Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act


Ukraine was secretly developing nuclear weapons and it was close to obtaining them, Russian media reported on March 6 citing a source with knowledge of the situation in Russian security structures.

According to the report, the words of Vladimir Zelensky in Munich about the nuclear status of Ukraine were not accidental, it could become a reality in the very near future.

“Zelensky’s statement at the Munich Security Conference in February about the possibility of acquiring a nuclear status for Ukraine was not accidental. Immediately after joining the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear state in 1994, Ukraine began to carry out R&D in order to form a technological basis for the possible creation of their own nuclear weapons,” RIA Novosti quoted the source.

According to the source, these works got a clearly expressed practical orientation and growing activity in 2014 on the order of Petro Poroshenko, who then served as Ukrainian President.

“Thus, the data available in the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service] testify that R&D on the creation of a nuclear explosive device, which could later be used in the design of nuclear warheads, was carried out both in uranium and plutonium areas. The scientific community of Ukraine has sufficient competencies to create a device both “implosive” and “cannon” type,” the source said.

The source noted that Ukraine could also covertly acquire technology from the West for centrifuge enrichment of uranium and laser isotope separation.

Plutonium of the required quality was reportedly obtained from foreign states.

“According to available information, the United States has already transferred this material to its partners. There is reason to believe that in the “Ukrainian case” it was not without the participation of Washington,” the source said.

According to the source, the key role in the creation of a nuclear explosive device was assigned to the National Scientific Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”. Assistance to scientists in the development of methods for the separation of isotopes of nuclear materials was provided by specialized structures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular, the Institute for Nuclear Research and the Institute of Organic Chemistry located in Kyiv.

Russian forces involved in the advance near Kyiv:

The Institute for Nuclear Safety Problems in Chernobyl, the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety in Kyiv and the Institute for Condensed System Physics in Lviv also participated in the work.

As a site for the development of nuclear weapons, Kyiv used the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

“It was there, judging by the available information, that work was underway both on the manufacture of a “dirty” bomb and on the separation of plutonium,” RIA Novosti quotes the source.

The increased radiation background natural for the Chernobyl zone was used to cover this work.

On top of these in recent years, Kyiv has been actively interested in the topic of uranium enrichment and development of means to deliver nuclear weapons (i.e. missiles).

According to the source, Kyiv “covers” most of these developments by implementing joint projects with other countries. For example, in December 2013, Ukraine reached an agreement on cooperation in the rocket sphere with Turkey.

“The Ukrainian rocket and space enterprises Yuzhmashzavod and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, which previously participated in the creation of the Soviet nuclear missile arsenal, had to play the main role in it,” the source said.

According to the source, the main goal of this cooperation was the creation of a mobile complex equipped with a solid-propellant ballistic missile with a range of up to 1,500 km.

Russian warplanes strike military targets in Ukraine:

Yuzhmashzavod is also involved in the development of the Grom-2 mobile ground-based missile system at the expense of Saudi Arabia. In the export version, Grom-2, according to Kyiv claims, will have a range of up to 280 km.

The report said that, according to experts, it is possible to modernize the aforementioned missile system in order to increase its firing range over 500 km (according to some estimates up to 1000 km). Since 2017, the Alibey missile range in the Odessa region was used to conduct flight tests of this missile technology.

“…Ukraine has been consistently moving towards the formation of all the necessary conditions for creating its own nuclear weapons,” the source said.

“According to the conclusion of Western experts, the Kyiv regime was closest to the creation of a nuclear explosive device based on plutonium due to its covert production from spent nuclear fuel stored in the country,” the source said.

The source emphasized that “Ukrainian specialists could produce such a device within a few months.”

“The implementation by Kiev of its extremely dangerous nuclear Ukraine project could become a reality in the very near future,” the source stressed, adding that the negative consequences of this development can hardly be overestimated.

