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China and Japan Must Thus Finally Agree Now, To Avoid A War
Written by Eric Zuesse
The United States Government is pressing Japan’s Government to revise its 1947 U.S.-created Constitution so as to eliminate its clause (Article 9) that prevents Japan from invading any country. The clause asserts that:
the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
The reason for this change is that Japan could play a decisive role assisting America’s unofficial war against America’s World War II ally China, which country America’s Government wants to turn into a vassal-nation like Japan long has been (ever since 1945).
America especially wants Japan to invade China when and if China invades (so as to retake control over) the Republic of China, which is China’s province of Taiwan, which province Japan had conquered from China in 1895, and which province the United States Government in 1945 forced Japan to return to China, as part of Japan’s WW II surrender, which today’s U.S. Government now wants to reverse, so that China can now become captured by America as Japan was captured in 1945.
Only if Taiwan becomes separated from China can America defeat China, which would greatly advance America toward its goal of being the world’s hegemon, the first-ever all-encompassing global empire.
So: America has now 100% reversed its position during WW II, of opposing Japan and supporting China, to instead opposing China and supporting Japan. Removal of the peaceful-nation clause in the U.S.-written Japanese Constitution will be necessary for this purpose.
If America succeeds in restoring Japan’s “right of belligerency,” then here is why Japan would provide crucial assistance to the U.S. regime’s effort to grab Taiwan for the U.S. empire and so to conquer China:
On 9 June 2022, Salman Rafi Sheikh was the first person to make note of the fact that the U.S. imperial regime has instructed both of its two former WW II enemies, Germany and Japan, to re-arm, but, this time for America’s empire, instead of for their own. (In other words: the U.S. regime’s view is that imperialistic fascism is okay if the empire is America, but NOT if the empire is Germany, or Japan.) He headlined “How Washington is Turning the Pacific into a New Theatre of NATO’s Conflict”, and noted that, “Japan’s drive to arm itself has an interesting parallel in Europe, where Germany, too, has decided to massively increase its total defence spending to 100 billion euros. With Washington actively supporting these critical changes to establish powerful militaries around its core rival states – Russia and China [respectively] in Europe and Asia – new forms of conflict are likely to emerge, with prospects of major counter alliances on the horizon too.” He went on to say:
Japan’s increasing defence budget comes on top of the full possibility of “interoperability” between the US and Japanese units, allowing the latter to “practice its forward-deployed attack capabilities.” What is extremely important to note here is that the core purpose of the “interoperability” is not defensive; it is offensive, which means that Japan’s so-called “pacifism” is nothing more than a rhetoric that Tokyo uses – and will continue to use – to mask its rapidly growing military preparedness against Russia and China.
That this process is being actively supported by the US is evident from the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s announcement, on the sidelines of Biden’s Tokyo visit, to “drastically strengthen” its military capabilities.
According to a new economic policy draft released by the Kishida administration, the decision is a response to “attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by forces in East Asia, making regional security increasingly severe.” If this assessment sounds vague, it is by design to camouflage Japan’s rise as a new military power that can rival Russia and China as a US ally.
In fact, it is already acting as a US ally against Russia in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In April, Japanese officials announced that they will send defence equipment – drones and protective gear – to Ukraine to help the Ukrainian military fight the Russian forces. While Japan’s Self-Defence Forces rules prohibit the transfer of defence products to other countries, Defence Minister Nobuo Kishi justified this transfer as “commercial” and “disused items.” More self-serving justifications will be invented to mask Japan’s so-called “pacifist militarization.”
Further tensions with Russia are likely to follow. In April, around the same time Tokyo announced increasing its budget, the Japanese government also shifted its stance on the Kuril islands.
In its 2022 Diplomatic Bluebook, Japan said that “The Northern Territories are a group of islands Japan has sovereignty over and an integral part of Japan’s territory, but currently they are illegally occupied by Russia.”
This description is a major diplomatic shift insofar as it raises the level of tensions surrounding what was previously disputed territory. Calling Russia an “illegal” occupier shows Japan just subscribing to the western narrative about the Russian “occupation” of Crimea.
In practical terms, by raising the temperature against Russia (and China as well), Japan is transforming itself into a front-line military ally of the US and NATO in this part of the world.
Japan’s militarization under the shadow of US support is also tied to how the US/West is increasingly projecting NATO not as a regional alliance; in fact, recent developments have shown how NATO is arrogating to itself a “global” role. In April, the UK’s foreign minister Liz Truss called for a “global NATO.” She added that NATO must have a “global outlook” to be able ” to pre-empt threats in the Indo-Pacific, working with our allies like Japan and Australia to ensure the Pacific is protected. And we must ensure that democracies like Taiwan are able to defend themselves.”
