Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children As Bakhmut Reportedly Falls

Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children As Bakhmut Reportedly Falls

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Written By Tyler Durden. Originally appeared at ZeroHedge.

Only two months ago the mainstream media widely circulated a video which they said showcased “shocking footage” of Russian school children training with military weapons in programs designed to prepare them for the military.  The programs were widely criticized as “indoctrination.”

Of course, Ukraine has also been involved in weapons training for children and these efforts have only increased in recent months as the city of Bakhmut, an epicenter of the fighting for many months, has reportedly fallen to Russia’s Wagner Group.  CNBC has briefly reported on the “Defense of Ukraine” program at the military-patriotic center for schoolchildren in Lviv.  The center was opened this month with plans to open dozens of other training facilities for children across the country in the near future.

The western city of Lviv has been a primary relocation point for children escaping the war in the east, so it’s not surprising that the Ukrainian government would seek young recruits for the war effort there.

The issue is not so much the training as it is the double standard – Russia institutes weapons training classes for kids and it’s insidious indoctrination.  Ukraine does it and it’s “patriotic.”

Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children As Bakhmut Reportedly Falls

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The training of children for war is an often frowned upon practice, if only because of the dark imagery of Nazi Youth taken from their parents and armed to the teeth during WWII.  But it is also generally a signal of weakening military capacity – Wars are not won with billions of dollars in equipment, they are won with soldiers. And it appears Ukraine might be short on manpower.

Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children As Bakhmut Reportedly Falls

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The loss of Bakhmut, which seems to be a reality according to reports so far, was preceded by weeks of media claims that Ukrainian troops were gaining “significant ground” amid the launch of a counter-offensive which has supposedly already started.  So far there is little evidence of this offensive, except attempts to reinforce Bakhmut which have apparently failed.

Keep in mind that the battle was primarily fought by a mercenary army, not official Russian forces.  The Wagner Group has been described within western circles as an “army of convicts” ran by a “restaurateur.”  This would mean NATO trained soldiers supported by veteran mercenaries from around the world were just defeated by the lowest of the low according to the media’s own narrative.

The strategy might have been much smarter than the public in Europe and the US has been led to believe.  While Bakhmut is consistently described as a symbolic victory instead of a strategic one, it would seem that the reports of Wagner running low on ammo and threatening to walk away from the front lines in frustration were fabricated.  Western outlets joyously ate this information up and spread it as if it were fact, which may have helped to lure even more Ukrainian forces to Bakhmut just to be leveled along with the city.

Was it really a waste of manpower and ordnance?  Or did the Russians use mercs to deplete Ukraine’s supply of soldiers by bogging them down in a tactically precarious region?  We will find out if and when the much publicized Ukraine counter-offensive materializes.  In the meantime, Kiev is pursuing teen recruits out of Lviv.  As NATO sends billions of dollars in funding and new arms into Ukraine, one has to wonder if there will be enough soldiers waiting to pick up those weapons when they arrive?    


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Fried Chicken

can these kids put their phones down long enough to aim and fire…? even the adult troops and mercs had issues with basic discipline. dang those extra long glamour nails are going to make firing and weapons maintenance really difficult. wait for it… the tiktok video meme army is on its way.


lol… true dat!
and another thing… if a country is recruiting their kids amids a huge war, it means that country has already lost that war!


it will all come in handy when these young nazis later decide to shoot up their skools.


this is pure propaganda to promote the idea that the people of ukraine are in support of the kiev regime.we all know that most are smart enough to see that they are being used as cannon fodder by the junta and their western globalist backers

helene matz

most of the resisters are either dead or fled if lucky


they detroyed their adult pop. now they wanna kill their own children. failed suicidal state.

Uncle Ho

naturally: they work for the w e f and the epstein network.


child soldiers, war crimes, torture, corruption and nazi mercenaries. a third word shithole thanks to uncle sam.


kim karadssian ft tim pool barbii snowabrds is bananas — pop song (jon lajoie) usa peace never ever evver


hitler youth in the making

helene matz

like the nazi zionists in the entity killing palestinians and feeding ethnic hate,their time will come ,pity the children,remember the child soldiers all over the world and the horrors,this society not culture not civilisation is doomed,the ukranian children like hitler jugens sacrificed at the battle for berlin for the nazi elites passage to latin america ,scum


ukrainians are a primitive bunch of hooligans, they hate the russians but deeps inside they know they are descendants of russians so they hate themselves too.

Erik Nielsen

what people dont understand and must understand is, the ukraine is fighting for its freedom!

do ukrainian children want a future in gulag camps, stalin’s iron fascist hand, and suppression of lgbt minorities, in a country who is a member of the axis of evil, or do they want peace in a free and civilised society.

that is the question you must ask yourself about, when we talk about children grabbing after a weapon to defend their small and vulnerable lives and their freedom.

The Outsider

you need to update your calendar, its 2023 and not 1943. gulags are no more, soviet are no more and guess what stalin is no more.

G7 frowning clowns

it’s seems the globalists want an empty state. wannabe nazis almost gone, male population reduced, children brain washed and thrown in. same bunch who pillaged russia in 1917.


what’s a 504 error?


child soldiers?
that’s a kind of slavery isn’t it?
they should ask african warlords how it’s done.
they’ve been using kiddies as soldiers on a big scale for a long time.
as far as i remember you have to drug and booze them up or the little shits run away.
little boys are good soldiers.
little girls are totally useless.


don’t forget any ukrainian kid aged about 16 has been brainwashed by nazis since the coup 9 years ago,same thing happened with the german kids who were in the ss hitler jugend division, they were brainashed fanatics.

Donald Moore

this is proof that ukraine is at its end when they start training kids to fight!

dalton is a fag

thanks for all the global death and destruction ussa. all this shit hole exports is war, fuck amerikkka


great! lbgt won’t get a chance to tranny sterilize them they’ll just get their shit splattered


doesn’t everyone learn that sort of thing as a kid then?


there’s nothing new the ukrainian skhid police and territorial battalions has done this for the at least nine years.
i seen pictures and videos of them training 7-8 years old children.


one of the missions of the ato was the nationalistic training of the residents which apart from the we are superior because we are ukrainians also includes resistance, how to hide and distribute weapons and ammunition, arranging protests, how to collect and report intelligence on the enemy, creating molotov cocktails and tactics for using them against the enemy, blood donation and training children to become soldiers including weapons training and so on.

Madam Defarge

zelensky is just using these “children” as battle/weapon fodder and human shields, just like all the other ukrainian citizens. it is both amusing and sad to think these kids with their long designer fingernails will be able to pull a trigger, let alone lifting the gun, sighting and loading a magazine. they just might be able to insert a magazine but not before worrying about ruining their manicure and checking their phone. they may as well have an actual target on their forehead.


these children in western ukraine in particular grew up with the ultra-nationalist ideology and hate of everything russian ,– the ideology that never really died after oun/upa , banderites,wwii, – the ideology that intensified and spread rampant after 2014 bloody,violent coup in ukraine.

Uncle Ho

they were subjected to propaganda propaganda by the neocon pigs 🐷 like nuland and other liars. they love war, as long as it’s someone else dying.


sickening… evidence of a collapsed society


ukraine’s hitlerjugend.

Uncle Ho

maybe some ukraine soldiers will fix the problem and execute zelensky the human pile of dog shit.
murdering thief.

Uncle Ho

send in der hitler youth eh zelensky…you pos.
