U.S. Wants To Negotiate With Iran As Israel And Hezbollah Exchange Threats


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Hezbollah, one of Israel’s sworn enemies and a staunch ally of Iran continues its tough rhetoric against Tel Aviv.

On February 17th, the group released a 2-minute video titled “Oh Zionists, You Have Military and Security Targets Within Your Cities.”

The footage contained a threat to strike 10 Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targets throughout Israeli cities.

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was shown warning Aviv Kochavi, Chief of General Staff of IDF with “total war”.

The Hezbollah video warning of war if the IDF chose to initiate it came in response to large-scale drills that the IDF held in recent weeks.

During the exercise, IDF pilots trained to hit up to 3,000 targets per day in case of all-out confrontation.

This tougher rhetoric from Hezbollah is not something uncommon. What makes it significant is that the movement can afford to make it even tougher due to the Biden Administration formally being less supportive of Israel.

On February 18th, US President Joe Biden told Iran that it was ready to take part in EU-sponsored talks to restore the Iran Nuclear Deal.

This seems as a large concession, and causes a sense of urgency in Israel. For the first time since he entered into office, Biden accepted a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the conversation, Biden affirmed the US commitment to Israel’s security, and mutual defense cooperation. He said that the flow of weapons, equipment and funding would continue. It all appeared very hollow and according to script.

Similarly, to what US President Barack Obama did, Biden promised to increase Israeli military aid, but that also means it will not get any more “tangible” support.

This is all good and well, but it simply means “you will not feel as special as you were when Donald Trump was around.”

Separately, another Axis of Resistance enemy, Saudi Arabia is suffering by Yemen’s Ansar Allah (the Houthis).

On February 17th, the Houthis captured the significant Marib Dam, as they push towards Marib city and consolidate power in the surrounding areas.

The city is the last major stronghold of the Saudi-led coalition in central Yemen. If it falls, which seems quite plausible, the Houthis will have even more opportunity to push into southern Saudi Arabia.

In their past raids they have captured hundreds of Saudi-led coalition soldiers and various equipment.

February 2021 seems to be the month of the Axis of Resistance, with Iran’s campaign of non-compliance with the Nuclear Deal giving fruit. Hezbollah, the Houthis and the pro-Iranian groups in Iraq and Syria further seem to be achieving limited success.

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I do not believe it that they rally want to negotiate…..unless of course, they want to attack Russia or China…

Steve Standley

It’s Kabuki theater. If you look at his cabinet of advisors, they nearly all Jewish, and all warmongers. The aims are still the same. Also, Obama made the same anti-Netanyahu gestures, but he also started the war in Syria through the CIA, and destroyed Libya. These are both for Israel. This is like party politics in America: they claim to disagree, but their aims are exactly the same.


Yeah I know…very nice people…future “victims” of trusting devious Iranians while offering them hand of the friendship and peace that was paid by backstabbing and betrayal ( performed through some false flag )….
So U.S. will be forced to impose humanitarian bombing in the name of the “preserving peace” .


Nobody wants the opinion of a lower caste cheechan. You go sell your daddy for 5 dolla to the red army.


apparently 10 people does want my opinion



fukk off!

Laurent Parodi

Bet the negociations will be about reducing Iran s missiles capability?

Arch Bungle

Of course. It was never about nukes any way.

Which proves that ‘israel’ is not scared of the nukes. They’re scared of the missiles.

Which proves that even if Iran gave up the entire civilian nuclear program it would not be enough.

Iraq all over again …

Fog of War

Its never enough with the Khazar crowd. A result of inbreeding and genetic abnormalities.

Arch Bungle

Which is why there is only one way to deal with them.

Fog of War

Genetic alteration ?

Arch Bungle

That’s optimistic …
Perhaps genetic alteration by complete removal from the human gene pool …

Fog of War

Alright, we’ll have to use the old fashioned techniques then. Attila the Hun comes to mind as he had very interesting techniques to deal with issues such as these.

Steve Standley

I would be satisfied if they just stopped with the iron grip on the media propaganda and censorship, and Jewish banker-control of the Fed and the Bank of England. Those two things alone would make the world a comparative paradise.

Arch Bungle

That’s not possible with these people.

They’re genetically wired to f**ck with everyone around them.

It’s a form of OCD.

Steve Standley

That’s probably the case. I’m not against war if it is foisted upon us, which is actually, as i understand it, their goal. World War. World war is meant to be the pretext for “uniting” for “peace” under a one-world government (aka the moshiach), which really means destroying anyone who opposes their supremacy and rule.

Jim Allen

Nothing will ever be enough. The Zionist Khazars have been packing a grudge against Iran for around a thousand, or so years. They want Iran destroyed to the last man, by whatever means necessary, and at all costs. There’s nothing rational about this, the Zionist Khazar pretenders, conduct themselves in the same manner today, that they did since before Christ.
Khazars ignored repeated warnings with regards to their aberrant criminal behaviour for only God knows how long, and eventually it’s neighbors had enough of Khazar shitfuckery. Russia, and Persia
(Iran) sustained the heaviest losses along the trade route as it passed through Khazaria, the two joined forces, and attacked Khazaria with almost complete surprise. Only the King, and a handful of others managed to escape before the attack. It was a rout, the survivors were stripped of their religion, (Orthodox) as unworthy, and run out of their country. The mistake was in the Russians, and Persians failing to run down every last Khazar, and neutralizing them once, and for all.
It’s just not how these people rock, and roll. Even when it’s absolutely necessary.
Khazars were then, and are now an even bigger existential threat to life on earth.