Japan is, thus, by default a logical extension of NATO’s global i.e., anti-Russia and anti-China, geo-politics. Tokyo’s decision to re-arm itself to acquire offensive capability is, thus, not tied to its own needs but to the ways the US is manufacturing a global anti-Russia and anti-China coalition to defeat them and sustain its own global hegemony.
On Sunday, 21 August 2022, Japan Times bannered “Japan weighs deploying over 1,000 longer-range missiles amid China tensions”, and reported that,
With an eye toward narrowing a cavernous “missile gap” with China, Japan is considering stockpiling more than 1,000 long-range cruise missiles, a report said Sunday, as tensions over Taiwan grow.
The Defense Ministry is looking to deploy its ground-launched Type-12 standoff missiles — and extend their range from around 200 kilometers (124 miles) to more than 1,000 km — mainly to its far-flung southwestern islands and the Kyushu region, the Yomiuri daily reported, citing unidentified government sources.
The envisioned weapons, which would also be ship- and air-launch capable, would put the Chinese and North Korean coasts within striking distance, the report added.
In order to acquire the weapons at an early date, the Defense Ministry could include requests for them when it unveils its initial budget proposal for fiscal 2023, which is expected to be released at the end of this month.
On August 24th, Russia’s RT headlined “Drawing the sword: Is Japan getting ready to move against China? Relations with Beijing are crucial for regional trade, but is Tokyo ready to put it all on the line over Taiwan and Washington’s favor?”, and opined that, “Japan now makes it publicly known that the continued autonomy of Taiwan is critical to its own survival. Why? Because a reunification of the island with mainland China would result in Beijing gaining maritime dominance around all of Japan’s southwest periphery.” Furthermore: “Taiwan, once under the colonial rule of Japan, which annexed it from China, has also increased its pro-Japan sentiment significantly. Taiwan, once under the colonial rule of Japan, which annexed it from China, has also increased its pro-Japan sentiment significantly.”
Wikipedia’s article “China-Japan relations” makes quite clear that the national economies of China and Japan are highly dependent upon each other. Furthermore, if a reader understands that historically the winners of wars have received reparations payments from the war’s losers (who usually were the victim not the aggressor) the article makes quite clear that Japan has consistently been the aggressor and imperialist against China, which suffered enormously from Japan’s aggressions against China, and ended up losing not only those wars but those reparations-payments to the victor, each time (namely, these were China’s payments to Japan):
From late 19th century to early 20th century, one of the many factors contributing to the bankruptcy of the Qing government was Japan’s requirement for large amount of war reparations. China paid huge amounts of silver to Japan under various treaties, including the Sino-Japanese Friendship and Trade Treaty (1871), Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), the Triple Intervention (1895) and the Boxer Protocol (1901). After the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894–95, the Qing government paid a total of 200,000,000 taels of silver to Japan for reparations.[76]
The Second Sino-Japanese War 1936-1945 also caused huge economic losses to China. However, Chiang Kai-shek waived reparations claims for the war when the ROC concluded the Treaty of Taipei with Japan in 1952. Similarly, when Japan normalized its relations with the PRC in 1972, Mao Zedong waived the claim of war reparations from Japan.[77]
So: because the post-FDR U.S. Government, which has dominated the world since 1945, opposed China and supported Japan, WW II’s victor in that War was the new Truman-created (FDR-rejecting) U.S. imperial regime, which didn’t want its Japanese possession to become subjected to having to pay war-debts for Japan’s barbarisms (such as the Rape of Nanking against Chinese), Japan, yet again, got away with murder — mass-murder, of course — when WW II ended. Japan lucked-out, to become now a vassal-nation in the world’s new imperialistic fascist empire, of America, the U.S. empire; so, China, yet again, ate all its losses, instead of being compensated for any of them. Under the new Truman policy, China was being treated as an enemy, no longer as an ally (as it had been under FDR). This has been the U.S. regime’s policy ever since, and especially recently as that regime now tries to complete its all-inclusive global empire, or “hegemony,” by taking both China and Russia.
