Several interesting patents were recently filed by a US Navy Researcher called Salvatore Cezar Pais.
Initially, Pais became rather famous for filing patents for technologies such as room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG).
His two most recent patents that he filed were:
- A practical fusion reactor that could be stored in aircraft to help achieve unimaginable speeds and maneuverability.
The document is unclear on how these gains are achieved. There are phrases such as this:
“It is a feature of the present invention to provide a plasma compression fusion device that generates energy gain by plasma compression-induced nuclear fusion,” are nearly tautological in their construction.
Or others:
“It is a feature of the present invention to provide a plasma compression fusion device that can produce power in the gigawatt to terawatt range (and higher), with input power in the kilowatt to megawatt range.”
Supposedly the reactor is also capable of fusion ignition, a self-sustaining reaction in which the energy produced by the reactor is high enough to heat the fuel mass quicker than various loss mechanisms can cool it. Ignition is an even more advanced goal than achieving a break-even point, because break-even explicitly ignores energy lost to the reactor’s surroundings. Ignition does not, and is therefore required any practical commercial reactor. Claiming to have solved the ignition problem before anybody has even managed to break even on net power production is a huge claim to make.
Naturally, the US Patent and Trademark Office denied the patent, as it seemed ridiculous. The Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner claiming that the U.S. needs the patent as the Chinese are already “investing significantly” in these aerospace technologies
In the patent, Pais said the following:
“At present there are few envisioned fusion reactors/devices that come in a small, compact package (ranging from 0.3 to 2 meters in diameter) and typically they use different versions of plasma magnetic confinement. Three such devices are the Lockheed Martin (LM) Skunk Works Compact Fusion Reactor (LM-CFR) , the EMC2 Polywell fusion concept, and the Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration (PFRC) machine. […] These devices feature short plasma confinement times, possible plasma instabilities with the scaling of size, and it is questionable whether they have the ability of achieving the break – even fusion condition, let alone a self-sustained plasma burn leading to ignition.”
Pais stated that this technology would be capable of producing as much as a terawatt (1 trillion watts) of power, which vastly surpasses America’s largest current nuclear power plant.
- A “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” claimed to be capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space alike thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.
As the Drive described it:
“The hybrid aerospace-underwater craft in Pais’ patent, meanwhile, is described as being capable of incredible feats of speed and maneuverability and can fly equally well in air, water, or space without leaving a heat signature. This is possible, Pais claims in the patent, because the craft is able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by exploiting the laws of physics.
The concept, described in the patent is quite simply, but the way of achieving it is something that is not even clearly possible as of yet. All matter contains energy on the quantum level. By theoretically creating its own incredibly dense and polarized energy field, the hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum ‘vacuum’ around itself which allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts. Thus, the craft can essentially ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces, or so it is claimed in the patent.”
This is further reinforced by the US Navy recently being more forthcoming in saying that its pilots keep seeing unidentified flying objects, as well as submerged objects quite frequently.
The patent itself describes the following:
“It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.”
Some of the frequent reports of UFO and USO sightings in 2019 were first reported by Politico and then by the Washington Post.
The following is an excerpt from the Politico piece:
“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.”
“As part of this effort,” it added, “the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft.”
To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.”
It is unclear if this technology is actually possible to make, but the US Navy appears convinced that the Chinese are making strides toward it, so the rush to take the lead is understandable.
It is possible to reduce the size of an object, however, there is a corresponding increase in its density. Tudor, I’m sure you are well aware of what happens after a Super Nova, the inner core of the star collapses and turns itself into a Neutron star, that is one example of “mass reduction”. However, reducing the size of things also brings serious radiation with it, which I know very little about. There is probably a few articles to be found, maybe RD has an inside track which he will direct you to.
Mass cancellation is one way to address some of the issues involved. If something has it’s mass reduced relative to it’s surroundings. It makes it easier to move around.
