Ukraine Resumes Missile Strikes

Ukraine Resumes Missile Strikes

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On the night of December 11th, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched missile and drone strikes on the Russian rear regions. Some of them reached their targets.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russian air defense intercepted and destroyed 14 Ukrainian UAVs during the night. All of them targeted the border Bryansk region. The local authorities confirmed that as a result of one of the strikes, a fire broke out at an industrial facility and it was soon eliminated. According to local reports, the target was one of the local fuel depots.



At night explosions thundered in the city of Taganrog in the southern Rostov region. Sirens sounded in the region. The local authorities reported that as a result of missile strike an industrial facility was damaged and 14 cars burned down in the parking lot nearby. No casualties  were reported as a result of the attack.

There is no information about the type of the missiles and the exact target of the strikes.



Probably, the Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed pinpoint strikes with NATO missiles on the Russian rear infrastructure.

On December 10th, Ukrainian forces attacked the outskirts of the town of Enakiyevo in the DPR with long-range precision weapons. According to the footage, the Ukrainian military used NATO missiles with cluster munitions. The local residents were evacuated. The head of the DPR confirmed the attack but the target was not revealed.



The Armed Forces of Ukraine also continue attempts to reach their targets in the Crimean peninsula. On December 10th, from 10.40 to 11.10 a.m. local time, three Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed over the Black Sea by Russian air defense.


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if the french send troops to ukraine to kill russians, moscow should act and destroy french military basis , and it should do it with the hazelnuts. nato has much more troops than russia. she on the other hand has more nukes. the rf would lose a conventional war of attrition against nato. only nukes can help russia to win. if she is not dumb she will act preemptively. dont be an assad sucker


budy , there is no army that can win russia in a conventional war.nato combined is not enough at all …


that’s not true. russia is powerful but not omnipotent. russia needs to learn to fight indirectly instead of always attacking its enemies head-on. russia should seek cooperation with sunni muslim governments, especially those being targetted by the americans, such as turkiye, pakistan, libya, sudan, etc. by the way, russia took a very bold and positive action regarding sudan lately at the united nations.


russia has at best 1,500,000 soldiers. nato has almost 4 million idiot. if putin try to win a war of attrition against nato he will end up like assad

Last edited 2 months ago by James

keep taking the meds bud!

Malcolm Z

nato dont have enough ammo and vehicles for a war againts russia


they have. like the hts also had in syia and nobody wanted to listen


most nato troops are unwilling to step outside their country so those reserves are irrelevant, they would at best field a force of something 300,000 inside russia and never more than that, while russia would call up 25 million to defend their homeland


lol… ukrapistan has already tried the meat assaults, halfwit — didn’t work for them, and it won’t work for nato.
russia is far out-producing nato in armaments === you can have all the people in the world — the side with the most and the best armaments is going to win every time, hands down.

Last edited 2 months ago by LoveTheSmellofBurntUkrainian

the russian potential personnel are something like 25 million. nato would be entirely an expeditionary force because they are the aggressors, entering territory where everyone is trying to kill them. stick to trying to take afghanistan instead, although you failed there too


i would give the flnc remnants top russian weapons and any other group that wants that wants to fight against colonialist france in any french colony. same with the uk and the us. strange new groups would suddenly pop up in these nations armed with the newest russian anti-tank missiles, drones, long range missiles, etc


great idea. giving the houthis these weapons and even the present syrian leaders in exchange of some favors against america would be a smart idea. it appears russia has reached an understanding with hts and turkiye to keep its bases in syria. if russia changes its behavior and begins to help the syrians fight against america and israel, i’m confident most muslims, including syrians, will forgive russia for what happened in syria. i’m beginning to love russia once more.


i agree it is time to use heavy nukes


no, russia should not be the next country to use nukes after america unless the u.s. directly invades russia. no amount of western help can enable ukriane militarily invade and topple putin’s government. hence, this fight should be strictly conventional. russia can wait for a time the u.s. gets bogged down in another middle eastern war, which i think isn’t far off and will probably happen in syria. the americans should mistake the sunnis for shias.


what then caused the mushroom cloud of tsar bomba seen from a distance of 100 miles?

