Ukraine’s Command And Coordination Architecture In Bakhmut

This article uses the data provided by the Russian Telegram channels Rybar.

Al Jazeera has released a report from the Ukrainian-controlled town of Bakhmut (Artemivsk). Correspondent Omar al-Hajj describes how Ukrainian units are trying to allegedly “ensure the safety of the town’s residents, assessing the situation as critical”.



The last part of the video showed a rather interesting scene, Al Jazeera cameramen filmed the process of the situation room center collecting and analysing data from all drones operating over frontline in real time.

Three men from the Scala Independent Reconnaissance Battalion are monitoring online the information coming from the cameras of small UAVs (most likely DJI Mavic or Matrice).

All data is sent automatically to the situation room center as soon as the UAVs start operating. Specialists immediately process the information and forward the uncovered locations of enemy positions to the artillery units. Interactions between the reconnaissance battalion and artillery units are organized via Telegram and Signal messengers, while internet access is provided via Starlink satellite terminals.

The situation room center is likely to locate in one of the basements on the western outskirts of Bakhmut. The location, which is close to the front lines, reduces the risk of losing connection with units to the south and north-east of the city in case of a Starlink outage.

The Al Jazeera report is quite new, the monitoring screen no longer shows the 60th Mechanized Brigade being withdrawn for re-staffing, while units of the 93rd Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade, which is already near Bakhmut, are also absent.

Now the Scala Reconnaissance Battalion interacts with:

  • 24 separate motorized rifle brigade and 5 separate assault regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Dyleyevka— Toretsk direction;
  • 3 separate assault brigade and the Adam tactical group in Krasny — Chas Yar;
  • 57 separate motorized infantry brigade, 63 separate motorized rifle brigade, 45 separate airmobile brigade and a group of Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bakhmut;
  • 10 separate mountain assault brigade and 61 separate motorized rifle brigade at the Soledar direction.


Ukraine's Command And Coordination Architecture In Bakhmut


The AFU accompanied with the NATO specialists has been trying to set up a network-centric battle management system since the summer of 2022 by introducing  the “Nettle” and “Viraj-Planet” automated control system. An improvised working solution, designed to simplify interaction between reconnaissance and strike units, was managed on the basis of the Scala reconnaissance battalion.

It is not about any specialized equipment. In this case, we may observe a joint broadcast from the cameras of the UAVs to a common screen, the method that is similar to the streaming platforms.

The people on duty at the situation room center observe and determine the coordinates of the Russian troops and forward all the needed data to proper addresses by means of common messengers, because communication through them reaches the addressee much more quickly than the same military solutions. Look what a mass?!

In this case, the AFU has equipped an advanced control room on its knees, which greatly facilitates interaction between the structural links without bureaucratic wires and improves the quality of the strike formations’ work.

It is this approach of proactive use of all available means and optimisation of resources that enables effective fullfilmant of tasks. And the Ukrainian operators noted in the Al Jazeera report that the Russian side is also actively using the same way. War is really the engine of progress, the question is in what direction…


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The chick is cute, hopefully she’ll be captured and used for entertainment.

Edgar Zetar

Hahaha crazy nut! You can be cancelled with your terrible comment in the West…. maybe she gives you a surprise with her hidden Wifi antenna, here in the west are lots of lgbtqia and ukraine is the west now

Icarus Tanović

Omar Al Zioni bin Wahhabi. Al Jazira, Al Zionia, propaganda bs machinery.


Well the problem is, even with all the western-supplied whiz-bang technology, they keep LOSING. Because they are lo-sers, being led in turn by big lo-ser zelensky. When you start your war with incompetents, and crooks, eventually hopefully you realize that no matter how much money you spend, its plain time to give it up and surrender before everybody dies. Not that zelensky apparently understands this, or cares. He needs to go spend the rest of his life in a russian prison after spilling the beans in russian court on all the aid billions and arms that have ‘gone missing’ and just plain wasted on trying to prop up a failed war effort.

Tzar Tellus

Do real journalism and dig deep who is owner of Al Jazeera.

Dick Von D'Astard

Keep coming back to the real issue here for Russian military… Starlink… i.e USAlink.


Oh? have they given up on witch divinations then have they?
I love how europe is now seeing the videos of forced enlistments in ukroptia, and complaining about it.
“to the last ukropt” isnt that far away for males ATM. better start shoveling in more of the women to fill the gaps….16th or 17th mobilization?

Last edited 1 year ago by Banderitelivesdontmatter

Indeed press ganging men off the streets,i believe they will throw their Hitler youth into battle soon,as in WW2 they tend to be the most fanatical and suicidal of them all,because if they were 8 years old when the coup took place they have been brainwashed by Naizis half their young lives,in fact they are victims of the vile Nazi Regime in Ukraine.


sad, but a great way to nip the bud legally.


Yankee and UK operators will be in that room, find it and burry them deep, kkaaabooooom !!!

Peter Jennings

Al Jazeera used to be owned and run by Al Gore!

So much for integrity.

Nose, Nose

Can you please link to a backup copy of this video? Because “This video is private”.

Kev not Kiev

The Russians have no choice, crush Bhakmut and make an example of the NATO forces there! That is exactly what is happening. The Russians are under no pressure to advance so casualties are lower, and survivors not only boost moral, but they pass on intel to command and needed combat hacks to reserves coming up. Cannon fodder learns nothing from their mistakes and only teach the survivors nothing more than the art of grave digging and body bag zipper mastery.


where can i see this video?


The Russian military control most if not all of the roads in and out of Bakhmut although it is still possible we understand for Ukrainian army personnel to escape from the town via one road we are informed that the losses incurred by Kiev junta loyalists are very high! With any equipment sent to the area being destroyed by the Russian military upon arrival or shortly thereafter.