However, even Japan will suffer if it joins in America’s war against China. Here is why:
Japan is faced now with choosing between being a possession of Americans, and the U.S. regime’s main enforcer against Asians, in that win-lose global-imperialistic game; or, else, becoming, for the first time, an ally, actually, in an authentic win-win game, along with all other Asian countries, including and led by the largest of them all, China, which already is Japan’s top trading-partner, doing 23.47% of its combined imports and exports, as compared with its #2 trading-partner, America, which is 11.27%, less than half as much as with China. With America, the game would be worse (even IF Japan would win, which is doubtful), and the economic damage to the Japanese people would be immense (especially if China wins in that win-lose game, which outcome would not be unlikely; and, this time, the Japanese people WOULD be paying reparations in addition to their war-losses; so, it would be the most damaging defeat ever for Japan, far worse than WW II).
CONSEQUENTLY, FOR THE WELFARE OF BOTH THE CHINESE AND THE JAPANESE PEOPLE: Negotiators from both countries, plus from each of the region’s OTHER countries, must meet together at a comprehensive East-Asian Conference, to draw up a regional strategy for the coming Asia-dominated Century, repudiating and renouncing ALL empires, and ALL needless win-lose international games.
If this fails to happen (and reasonably soon), then a WW III will likely occur, and it will destroy the entire planet. The U.S. regime is set upon a course of world-conquest, which will end either now peacefully, or else soon with WW III. Japan will make the key decision. (I am expecting it to be for war, because Japan has been an obedient vassal-nation ever since 1945.)
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.
Japan imports all of her oil. Blockade Japan from the sea and the Japanese are unable to do anything
Japan was nuked twice and has been occupied by US rapists since 1945 and has zero say in anything, same goes for Germans and Italians or any EU vassal.
absolute truth… we were great when we were a nation not so great now that we are an empire
But they all love it and support it. Something wrong with picture altogether.
Yes they Zio empire calls the shots in Japan as long as the people have food to eat. Japan is even more dependant on Russia then Germany and Japan’s economy can’t survive weeks without Russia and China. They ony have to cut off the Japanese economy and there will be regime change very quickly in weeks not months as they starve and freeze
A war with China will result in that anyway. With modern missiles being what they are, all ships will be sunk.
China needs to mass produce missiles.
The Jewish oligarchs who run Russia can’t stop selling oil and gas, that is their only reason for having anything to do with Russia at all.
Yes Japan is even more dependant on Russia then Germany and Japans economy can’t survive without Russia and China. They ony have to cut off the Japanese economy and there will be regime change very quickly in weeks not months as they starve and freeze
The evil Jew Blinken wants Japanese cannon fodder to fight China, they are also pushing our resident CIA stooge Modi to start a conflict too. The racist Anglo-Zionist scum want Asians to commit suicide. The people in the streets are aware and we have seen the results of Jew fanned bloodshed in Ukraine. JAI RUS!
So does the evil Catholic Biden. What is the relevance of religion here? None.
Joe Biden calls himself a Catholic but he is an abortion promoting puppet. So he is neither a Catholic or a Christian.
All religious worshipers lack a healthy and reasonable way of thinking.
They have shown that they have allowed themselves to be forced into an unnatural, unscientific and illogical religious worship.
Not good.
Oh, there aren’t any anti-abortion Jews? REALLY?
He wrote “jew” do you see it as ” religion”?!
The USA-Zionists get Japan to attack from one side and the Islamist Uighurs in Turkey/China from the other.
For the Zionists it is easy to pay some corrupt Imams to persuade illiterate Islamists to go to war for Islam and Allah.
India has already had armed conflict with China.
It will not be easy for China to have a war on several fronts.
Here, medieval mythological religions have a lot to say about the major conflict with China.
Religions have played a major role in all wars.
Biden is no Catholic, he said he is a zionist and believes in Jewish supremacy
Please cite your source for that allegation.
The “Knights of the Bushido ” starting up again insanely cruel violence probably forgotten about now or “played down ” — Home coming vets in the UK that survived were just bones and flesh many died trying to eat- body organs decayed.
I have zero sympathy for the mental dogma of that nation and remember Russia is beefing up its missiles in the Japanese disputed islands now part of Russia – Russia never signed a peace treaty with Japan.
Taiwan was never a province of communist china and was never under the control of communist china either…..
You’re playing language games here and you know it. And hence the down votes.
Taiwan is China and has it written in Chinese in its Chinese constitution.
They were separated from the mainland after a civil war.
Yes but their civil war is still ongoing. Unlike the Koreans, they don’t even have an armistice.
Some would say this is the real reason they (Jap nationalists) killed Shinzo Abe.
For whatever reason it’s alleged that he was beloved (?), trusted (?), and not interested in
“de-Japaning Japan”.
