U.S. Secretly Shipped 100 ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles To Ukraine

U.S. Secretly Shipped 100 ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles To Ukraine

File image.

The United States delivered “long-range” ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles to Ukraine earlier this month following a directive from President Joe Biden, the Pentagon announced on April 24.

The MGM-140 is a tactical ballistic missile that can be fired from the tracked M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the wheeled M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), both are already in service with Kiev forces.

President Biden secretly approved the transfer of the missiles in February for use inside Ukrainian territory, Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Garron Garn said, adding that the missiles were then quietly included in the $300 million aid package announced on March 12 and ultimately delivered to Ukraine earlier this month.

“It was not announced that we are providing Ukraine with this new capability at the time in order to maintain operational security for Ukraine at their request,” Garn said.

In October 2023, a year and eight months after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, Kiev forces received a limited number of ATACMS missiles from the U.S. However, the missiles were of the older M39 Block I verison, which has a range of 165 kilometers. This version is armed with a cluster warhead with 950 M74 bomblets.

Kiev forces quickly used the missiles to target Berdiansk Airport as well as several gatherings and ammunition dumps of the Russian military in the special military operation zone. Some of the missiles were intercepted and the damage caused by the strikes was very limited.

The Pentagon didn’t clarify what “long-range” version of the ATACMS was shipped to Ukraine. The U.S. might have supplied the M39A1 Block I which is armed with a cluster warhead with 300 M74 bomblets but has a range of 300 kilometers, or with the M48 QRU and M57 Block IA Unitary versions which are both armed with WAU-23/B unitary warheads and have a range of 270 and 300 kilometers respectively.

Biden reportedly directed his team to take this step following Russia’s alleged procurement and use of North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine, and recent Russian strikes on infrastructure in Ukraine.

“We had warned Russia against acquiring North Korean ballistic missiles and against renewing its attacks against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure,” Pentagon spokesman Major Dietz said. “With our readiness concerns resolved, we were able to follow through on our warning and provide this long-range capability to Ukraine.”

More ATACMS missiles are expected to be included in the new military assistance package the Pentagon announced on April 24 after Biden signed into law an aid package providing nearly $61 billion in assistance for Ukraine following months of delays in Congress.

The New York Times reported on April 25 that the missiles recently supplied by the U.S. were used in the April 17 Ukrainian attack on Dzhankoy airfield in the Crimean Peninsula.

Kiev forces could use long-range ATACMS missiles to attack targets in the Crimean Peninsula, or deeper in Russian territory. The Russian military has means to intercept the missiles, like the S-300V4 and S-400 air defense system. Still, such attacks would be a major escalation and Moscow could hold Washington responsible.


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Z men

now it’s time for russia to do something secretly too, for ex. sink the ship with the new military equipment heading to ukraine. and then play dumb (like they play dumb about ns1 and ns2) “-it was not russia, but we will unilaterally investigate the incident”.


🫵🤡 😆😆😆

7million ukra widows

🫵🤡 😆😆😆
🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Cornish Gamehen

a whole 100 missiles! wow! is it cuba arming ukraine or the usa ????
guess the chew oligarchs stole everything not nailed down so this is all they have left.


indeed they need to start sinking nato ships and aircraft, it was not us it was them. lol!

captain hohol

nah, just straight up blast it as soon as it reaches a logistic staging area in ukraine, like as soon as it’s aggregated before it goes to the front line.

like boom, right off the line, literally spawn camping ukraine’s western region of anything useful.

Guy Metdrapedes

that would be beneficial to russia. both sides are to prolong the war and eradicate the populous for the eventual declaration of a new jewish homeland from crimea to odessa. 100% this will happen and russia/america/china i.e. jewish controlled nations will be all for it.

jens holm

mixing in jews show yourself well.

Malcolm Z

send p-800 onyx to houttis


with what?😂


a single zircon should do the trick.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes 💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
Dumb and Hypocrite

with an hypersonic kinzhal, then play the dumb “-my sympathy goes to the ship now sunk in the atlantic ocean. we will support the american investigation”

Ramses II

you mean the coconut slingshot they invented themselves, or is it something russia have stolen you have hopes for? did you steal your television in a looting raid?


and it’s probably much more – poor ruzzian nazis 😆😆😆

Simon Wiesenthal

dont put the word russian in your dirty fascist mouth, piece of shit. the only nazis in this conflict are the ultranationalists of the kiev junta, they openly worship stepan bandera who was an ally of adolf hitler. and the junta is led by the azov wolfsangel , ss kraken and right sector who are all self declared neonazis, so kill yourself and go to hell


sure, buddy. selenskyj is a jew – fk off with your hilarious ruzzian nazi propaganda 🫵🤡 😆😆😆

7million ukra widows

so what? are you retarded? any jew can be a nazi. nationalsozialismus is not a religion, but a ideology. i would call him a capo for the azov, who as a matter of fact put him in power. 🫵🤡 😆😆😆 😆😆

Last edited 10 months ago by 7million ukra widows
jens holm

anyone else can too.

karl marx was jew and communist.

your problems are well educated people of course decide more and more often often becomes rich.

the russian opperclass and very much the church decided you no matter what that were best as silent uneducated dummies.

your communists decided same thing.

jens holm

thats why you dont like jews. they educate so they can run things and create jobs, innovation for many more them selves. its easy. far out if there are buyers of the produced stuff.

but thats no jewish thing.

it goes for most of the western economics. and many othern parts af the world. even china has erased the dogme, that uneducated farmers can run a state.

jens holm

if jews were too much in eastern europe, it was your own fault as today havning good schools, hardly no meddleclass edutation and structeres controlling the completly wrong thing.

but your jewish dingeling or tingeling works well here in denmark. russia is 1/4 of our gdp.

we have high tax, where it pay for our many needs.


this shows you submissive morons live in nanny state amerikan colony

almost a million ukra widows

actually this was the reason why the wolfsangel nazis (aka azov battalion) put elensky as a puppet president, because he was a jew so they could use it as the “nose” so that nobody can say: “nazis are in the power in kiev”. the strategy went wrong. i say, we say anyways: “-today 25 of april, nazis are in the power in kiev”.

jens holm

but 73% voted for zelinsky and the nazis there is 2,14%.

its not russia, where people could elect between one person. it seemes you bot even know ukraine is👩‍🦽👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽


kiev university—zelensky 23% approval–idiot moron in dumbmark

Last edited 10 months ago by Shaman
Uncle Tom

hitlers mom was a jew too

jens holm

thasts right. hitler didnt like pigs is the proof.


nazi and mental retarded, the tards dont even know what a a nazi is, the half brains tards from sf are amazing, little vlad is a copy paste from hitler


i know we americans love supporting nazis. thats why we support you little guillable nato idiots. nazus all the same in the euwest, from germany to britain. and you idiots will fight yet another world war on your soil for our mighty us dollar.

clowns 🫵🤡 😆😆😆


go learn what a nazi is little tard and if you mess with nato you ll disappeared from map


i am american, and you little eurotard nazis cant touch us. in fact, you dance to our tune like good little bitches!

hahahaha 😆😆😆


be proud, your failing economy and out of control money printing and spending will be your downfall soon enough. the biggest national debt in the observable universe, what an accomplishment

jens holm

and compred to what.

next time time you look in your dark behind, you can try to use a candle.

you put in others systems in your collapsed own one.

debt is not as in your infection. you might understand postive debt.

its renting a cow and you sell the milk for more then the rent is. so you has to subtract the healthy part fx making some 75.000 dollars pr capita.

russia economy made some 15.000 almost passive.

jens holm

for twenty-five øre coin all mans can put candle in my dark behind. for two twenty-five øre coins all mans can milk me like a cow.


inferior nazi holm jealous of superior russian

Moshe Dayan

yes, a loaf of bread should soon be 5000 reichsmarks at the rate of money printing in weimerica. don’t understand money supply and economics huh?

jens holm

if you would be right, you would be in a instution paid with rubel donations.

Moshe Dayan

go get another depopulation “vaccine” you useless simpleton. your government paid money to have your own people injected with a bio weapon that is killing your own country. gtf outta here with your cia talking points: no european media is free or independent. go get another booster, your family too. clown 🤡

jens holm

in the most you have seen a picture of a empty coca cola bottle.

jens holm

all mans can insert empty coca cola bottle in me for twenty-five øre coin

Moshe Dayan

yes, inside your colon probably too. clown 🤡

jens holm

stalin learned them that. all the enemies by definition are nazis are enemy of his state.

thats they learn in school today back in ussr.


amerikan hillbilly ugly—too stupid to waste effort on

captain hohol

only a western leftist moron could use the word nazi that way. ukraine has literal nazis and paraded around some world war 2 ss dude in canada.

the most idiotic joke in these times is thinking that not bowing down to the wef or the lgbtomgwtfbbq agenda somehow makes a person a “nazi”.


mi6 brought thousands of bona fide ukrainian nazis to canada and used them to infiltrate the tradiitonal ukrainian-canadian social structures, which were pro-labour. ukrainian nationalism was always some kooky fascist identitarian rubbish, and remains so.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
Edgar Zetar

i don’t know what the supreme hegemon of usa empire think about the world. everything they said and everything they tried to create after wwii was a lie, a deceit. the western world they created after wwii is collapsing, the children’s are worst than hyenas, the colonies of the empire worldwide have no soul and their soul is weighted on gold and money, the jews are the elites, the church is an alibi in all this insanity. so to speak, the sword and the blood of the defeated rules this world.

Edgar Zetar

it seems to me that usa empire take off their mask after u.s.s.r collapse. what they have done in this thirty years are unbelievable. the radical liberal democracy world was an attempt to expand the empire worldwide using softpower and converting men’s into childrens, virtues into sins and sins are the light and the true of western world, brainwashed bots are the childrens of the empire everyone else are quietly assassinated in secret like this atacms sent to ukraine.


they took off the mask in 1972. what they had done already in vietnam couldn’t be denied, and they decided to give up on any pretense of humanity.

jens holm

there were no mask. they tryed to controll the french indochina agains communists.

for good reasons it was a go.

vietnamjust after that kept chinese influence away with more then artillery. and the chinese volksturm had to retreat as well.

they now are dictatorship with 5.500 gdp but their own


no, the united states tried and failed to preserve a french colony in indochina. then they installed a puppet regime in saigon, which also failed. and in the process 3 million vietnamese, along with many cambodians and laotions died.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde

immoral holm worship money hates life—

Moshe Dayan

the shoes for sale in your country are from communist vietnam.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
jens holm

hegemon did it again. it did not need to read the rest.

you have have no idea about the life were and live in the past as well.

as usual you you even not present options for something better. if you are russian you even are stricly forbidden that in your own country

Edgar Zetar

this could be a better world after u.s.s.r collapse if usa empire was different but they weren’t, they were just pretending, now we have the 2030 reset agenda, soros, the hebrews, the propaganda, social networking mass destroying society, lgbt agenda, even internal usa policy and usa citizens struggling are faling apart, the big pharma poisoning and so on, so on. i should not reply to jens holms the bot brainwashed. the monopoly of the world brought us here at the bottom of the cliff.


monkey holm need better lgbt therapist—psychotic bitterness cause senility

Massa John

putin has to take out more urkrainian infrastructur, powerplants, railway-hubs and bridges. this smo is a war now.


i would be happy with just zelensky and co. being taken out

Last edited 10 months ago by Captain
jens holm

send a mail or some candy

Moshe Dayan

like your old men give you after you do favors for them with your mouth and buttocks.


exprima neputinta. deci toata panoplia de rachete vestice au fost folosite. sa invete sa le intercepteze si pe acestea si noaptea sa nu mai doarma sau pe luna plina : sa le astepte!

Dick Von D'Astard

moscow could and should take retaliatory action in syria by flattening u.s. terrorist bases.


give powerful weapons to houthis, hezbollah and al assad. give free tickets for african migrants who want to enter the us via south america. friendship with china.

jens holm

we will parashute to russia.

the muslims are the best. they dont drink alcohol and anytime more viril object for the vomen there.


why dont they ever do that? or take out zelensky?

jens holm

maybee they are not as bright as you

Joseph Robinette Biden

“-congressman trump wanted to cut jobs, president harris and i avoided that”.



jens holm

most likely you hard againt war too 😊


the tards from russia and sf must learn what a nazi is , must of them have less culture than a chicken


i know what ait nazi is

🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Uncle Tom

every time you look in the mirror you see a nazi sympathizer tom sewer

jens holm

i dont think so.


moron monkey holm cannot think

Nato Wunderwaffen

lets define “culture” – custom and norms that have weathered the test of time. america’s 248 year lifesan is too infantile to call culture. europe has sparked 3 world wars, so they cannot be classed as civilized. where are you in the equation, cupcake?


yarosh, biletsky, tyahnybok, c14, etc. ad infinitum.

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes. 💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde

once again i have to apologize for the incoherent ramblings a while ago.
its the transitioning drugs i use, and my mental health issues.

i love nazis and have buttsex with my favourite one, jens holm!
🤡 😆😆😆

US Empire Of Misery

maybe russia should “secretly” ship something to the enemies of the usa

jens holm

they do. thats no secret in our parts af the world. we even tax it.

Ramses II

send the kidnapped ukrainians children to usa?

Moshe Dayan

ukraine is a world hub of human trafficking in children and illegal drugs . that’s why the pedo politicians send so much money there: to keep the flow of children to harm for the criminals who run the western governments.

Nato Wunderwaffen

the nato wunderwaffen is coming to rescue ghost of kiev

Edgar Zetar

hahahah fairy tale hollywood stories, masses are brainwashed to believe non senses.


the rumors about the us having already shipped most of the aid that was going to be given to them after the 61 billion bill was passed have been floating around for months. entire warehouses in eastern europe full of us weapons just waiting for the bill to pass. now you know why peace was never an option.

jens holm

it might be too, but they take from the nato bases and up them again.

its very complicated. we move bases and stuff to our new boders and close some too.

there a new plans. i fx it could be a good one with better railroad track from harbours in norway into sweden. so far just an idea.

Bear Facts

when russia decides to stop the nato treadmill in ukraine they will have the best nuclear arsenal on the planet. those who predict collapse or submission will likely be disappointed.

jens holm

and if use it, there will no earth unless you are an ant

Ramses II

is it stolen technology?


the us has never played by any rules, never in its short history. if a politicians lips are moving, he or she is lying. most unethical country on the planet.

jens holm

they take care of themselves. thats rule.

usa were forced to over because italy, germany, uk, france and japan lost it.

and usa try to avoid being in ww1 as well as ww2. after that forced entry they of course wanted some control( opposite old politics as trump)

jens holm

i stupid feminine less intelligent than amerikan monkey

jens holm

“amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. daniel boorstin


“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes them uncomfortable”. hunter thompson


the correct term is amerikkkans. by virtue of dna.

R. Ambrose Raven

as with zionist violence, escalation is psychologically unavoidable; the only alternative is admitting defeat. likewise, the aim is to persuade, coerce or entrap as many other countries as possible in war with russia, china, iran and [insert enemy state names here]. as with me, for instance – even if my comments are immediately automatically deleted, i can still say later “i told you so”. having deleted my comment, you can’t prove i didn’t.


tak ako som to už napísal niekde inde. už sú na ukrajine dávno!!! robili okolo toho tajnosti aby mohli zase raz zasadiť nečakaný úder rusom. rusi by mali byť teraz obzvlášť ostražitý, kerčský most je v ohrození a tak isto prístavy na kryme.

jens holm

fine with me.

russians throw anything, so why not.

jens holm

only fine for me is nazi senility worship money

Briggite Macron

my real name is “jean-michel trogneux”


bonjur mr. macron loverboy. are you interested joining me and jens holm for some buttsex?

we love nazi buttsex! 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

and you green fat with 3 legs fit for windpower services?

jens holm

i think best when i fart after bf remove his peniz from azz


yep, only brainless idiots believe that a trans can have kids – you must be a putin fanboy 😆😆😆


slowly slowly catch the monkey. usa is cutting their own throats and those senators owned by the military cartels are hanging the nation out to dry! but you do so deserve it!


even 1000 missiles will not stop the russian people, nazi’s play the same useless game as in 1945 with v2 rockets

jens holm

we will see. they must be rather old.


moron senile nazi holm only see mulatto peniz in your mouth

Crocus Shooting Gallery

it’s going to get very hot in moscow…heheheh


well, the russians can go cool off in the sea of azov, unlike the unfortunate citizens of the failed ukrainian cia project, who can’t get anywhere near the shore.

jens holm

is bunny there are 🐮

Ramses II

azov, it is something stolen. they can enjoy the stolen goods you say, same as laundry machine, and private underwear from looting spree.


dumb gay amerikunt rammed in azz envious–humiliated by superior russian

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
jens holm

i like mulatto fist in my azz

Moshe Dayan



holm jens had a stroke yesterday–he gained 7 brain cells

Moshe Dayan


Edgar Zetar

could we make a fund to send all the jens holms to fight russia please? so we can have a peaceful comments section here at sf. all the jens holms would last less than a minute in ukraine border fighting the 3vil russians as jens holms like to call them, the flying toilets will destroy them and their inferior weapons so fast jens holms wouldn’t even a time to piss in their pink underwear.
