U.S. Army soldiers conduct training drills and fire missions with M142 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) at an undisclosed location in Syria (U.S. Marine Corps video by Sgt. Matthew Callahan)
On May 1, US President Biden declared the supply of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine. It turned out that the weeks-long process of discussion on the transfer of the NATO heavy multiple launch rocket systems to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) was only a formality. In fact, the United States sent the HIMARS to Ukraine in advance.
The systems had already arrived on the territory of Poland through the Baltic Sea. They are expected to be deployed with the AFU on the Donbass front lines in several weeks, as there is still the need to train the Ukrainian military to use them.
“To ensure the most rapid delivery of HIMARS systems to Ukraine, DOD pre-positioned systems inside Europe in anticipation of the president’s decision to approve their transfer to Ukraine.” – said Colin H. Kahl, Pentagon undersecretary of defense for policy.
In total, one HIMARS MLRS battery consisting of 4 combat vehicles will be transferred to Ukraine. In turn, Germany and the United Kingdom have also expressed their readiness to transfer similar M-142 HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine, which would expand their number in service with the AFU to three batteries, i.e. 12 combat vehicles.
“What the HIMARS will allow them to do is to get greater standoff. Right now, the Howitzers we provided them have about a 30 km range; the HIMARS have more than twice that, which will allow them — even with fewer systems — greater standoff,” said Colin H. Kahl, undersecretary of defense for policy, during a briefing at the Pentagon.
In addition to the four HIMARS systems, this latest package of equipment for Ukraine will include:
- five counter-artillery radar systems;
- two air-surveillance radars;
- 1,000 Javelins and 50 command launch units;
- 6,000 antiarmor weapons;
- 15,000 155-mm artillery rounds;
- four Mi-17 helicopters;
- 15 tactical vehicles;
- and additional spare parts and equipment.
The new package is $700 million dollars worth. Since February 24, the U.S. has provided $4.6 billion in assistance to Ukraine. Recently, Congress approved, and the US president signed, an additional $40 billion in support to Ukraine — $8 billion of that is for additional presidential drawdown authority.
The Kiev regime has reportedly given guarantees to the United States not to use these complexes for strikes on the Russian territory. However, the year-long conflict in Ukraine has already proven that the Kiev’s promises are hard to be trusted.
The Kremlin commented on the transfer of American multiple launch rocket systems to Kiev, claiming that “this would not contribute to the resumption of peace talks”.
On May 1, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that the foreign long-range missile systems provided by the U.S. are expected to be used in bloody provocations of the Kiev regime:
” According to reliable operational information obtained as a result of the interception of radio communications, the Kiev regime plans to carry out another inhuman provocation in the city of Shostka, Sumy region. In the near future, long-range missile systems are expected to be delivered to Shostka from the United States, with the help of which the militants of the armed formations of Ukraine, by order of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), plan to strike at the border territory of the Russian Federation directly from residential areas of the city. With these actions, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis expect to provoke the Russian Armed Forces to open the return fire, after which they accuse them of indiscriminate attacks on civilian infrastructure facilities and the destruction of the Ukrainian civilians.
During this provocation, on the instructions of the Kiev authorities, it is planned to involve Ukrainian and foreign journalists to prepare fake photos and videos about the alleged “murders of civilians by Russians”, which will be widely distributed by Western news agencies.”
As soon as Russian-led forces gained strategic victories on the Donbass battlefield and the AFU are doomed to lose their positions in large cities and nearby areas in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, the Kiev’s allies resumed their attempts to stir the pot.
The Washington’s policy clearly demonstrate that the real goal of the West is not to end the Ukraine war but to prolong the conflict as long as possible. At the same time, the declarations made by the Ukrainian and US authorities suggest that the West’s actions are balanced in order not to cross the red lines and not to inflame the WWIII. For example, the Polish military is yet to enter the conflict to support the AFU on the ground despite the numerous claims of the officials of the “fraternal nations”.
Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, listen and understand, we are in Ukraine only to destroy fascists and Nazis, hard-core war criminals and their criminal leadership. There are no complaints about you as an ordinary soldier. Take as an example how your own soldiers rebuffed the Nazis near Kharkov (in Pecheneg). The Nazis / Banderites are a very pee-loving creature. They’re just a bunch. Unite the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and take everything into your own hands. You have guns and you are bigger. You are not meat and not the material to go under the gun of the Nazis into the fire. Let them go under your gun.
You have no chance, the weapons of Europe will not give you an advantage. For example, the Coalition self-propelled guns are hitting 80 km, and you are only dreaming about it. This vaunted himars has ALREADY worked near Kharkov and near Slavyansk (super victories did not bring). And separately, I would like to close the topic with “rapes”. The fool who lied about it was fired, this pervert who spread fakes (Denisova). So don’t be ashamed, even if you are bots, just keep quiet about these fakes, and you will pass for smart.
Those are like the shitty leaflets the Nazis used to throw from the air in Poland before they murdered everybody.
you must know since you make blow jobs to Nazis !!!
Stupid whore Denisova is here again! How many perverted thoughts have raped your worthless brain today? And by the way, what is written above, IT IS YOUR SOLDIERS, many units, WHO SAY IT. Those soldiers who are not yet in captivity and have not been killed. So I repeat, what I wrote in the first post, YOUR SOLDIERS SAY, not in captivity, but in their positions. And again a Lie, stupid bitch Denisova can’t do without fakes. We are in captivity, we don’t even touch the Azov nazi. everyone is fed, everyone is warm. Don’t judge others by themselves, it’s you who throw your wounded and killed when you run away. Many prisoners of war called their homes and talked to their families.
she must be a reich ss clone with dreams of being treated like a rubbish bin
Banderists slaughtered +100.000 Poles. It must be the reason they they love each other so much today…
and Polacks killed more Jews than Germans according to their own historian.
No surprise Polish fascist government was the first and most fanatical Hitler’s ally 1933-1939 along with the UK
Russia will hopefully be well onto this. Destroy all transport roads, rail and air for these weapons to be delivered to Ukraine. Destroy these weapons in the air and on the ground as soon as they try and bring them into Ukraine. My prayers to the Russian, Donetsk and Luhansk forces.
Did you just figure that one out? Maybe you should’ve figured it out three month ago when you tried to topple Zelensky and the shitty Russian army was crushed in Kiev.
Hey Muh, married any preteens lately? Fucking pedophile.
Looks to me the only pedophiles on these pages have a large “Z” on their backs.
Non sai quel che dici! Rifletti prima di offendere. Parlare così non è proprio delle persone civili…
You have been proved right just now.
Its just been announced that the railway from Poland delivering weapons has been taken out.
Finalmente, dopo tanti discorsi letteralmente privi di significato, leggo le tue parole semplici ma sensate e competenti. Bisogna che la Russia faccia come dici tu e come penso anch’io! Prego spesso per tutti i soldati russi, ceceni, LPR e DPR. PRIMO VICTORIA!
They must be destroyed asap. Before Ukraine uses them to start ww3
Ukraine has already used MLRS on Russian territories, these are no different than others other than having more accuracy and longer range.
More accurate? They’re GPS guided … Russia jams GPS. Longer range means longer flight time for SAMs to track and engage.
Stupid, they’ll just send some more.
WW3 is already started. It only takes 1 party left to join and that is Russia.
Uh… Russia sent the invitations.
They’re the one that flopped their nuclear donkey cock on the table and told the U.S to put up or shut up.
The only was to stop the US is to target a nuclear reactor complex with a nuclear weapon.
The atomization of a billion curries of spent fuel waste and the detonation of 50 tons of fissionable material in cooling ponds will settle the issue, once and for all.
It will trigger a mass extinction event but it’s not like we don’t deserve it. Fuck this species.
A tactical nuke on Kiev would end it. No one, including the US id going to fire back with a nuke.
“A tactical nuke on Kiev would end it”. No, it won’t. The US and their lapdogs will just push Russia harder.
First part is OK. You are wrong about the target.
Probabilmente è la soluzione giusta: l’ho pensato molte volte sin dall’inizio. Ci vuole del coraggio per farlo ma la fortuna ripaga gli audaci. MEMENTO AUDERE SEMPER, spero che Putin ricordi spesso questo detto motivazionale, di italica origine come tutti sanno.
