Ukraine Continues To Pay For Costly Adventure In Kursk (Videos)

Ukraine Continues To Pay For Costly Adventure In Kursk (Videos)

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The Russian military’s Sever Group of Forces continues to inflict heavy human and material losses on Kiev forces in the Kursk direction.

In its September 20 briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that Ukraine’s 22nd, 41st and 115th mechanized brigades, 17th Tank Brigade, 82nd Air Assault Brigade, 1st National Guard Brigade, 112th and 129th territorial defense brigades took heavy losses near the settlements of Lyubimovka, Daryino, Zelyony Shlyakh, Nikolo-Daryino, Tolsty Lug and Plekhovo.

The group also foiled, according to the ministry, several counter-attacks by Kiev forces close to the settlements of Kremyanoye, Lyubimovka and Malaya Loknya.

“As a result, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses amounted to up to 30 troops killed and wounded, two armored fighting vehicles, a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and three motor vehicles,” the ministry said.

The ministry also announced that the group thwarted four Ukrainian attempts to break through near the settlements of Novy Put and Medvezhye.

“The enemy lost up to 60 troops killed and wounded, two tanks, including a Leopard tank, three Sweden-made CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles, four armored fighting vehicles, and a counter obstacle vehicle,” it said.

In addition, Russian air and artillery strikes hit the 21st, 22nd, 41st, and 115th mechanized brigades, 17th Tank Brigade, 80th and 95th air assault brigades, 36th Marine Brigade, 1st National Guard Brigade, 103rd and 129th territorial defense brigades, according to the ministry.

The strikes targeted gatherings near the settlements of Bogdanovka, Guyevo, Daryino, Zelyony Shlyakh, Kremyanoye, Kubatkin, Kruglenkoye, Kurilovka, Lyubimovka, Mikhaylovka, Malaya Loknya, Mirny, Melovoy, Novy Put, Novoya Sorochina, Novoivanovka, Obukhovka, Plekhovo, Tolsty Lug, Cherkasskoye Porechnoye, and Cherkasskaya Konopelka.

The ministry said that other strikes hit reserves of the 21st, 22nd, 41st, and 115th mechanized brigades, 82nd, 92nd air assault brigades, 1st National Guard Brigade as well as 103rd and 106th territorial defense brigades near the settlements of Basovka, Belovody, Glukhov, Zhuravka, Kondratovka, Kazachye, Katerinovka, Mogritsa, Obody, Pavlovka, Peremoga, Rechki, Rudnevo, Sumy, Shalygino, Khoten, and Yastrebinoye.

“For the past 24 hours the AFU lost over 370 troops, 18 units of armor, including two tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, and 12 armored fighting vehicles, six artillery pieces, a mortar, an electronic warfare station, a counter obstacle vehicle, seven motor vehicles. One pontoon crossing was destroyed,” it added.

Russian media also shared a number of videos showing some of Ukraine’s recent defeats and losses in the Kursk direction.

Kiev forces launched a surprise attack on Kursk last August. Since the start of the attack, at least 31 Russian civilians have been killed and more than 143 others have been wounded. Moreover, the attack displaced more than 144,000 civilians. The fate of some 2,000 others who lived in areas attacked by Kiev forces remain unknown.

The Russian military launched a counter-attack in Kursk earlier this week. So far, nearly a dozen settlements have been reportedly liberated.

According to the Russian MoD, since the start of the battle in Kursk Kiev forces have lost 15,300 troops, 124 tanks, 56 infantry fighting vehicles, 93 armored personnel carriers, 780 armored fighting vehicles, 471 motor vehicles, 115 artillery guns, 28 launchers, including seven American-made HIMARS and six MLRS systems, eight air defense systems, four transport-loading vehicles, 29 electronic warfare stations, seven counter-battery radars, two aerial radars, 15 engineering vehicles, including nine counter obstacle vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle.


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coon tether uk foreign secretary £££ david lammy (code name: the king’s gorilla) would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: wehrmacht aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigall (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate untermensch apes niggas like him, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the uk tax payers £££


diversity hire lammy looks a lot like idi amin. i don’t know if they’re related.

Crazy Canuck

ha ha ha wont be long now and russia the terrorist wasteland will be no more , ps cool outcome on the arms depot eh losers


this has to be the funniest shit ive read all day!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

please dont kill my fellow gay nazis! i need them for my pooper!


if only i was as gay as that crocus sissi, i wouldve catched me a fine ukrainian gay man already!
dont kill them all, i still need one of them!