Troops of the famous battalion ‘Sparta’ of the Donetsk People’s Republic captured the flag of the 15th Separate Mountain Assault Battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Volnovakha:

Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Sparta destroyed Ukrainian battle tanks around Volnovakha:

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry released an update on the military operation in Ukraine:

  • Forces of the Lugansk People’s Republic took control of the settlements of RUBTSY, KARPOVKA, MAKEEVKA, NOVOLOBOVKA, LIPOVOE, MIDDLE, GREEN DOLINA, ZAKABLUKHOVKA.
  • Units of the Donetsk People’s Republic established control over the settlements of PEREDOVOE, KARIERNOE and RAVNOPOL.
  • Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic are conducting successful offensive operations on the western and northwestern outskirts of the city of MARIUPOL. The residential area ‘Stariy Krym’ was taken under control.
  • Units of the Russian Armed Forces took control of the settlements of PRIYUTNOE, ZAVITNE-BAZHANNE, STAROMLYNOVKA, OCTOBER and NOVOMAYSKOE.
  • On the evening of March 5, a massive strike was delivered targeting 61 objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This included 22 units of weapons and military equipment in an underground shelter, a brigade command post, 9 ammunition depots and 3 radar posts.
  • On the morning of March 6, a long-range high-precision strike hit the airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force in STAROKONSTANTYNOV. It was put out of action.
  • Over the past day, fighter aircraft and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down four Su-27 and one MiG-29 aircraft in Zhitomir area, Su-27 and Su-25 in Radomyshlya area, one Su-25 in NEZHIN area, two Mi-8 helicopters in Kyiv as well as six unmanned aerial vehicles, including Bayraktar TB-2.
  • Bomber and assault aircraft hit 3 Buk M1 anti-aircraft missile systems and 3 radar stations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • A missile strike also destroyed a S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.
  • As of now, a total of 2,203 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were targeted. Among them: 76 command posts and communication centers, 111 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as 71 radar stations.
  • Russian forces destroyed: 69 aircraft on the ground and 24 aircraft in the air, 778 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 77 multiple launch rocket systems, 279 field artillery pieces and mortars, 553 units of special military vehicles, as well as 62 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Additionally, the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol city was resumed on March 6. A day ago, on March 5, Kiev forces already sabotaged the withdrawal of civilians from the area. Therefore, a new round of provocations is expected. Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and nationalist battalions blocked in Mariupol are not interested in evacuation of civilians because they use them as human shields.

DPR forces captured rocket launchers and destroyed a group of Kiev forces near Mariupol:

Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Ukraine Reportedly Was Close To Obtaining Nuclear Weapons When Russia Decided To Act

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Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

There is no doubt russia is winning this war!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



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Last edited 3 years ago by KayeGranger
Yamil Perez

That’s the latest moronic excuse now? To save the world from Ukraine the nuclear power?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Part of it.
Not the World, Russia.
These nuclear weapons and bioweapons from secret CIAisis and SBU run biolabs were always directed at Russia.
Not anymore tho.
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

A Fellow

Yea, like Saddam’s yellow cake uranium. Sure.


The world. When you debilitate the US, you save the world.


From what little information that has leaked, it seems that the judeo-american idea was to use Ukraina as a nuclear weapons armed puppet and destroy the government of Russia in a short nuclear war in which America was not involved. You would not need many nukes to destroy the central administration of Russia, and then CIA/US state department/Soros et company could sweep in with their NGOs and do the usual subversion, once the russian silovik deep state was physically gone. This explains the activities of the mysterious entities behind the havana syndrome and also gives a clue to who they are (as if their modus operandi would not be a clue enough).

I’ve noted that the chinese biolab in Wuhan that was blamed for the coronavirus outbreak was built and operated financed by judeo-american money, the very existence of this laboratory enabled the judeo-americans to blame China for the corona outbreak while also ensuring that maximum harm was done to the chinese since the initial virus was also the most lethal. RNA virus mutate very rapidly towards meekness so it sort of had a short half life as a bioweapon.

Fog of War

” I’ve noted that the chinese biolab in Wuhan that was blamed for the coronavirus outbreak was built and operated financed by judeo-american money, the very existence of this laboratory enabled the judeo-americans ”

And China allowed it and didn’t know what was going on there ? Either they’re incredibly stupid and incompetent or they were in on it. Your choice.


