U.S. Vice President Warns of Minority Persecution in Syria After Recent Massacres

U.S. Vice President Warns of Minority Persecution in Syria After Recent Massacres

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Vice President of the United States, JD Vance, has expressed grave concerns over reports of targeted violence against minority groups in Syria, describing the situation as potentially “a horrific massacre” and stressed the need for urgent action.

Earlier this month, the Syrian interim government, which is led by Islamists factions, unleashed a deadly crackdown on the Syrian coast. Nearly 1,500 civilians, mainly Chirstans and Alawites, were killed, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which reported some 50 separate massacres orchestrated by government forces, loyalists and foreign jihadists.

In an interview with Fox News on March 14, Vance stated that the administration of President Donlad Trump is working to determine the true extent of the violence, questioning whether it constitutes isolated incidents or a broader campaign of mass persecution.

“It looks really bad, and we’re trying to figure out exactly how bad it is—whether this is something limited to what we see on social media or if we’re dealing with mass genocide,” he said.

Vance attributed the worsening crisis to radical elements that gained ground in Syria, criticizing past U.S. policies that emboldened Islamist factions.

“Unfortunately, when America encourages these so-called rebels to take over a country, it’s religious minorities—especially Christians—that suffer the most. We do not want to see another Christian community erased from the face of the earth,” Vance asserted.

The Vice President also confirmed that Washington has already begun diplomatic engagements to ensure the protection of vulnerable communities, including Christians and Druze. He ruled out military intervention, but stressed the importance of leveraging diplomatic and economic tools to safeguard Syria’s historical minorities.

“We’re talking to our allies. We’re already working behind the scenes to push for protections for minorities. But it’s truly scandalous,” he said.

Vance went on to draw a comparison to Iraq, where the U.S.-led invasion of 2003 contributed to the decimation of one of the world’s oldest Christian populations.

“Whatever your views on the Iraq War, the result was the destruction of an ancient Christian community. We cannot allow that to happen again,” he warned.

The Syrian interim government attempted to dodge responsibility by announcing that all operations on the coast were over, then forming an investigation committee. Nevertheless, the killings and an array of violations targeting minorities there continue.

The massacres have so far displaced at least 10,000 civilians to the governorate of Baalbek-Hermel in eastern Lebanon with more that 8,000 others taking shelter at Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base near the city of Jableh in Latakia. Alawites make the majority of the displaced.

With no direct military involvement, it is unclear how the U.S. could protect minorities in Syria. Collaborating with Russia, which also maintains a strong influence in Syria, may be one way. The two sides have already showed willingness to work together on the matter when the a statement drafted by them against the recent violence on the Syrian coast was adopted by the United Nations Security Council on March 14.


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tell israel to enslave them all. al qaeda will kill them all if israel does not intervene immediately and create a state called the buffer zone.

annexation to Israel

if israel doesn’t annex them or create a state for them (like abkhazia), isis terrorists will kill them all. for them, the only option is for israel to protect them, and if they are inside israel, erdogan probably won’t dare to attack.

Use banana

erdogan pays salary ti these isis jihadists every mounth as a nato country.


that always was shlomo’s plan. there is nothing more nauseating than the zio regime, fresh from its gaza genocide, shedding crocodile tears and posing as a protector of moslems from jewlani and their own pet proxy cannibal head choppers. the idea of the zio regime or the jewsa protecting moslems is like the gestapo protecting jews. but some people want to believe in an alice in wonderland world of pink ponies and unicorns.


what? he’s going to tell israel to create a state called buffer zone? this would be absolutely necessary because these people must have their own country. given that western sahara, south ossetia, abkhazia, etc. also exist in the world, i really don’t see why there shouldn’t be a new state. and this country would be nicely covered by israel, just as south ossetia and abkhazia are covered by russia.

