U.S. To Deploy More Warships, Fighter Jets In Middle East In Support Of Israel

U.S. To Deploy More Warships, Fighter Jets In Middle East In Support Of Israel

Click to see full-size image. (The U.S. Central Command)

The United States will move a fighter jet squadron to the Middle East and maintain an aircraft carrier in the region to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its allies and safeguard American troops, the Pentagon announced on August 2.

In a statement, the Pentagon also said that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the European and Middle East regions and is taking steps to send more land-based ballistic missile defense weapons there.

Israel is now preparing for a response to the assassinations of Hezbollah’s military chief Fuad Shukr in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and Hamas’s leader Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital, Tehran earlier this week.

Iranian and Hamas leaders vowed to take revenge against Israel for Haniyeh’s killing during a funeral procession for him in Tehran. Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the war against Israel had entered a “new phase” and Israel should expect “rage and revenge.” In addition, the leader of Yemen’s Houthis, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, vowed that the Israeli escalation will be met with a “military response.”

Israel has claimed responsibility for the strike that killed Shukr, but has not officially commented on the assassination of Haniyeh.

According to recent reports, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has ordered a direct strike against Israel and the attack may be carried out jointly with other allies of Tehran, including Hezbollah and the Houthis.

Austin is ordering the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group, which is in the Gulf of Oman but scheduled to come home later this summer.

The Pentagon did not however say where the fighter jet squadron was coming from or where it would be based in the Middle East.

The White House in a statement said that President Joe Biden “reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.”

The announcement of the new deployments by the U.S. came as Israeli Channel 12 TV reported that Jerusalem is finalizing arrangements with allies for a regional coalition to thwart an attack by Iran and its allies.

The report named the U.S., United Kingdom, Gulf states, Egypt and Jordan as ready to help intercept missiles and drones should they be fired, in what the channel said was essentially the same coalition that almost completely thwarted the Iranian attack last April.

All in all, the U.S. appears to be determined to defend Israel, which threatens American troops in the Middle East and could bring the region even closer to an all-out war.


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one interesting thing to consider. biden was not eager support unlimited israeli war in gaza anymore because of massive public backslash and upcoming presidental elections. what the deep state did ? they ousted biden in a coup anf continue unlimited u.s. support to israel’s war in gaza, despite the fact it will make democrats very unpopular. they simply don’t care. when it comes to israel, everything else is not important.i suspect trump assasination attempr was a message to him to obey.

Last edited 7 months ago by hoh
Ricarda Baergebockt

biden is only eager to get his next ice cone so he can fill his diaper while sniffing kidnapped ukrainian children. there is not enough brain matter left.


state of israel is deep state creation with financial support of city of london. it is a known fact that “israel” will not survive on its own without the help of its parents house of washington and city of london.


one question: why are there american occupation troops anyway in the middle east? the world would be a better place if the yankees just stayed home the last 70 years.


maybe because the u.s. is a superpower with bunch of “allies” which are not allies at all but bullied vassals ? if america stop endless wars, the allies would not be scared anymore. the u.s. have no other choice. they have to bite and spread wars or lose influence over their vassals. and they will simply not tolerate losing their status. they will use nukes instead. and what is even more complicated, u.s. citizens are 2nd class citizens in their own country. jews are ruling them all.


the amerikunts have rampaged around the planet like nazi germany on steroids for the past 70 years, slaughtering, starving and immiserating hundreds of millions of people. they built their shitty country on genocide and slavery and now the jewnited snakes is busting a gut to support the genocide of their jew masters in gaza.

Ricarda Baergebockt

only right answer:
big asses need big food. they can’t gain it themself so murdering and robbing others to fill there bellies. simple and true.


lol, since those talmudic jews took over the government, congress has declared war how many times of all the thousands of bombs dropped? what a bunch of tools. then again, you can lie to them and say the sky is the same while literally dumping chemicals on them 24/7 – 365. maybe they actually do deserve to be treated like dumb cattle. they behave stupider than robots with a generic ai uploaded onto them. running protection for some child rapers murdering people, so pathetic.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

and the first talmudic jew in washington was george washington, because there already was genocide of native indians. second jew is obviously thomas jefferson. adams (ambassador to russia and author of monroe doctrine, 1823) is also a jew. if not, i can’t see how the us in 19 century without jews were better for the world then in 21 century with jews. the same monster, because not only jews are committing crimes under us flag, but mainly anglosaxons + others living there, including russians btw.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон

every single major person involved in 9/11. jews. i make no serious excuses for the behavior of any nation, they go along with the jew slaughters. they have no idea in their goy idiocy that somebody would spend their whole lives lying and doing such dastardly things. they refuse to consider, and they deserve no help from god or anyone as they give to none. such an attitude will be visited on a-l-l nations. justice will be done though the stars may fall.


the child rape networks are ran world wide by jews and their bankers for blackmail. only blackmailed garbage make it into government. the stupid goy believe in elections. they believe in the idols on the air. they terrorize and murder children and drain their blood. nygard, epstein, maxwell, the royal family, saville, huw. fuck making excuses for such monsters, it is disgusting. they are jew run child rape networks, worldwide. plain and simple.


the tightknit jew community covers for their fellow heinous sinners world wide with their little-bitches in the mystery schools helping them out. it is disgusting and evil. people who make excuses for such scum and people who turn their heads are also evil, and judgement is coming for them too. thank god, the one who made it impossible for a dump like this to carry on for too long. people who don’t care about people suffering horribly will, will, will have that attitude visited on them.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

so george washington was a jew, i got it.


“u.s. to deploy more warships, fighter jets in middle east in support of genocide”

i fixed the headline.


or to save mr.yahoo’s ass. probably he is hiding in a bunker now, because iran may choose him as legitimate target for numerous crimes against iran (not even counting crimes against gaza). “dagger” penetrated 40 meters of concrete and rocks to hit missile storage in delyatin, carpathian mountains. iranian missiles could have similar abilities. mr.yahoo need to dig deeper, but iranians could send 2, 3, 4 missile to the same point to bury the bastard.


give iran a few kinzhals andvthebyankee fleet will sink lika stone! and a few into tel aviv, netayahu’s home where the little hitler copy is hiding.


jews don’t give bombs to people to bomb other jews. jews conspire to bring two countries to war so they can make money, take over, and laugh while getting goy to kill each other, like in ukraine/russia conflict and both the other world wars where they consolidated control. what did they do with that power? they institutionalized every sin you could imagine and a bunch more, and killed more people for the lulz.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

this is tremendous simplifying of what’s going on. simplest explanations are wrong. if you don’t know history, don’t speak insults, especially about foreign countries which you know even less than your own. it’s not the first time when i see such illiterate and insulting statements from you, so i finally decided to answer.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон

stalin too. have fun with jewtin, i don’t argue. i warn, and to the one’s who ignore, i have no second thoughts. have fun with jewtin. the experience in america can attest to the fun coming for russia.


thanks for clarifying, now i see your ordinary fool who makes internet even more stupid. not the first one and not the last. that’s why the us is falling down, stupidity rules it and kamala is your next president, congratulations!

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон
Israel the LIABILITY

i have a feeling iran will smack israel with its hypersonic missiles via the houthis

Israel the LIABILITY

no matter what way you look at it, israel is a masive liability to the west. its barabric bouts of bloodletting will always harm american interests. one could even say, the downfall of the america will be radical zionism in itself


it’s extra difficult to feel bad about what’s coming for israel considering all of that, and the row over the raped and innocent captives (sent to the fucking hospital). literally, heated exchanges getting physical trying to free some cosmic garbage — the rest of the universe saw that and took note — who gang rape innocent people. and the others harvesting organs. etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc, every day with them, it’s something more.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

bloodthirsty rabid zio psychopaths just being themselves. they aren’t going to change. they haven’t changed since they got kicked out of khazaria.


will become a tourist attraction for divers in the mediteranean and red sea. just like pearlharbor bannzzaaai…….kaaboooom bey bey yankee


jews will make money even out of that, he-he, if iran won’t make the dead sea a bit bigger this time.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон

now yemenis have wider choice of targets. may be they will use hyper-sonic anti-ship missiles this time.

Huckelberry finn

my dear yankee friends, brace yourselves when your gvt blows another 5 billion dollars trying to stop 1000 dollar drones. then watch trump raise your taxes while not paying a cent of income tax


those good little amerikunt whore politicians have to earn their shekels and their free trips to epstein island.

Icarus Tanović

jooz gonna succk up dry america.


larry dink and blackrock (jews/fagmasons) already did that. it’s the sound of the straw looking for the last drops now.