Vladimir Putin is feeling the noose around his neck? The trials at Nuremberg will feel like mercy compared to what’s coming to him.
How many shekels do (((they))) pay you to be a spook?
sometimes they pay to much so they use his anus !!!
I’m not accepting money in roubles. They’re worthless.
lol you moron
ruble doubles its value in the last 3 months.
The prostitutes, however, lowered the price.
-1 to zero ?
Hey bitch, if you have so much time spewing bullshits, why don’t you get a job. I can’t keep whoring myself forever to feed a loser like you.
And how many years do you think he will live? He is probably already in a communist paradise along with Chavez and Mao.
Maybe they’ll catch a sparrow and interrogate him. You know Chavez is back tham in bird form.
I put the cards on the table: How bad is it in the communist heaven with Chavez and Mao? Is it better for Ukrainian women in European brothels?
Putin is going to be laughing at all the pronoun gang bitches screaming and crying as their own people round them up and shoot them when the american civil war starts.
Don’t get it twisted, Russia is going to absolutely skate on this, 100% they’ll be fine, Donbass will be fine. But the U.S is heading for a massive balkanization event that will tear that country to pieces and leave hardcore leftist states looking like Mogadishu.
No he will only be shoveling boiling shit in hell for eternity, like Ariel Sharon
I’m a teacher and have a family with a 6 years old child and I love my family but I agree with your sentiment. I can’t see anything good when a vile nation exert hegemony on the whole world. The future of my children/grandchildren will be much better if they’re born in another world.
IVE spent over have my life in war zones dealing with institutional corruption, psychopaths and the worse elements of the deep state. THE truth is that it only takes one nuclear strike on one nuclear power facility to trigger a mass extinction event. I worked on the science with some of the best and brightest for close to a decade on this issue. IT ONLY Takes one so we don’t need a next generation of nuclear weapons. When Biden provides the NAZIS with missiles that can target a reactor complex in Russia, Putin will strike the US.
A nuclear armageddon is getting more likely by the day. The US is striving for nuclear supremacy, meaning that they aim for making nuclear war winnable by obtaining the capability to destroy their adversaries nuclear arsenals. The MAD (mutual assured destruction) that kept things in balance during the cold war, will be a thing of the past. This ‘existential threat’ is reason that Russia doesn’t want missile launchers capable of launching nuclear weapons on their borders in Poland and Romania and of course also not in Ukraine.
Extinction of Russia be guaranteed. One US Trident submarine carries enough megatons to destroy every city in Russia with a population of 250,000 or greater. Pull the trigger and find out, you’ll be able to read any book you want from the glow of the land surrounding you.
I said it before and I say it again: to turn the tide of the war US needs to send 500 Himars to Ukraine, not 8 or 12 vehicles.
Look at world war 2, how many B-29 bombing planes did the US use ? Just 12 ?
Or how many Stalin-Orgel rocket launcher vehicles did the UDSSR in 1945 possess ? 8 , 12 or more likely somewhat in between 2000 – 5000, 15000 thousand or even more ? This should signal everybody that sending 12 (!) Himar vehicles over there is nothing but a sick joke ! It’s just to pro-long the war, not to win it.
500 Himars, and in addition 500 Reaper drones + 500 Bayraktar drones. That would indeed change the thing, and would enable the Ukrainian forces to blow the russian invader off from Donbass and all other parts of ukrainian territory. But 12 vehicles ?
This proves that both sides are fully infested and controlled by jews, who just want to prolong the war and get more white christians to senselessly massacre each other, for as long as possible, without any side winning the war.
Wake up, You are dreaming of an Ukraine victory!
They cannot train that many personnel so fast, + these drones would be vulnerable to Russian SAM systems anyways.
You and the Russians are so short-sighted. How much a drone cost and how much a missile cost? This is the exactly what the US always wanted to do, to bleed Russia until Russia is weak enough then a color revolution will be orchestrated inside Russia. I can see dark future for the Russian civilians if they’re current leadership isn’t wise enough.
