
Indeed, on April 8th, the Financial Times headlined “Nato states agree to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine”, and reported that UK’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss commented, after speaking with (unidentified) “western officials,” “’There was support for countries to supply new and heavier equipment to Ukraine, so that they can respond to these new threats from Russia,’ she said. ‘And we agreed to help Ukrainian forces move from their Soviet-era equipment to Nato standard equipment‘,” which would mean that ‘defense’ stocks, such as Lockheed Martin, which have been soaring ever since the 1991 termination of the Soviet Union in 1991, will now experience supercharged increases in sales and profits. While vastly more people will become destroyed and homeless, those investors will be “cleaning up.”
NOTE: America did the same thing in Syria (such as in the instance discussed here, here, and here), but using as its proxy-forces not nazis there, such as it does in Ukraine, but instead jihadists and separatist Kurdish forces.
Russians wouldn’t recognize democracy, if it would bite them in the ass.
Nato doing what they do best. Conducting terrorist attacks and blaming the enemy.
Keep spreading your bullshits, we got him ! :-)
Fortunately though, they recognized fascism in the failed Ukrainian CIA project, and are doing their best to protect themselves from it.
Only total morons do believe democracy is real. Show me one country where “the people” decide? Western democracy is a scam. You only vote and after that the ruling party does what they want. They never ask the people. That is the opposite of democracy.
Democracy never existed, not even in ancient Athens. And it never will. Unless human society is drastically changed, especially economically. Whoever believes that Bezos and some random hobo from Detroit have the same rights and power is simply dumb as a rock.
Yes, that is what the sheep out there will never understand.
that’s a lot more democracy then Russia has.
In democracy the politicians have to behave if they want to stay in power.
in Democracies there is also limits on a politicians power, Ie killing their own citizens is a no no.
Putin has a long list of Dead political opponents and media critics.
Trump would have loved to kill Biden years ago, but he didn’t have that power.
Last US so called “election” was a total scam to anyone anyway. They now have to rig their own election to gain power. Trump is a narcissistic imbecile . The only thing that was different was, that he from time to time revealed an unspoken truth to the public. He also had his fair share of lying and cheating the rest of the world thou, like his predecessors. US has truly descended in a 3’rd wold country now.
And yeah, Clinton’s never killed anyone that got into their way. That is just some cooked up conspiracy, as always. Wait until they get a hold of Biden and his buried bodies, especially his failure of a son.
You can live inside your own bubble for what I care. But don’t embarrass yourself calling the West a “better” democracy than others. There is no such thing as a democracy. You people clearly confuse election with democracy.
Clueless moronic nonsense. There are 100s of dead people connected with both Bush, Clintons, Obama, Biden… died under suspicious circumstances. That of course is a “conspiracy theory” as you trained, brainwashed morons like to repeat unquestionably. But if some Russian traitor owned by CIA says he is poisoned with the most lethal nerve agent ever, without literally no medical consequences, then all Western media and politicians immediately believe and repeat his bullshit stories. And of course you pathetic slaves always babbling about “freedom”. How laughable.
Demonocracy more precisely
Wanted to described my POV of Western democracies, but totally agree with this abstract what a democracy is and if you add liberalism in full fledge the country and the people are lost in the darkness. Controlled by olligarcs and burocrats, the people suffers from all kind of issues. If i am an EMPIRE and a HEGEMON would like all my neighboors have liberal democracies so i can play with them as i like it.
Russians want to be slaves, they never change and its their ,,nature” Same old shit as soviet era. They cant get rid off this mentality. Russian gov destroyed last 20 years of transformation. I believe that decision to attack ukraine was just inside job of nato/usa in order to finishh off russia. There is no going back to ,,business as usual” with us/eu like in 2014. Russia will be isolated and its economy collapsing is matter of time.
No you dumb piece of shit, Russians don’t want to be slaves like you and your animal family. That’s the whole point: Russia will NEVER accept to be a pathetic, puny vassal like other European countries. Pathetic EUnuchs and worms. They served Napoleon, they served Hitler, now they serve Washington DCriminals. Just as you serve them you dumb, cheap whore.
and btw whore, for 1000 years different morons fantasize how Russian demise is “imminent” – yet Russia is still there, the biggest country in the world. It will be there in 1000 years, while you slave and your demonic masters will be buried and forgotten in cesspool of history, like so many before them.
Actually, you already are buried and forgotten in your cesspool basement.
Dont be so proud of Russia, while now Russia is facing the biggest existencial threat from USA. Hope Russia think a lot and improves their goverment, get rid of corruption because now they are on survival mode to overcome this huge enemies, and also uses all their diplomacy in friendly countries to stand above, and not give ground. Strategy, Intelligence Power should define the future of Russia.
Yeah, that’s why US could not bring anyone but their vassals to sanction Russia. US on the other hand just got kicked in the nuts when they begged Venezuela and UAE for more oil. That is how isolated they are now. Russia’s currency just bounced back like nothing happened and it’s getting even stronger. Only morons believe a country rich of natural resources, many others depend on would get broke. This is like economics 101.
Countries are about to get rid of some amount of their dollar holdings. They also will bring back their gold reserves, which will be the next huge crisis. UK and US are probably lying about having that gold, but they most certainly sold it already to support themselves. Just wait and see. There is a reason the US hasn’t allowed anyone in 30 years to audit their gold reserves and is also denying the Germans to get their 3’000 tons back. They only got 100 tons so far.
EU has know-how and good civil technology skills, but without energy and other resources they are doomed. Why do you think prices are up for resources now. It’s global war now.
Fortunatly, Russians don’t live in you sick mythomaniac head…. :-)
Biden’s dismal approval ratings speak for themselves. What good is democracy if the elected people aren’t fulfilling the promises made to the electorate? The policymaking that the majority disagrees with stays the same only the people being elected change. Democracy is just an empty gesture.
Putin consistently had moderate to really good public approval rating. He currently enjoys 80%+ approval. When was the last time a US administration had anything comparable for a considerable period of time?
I spit on this pseudo democracy and illusion of choice.
Just take a look at how much secret service US presidents need. They are so scared to be whacked away by their own people, it’s almost comical.
Leaders of the free world … yeah, give us a brake :-)
stupid racist polska swallow too much CIA sperm
No democracy exists in UA…!!! opposition parties are sent home or to prison.. Democracy in western countries also exists only in the name.. but don’t you dare to voice a different position deviating from the by politicians on the mass applied ”truth”…
Is this your democracy?
The Donbass battalion is shooting civilians in Ukraine!
Attack on Pearl Harbor – Germany
9/11 attack – Iraq
2018 Douma chemical attack – Syria
etc etc…
Now we have this shit again and guess what, people gonna eat this shit up like pigs, without even questioning anything…
Neo-Nazis killing people for 8 years…fuk that, let’s arm them with more weapons.
The NATO, Zion, Wahhabis, and their pigs know they can control MSM – so they can sell this shit to morons which are most of the people in this world, and ofc to those who just don’t fuking care anymore.
That is sadly, why there will be real war happening in Europe and US soon. Those Nazis will never stop and Russia and China will have to act as soon as they either cross the next red line or stage some false flag because the Dollar and the Euro are failing, causing a total financial crash, mostly to the West.
VT: The Hunt for the Deadly “White Helmets”
The United States of America and it’s allies will feed they audience fake news,and do they best to control they narrative of the war to they interest. The Russian just need to worry about feed its audience they narrative and reason they went into Ukraine and why it’s worth the sacrifice. I don’t suppose the Russian expect the United States of America and they allies to tell the truth about what’s goin into Ukraine then they wouldn’t get the war that invested in Ukraine to take place.
Russia and China and probably India only have to be prepared to strike when the time is right. War is inevitable now. Forget the narrative. As always the winner will decide what will be told afterwards. If its a big lie, they will make a law forbidding people to deny it. Like they did it in Germany. 27 Million Russians lost their life, but they tell us it is the 6 Million Jews that are the victims here. WTF? Deny it and you will be locked up in prison in Germany (law is still active). To make that big lie work, they needed that law and prison time to make people shut up and never mention it again.
We see the same here. Ukraine regime is lying constantly. West is in on this. Big war will follow. It’s either Russia or the West. People are advised to leave Europe if they want to have a better chance of survival.
Why don’t Team Putin do the world a big fat favor and target the Committee of 300 and their operational Talmudic Tapeworm wing? Stop the cancer. Don’t spread it around.
There are MANY reasons why the jews have been expelled from MANY countries throughout history.
Follow the teachings of Prophet Borat AKA Sacha Baron Cohen – jew “Throw the jew down the down and your country will be free”.
NATO is Khazaria in drag.
https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/russia-is-committed-to-the-security-of-israel-russian-official-says-578702/amp according to russia, the russian state is committed to the security of israel ahahaha
racist lgbt hillbilly sodomized for 10 years in arkansas prison now upset
i feel like you OD’d on copium
your clearly a nazi and anti semetic, its crazy how people like you support russia who is claiming to denazify ukraine, incredible
Because the cancer is almost everywhere. You need to make sure you get most of them, where-ever they are. It’s not that easy.
I think the world is ready to cancel the West anyway. US tried to side with many countries besides their vassals, but failed horribly. It seems they got the message now, that their time is up. No-one has sided with them. This is the moment they always feared the most. When the world would unite to f**k up the bully. You don’t hear much from them now. Wait until they say to their vassals no oil and gas as promised. This will shock both sides.
When people in Europe start freezing coming winter it will be not easy to hide EU’s total failure they created so far. It will only add up to their much much bigger problems they have now.
Even Navalny will be praising Vladimir Putin for having protected his people.
Ah, Jen Psaki. Jens Holm of State Department.