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Last edited 3 years ago by Julia
Vengeful Matryoshka

SARS-nCoV-2 “COVID19” (Project DEFUSE) is 100% USA developed, and China has made various accusations about USA attacking them with various other bioweapons (H1N1, SARS1, MERS, Avian Flu, etc.) before.

It seems to be an effective tactic by bringing bioweapons labs to foreign nations and then using them to wage war. It is probably inspired by NGOs doing the same thing for destabilization which ALSO means that the governments’ seem to be powerless to combat in any meaningful way. Surely they have spies watching these installations, but the origin of DEFUSE is not known even if there is insurmountable evidence which points to DEFUSE being in the public in early/mid-2019.

I must reiterate that EVERYTHING that comes out of the west’s mouth since 2019 has been propaganda. The world is being lied to on a mass scale.

Horse Cock Putin

Is that all you got Yamil? Come-on man get to it. Quit blowing yourself and start typing . Now let’s do this together. You type “Cockroach” then I’ll type “Cockroach”. What do you say buddy?
You don’t have much time, the Russians are here.


Yee, as in Iran is close to obtain a nuclear bomb so we do not talk but invade and bomb the hell out everything and everybody and we call it the “liberation” denazification and demilitarisation”of Ukraine ? The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.’ As Putin proves.
Фашисты будущего будут называть себя антифашистами.


Ukraine is taking advantage of western satellites intelligence to attack all Russian echelon convoys.
Russia should do something to fix it


There are convoys you can’t attack even if they are in ”open air”. The 40-mile convoy been sitting there for days.


They do not have the planes


There is clear sky, but they only can take the planes on when they attack. So only 42 jets and an equal part of helicopters have been shot. About the convoys you know why the Germans and napoleonist lost ? Logistic, moral fighting in a strange country against hostile population and logistic. The longer the the more stretched lines, the more get killed by resstance. Ask the Germans and Russian can bomb towns and kazernes, the women come to Europe the men fight. I wonder how many Jung Ruusians gone die for the idiotic balls of Putin. Finally Russia will be more vulnerable, military weakened as before less prosper less rich poorer as before. Even if they win the final result will be worse as before. Also for the west but you never thought people so that is out of the equation. But do not forget your elite forces are now suffering, demoralising ( shooting own brothers, women childeren, people who does not want to be “liberated”) and dying all what is rest afterwards are subscripts, canon meat, the same mass butchering of own soldiers as under Stalin.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

There is thick fog and dense clouds over Ukraine.
West can only use synthetic aparture radars but they are few and their resolution is inferior.


Dude, ain’t this Lavrov just getting late to the information party like Russia always does? What nuclear weapons? Well, true or not, it comes off kinda suspicious

Warrior Nation

Just because the media releases the information, does not mean that Lavrov did not know about it earlier.


Such claims work for Israhel all the time.


But they do not invade bomb everything ( look on telegram davi.alive or, Двіщ) and start killing people , talking about liberation and start bombing a country with 44 million brothers and sisters who flee away from their liberators. Russia is like the jews but most violent they rape Ukraine, telling they love it and then they also want the victime to kiss them. Sick.


At this point the country might really soon loose its statehood. Or much of it.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Finally some good news.

Florian Geyer

Step by step in the real world the Russian liberation of Ukraine and the FreeWorld is marching to victory.

However, the NATO forces of the Great Satan have a new virtual reality video game where the Great Satan has bought game tokens for a nuclear missile and is winning in the thought controlled Metaverse.

Sleepy Joe Biden is ‘On it’. :)




Fudge packer!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Don’t be so hard to yourself.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Hear hear.

Bella Catt

Fantastic work-from-home opportunity for everyone…Work for three to eight hours a day and start getting paid in the range of 13,000 to 19,000 dollars a month…Weekly payments…And best thing is…It’s so Easy…follow details on this website…

Last edited 3 years ago by Bella Catt
Porc halal

This reason alone is more than sufficient to put down the ukrainian Nazi regime ! Bordering a nuclear capable fascist state who hates you, wouldn’t give you any confort … thank you Russia!