New 5

i hope so, because there is no other solution than to establish a new state. israel would guard this country like it guards the druze. the state should include christians and alawites, because the al qaeda state will kill everyone as part of its jihad. but if they got a new country on the coast, more than half of all the problems would be solved. erdogan can play with his jihadists on his border if he wants.

annexation to Israel

first they came for the socialists, and i did not speak out – because i was not a socialist. then they came for the trade unionists, and i did not speak out – because i was not a trade unionist. then they came for the jews, and i did not speak out – because i was not a jew. then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.
by niemöller


the solution is to stop destroying one country after another and massacring people one after another for the benefit of the zio regime. when people are slaughtered, it is all part of the zio plan. oded yinon. greater israel. ethnic cleansing of the whole region from the nile to the euphrates, the 2 rivers on the zio flag. israel is a rapacious parasite poisoning the whole region.

annexation to Israel

that’s right, israel must protect christians and alawites as it has protected the druze. this would, of course, mean either the establishment of a new state or annexation to israel.


pretext for yet more zio thieving. the solution is to dissolve the thieving zio regime. the idea of israhell protecting moslems is like foxes protecting a hen house. absurd, obscene distortion of reality. the problem is the genocidal zionist terror regime.


why not create a “buffer zone” inside israhell to protect the palestinians from genocide?


mr. vice president is smart and knows well that israel can also include and protect the alawites, and not just the druze, whom it already protects.


i smell a little black hat using a dozen different names. give me your land, give me your money, gimme, gimme, gimme.

Make a new country

a new state should be established on the coast, otherwise we will be witnessing genocide. someone can’t just burn down forests, villages, and people for fun. therefore, it would only be right for the vice president to create a state and order israel to guard it. the state should contain alawites and catholics and be protected, not only by its own army but also by the army of israel.


a new state should certainly be established, one called palestine, to protect the palestinian people from the zionist genocide.

Moshe Dayan

protected by an army that shoots unarmed children and women, and old men, and people for sport ? gtfoh with that propaganda.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Moshe Dayan

that would be fantastic: russia, the usa and europe fighting shoulder to shoulder to defeat the criminal zealots who are now calling the shots in syria. if justified wars exist, then this would be one.


the “criminal zealots in syria” were created, armed, trained, directed and orchestrated by the little black hats and their goy whores in the first place. to do exactly what they are doing.

Moshe Dayan

no more unending military spending to make trillionaires wealthier and increase the death rate: the depopulation agenda at work.


there wouldn’t have been any sectrian massacre if us,britain,turkey and france would not have been invading and attack syria and push for regime change of their choice also in afghanistan,libya,iraq and serbia.

Last edited 2 hours ago by japie
Use banana

use banana in anuz no $ to pay gay mulatto—we #1 shithole.


annex syria , kick out arabs frin syria. invade syria all now. delete syria from mapm


zionists put terrorists in power and then offer to protect people from said terrorists???


the violence in syria,iraq,afganistn,libya,serbia and africa is the cause of us,france and britain’s interference of divide and rule to exploit national resources,meat,trees,animals,oil,gas and land.

Last edited 2 hours ago by japie

what a pack of liars. first they start the shit, then cry about it. soon trump will save syria too. right after he saves ukr. now the moron tries pressuring russia by doing the same as biden…giving weapons and intel, after he says russia is winning and he wants peace? his admin is so full shit. he says one thing one minute, then says the opposite 2 minutes later. maga? hah.

Conan M

“vice president of the united states, jd vance, has expressed grave concerns over reports of targeted violence against minority groups in syria, describing the situation as potentially “a horrific massacre” and stressed the need for urgent action.”… potentially “a horrific massacre”?…

Last edited 2 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

… so until the u.$. and it’s client use something like banned cluster munitions, bio agents or “white phosphorous munitions” it’s still in the realm of “potential” after shooting men women and children in the head and burning them alive which doesn’t quite qualify to the standards of a massacre??? i hope s-f didn’t edit this read.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Conan M

never seen so many western/israeli bots in my life. all this israel good/israel saves…what horse shit. israel is the reason behind all this. they want to see slaughter, they want more excuses to invade. trump is setting up excuse to intervene and give all syria to israel. next they will ‘save’ lebanon. they already saved the lebanese gov from hezbollah. then they will intervene in jordan to save it from it’s own people.

Moshe Dayan

yes, it’s orwellian newspeak. lie, and lie some more to accomplish more lying. a waste of life, labor and humanity.
this is not animal farm where all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.

Boris Orlov

money is the only god they pray to in america, capitalism their religion. as high as i normally value vances statements, what he says is just absurd viewing the us track record and mentality.

Use banana

invade annex syria , make syria great again


the eu should protect the coast but it cant cause it is hardwired to only protect sunnys not christians or others.
