A Starstreak surface-to-air missile launcher set up on western Dartmoor during a Royal Marine ADT exercise there. Date 14 October 2009. By Wikimedia user (Nilfanion).
On March 24, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the UK will provide a new military aid package to Ukraine.
Johnson said while attending the NATO and G7 leaders’ meeting in Brussels that the UK will provide Kiev government forces with 6,000 missiles, in addition to the 4,000 NLAW and Javelin anti-tank missiles already supplied.
The PM confirmed that the new military aid package will include British-made Starstreak MANPADs [man-portable air-defense systems]. The system’s anti-aircraft missiles, which are guided by laser-beam riding, have a maximum range of 7 kilometers only.
“We’re providing £25 million in financial backing for the Ukrainian military, which is on top of the £400 million we’ve committed in humanitarian and economic aid,” Johnson said, adding that the UK will also provide an additional £4.1 million for the BBC World Service to tackle what he called “disinformation” in Russia and Ukraine.
Johnson’s announcement was not a surprise. The UK has been leading Western efforts to support the Kiev government side by side with the US.
Western military aid to Kiev government forces began before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on February 24. The UK in particular has been working to train and arm the Ukrainian military for the last eight years.
Britain hopes that Western military support will eventually foil the Russian operation in Ukraine. The humanitarian results of prolonging the fighting in the country are not apparently an issue for the West.
It’s worth noting that the Russian military has already captured or destroyed several shipments of Western-supplied weapons. Some of captured Western weapons have already entered service with the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.
Trophies. Keep em coming, Donbass forces will use those weapons
So far this the biggest NATO military commitment to a terrorist organization and will cause a lot of Slavic bloodshed. Ukraine is being used to bleed Russia and ultimately a weakened Russia itself will be attacked for its immense wealth. Russian tactics of passivity so far a a bit baffling. The Nazis who are in control in Kiev will only understand that Russia is serious if all of the C31 is shut down and the infrastructure destroyed. Russia has not even been shelling the access roads into Kiev, which is simply mind boggling for a professional military man. US had totally destroyed the Iraqi infrastructure in the first 24 hours. Russia has not even taken out the Radio, TV, internet or communications.
US and UK military industrial contractors are using political lobby group power to put heavy pressure on those governments to supply missiles. It means the US and UK give their current stocks and have to reorder new inventories. Bingo for Rayethon and BAE corporations. The old stocks have been sitting around on shelves, they have to be used up to get reordered, and that’s what these companies want, more contract orders.
Good luck getting them in you fat bastard.
he is a fat basstard…
USANATO war. Ukrainians are just pawns. No cookies, not even bread for them. Only junk weapons.
Unfortunately, Russia so far has not established control of the skies and four Ukrainian airbases are operational and all the roads to the arms conduit of Poland are open. It looks like Russia is repeating the mistakes of Afghanistan. This time Russia simply can not afford to lose as Russia itself will be attacked if it fails in Ukraine.
He is trying to distract from Partygate.
Thats true. I think Putin has much more dirty laundry. Putin was the attacker.
Its USA and UK which has reorganized the Ukra forces.
Putin is liberating Ukraine from hohol nazis.
Do you mean arming, training and advising the Ukrainian murder spree in the Donbas that began in 2014? That kind of reorganization?
senile nazi jens only attack 7 yr boys….is homo’s social worker treating your senility with double dose human sperm?
Section 21 his arsenal with a Kinzhal, please.
More and more weapons for the axis of resistance to reverse engineer and make them better.
All of the old Eaton boys are raging homosexuals and paedophiles, and didn’t David Cameron fuck a pig’s head, so they are into beastiality as well.
This is what the US did with the failed puppet in South Vietnam. Kept pumping in materiel when they knew the jig was up, because the deaths of soldiers and civilians is not a concern for the US empire. As the late great Madeleine Albright said, “We think the price is worth it.”
After we organized a coup against the one President South Vietnam had that might have succeeded.