The Nazis were working on such device. This isnt news. Plus, the US had built such devices and some “UFO’s” by the 1960. By 2010 the US had multiple fleets of multiple types of “UFO’s” (Cigare shaped called dreadnought, triangle shape…). Now the Russias, them too got some Nazi scientists to work for them, and them too have had aircrafts that fly at extreme high speed without feeling the gravity, where inside the ship time that would go much slower than outside, so called “UFO”. Now about China, China only recently comparatively to both Russia and the US, probably around the 90’s that they started their on antigravity technology. China also has its own fleet of UFO’s, but China wants to go further, they want to build the biggest city size antigravity ship, that explains their huge thurst for metals and natural ressources (let alone the factories for civilian, their black projects is consuming a lot of ressources just like the US and Russia.
Now about the article, what China wants to do also is to blow the lid about this tech and show everyone what Humans can achieve, for antigravity and Free-energy and much more hidden technologies.
The US knows this, that is why now they are filling the patent, to be “the one nation” to bring it to Humanity”. Where they have been the ones that hide from the world for 60+ years. When JFK saw the the ships, he wanted to let everyone know, the zionist-scums-freemasson-assraping-dirtbags put an end to his good will.
While most sheeples are hypnothized and in a coma-like state while awake, they have been preparing the masses through movies using such tech.
Space force is just a rollout of pre-existing technologies and aerospace corporations for the general public. USA, Russia, and China have been working offworld since the 80’s.
Always felt ‘they’ were ours.
They are not all americans. Some russians, some chineese, some from the underworld, some visiting us from different worlds get some water and energy (from earth’s magnetic grid) and leave. It’s all very diverse.
So the Americans have propulsion that defies physics that we know of but they can’t get the elevators to work on their new aircraft carrier?
Frankly I suspect this was a CIA ruse to start rebuilding confidence in US technology after being schooled by the Houti’s in SA and out strategized by the Russians in Syria.
Unless this, Salvatore Cezar Pais, character is really an “alien” in disguise, they don’t have shit! Only in their dreams. Seems to me the U.S. Navy is tired of getting owned by the aliens and is in full damage control mode. They want the gullible U.S. public to believe the technology is ours when it’s obvious it’s not and in reality they are powerless to do anything about it.
Regarding traveling at the speed of light and
faster than the speed of light part 1:
The claim
that is made by most Physicists that all material objects cannot travel at the
speed of light and faster than the speed of light MUST now be rejected because
Zero point energy that is demonstrated through the Casimir effect is proof that
the vacuum of space is NOT empty but instead is full of infinite energy and a
spacecraft that does NOT use fossil fuels but instead is propelled by
electromagnetism and uses the infinite energy that is derived from the quantum
vacuum of space can cause a spacecraft that uses electromagnetic gravity
propulsion to become massless and travel many times faster than the speed of
light by being protected from radiation and the dust particles of space with a
Photon deflection shield. The purpose of a photon deflection shield is to cause
conditioned photons to be emitted from the surface of the spacecraft to protect
the spacecraft from particle collisions that can occur when the spacecraft is
traveling at high speeds.
The correct claim that should now be made by physicists that promote the theory
of special relativity is that anything with mass cannot travel at the speed of
light or beyond the speed of light if the source of energy that propels the
object is NOT Zero-point energy and electromagnetism. To travel at the speed of
light or beyond the speed of light infinite energy is required but the vacuum
of space is NOT empty and is full of Zero-point energy that can cancel the mass
of a spacecraft that does NOT use fossil fuels but is instead propelled by
electromagnetism that allows a spacecraft with a photon deflection shield to
access zero-point energy and travel faster than the speed of light when
superconducting materials are combined with neodymium electromagnets that are
frozen with liquid nitrogen.
The best example of zero-point energy and negative energy is the Casimir effect
or the magnetic Casimir effect that involves 2 identical parallel neodymium
ferromagnetic square or rectangular plates being close to each other as much as
possible while NOT touching each other. Magnetic vortexes are used to create
and open wormholes in space. Extra energy can be gained from a wormhole that
has been created by a Magnetic vortex wormhole generator to propel a massless
spacecraft faster than the speed of light. Negative energy is needed to keep
wormholes open and also operate a warp drive and a Jump drive.