The U.S will fall apart before that happens and suddenly everyone in Russia will look at what “wokeness” did to the U.S and they will shut their mouths and never again wish for cosmopolitan neoliberalism.
Quite right just ask the parents of Loudoun County -Virginia forces children to see a lesbian and homosexual pornographic book to be kept in their library .
Many parent are now teaching children from home.
That may be the only amount Ukraine can afford. Nato is not giving these for free
go back to your kjøttbuller pytti panna og koskenkorva
Because they want DynCorp to sell Ukrainian bacha boys
They didn’t about winning. The NATO US EU DynCorp loves bacha boys and underage girls
Pues que Rusia entregue sistemas similares a Siria con la promesa de utilizarlos contra EEUU dentro del territorio sirio.
This is all try before you buy, causing trouble and part of a PR stunt. The numbers are low to limit exposure and see how they get on. Of course Russia knows about these weapons, knows their performance and has standard ways of dealing with them as part of a war with US or War with NATO strategy. They will be attacked via infrastructure as they are brought into theatre, and they will be attacked in theatre. The net result will be more direct experience gained with modern western kit, countermeasures deployed and developed and the grind will go on!
Before 2014 Russians and Ukrainians were getting along just fine. Russia knows who their true enemies are but afraid to face them.
Oh they know, but Russia doesn’t need to, if you say “nukes are ready”, that’s like having a minigun in your house and telling a robber to feel free.
Russia knows of course they know, Hillary was corrupting Ukraine government officials since 2004.
Maidan was literally a glow-op, the civil war was started by Ukrainian nationalists committing mass murder against anti-maidan pro-russian protesters.
Tactical nukes would likely be the next layer of a Russian war with NATO, but not guaranteed! Russia, if the west keeps exposing all its military assets in Ukraine, will increasingly keep feeling more and more comfortable against them. It happened with Afghans who after time feared nothing. The net result will be a lowering of threshold to take on NATO conventionally and with very limited goals – roll back to 1997 borders, that can seem enticing. Russia would only need fight on east European territories to do that, and that could stay entirely conventional with nations facing a grind out by Russia or agreeing to a 1997 solution. No nuclear nations are going to engage each other directly, so effectively there is a ‘playground’ from Ukraine to France where tactical nukes could come into it. However, that then all starts to get very messy for what is just maintaining a NATO sphere of influence without any security guarantee – Russia would be trained to grind against NATO kit and forces. Maybe Romania, Slovakia …. won’t like to be chewed through a la Nazi Ukraine style, just for a NATO membership.
Only 1000 javelins after such a long time? Ukraine said they need 500 javelins a day to keep up with the Russian tanks.
Ever played Operation Flashpoint?
The Shilkas in that game were like laser guided terminators on tracks, killer for infantry, could see you miles away and snipe you with their autocannons.
The new terminator tanks Russia is bringing in are much the same, basically used to ultra long range snipe anti-tank crews long out of ATGM range.
Because most of the 40 billion the Jews sent is for themselves and to push their globalism agendas, it’s not for Ukraine to fight.
Hopefully they get sabotaged inside of Nato member state countries. If they don’t such a battery would be extremely difficult to move anywhere near the frontlines without being destroyed by Russian aviation or SSM missiles.
Despite U.S. assurances, (highly likely lies) I think the systems have SSM’s (MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS)) and this will be an extreme provocation by the Pentagon.
The Putin cockroaches crying about artillery weapons. The shitty Russian army is so fucking shitty that it can’t even put a fair fight against artillery. Even when they have depleted their entire arsenal to destroy every city and village they can find. Now they’re crying like shitty Putin cowards.
Man, do you need a new mouthwash. Your breath smells like the shit that keeps rolling out of your mouth.
No, he just loves sucking off Zion and his Neo-Nazi friends. He is from Ukraine but run away to Pooland and hides there and all he can do is wet dreaming.
A zircon missile for each one
iksanders are cheaper and you can load things into them that make big explosions and have roughly the same range.