Fjj Stije

Amen brother

Icarus Tanović

They did same with Iraq, Yemen, Lybia, Afganistan, not just Iran. Not just Khazarian etc. but French, English, Anglos, Zios, Nazis, etc, etc.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

If you are a devout Muslim and strongly believe in the right Allah, then you know that Allah will do a little hocus pocus and everything will be fine. Maybe Allah will create another planet on the other side of the moon and send Jews, atheists and Muslims with false beliefs there. But then you have to believe strongly with your whole soul.

John Brown

Any negotiations are a sham to try to make it look like the USSA wants peace while they wage war Obama style. They never obey anything they sign.
Iran and the rest China Russia etc. just need to keep attacking the Zio dollar to bring down the empire. Incourrage Soros and the Rothchilds etc. to order Biden to fight as many new wars as possible is also the way to go. Push the USSA to spend 5 trillion plus per year on war more then the 1.5 trilion they over spend on war now. This will rapidly speed up the collapse of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship.

William D

Let’s do what we can to spread opinions with no factual basis so our children can grow up to fight the same stupid wars we fight today.
ISIS destroyed schools so that their propaganda, like yours, could flourish amongst the uneducated

John Brown

The USSA Zio government under orders of their Mossad masters created, funded and lead ISIS AlCiada etc.

Just crush the petro dollar and the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship which rules over and occupies America with and iron fist, will be defeated and collapse without firing a shot, which is the best way. This occupation is why the Zio USSA government has more of its own citizens in jail than the Soviet Union and Nazi German combined did.

The the new war of terror Biden Harris have been ordered to unleash upon the American population will finally remove any doubt that the USSA are slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship. They are are already talking of setting up torture and extermination camps for American citizens in the USSA. I fully expect the empire to murder over 100 million Americans in the next few years in such death camps.


If France has a Foreign Legion, the USA has ISIS. It is a division of the US army.

William D

Zio-USSA-Satanic-Jewish-Slave-Petro-death camps… did I miss something? just stop, someone might believe you

John Brown

Yes that is what you do for your Zio slave masters.


Fat chance for Iran to accept limitations on its ballistic missile capability.

Arch Bungle

Talk is cheap. Drop the sanctions.

Arch Bungle

‘israel’ should move it’s military installations completely out of civilian areas, out to the desert where Hezbollah can wipe them out without harm to civilians.


Doesn’t matter as numerous Iranian missile attacks on PJAK and ISIS terror camps amply demonstrated.
With great precision and modular design of warheads, they are able to destroy 2 buildings which surrounded another one (a mosque) and cause no damage to the latter. (ISIS, Syria, Deyrezzor) or destroy one room in a building while the rest remains intact (PJAK, Iraq’s KAR)
For Iran there’s no “acceptable collateral damage”, Iran’s policy is zero collateral, unlike the deranged hag and her “worth it” 400.000 killed Iraqi children.

There’s no one in the entire Iranian government and military which can be defined as “warmonger” and our military leaders are all on the front lines in wartime. Why Americans don’t demand their over-enthusiastic warmongers or their children sent to the front lines is beyond me: “If you love war so much, how about you show us how it’s done?“.
In fact it’s the best way to turn the loudest and most deranged warmongers into peace-loving hippies, but yeah, fat chance that perfumed and pampered general ever leave their safe bunkers.

cechas vodobenikov

negotiating with amerikans would be like reasoning w bacon or jens


it would be hopeless, condemned to fail… like talking to bacon while using Jens as interpreter….

Jim Allen

LOL, it kinda’ is, when one is here attempting to wake enough of them to put up effective resistance. Before the rest drag us all into Hell with them.
Three generations of this PsyOps, and no one knows there was another way of life.
I’m old, and must be too dumb to brainwash, or something…


“I’m old, and must be too dumb to brainwash”

never say “never”…
see Jens for example, they wanted to re-program him and something vent awry. So instead of sending him to asylum because useless to them… they have decided to make “special ops bot” out of him for special missions,… they’ve decided to use him for ” making confusion and frustration among those who read his comments”
Suddenly he has newly found purpose…

Freemon Sandlewould

what is “jens” ????

Jim Allen

Most of us, yes. US isn’t the only country to be brainwashed this way.

Tommy Jensen

US is the intermediator in ME. A peace institution with freedom.


get off the meth……the sooner the better.

Zulubal Andre

the us is technologically so advanced that it have already started to colonize the solar system, why on earth would it negotiate with any of its adversaries when space weapons can eliminate them in NO TIME…

Robert Ferrin

Yes indeed and I’m a pink pig and i CAN FLY.!!!


you need to quit doing drugs right away motherfuker. Your comment here is like that of a fukkin retard!

John Wallace

Not like .. IS

cechas vodobenikov

new CIA alias at SF


These little bastards who show up every now and then are all middle eastern shysters or minorities. It’s the only thing which makes sense. Jens Mohammad was unmasked as a Moroccan shyster. I always knew he was.

Arch Bungle

Yet it cannot stop itself from freeing to death in Texas when a cold wind blows.

And relies on Russia to get it’s asstronaughts into space.

The US will be freezing itself to death in space judging by the way it runs it’s power grid.


There won’t be new talks as long as there sanctions. Lift the sanctions and return to JCPOA first.

John Wallace

With experiences with the US since 1953 who in Iran would believe a word the US says. Iran has said lift sanctions first and the US has said remove all your nuclear material first as a sign of good faith. Just ask the American Indians about good faith. They considered the US govt as snakes and nothing has improved ever since.

Icarus Tanović

Take a look at Satanyahos face and eyes and 1:42. He’s coward.

Icarus Tanović

1:42, Satanyaho says: “More Toyotas, Julani? Well they can not pick up the pace, how about American taxpayers Fords, for example? Too obvious? Too obvious, yeah I know, Renault? Not reliable? We’re in shit, American and European taxpayers needs to pay more to Toyota, so sabur, sabur. We’ll squeeze last cent from thwm, I promise you my dear Frankenstein creature, Bin Laden, Baghdadi, Habibi.”

Icarus Tanović

1:33 Hey Turner! Yes sir?
Your name is Al Bullshiti from now on, you are riding a camel and pretend to ba a Muslim, so get us some more cannon fodder, understood? Get your costume and prosthetic and masks made in Hollywood, and go on, be on your way!
Understood, sir, May force be with your ass! So help me my black ass.

Icarus Tanović

Limited success? Yemenis arr doong superb job. Just look at this, not limited succes, but real succes. Saudis told us that ‘they will crash and obliterate” Yemen in matter of four, 4 weeks. Look at this. This is turning to be disaster for Saudis and Wahhabis and existance of so called kingdom is under big question mark, because Yemenis doesn’t comply to any heinous UN ‘Acts’ of ‘peace deals’, until entire Yemen is free from Wahhabi headchoppers.


For US to show good faith, they have to unilaterally remove all sanctions imposed on Iran after Trump’s withdrawal from JCPOA.
Iran’s ballistic missile force is a non negotiable issue.


MUST SEE ! what are they using to fly with…
“Watch United Airlines Engine Catch Fire During Flight, Leaving Behind Debris”


John Wallace

Must have been comforting being a passenger looking out the window and trying to work out how long before the fire got to the wing and blew the fuel tanks , but that would have been OK as it would equalise the plane , one engine , one wing.

Arch Bungle

That the world’s ‘greatest military power’ now has to negotiate with Iran indicates that Iran is on the ascent.

It will only get worse for the US from as Iran becomes more self sufficient and geopolitically powerful.

There will shortly come a point where the US will need to balance it’s interests with Iran’s and ‘israel’ will become an irrelevant spot on the mediterranean.


Not so simple…If US keep the sanctions against Iran and want to “negotiate” that is just posturing as “peace loving nation” while in fact they strive to get in position to blackmail Iran into submission, into even more concessions…
Iran is self sufficient because they have no other option with years of sanctions…
They grow militarily stronger but not economically.
” US will need to balance” above all because they are in extremely difficult economic situation.
Iran must wait till that starts to happen.


When it is certain to all in the region that Iran has “the bomb”, then it is a new dawn in the middle east. Hypersonic delivery system changes the game even more. The asymmetrical and distorting influence of the Zionists will be no more and balance will re-emerge. The human spirit will be on the ascent again.


No Andreas “the bomb” would only push Jews and their US, UK, Arab stooges in immediate action against Iran.
Iran cant out-bomb even with doesn’t of nukes US-UK-IsraHell arsenal of nukes.
So even if they have them they must keep it as top secret…
True “hypersonic delivery system changes the game” but I don’t think Iran has it for immediate future and Russia, China will not sell it to them.
Since it is still top secret tech, not yet for sale…They do not want that tech to be object of illegal copies or some other country spying on it….


You are right, it needs clarification. By “the bomb” I meant full retaliatory capability against currently one-sided US-Zio nuclear threat.

With China and Russia maybe it is practical bargaining chip with the declining US power. But, yes, first step is to get technology.


“full retaliatory capability against currently one-sided US-Zio nuclear threat.”

How can Iran have “full retaliatory capability”‘?!?
Not even Chin has”full retaliatory capability” with their 300+ nukes since US-UK-IsraHell have about 2 000 nukes combined.
Only Russia has that..


I think that you might be a punk.


I just might


Ha, ha, ha, so they want to “negotiate”. Iran too wise to accept overtures from Satan. Iran plays the cool hand. Iran is the dignity of millennia old Persian empire. US just an aging, impotent drag queen.

Assad must stay

Dont do it iran, US is extremely unstable and untrustworthy, one day they agree next week they talk out of their ass

El Mashi

America will suffer the death of a thousand cuts in the Middle East and at home.