In our
fourth dimension that is regular space the speed of light is 299792458 meters
per second but in the 5th dimension that is Hyperspace the speed of
light is slower and reduced to 1 meter per second.
Warp drive
emitting spacecraft invented and patented by John St Clair:
download and read the pdf document version of Photon emitting spacecraft
invented and patented by John St Clair:
vortex wormhole generator:
(Please download the pdf
link): Magnetic vortex wormhole
generator pdf link:
viewing amplifier:
download the pdf document version of the invention Remote viewing amplifier by John St. Clair:
energy generator:
download the pdf document version of the invention Hyperspace generator by John St. Clair:
scientific discovery that the electron and the proton are one and the same
particle was made using this diagram. It also shows that hyperspace exists.
The words
of John St. Clair).
oil hyperspace energy generator:
download the pdf document version of the invention Cavitating oil hyperspace energy generator by John St.
torque generator:
download the pdf document version of the invention Hyperspace torque energy generator by John St. Clair:
body teleportation system:
download the pdf document version of the invention Full body teleportation system by John St. Clair:
Regarding traveling at the speed of light and faster than the speed of light part 2:
Anything with mass cannot travel at the speed of light or beyond the speed of light if
the source of energy that propels the material object through space is NOT
Zero-point energy and electromagnetism. Traveling at the speed of light can
easily be achieved by reducing the mass of a spacecraft to zero with combined
methods such as using Electromagnetism to propel an object through space while
accessing he zero-point energy of the quantum vacuum of space and using
particle accelerators to perform the process of Electron positron annihilation
that involves temporarily converting matter into light. Scientists have already
learned how to use particle accelerators to perform pair production that
involves turning light into matter.
Multiple particle accelerators MUST be built into the spacecraft. Zero-point energy is
the foundation for space travel and that means fossil fuels cannot be used for
space travel.
The magnetic Casimir effect is the best-known example of Zero-point energy. A
spacecraft that uses electromagnetic gravitic propulsion has already had its
mass reduced to a large extent and with the aid of a photon deflection shield
and also a spatial generator and also a gyroscopic magnetic engine the mass of
a spacecraft can be reduced to absolute zero.
The speed of light is too slow to cause the universe to progress and develop to the point
that we now exist. Space is moving faster than the speed of light and that fact
can be observed with a telescope that is as powerful as the Hubble telescope
and that is the reason why galaxies can be seen moving away from each other.
Yes zero-point energy is the solution because the only way to travel faster than
light is to have infinite energy.
Zero-point energy is infinite energy. If you are using zero-point energy then you are
using free energy from out of thin air. When you know that space is NOT empty
but instead is full of particles then you can smile and use that energy to
power your spacecraft.
There is a real conspiracy to stop us from going into space and the oil companies and
their physicists that lie are behind this conspiracy.
The oil companies are making trillions of money from us and are scared of us using free
energy because Zero-point energy is a threat to the monopoly profits of the oil
companies and Energy companies. Nobody should pay for electricity. You can
build a spatial effect generator with some magnets and also get Zero-point
Remember that the magnets MUST be frozen so remember to keep some liquid nitrogen to
freeze the magnets. Notice that superconducting materials levitate when they
are combined with frozen magnets because zero-point energy is also the key to
The speed of light limit only applies if you have limited energy. If you have only got
limited energy then it is right to say that traveling at the speed of light or
beyond the speed of light is impossible. The physicists are liars because they
did NOT tell us that space is full of energy because they want to sell us their
fossil fuels and we know that it is impossible to have space travel if we
continue to use fossil fuels.