Send them to Syria to defend border (maybe they find their way to Lebanon).
Idiots… These Weapons will be used against Western Airlines, Tankers, Cargo Ships, Trains, Trucks in the ME, later on.
And, even in Europe if smuggled back to 2014- 15 “Rapefugee” sleeping cells already in Western EU
We’re providing £25 million in financial backing for the Ukrainian military, which is on top of the £400 million we’ve committed in humanitarian and economic aid,” But for you peasants that cannot afford to pay your gas bill we have nothing but contempt!
russia, I am sure you will find the dump and destroy. Thank you very much for sorting out Ukraine
Getting these weapons to the front is next to impossible for the Ukrops.
Not really. It has worked fine so far. Many roads are intact to Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dinipro, etc.
nazi arkansas hillbilly—paskuda chervet
Biden gets impeached soon because of Hunter. Then the cackling stoner is prez. Omg. Is that the plan God Speed victory to those who call on the name of the Lord
Naa, Pelosi will point out the little fact that the cackler is not a natural citizen, who do you think is next in line?
Unless Stretch is dumber than I think, which is possible. Barely.
Breaking News:
Mariopol has been liberated a few mins ago
The Russian flag flies high over the city.
Papa Hoth is coming to relieve the defenders! The break-in to save the brave Aryan warriors should happen any minute now!
The chechens are already roaming the perimeter of the Azovstal plant. Your cockroach heroes will be toast by the end of this week. Kadyrov has written an ominous tweet in which he asks for “100 scalps of nazis for each chechen warrior”. Run now before it is too late HAHAHAHAHAHA
I told those nazi pigs before: run before the muslim will catch you whenever you hear Allahu Akhbaru ! Run like hell, let down everything and catch a 10 km sprint !
Not yet. + Killing civilians is not “liberating”.
nazi lgbt hillbilly in arkansas not civilian—lower inferior species…when do you graduate from shoe shine academy in arkansas?
Breaking News:
Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the window of opportunity for Ukraine to be a sovereign state has closed.
where does that come from?
By the time they are ready to deliver them the war will be long over.
i really fear that at least some of these weapons will find their way OUT of ukraine and into the west, where they will be used against civilian planes, crowded places and so on. Remember what happened in Paris with just some AK-47s armeg guys? Immagine stingers and javelins used on planes or Christmass fares …
It’s a small part of American strategy. As Europe sinks deeper into conflict and degrades, Us will sell its weapons to its stupid Europeans and fill their treasure chests. Us plan has always been world domination.
Eliminating putin fascists will help to prevent MH17 kind of murders
Use your brain, since when these politicians had something to say.
Eliminate today’s Us banking system then you have solved the problem.
stupified amerikant nazis cannot think—you are proof
Russia must destroy those weapon shipments beforehand. Also Russia must take notice of activities of Poland. Poland has become very aggressive and belligerent recently.
NATO is using subversive terrorist tactics to smuggle in weapons to UKROPS. They Using civilian marked trucks and civilian vans. Very hard to pinpoint. Thats what pathetic cowards NATO are. Hopefully RU satellite operators will notice a pattern of trucks/vans and see where they head to, and flatten it with a Khinzal again :D
It is RU who is using “red cross” on arms transport. That is proven continuously since 2014.
British Mercenaries come and run away….No Ukro troops left !! Who is going to use the 6.000 Misiles ?? Answer : The Donetsk and Lugansk Armed Forces.
Hundred+ thousand Ukrainians have returned to Ukraine to fight. And more volunteers flow in.
They fight vs Putin fascist and muslim jihadists.
A nice Khinzahl up Queen Lizard Bitch’s stinky wrinkled twat is what the wretched pirate race needs!!!
I think that they alredy cloned her, the original is longtime dead. the clone has a electric engine on Duracells batteries. Now they can sing “god save the queen , she is now on his side”
Amazed Europe has internet connections between themselves and the USA. For what countries like the UK, Spain and Poland have done is a clear act of war by providing the continuous supplying weapons against Russian security in her near abroad, causing economic harms and the theft of and stealing assets that don’t belong to them.
Johnson is a joke,Bidens bitch
I don’t understand people on here crying about such news ( and the stupid nazis laughing while they are losing badly ). 6000 missiles? Do you understand how big the trucks must be? Sending 6000 missiles to the frontlines, without being seen, is practically impossible. They will probably arrive in Lvov. From there the corrupt ukrop officials will sell a good part on the black market and stock the rest in some warehouse. An ukranian spy working for Moscow will send the coords to the russian army and KABOOM! Another Khinzal movie.
That manpads looks extremely good on paper. We will see how this plays out in the real world.
So far they have worked well. RU seem to be flying pretty low, perhaps to avoid S300, that gives a manpad good change to eliminate RU jets.
As far as we know, the Ukrainians are being defeated, man to man, with small arms, and these weapons are just being taken from cold dead bodies as Ukraine loses its only skilled and elite personnel.
Bullshit, it is just you dumbass falling for that retarded ruskie propaganda again. Mariopol center is still mainly in Ukrainian hand. Outskirts of the city are in ruskie hands not more. And center is bombed day and night killing lots of civilians. Azov just reported the following :
АЗОВ – Маріуполь
Slava Ukraine!
Today the whole world has been watching Putin’s bloody crimes in Ukraine for a month. The world observes how crimes against humanity are committed. The world observes the defense of Mariupol, where every day is a day of death, a day of heroic struggle of our military against the superior forces of the enemy, where there’s a struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Even in the full surrounding, the AZOV destroyed 4 APCs and other equipment, infantry, and took the prisoner and saved his health and life. I remind everyone – we fight according to the rules of war and if the enemy raises his hands and lays down his arms he will be considered a prisoner of war.
I appeal to the West, which with its policy of appeasing the aggressor, allowed this massacre in Ukraine. At the same time, one of the most motivated units in our country, the AZOV Regiment, was branded fascists and Nazis for Russian money. So therefore we got banned from getting weapons and training with NATO instructors, our social networks got blocked and there’s more. Despite this, now the world is watching the struggle of the AZOV regiment led by the Hero of Ukraine, Major Denis Prokopenko, and the soldiers of the regiment show the wonders of professionalism and heroism. The real fascists weren’t the fighters of the AZOV Regiment, but the Russian leadership and the Russian military, who had the audacity to call the war in Ukraine a “special denazification operation”. The truth was told by Winston Churchill: the fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists. That’s exactly how it happened.
The chaotic and destructive shelling of Mariupol from land, air and sea doesn’t stop not even for a moment. The Russian military violates all the rules of war, fighting primarily with the civilian population of Ukraine, destroying everything possible. Because for 8 years many paid these bastards and continued to do business with barbarians who used this money to make bombs that today wipe out the middle of Europe from the face of the earth. Russians are using heavy bombs, which lead to incredible destruction. Intelligence is increasingly reporting on Russia’s use of chemical weapons, as they have done in Syria. These barbarians capture ordinary people and under duress take them to Russia, where they confiscate documents and send them to work in the northern and eastern regions of the aggressor country. Doesn’t it resemble the concentration camps of Hitler’s Germany or the gulags of the Stalinist regime?
The occupiers fell so low in their actions that they seized the church where the locals were hiding and are fighting from there. They’re cowardly bastards, not the second army in the world. We continue to defend. Mariupol is Ukraine!!!
Eat shit retarded nazi degenerate, you and your monkey bullshit. Go join your drugged boyfriends from Azow and die instead of sucking your daddys dick and spamming crap from your basement. How laughable to see hysterical woke trannies and neonazi incel reject united under NATONAZI LGBT banner.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠☠☠☠☠ ha ha ha
You can see from a kilometer that the text is written by the Foreign Office.