If Russia knows where these weapons are, what is it waiting for destroy them ? As soon these weapons are in Ukraine land, they can be destroyed by high precision missiles. Russia must no allow these weapons even to be operational
Wait for them in Ukraine land? The terrorists organization already triggered the article 5 themselves by sending weapons to kill Russians in Ukraine.
This war will take many years because Russian military can’t beat shit out of Ukies very fast. Generally speaking Russian military competence has not been very impressive at all.
They have good soldiers and powerful weapons but they don’t have the guts to face their true enemies.
Only 4 himars launchers? Ukraine had hundreds of Smerch and Bm 21 grad systems before the war, yet they couldn’t stop Russian advance. It won’t chance anything.
After Mariupol RF/DPR/LPR have achieved very little. This underlines that nothing really crucial has happened. Even these news of Severodonetsk taken by RF forces week ago were hasty.
A clueless person: “After Mariupol RF/DPR/LPR have achieved very little.”
Going by how lazy or stupid you are, it is pointless to speak with you. But, stupid people like you are good to make fun of.
Tell me, what have Ukraine Neo-Nazis been doing over the 8 years of war – besides killing Russian speaking of Ukraine? Getting ready for Russia.
I know you are one of those people who can’t read much, here I could fuking find a good video about it on YT even. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJZRFC6Zemc
let the russians drop a big bomb or missile on them
I think this war is staged with Zelensky as the main character.
1. It takes a long time to set those up – Ukraine doesn’t have that much time.
2. Russia has full control of Ukraine’s skies – good luck hiding those.
3. S-400 and other Russian air defense systems.
4. For Ukraine to hit Russia they need to fire 15-20 rockets at once.
5. They don’t have the right people to use those systems – sure, you can give a donkey a rocket launcher but you can’t blame the donkey for misusing it.
People go and watch yanquis using those systems – remember how long it took them and how many vehicles were needed to fire more than 1 rocket. Like other shit, the West send to Ukraine this isn’t going to change anything. Trust me, Ukraine going to kill more civilians in Ukraine with them only.
But, but, but, some people are making a lot of money from it. Good old Zion gang.
Yea yeah Russia have this and that and can do this and that BUT THEY WON’T because they don’t have the balls to go through to the end.
You are one of those people who said that to everything. Like it or not, the fact is Russia taking over Ukraine. No, matter how rtded you might be, you can’t disagree with that.
FFS, what have Neo-Nazis achieved so far? They went to the Russian border and run the fuk away. Russia took all those areas back in a few days.
Neo-Nazis HAVE FULL SUPPORT OF NATO/US/West’s pigs – they had 8 fuking years to get ready. They have achieved nothing – you stupid fuks, Russia is the one moving in…
What happened? Remember the West MSM saying Russian soldiers don’t have the “will” to fight?
That Russian tanks will get destroyed in a few weeks? Russia wouldn’t be able to fly its jets over Ukraine?
Yet, here you are…don’t worry those rocket launchers not going to change anything.
Fun fact: Russian soldiers are in much better shape than Neo-Nazis, matter of fact – Neo-Nazis are running away from the frontline, not Russian soldiers.
We can argue all day about Russian vs. Ukrainian responsibility in sparking this terrible conflict. It’s a fair discussion. But both have skin in the game and both have everything to lose.
But America… America is an immoral arms dealer, feeding her corrupted children with blood money from foreign shores. America is a bloodthirsty moneylender, an Anglo-Jewish cartel. America has betrayed any principles it may have once had (which itself is a debatable assertion). America has turned against everything its founders intended, its conceptions of “rights” having turned into little more than excuses to justify war, usury, consumerism, sodomy, and the undermining of both Christianity and ethnic heritage.
America is an unnatural golem, and the high standard of living that justifies its implicit social contract will one day become untenable, at which point all loyalties will be off and all will be free to speak our minds:
Death to America. Death to Israel.
The West exploits Russia’s friendliness.
If these systems are already in Poland and the plan is to use them to kill Russian soldiers and destroy Russian equipment in Ukraine, why not strike Poland right away?
The West exploits Russia’s stupidity is more like it. Even US lapdogs can bark at the bear. Imagine how dumb is the bear.
Time for iksanders, lots and lots of them.
Maybe even a few “special” ones.