Thats verry insulting to me.
should be a compliment for senile nazi jens
Should be a compliment – since your level is way bellow Jen Psaki..
text is uselessly long and not worth reading. Ukraine refused to engage with Russia.. If Russia had been kind and had economic power, Ukraine would not have left Russia. Gas is fascinating, but humans do not live on gas alone. What you get by siding with Russia -> injustice, corruption, doping, assassination, violence, oppression, crippling, poverty. These may be ideal realities for a dictator, but for ordinary citizens, they are hell. Ukraine’s defection from Russia was brought about by Russian incompetence.
yet more prosperity optimism in Russia than any western nation—LOL
go outside for once in your life LOL
Remove your head of your ass for once. Russia have more GDP per capita than any westsern country, and buying power is almost twice your, retard. Comparing GDP’s in dollars from an occidental perspective is only for the uneducated persones who don’t understand a clue of economics. Russia is exporting everything we need here to maintain our way of life, so their prices their are much lower than here. 1 galon of fuel is 30 cents in russia, absolute idiot….
Look everyone dumbo flying again . Bullocks you f******idiot
Russians (violent people) = stalkers = criminals. Do you find stalkers attractive? Do you think criminals are attractive? Do you find violent people attractive?
A very few people may fall in love with stalkers, criminals and violent people, but the majority of people will never accept stalkers, criminals and violent people. There is no “civil society” in Russia. Only “dictatorships” exist.
Niraikanai = dumb troll = dog shit
racist nazi alabama hillbilly envious
Russians don’t live in your sick head of mythomaniac believer, fortunatly….
The Kiev junta murdered these people.
Desperation and russian propaganda cant change facts. It will take another 50 years for people to change mind about russian’s. At this moment world see russians as child and woman rapists and civilian killers. What russia can offer to world? only gas and oil. Russia lack of any soft power and thats why west win. Everybody want to live in europe/us and have all thing that comes from west. Who want to live in russia where 48% of people dont have acces to toilet inside of house? i doubt that any sober person.
Russians don’t live in your mythomaniac sick head. And they are going to destroy your entire life if you continue to come here for trolling…
How to be pro Zalensky without being anti Russian, l don’t know ask jew maggots in israel.
wow southfront and russian propagandists are so desperate they are citing info from a site that has zero credibility and has no physical evidence of their claims, incredible
If you don”t like this site and just come to annoy peoples, be sure that Russians will destroy your computer, steal your account money, and tell to all your contacts what your are doing in reality. Do you really want that ?
direct evidence that the site southfront linked is just lying ouright, they claimed:
“Note that there are no Russian or Russia-aligned forces west-southwest of Kramatorsk within the 120 km maximum range of a Tochka missile”
but there is, proof: https://ibb.co/vC5KV01
amazing how it can be disproven with a simple measuring tool ahaha
CIa. propaganda
Good news…. And be sure that you will fall from all your mountain of lies so hard that i doubt you just can survive….
Let us not forget the victims of the Lusitania whom now we know from recent investigations contain tons of munitions and explosives on board despite it being registered a civilian passenger vessel. We should honor all victims of false flag operations including those from 9/11 amongst others and the following victims of wars there after.
“Democracy” has different meanings and definitions for many people. Unfortunately, the word “democracy” is being used to divide human consciousness. What live in today is NOT A TRUE DEMOCRACY! WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY ONLY THOSE WITH MONEY CAN BUY!
8 miles long russian column has been destroyed in kharkiv region today. Many sources claim that 1500~2000 ruusiann terrorists has been killed. Its bigest blow in this war. Rusoobots, this is why our western inteligence is superior.
disney delusions hilarious—you ukrop nazis have been defeated—ask your lgbt therapist in Oregon to explain
I think this one has seen way too many of those game videos on YT posed as real fighting. You know, where one drone destroys around 100 tanks without even reloading. That is some serious military s**t Ukrainians have there. And now it is not measured in the amount of tanks, but in miles of vehicles. And here we thought, this stuff cannot get more ridiculous as it has gotten already.
Even Ukraine regime had to cut down the numbers of Russian soldiers they said had fallen, because it got obvious that the number would overstate the number of the already estimated Russian troops at the border itself. They can’t even make up fake numbers.
But that is also good in a sense. The whole world can see which side is lying and deceiving.
Only a dead russian soldier is a good russian soldier on Ukrains soil
Russians don’t kill the pows because they are money to exchange and very good information source, something that a mythomaniac in front of his screen just can’t understand. Like this one, with huge value now…
Russians don’t live in your mythomanian sick head dude. You can’t win any war with your pathetic lies….
Russians recognized Ukronazies
Fresh Ukrops meat then…. (18+ only)
There is no democracy – it is a pipe dream. Democracy depends on who is paying.
Russia is the only world nation that has integrated the Munich chart of journalism in his constituion so far. So why medias in russia are not allowed to use manipulations and lies, and if they do, they are simply banned. You can’t organize a debate without the opponents for responding to your allegations, and all your informations can’t be spread if not duly verified….
In this world you cannot live forever. You must prepare yourself for a great judgement day. One day President Biden and his partners will confess like Carter, John McCain etc about their own war crimes that they have committed in Ukraine but when the sword of death is over their heads. God would not accept confessions of these evils because all the doors of their confession would be closed on them and they would definitely be sent to hell for endless punishment.
Pure despiration at this point by the west. Such reports would have popped up right at the start. Why didn’t they? Because Putin is trying to save civilian lives
The west have now real problems…. https://twitter.com/Sargon_Soldier/status/1512560136325324807