The US has authorized around $112 billion to spend on the war
Originally published by AntiWar
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Monday that none of Ukraine’s Western backers has “done enough” to support Kyiv in a call for more military aid.
“Ukraine is grateful to partners for their military aid, but we should remain honest with one another: no one has done enough as long as Russian boots remain on Ukrainian ground,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter.
“Arming our country for victory is the shortest way to restoring peace and security in Europe & beyond,” the Ukrainian diplomat added.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the US has authorized about $112 billion to spend on the war, almost twice Russia’s entire military budget for 2021. According to the Pentagon, the US has pledged Ukraine more than $24.2 billion in military equipment alone since the Russian invasion.
Support for Ukraine also includes training, humanitarian assistance, and tens of billions provided directly to the Ukrainian government, known as direct budgetary aid.
Despite the massive support, Ukrainian officials keep demanding more. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s message to Congress and President Biden during his recent visit to Washington DC was that he was thankful for the help but that it wasn’t enough.
“We have artillery, yes. Thank you. We have it. Is it enough? Honestly, not really,” Zelensky said in his address to Congress. He also said the US should send heavy tanks and planes to Kyiv, which it has yet to provide.
Until Ukronazis have started to bomb Donetsk, there was no war in Europe. So peace in Europe means no army in Ukraine. Not even crossbows or slingshots.
All the Regime in Ukraine had to do was follow Minsk 2 declare neutrality and not join Nato,but they crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back.
Kurátor z darebáckeho štátu USA ho k tomu dokopal. Cieľom bola vždy RF!!! Po zradcovi Gorbačovovi a opilcovi Jelcinovi prišiel génius Putin a ten stihol RF postaviť opäť na nohy za cca 20 rokov!!! To je priam heroický výkon. RF sa pod vedením Putina opäť stala jednou z najväčších svetových superveľmocí.
1. They are not Nazis. They were using Nazis as cannon fodder in Ukraine. Both Russia and Ukraine mobilized hardened convicts to fight on the frontlines. Think of how they behave in those situations.
2. I don’t like Zelensky. Ironically, Russians were joking he should become Ukrainian president when he was mocking Azov. In 2019, Zelensky tried unsuccessfully to cede Ukrainian territories in the Donbass to Russia. I suppose that if he were successful, the war in Ukraine since 2022 would have happened anyway.
3. I detected a sense of vengeful envy in a comment you made earlier about the US and Western Europe.
– Russian foreign policy template towards Europe (historical record of relations)
– What should Russia do with Ukraine?
– The State Duma proposed to put Poland in line for denazification
– Moscow politician says Russia should ‘denazify’ Baltics and Poland
The Globalist Empire has decided that there is no discussion allowed about the real cause of the bloodshed in Ukraine and when it really startet. So how dare you to speak about the bombing of Donetsk! (Sarcasm off….)
anyone else dislike that Kuleba fucktard? i have never in my life seen such a shitty beggar that also insult the people he begs from …
99% of the European public is quietly thinking: ‘Who is this ingrate of a moron and why are we supporting him?”
Then ukros admits that there are losing badly despite their allies.
Krusty the Krackhead Klown of Kiev has the long-term vision of a fruit-fly. The SMO was a response to the Ukrainian state being turned into a weapon to destabilize Russia and eliminate peace and security in Europe. The coup in 2014 eliminated any possibility of security for the Ukrainian state as it created an openly hostile adversarial relationship to Russia. Krusty is just a mouth-piece, with no qualities whatsoever as a statesman. Disgraceful. What exactly is enough to defeat the Russians, and what does that even mean? The Russians are not going to tolerate the plan that Krusty’s owners have for the Ukraine, which means no possibility of the Russians backing down until the pursuit of the goals of that plan end. The only possible peace is one in which Krusty leaves and a new Ukrainian state that is neutral is created.
And Krusty has plenty of villas and other foreign real estate to play his penis piano in, along with quite the cash tucked away in foreign banks, and an Israeli passport to get him out of the Sodom and Gomorrah that he is presiding over.
zelensky needs to surender on behalf of his army and be presented to the russian court system
Of course they haven’t and they will continue the piecemeal approach which is bound to fail in the end. When all it’s said and done Ukraine will be a heap of ruins and the US and NATO will have to spend tens of trillions for several decades in order to rebuild Ukraine. The only way to defeat Russia is for NATO to get directly involved and that won’t happen because NATO fears Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile Iran gets closer to having nukes and China closer to retaking Taiwan.
Len nech ich pekne pomaly cicia, ako taká pijavica. Aspoň to nebudú môcť potom neskôr, použiť proti Rusku. Pre RF by bolo omoc horšie ak by sa tieto prostriedky použili súčasne v plnom nasadení zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO ako je to teraz, keď to Rusi stačia pomaly, ale isto likvidovať. Určite popri tom likvidujú aj personál (zto) NATO, ktorí sa vydáva za vojakov Ukrajiny. Už boli odhalené takéto prípady.
NATO = Nazi American Tyranny Organization
sunni jihadist is also tyranny
What he really needs is a Russian boot on his neck.
Kuleba looks like a pudgy Harry Potter that has lost his wand.
Just give him the bullet he so badly craves
“No one has done enough” because the money and weapons the braindead West has been sending is being looted and recycled into “private” accounts by corrupt officials in Ukraine and the West. Just like Covid, the layman is being duped. Huge money and asset transfer in effect orchestrated by Elite under the propaganda of a pandemic and military conflict before the Uni-Polar Financial System implodes and resets.
Ukraine is being used as a tool by the west ……
Uh, gee. I never would have guessed.
Support Ukrainians by not sending any more weapons and imploring those pathetic Ukes dying in the front lines to surrender.
In the midnight hour ze cries more more more. With a rebel yell ze wants more more more, more more more. More more more more more.
Give him more porridge and feed it to him through the bars of his cell. Fatten him up for the hanging, a la Saddam.
Are there any Vegas odds on whether he ends up like Mussolini before the year’s out?
The Nuland-Kaganites will make a martyr out of him, nail him up on a cross and have Pelosi come to wash his feet as the Russian Third Romanites gather the crowds to witness his martyrdom.
Necesita más cocaína
Since that will never change, Zerolinsky should take this opportunity to unconditionally surrender to Russia.
So we won? not yet?
this arrogant clown puppet of USA , refusing for ceasefire during Christmas, refusing to admit defeat is constantly begging for cash and aid which ends up in the corrupted and non accountably state officials – only leading to more death of poor ukrainians and more cash to his corrupted officials, oligarcg and cronies … what a deadly joke … indeed
The Al CIAduh dummy bouncing Fatty Barebutt is the bane of the Germanistan peasantry as she runs around like a headless chikken promising tax payers vanishing €uros to the Soros gangster in Kiev. The current Germanistan gubermint, with the hollow man in the empty suit and his beard wife, is the butt of the crudest jokes (pun intended) since the time of Fatso Goering and Red Shield clown, Onkel Adolf. The EUSSR is going down and none of these failed states will go down harder than STASI Erika Merkill’s mohamaddan migrant paradise, Germanistan.
Zelensky means that nobody apart from him has done enough to support Ukraine. That’s narcissists for you.
Maybe the cocaine isn’t releaving the pain he feels in his arse? He should take more lube on maneuvers.
That means the ILLNESS of the ukroshit Reich is well more severe than anybody think !
They are EXACTLY copy in a mirror of the ww2 core nazi leaders and if not contended, this infection will spread like a virus all along Europe first and global next.
All he needs now is a coalition to fight he’s war for them since the nazi army is all but destroyed
The winning Ukrainians believed the Wests lies, now they have lost 150 000 men dead 400 000 wounded and their economy is destroyed. You’ve also lost the most industrious and productive parts of your country, which you will never get back. Maidan madness, I hope potty mouth Nulands cookies were worth it…..
What the Ukraine foreign minister wants is for NATO to risk nuclear war with Russia.
January 6th will look like a picnic if the people in washington sell out their own people for a stupid war in Ukraine and get caught up in a nuclear showdown.