These same physicists already admit that we need to have infinite energy to travel beyond
the speed of light. A spacecraft that does NOT use fossil fuels but instead is
riding the electromagnetic fields that have been created by planets and stars
in space is already light and when the spacecraft’s electromagnets are frozen
with liquid nitrogen the spacecraft can use Zero-point energy plus the circular
particle accelerators can be used to create other types of energy such as Quark
fusion and antimatter.
The spacecraft MUST have a shield to protect it from the dust of space that can
destroy the spacecraft at high speeds. The photon deflection shield also
reduces the mass of the spacecraft to zero and because photons travel at the
speed of light the spacecraft that is already being propelled through space by
electromagnetic fields can travel at the speed of light because of the photon
shield that is being emitted from the surface of the spacecraft.
The spacecraft cannot have any windows so the occupants will need vision screens
and a synthetic vision system to see outside of the spacecraft because of the
intense radiation from the photons that protect the spacecraft. The photon
shield is also a type of warp drive because the dust particles of space will
flow around the spacecraft and increase the speed of light the faster the
spacecraft moves through space.
The photon shield is the key and is also another source of energy plus Quark fusion
is powering the spacecraft. The Cyclotrons created the antimatter and the Quark
fusion plus the spacecraft can use a Quantum ramjet to get more Zero-point
energy. When you have zero-point energy you can go anywhere in the universe because
The Flux liner Alien Replica Vehicle spacecraft can travel faster than light.
Spacecrafts that do NOT use fossil fuels but instead use Electromagnetism and
Zero-point energy can travel faster than light because the Spacecraft has
accessed the infinite energy that is in the fabric of space. There is a
conspiracy to stop Earth humans from going into space.
The speed of light only restricts you if you are NOT using Zero-point energy. A good
spacecraft does NOT use any fossil fuels but instead is a giant
electro-magnetic motor. All of the important magnets inside of the spacecraft
MUST be frozen with liquid Nitrogen. It is called Zero-point energy because the
Magnets have to be frozen so that the energy of space can be accessed. To
travel at the speed of light an infinite amount of energy is needed and the
solution is extracting energy from space. Space is NOT empty. If space were
truly empty then a spacecraft would NOT need a shield to protect it and the
occupants of the spacecraft from radiation and dust particles that collide with
the spacecraft and can destroy the spacecraft at high speeds.
Do NOT enter a spacecraft that does NOT have some type of shield because you will die when
the spacecraft accelerates at high speeds. A good spacecraft uses a Photon
deflection shield that protects the spacecraft and also propels the spacecraft
at the speed of light and beyond. Because the spacecraft is protected by
conditioned photons that emanate from the surface of the spacecraft the mass of
the spacecraft can be reduced to zero and Photons automatically travel at the
speed of light. Remember that the spacecraft is riding upon the magnetic
currents in space so the spacecraft is already light and then the Photon
deflection shield reduces the mass of the spacecraft to zero while protecting
the spacecraft and also being another source of energy.
The shape of the spacecraft should be circular or spherical or even saucer shaped so that
cyclotrons and synchrotrons and can be built into the spacecraft.
A Cyclotron engine can be used to generate antimatter and if the crew of the
spacecraft know how to safely perform Electron Positron annihilation that
involves converting the matter of the spacecraft temporarily into light or pure
energy then that can also contribute to the shield of light making the
spacecraft travel faster than the speed of light. John St. Clair has invented
and patented many spacecrafts that travel faster than the speed of light. John
St. Clair also invented the Magnetic vortex wormhole generator and the Casimir
effect is used to keep the wormhole open. More Zero-point energy can be
extracted from the wormhole and combined with Quark Fusion that has been
created by the spacecraft’s Cyclotron engine and help the spacecraft travel
faster than the speed of light.
Zero Point – The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Flux liner:
What if we harnessed Zero-point energy?:
Aliens and Their Spiritual Message:
spacecraft can jump to hyper speed and travel faster than light:
Tr 3B
spacecraft can teleport and reappear almost anywhere in the world:
Flying Machines:
download the following pdf document: The Vimanika Shastra: