Ukraine And Libya, Two Faces Of The Same War. And The Prophecy Of Qadhafi

Ukraine And Libya, Two Faces Of The Same War. And The Prophecy Of Qadhafi

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Written by Piero Messina

There is a thin red thread that connects the crisis in Ukraine with the Libyan chaos. Ukraine and Libya are two apparently distant scenarios from a geopolitical and strategic point of view. But the fate of the two nations intersects due to the conflicting interests of the great regional and world powers in each of the two scenarios. Let’s try to understand why.

In Eastern Europe, the crisis was triggered by the constant pressure of the Atlantic Alliance towards the borders of Russia. From 1990 to today, after the dissolution of the USSR, NATO has gnawed territories upon territories and Ukraine, of which Moscow has always claimed a “neutral” status, is one step away from embracing the Atlantic Pact. Since 2014, the Donbass crisis has been aggravated by the Russophobic policy implemented by Kiev.

Libya, on the other hand, has been prey to international interests since 2011. After the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime, Libya’s history is marked by civil wars and proxy wars. Libya was essentially divided into three regions (Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica) and a series of enclaves (Misrata and Sirte) controlled by paramilitary formations.

Last year, with the Geneva Forum, a road map was drawn to bring Libya and free elections. The transitional government, under the aegis of the United Nations, was entrusted to Dbeibah, an entrepreneur originally from Misrata, linked to the Gaddafi family and for a long time at the head of the Libyan fund that managed the Libyan treasury abroad.

The attempt to get Libya to vote late last year proved to be a total failure. Only the mediation between Ankara (whose military forces control the Libyan capital) and Russia (which has always supported General Haftar, a true deus ex machina of Cyrenaica and part of Fezzan) seemed capable of bringing Libya back to normal. Thus was born the government led by Fathi Bashaga (former Minister of the Interior with a pro-Turkish orientation), with the support of the Lybian National Army of Haftar and the parliament of Tobruk. Bashaga was proclaimed premier with last night’s session. But from Tripoli, Dbeibah disputes the legitimacy of that government and claims that he is still the head of the interim executive.

Dbeibah closed Libyan airspace to prevent the proclamation of the Bashaga government. And yesterday morning, paramilitary forces of Misrata, linked to the prime minister designated by the United Nations, kidnapped two newly born executive ministers in Tobru. It is unthinkable, indeed it is impossible, that Dbeibah decided everything by himself. Dbeibah is accountable for his actions to the UN mission in Libya, led by US diplomat Stephanie Williams. Libya is once again facing the risk of a civil war, with two governments vying for power.

Which side are the world powers on? Dbeibah is the man placed in Tripoli by the United Nations.  Expression of the Washington consensus, to be clear. The Bashaga government, on the other hand, is supported by Turkey and Russia.

On the eve of Tobruk’s vote, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement of support to Bashaga: “Russia welcomed the Libyan Parliament’s vote of confidence to the new government led by, Fathi Bashagha. It stressed that it is ready to cooperate, and move forward with a comprehensive political settlement in Libya “. “We see the Libyan Parliament’s decision as an important step to overcome the protracted crisis in Libya” in order to reach a “national agreement through comprehensive inter-dialogue,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Delivering Libya to Russian influence would be an incredible setback from a geopolitical point of view for the United States, France and Great Britain, which have always tried to guide the fate of the North African country.

Therefore, it is certainly no coincidence that the new Libyan crisis erupted coinciding with the conflict in Ukraine. In 2009, then Libyan leader Gaddafi cast a prophecy about what could happen in Eastern Europe. Interviewed by Russian TV on August 14, 2009, Muammar Gaddafi paid special attention to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine He warned that NATO’s expansion plans to the east would pose a direct threat to Russia’s interests and security. “NATO is trying today to drag the former Soviet republics under its control, this can only be described as a real threat to Russia,” he said. Gaddafi also expressed his concern over the strained relationship between Russia and Ukraine, saying, “during my visit to Ukraine, I was convinced that there are serious problems between the two countries. One of these problems is the Ukrainian leadership’s attempts to join NATO. ”

Gaddafi added that NATO’s expansion, and its attempt to welcome Eastern European countries as members is a “dangerous provocation, and an attempt to encircle and subjugate Russia. This is a country that cannot be easily besieged and defeated, as proven throughout history”. Twelve years later, history proved the ousted Libyan leader right.


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The original Ukrania’s Frankenstein is, more or less, the axe Kiev-Odessa, so…. + more a little of information about forgoten times:

Last edited 3 years ago by jorge
Tassi Golden

At beginning of C20th, Ukrainian Jews in Odessa were buying up arms and plotting against Russian state. They staged a violent revolt in Odessa against Czarist authority. Having armed themselves with batches of new German Mauser weapons. Sound familiar? Many of these Odessian Jewish families would eventually emigrate to US. Where, they still carry on with the same stagnant and bitter anti-Slavic grudge, and overt Russo-phobia, of their great grandfathers. These Ashkenazim are the core of the Russo-phobic US Neo-Conservatives, ie, Robert Kagan and his PNAC gang. Such Ashkenazim are bitter to the core, for cultural reasons, and actually define themselves by their hostility to goyim cultures. Jews are always self publishing media narratives claiming they are geniuses. But as a whole, they lack the most basic self awareness to grasp that they are emotionally beholden to their self created, and self sabotaging, anger. For, who would they actually be, without their pronounced hostility toward the goyim cultures? When you are raised being taught you are the chosen people, and yet the goyim cultures have all the great historic civilizations, cities, structures, and modern industrial inventions to their names, with the latter largely falling to industrialized Christian cultures, the Ashkenazim become deeply embittered, and blame the goyim for their own failures, to live up to their own self created chosen people hype. They loathe the goyim cultures for their historic achievements that far outstrip the Ashkenazim, who largely derive from nomadic horse tribes of Khazaria.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tassi Golden
Bigg Chungus

Victoria Nuland… read her “Early Life” section on Wikipedia!

Chris Gr

It is not Jews but the Illuminati.

Icarus Tanović

It is the same, zionistic rats.

Chris Gr

And you are jihadistic rat

jens holm

Nice to see relative sober versions for the past. Its gone in the USSR/Russian versions.


More like Galicia/Ruthenia.


The “prophecy” referred to in this article is insignificant in the bigger picture…The only meaningful prophecy that Muammar Gaddafi ever spoke was “I am the gate of Africa. If I am removed all of Africa will pour into Europe. The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos.” He went on to say that “There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to cross to France and Italy, and Libya plays a role in security in the Mediterranean.” Gaddafi’s son, Saif, added that “Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door.”

Gaddafi’s prophecy has come to pass…millions of Africans, mostly (90%) young males, have flooded into Europe, through Libya, since his assassination. That is why he was overthrown – to facilitate the Kalergi plan.

Chris Gr

The good thing was that Qaddafi ditched pan-Arabism and became more Libyan and African.


Meanwhile in Pakistan, their god is bringing people together.


Gadafy was CIA actor larper its all a play….Welcome to MovieTown! Enjoy The Movie!