Last edited 2 months ago by Blowmind

what’s wrong with you, man? do you know what it’d mean for russia to initiate a nuclear war? i know nato is very provocative. it is best for putin to keep fighting in ukraine or pull out completely instead of risking the lives of 150 million russians with a nuclear strike. putin can take his revenge in syria if war breaks out between the u.s. and israel vs turkiye, azerbaijan, qatar, and the syrian government. putin might have pulled out of syria to let it happen.


no country can win a nuclear duel against russia loser. specially if the hazelnuts will be filled with nukes. and no, the us can not retaliate back: ru will destroy all military sats. and the stealth subs (in east coast and west coast will fisnish off you silos) with hypersonic nukes too. but if by a miracle you bastards manage to retaliate the jammers, as well as the s-500 and s-550 will be waiting to intercept.

Last edited 2 months ago by James

calm down. there are no nukes:

Last edited 2 months ago by 1776

so what then caused the mushroom cloud of tsar bomba seen from a distance of 100 miles?

Last edited 2 months ago by Blowmind
Conan M

we arrived at your destination long before we found out a russian missile named “hazel”!… but for the same reasons we are mystified “why” russia left syria with their host through stealth and left behind it’s military bases in khamiean and tartus while nato lethal ordnance with nato operatives keeps providing routes that “get them there”… those nukes of which you speak should have been launched long before now!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Conan M


keep watching the american commodities markets in proportion to the escalation($) in ukraine, and now syria around those russian military installations left behind… and the hope that the kremlin midget is “doing what he is doing” because a big pre new year surprise is in store!… one can only hope!

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

no idea where you get your information from but totally wrong….western propoganda sources. can you seriously imagine nato in all out battle; how many languages for starters, assuming that all countries joun in the number of nato troops is approx 1/10th of russian forces if you include russian reserve forces.


whatever floats you boat


keep changing the nickname every news you published, posted and comented jesus…by the way you are debil enought to believe russia would win a nuk war ?1 of your 2 neurons is drunk again, less brain than a chicken if you nuk you’ll disapear from earth too ,smart parrot


i will not disappear because i dont live in russia. but even russians will not disappear . i mean how do you want to use your nukes without satellites? but lets say your nukes have been preemptively nuked by hypersonic nukes launched from the us east coas and west coast from stealth subs? what is the jammers take control of your nukes and redirect them to dc, nyc la etc.?


ukraine. israel. usa. 3 jewish run hellholes in the world. all the proof that you need is right there, staring you in the face. the truth is anti semitic. that is why greenblatt or should i say greenblyat, has a job at the adl


russia too.


putin isn’t a jewish or american asset. it’s obvious from his policies towards them. putin made some mistakes in foreign policy, but he appears to have learned and is taking corrective measures. if he can win the love of sunni muslims currently struggling to break america’s grip on the muslim world, i think it’ll pay off big time for russia in the near future.


the jews control russia much like they control the usa.
that 300 billion the americans stole isn’t russian money, its the jewish bankers money.


you can’t hear more unbelievable nonsense than that. 300 billion is foreign exchange reserves of the russian federation, it does not belong to jewish bankers

Last edited 2 months ago by Blowmind

technically, the so called “jews” are not semites, ergo, they are not jews. they are germans, exported to palestine in corporation with nazi germany. but this is so long ago, that its impossible to remember, at least if you had to go to sunday school. even russia cant remember that she converted the khazars to judaism 800 years ago. its strange, isn’t it ? its because those lizards are white, and are the core in every white ruling cast, and they cant speak truth.


not to defend them, but the objection to ‘anti-semitism’ is simply that it is racism. saying you are racist to ‘khazars’ would still just mean you’re a racist, it wouldn’t mean you had upgraded to something different


it’s important to remember that “nazi” stands for “nationalist zionist.”

nobody that speaks german should ever fall for the whole “nationalist socialist” bullcrap. there’s no “z” in “socialist.” do you own homework on this.

“lebensraum” was the casus belli for zionist germany of the 1940’s, how convenient that that “lebensraum” was in the khazarian homeland (former ukraine).

Last edited 2 months ago by 1776

and how convenient that this “nazi” term is being recycled by none other than…israel. home of most of the living offspring of the “big bad nazis” by the by (again, look it up: the hitlers, the goebells, the goerings, most of the big “names” all live in israel…)

up to 70% of the officer corps of the zionist-german wermacht was “jewish”


if things hadn’t gone off-script (thanks to bastard son of a rothschild adolf shikelgruber deciding to become “caesar” and invading the west), plucky zionist germany would have defended the west against big bad russia (personified by stalin, who was scripted to be the bad guy).


but, the gay jewish actor hitler thew things off, and furious re-writes had to take place creating a stark dichotomy between “jews” and “nazis” (they were the same thing). that’s why to this day, there’s endless marketing of such.


awesome, good job 👍 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


i don’t support america’s destructive policies around the world. even the syrian mess was precipitated by the americans. they manipulated the libyans and sudanese into revolting against anti-american leaders. these countries are now paying the price. america is the most dangerous country for the muslim world and for russia. how i wish there’d a sunni-russia alliance to re-design middle eastern alliances and policies.

Last edited 2 months ago by TheEel

not “america’s,” “united statesia’s.”

americans are as much victims in this as anyone else.

“united states” is defined as “the district of columbia” and nothing else in title 26, 7701

the word of the day is “retrocession.”


amerikunts need more oreshnik therapy


tories do, but america is russia’s ally, 1859 russo-american alliance still stands strong, and many of us have not forgotten.

any american fighting as a merc for “the us military” against russia will be facing criminal charges.


it’s important to remember that the skinwalkers (phoenician demon worshippers) hate russia and america with equal venom, and have wanted nothing more than to get us to destroy each other. russia and america are friends. americans are not the “rogue hired help” that has been usurping since 1860.

huck fink

shocking how amerikunt missiles nearly always fail—our lgbt engineers very good at pronouns purple hair and swallowing taliban semen


don’t be unrealistic. there weapons are killing millions. they can only be stopped by a large nuclear-backed alliance of countries willing to fight forever.


did anyone think they wouldn’t resume long range missile strikes into russia, except maybe russia? you revealed a weapon to the enemy you should have held on to a bit longer in secrecy. restraint doesn’t work on nato or israel. nor does deterrence. they are going all out. the devil has indeed come down with great wrath for they know they have but a short time.


i used to say that ukraine will reveal some secrete weapons they u.s. didn’t announce shipping it to them. they’ll reveal these weapons if trump gets serious about ending the war with territorial concessions to russia. i’m very very confident the democrats have set this trap for donald trump to make it almost impossible for him to control ukraine, negotiate with putin, or end the war.

Last edited 2 months ago by TheEel
Mr. Nobody

it’s going on almost 3 years. time to level west ukraine’s power grid. no electricity=no training, no lights, no welding, no hot showers, no refrigerated food, just complete and total misery and deprivation. syria’s fall is just emboldening r..f.’s enemies, so no more reason to show restraint against w. ukraine.


kommt zeit, kommt “rad” , warten sie ab , alles läuft und alles wird gut !


bunker busters and take zelensky and hos henchmen out permanently…..end of


25 oreshniks built a month . i suppose putin can spare 1 or 2 as a symbolic response to the pitiful atacms kabuki play, and save the bulk of its hypersonic and other unstoppable missiles for the big fireworks coming in the new year’s conflagration.

Niccolo Machiavelli

“the russian defense ministry confirmed the atacms strike on the taganrog military airfield in the rostov region.” there goes ramstein…


“there is no information about the type of the missiles”
well, there is now … and they were the atacms.
russia finally has to take action by striking an equivalent amerikan target — say, the headquarters of the 5th fleet in bahrain or amerika’s airbase in syria.
otherwise, the fahclst thugs of amerika is going to begin looking at russia as a ‘paper tiger’ — and they would be right.
listen to your people, president putin — they are ready to take action — and so should you be.

Last edited 2 months ago by LoveTheSmellofBurntUkrainian

has russia’s gru considered that the new wave of syrian refugees might want some payback on the west?

saboteurs, no?

Damascus Falls--Thanks Russia!

more “winning” & “genius chess strategy” from little poohtin!



wake up putin or get loss biden,macron and britain wants total destruction of your oil facilities to force you to surrender like you did to erdogan and cause set backs on your economy.forget about syria armenia pipeline lies with erdogan.he wants russian military defeat.


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