Looks like the rocket launchers have Russian or DPR marks on it. Therefore, does not look like Ukrainian rocket launchers

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Maybe they painted them so other Ru forces wont target them.

Warrior Nation

Gab Group: “Russia – Leader of the Free World” is backing the Russian operation and South Front>>>

Last edited 3 years ago by Warrior Nation
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Condolences to the fallen Ciaisis and Azovisis operators.
May they rest in pieces…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Most excellent Comrades 🤗👍🥇
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗

Universal Order

Funniest shit I’ve heard all day. What’s next, where they trying to resurrect Hitler? God, I fucking wish.


nazi uni upset —new diaper rash!

Timmy Temperance

Hmm. I am not sure I believe these reports because I don’t think NATO would have allowed Ukraine to develop nuclear weapons. There is too much at stake, especially with Nazi Azov and other far right militias as part of Ukraine armed forces.


Yeah, no way any Establishment would condone, let alone assist fanatic haters and nut cases being in a position to blackmail them, unpredictably. These people can’t even responsibly manage their own business, and what would stop some oligarch from stealing and auctioning off a nuke or two to some terrorist organization. Nope.

Paul Citro

This may be true or it may not. ‘According to an unspecified source with no evidence’ sounds like what we in the US get from the CIA.

Martina Lauer

SouthFront is a break from the unbearable propaganda here in Canada.


US, too.
I gotta say that ever since the Hooper (?) administration I’ve lost respect for Canada. Now they, like mini-me wannabes, fall right in line behind UK and Australia in the punk US lackey category. I remember the good ‘ol days of Elliot Trudeau and opposition to the Vietnam war as official Canadian policy; back when Canada was independent…

I’ll add this wrinkle- how long do you think it will be before the US makes a move to steal Canada’s Arctic territories away from them because Canada’s population doesn’t need all that much territory? You read it here first…

Martin Rapavý

Well, I have my doubts doubt their development of a genuine nuclear bomb, but a dirty bomb is quite another matter.

However, a more likely threat was nuclear sharing from the United States of Aggression, which is notorious for this manner of proliferation of nuclear weapons.


Been wondering why the Russians have taped a “Z” on all of their equipment?

Last edited 3 years ago by paleyellow
Porc halal

Could be their target, i.e. the judeo-nazi Zelensky? … just saying

Vengeful Matryoshka

1) Z/V/M/etc. are all friendly markers so they don’t shoot each other, because technically it is nazi-slav vs slav and their equipment and camo are similar.

2) Z/V/M/etc. “may” be operations but you will not know what they stand for until the mission in over, as they have SECRET status.

deja vu

Same nonsense as Saddam’s WMDs…


ukrpis have been learning about dirty bombs and bioweapons from gringostan CIA for 2 decades—now they regret their stupidity as their nation is made to resemble US ghettos


I thought Putin was more original, creative; using the trick whit the so called World Mass Destruction nuclear weapons on Saddam is the US narrative. It stays a lie even ussed by Putin. But Putin stays erratic calling everything he can imagine as reason why it is becoming comical ; liberation, demilitarisation, de nazification, nuclear bomb, racism, disrespect, sanctions. And so it is also about the demands to stop the invasion; but is also includes the treats to annex the country if and forced neutrality, regime change. Maybe he means the good alt USSR deportation, enslaving, devastation, killings. I did agree with the security insurance Russia insisted on and some other issues but this invasion war is destroying The goodwill Russia had among the objective intelligentsia in Europe, he destroyed in a few days the arguments they had to open the relation with Europe. He destroyed the European slow process to make the US more moderate and balanced. I really am afraid Putin is losing the contact with reality or is extremely isolated from reality. And his inconsequent behaviour together with erratic unproductive decisions and absolute contempt of his own young people dying makes it very clear.

Frank Frivilous

Regardless of the situation, my genuine sympathies are for the Ukrainian people. Lay down your weapons and work with the Russians for a better future. Foreign mercenaries better get the hell out while you have a chance. We are already in the post-Talmudic world order which will be hard in the beginning but much better in the long run.