Hat-top to Eric Zeusse for leading me to this view of things.
I’m of the opinion that it’s the other way around. Shinzo Abe was well known to be a nationalists; working towards changing Japan’s constitution.
Mr. Zeusse notes Abe’s nationalism but I believe his brand of nationalism was not willing to become a western stooge. In lots of ways no different from Ukropsian nationalists who get into bed with whomever if it means they get to be in power (think how Ukropsians now claim Bandera wasn’t a Nazi, just a nationalist willing to do what it takes).
I don’t speak Japanese and don’t know that country. But Shinzo Abe apparently was the senior figure in Japanese politics, and probably still the éminence grise behind the Kishida government.
So whose interests does it serve to have the senior figure assassinated when the USA wants to enroll Japan in a madman’s agenda for destructive war that will not help Japan one bit on the road to freedom from American occupation?
The conclusion is obvious. It is the USA who had Shinzo Abe assassinated. Did they enlist the help of some Japanese useful idiots? Probably yes, as in many other cases. But what does it matter?
Japan was on the wrong side during the last world war and they will be on the wrong side of this coming war currently being waged by america and its poodles.
The USadmin is fully prepared to let millions of people die so that they can still call the shots around the world. That hasn’t gone so well over the years has it? The world is now a basket case due to US warmongering, shit stirring, thievery, and calling the shots. Everything they touch is corrupted.
China, Russia, and just over half the planet don’t agree with USadmin plans to rule the world. Most of the nato people don’t agree with their pirate overlords. A mutiny is inevitable. I’m guessing that most nato gov’ts run by the NWO won’t see out this winter or the next.
The US and its nato poodles have swindled their own people of their wealth. They have experimented on them for profit. These rogue gov’ts now think they can starve and freeze people into joining their deadly game. The Queen’s shilling isn’t worth a farthing, so tell them to stuff it.
It’s time the people of the world put their trust in someone else because all i see running the USadmin and its nato poodles are irresponsible and dangerous hypocrites.
No.10 has prepared for this –have you seen the new UK police powers ?? on a par with the Gestapo and the Tories will declare “national emergency ” meaning troops on the streets -don’t know how it will go down in England but I cant see Glasgow standing for it.
The Scots are powerless. They would have to follow what their Irish cousins did back in the past.
a much more complex situation—as US influence declines Japan will need change or decline
Jews will stir up wars between the gentiles anywhere. The only war Jews will not stir up is war with Jews. Got it?
The first nation to be nuked should be Israel. One Tsar Bomba on Tel Aviv should fix part of the problem, but then you have the Jews in London, New York, and elsewhere to wage war against.
Hiroshima… Nagasaki…
And of course “3/11” https://311truth.wordpress.com/2014/01/18/magna-bsp-the-israeli-connection-to-311-terrorism-at-fukushima/ after trying to decouple from $USD and assisting Iran with their approved UN commercial nuclear enrichment ambitions…
The rest… Is history… Once a Terr0ri$t … https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners ALWAYS a Terrori$t!…
Japan, Germany, US and the entire western world are occupied territories and do not have sovereignty to make any decisions without the approval of the banking parasites who own them.
Смерть Америке
the US is running out of Ukrainians. The Japanese can spare a few million and the body bags are free
Japan is full of lady boys. A great deal of their men have been feminized.
“I am expecting it to be for war, because Japan has been an obedient vassal-nation ever since 1945.”
As am I. But there’s more to Japan than vassalage. Japanese elites haven’t changed their stance that they are the true leaders of East Asia.
I’m of the opinion that Shinzo Abe’s assassination is more than what the official narrative states (i.e. attacking a religious cult for their wrong doing). It’s possible that the assassination is an attempt to stop the bad actors on the global stage to kick off World War 3 which Abe is a part of.
Soon the Russians will get kicked off of all those islands by the new Japanese army. They can complain about that to the UN too.
The world would be a better place without the JAPs and their Heimy Jew whore masters.
USA is the biggest danger for the existence of humanity. USA is the tool in the hand of Satan. Is incredible that the national state USA peoples support the bloody Empire USA.
Abe Shinzo was the most sneaky figure of the Japanese nationalists: he pretended, and made the world believe it, that he was not a nationalist, but he was. Although US interests now include Japan as a belligerent ally against China, this satanic claim could have been prevented by Abe Shinzo. Abe was a thoughtful and level-headed nationalist. Nationalists are usually hot-headed and therefore easily drawn into any kind of mischief that represents their perceived interests.