U.S. Heading To Become A Totalitarian Dictatorship

U.S. Heading To Become A Totalitarian Dictatorship

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UPDATE: The Constitutional lawyer replied:
Thanks for your note. I’m rather ambivalent about Section 230 which was needed when adopted far more than now. I don’t view as censorship every decision by a social media entity not to carry some posted material. Editing is what every newspaper does as is simply selecting what to print. Social media is in many significant ways different but in others the same. So I think some decisions by social media not to carry everything posted—false statements about medicines, for example—but sometimes unfortunate.

Written by Eric Zuesse

The U.S. is becoming increasingly totalitarian, which means that it is becoming increasingly in violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The key clause there is the one barring censorship, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,” since that clause enables “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” even grievances “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” so that its bar against censorship is its core, from which the remainder follows logically.

Today, I communicated to a prominent First Amendment lawyer, the following:

Would this be the most impactful First Amendment case?:

As you know, Section 230 (surviving from the illegal 1996 CDA) frees online publishers from being sued as offline publishers can be sued, for publishing information (especially political information) that is “objectionable” to an undefined someone, and for removing or refusing to publish information that the publisher “in good faith” considers to be “objectionable” (regardless of why). Unlike for offline publishers, all of the liability for online publishers is only upon the entity that had submitted such information (i.e., upon the author or author’s agent), not upon the publisher. Furthermore, Section 230 extends to online publishers the same right to censor whatever it wants to censor. The First Amendment has been, and is, interpreted as barring only censorship that is being done by the Government.

However, there now is an ever-spreading net of censorship (such as here and here), which some people fear is accelerating during the Presidential-campaign season; and, overtly it is being done only by non-Governmental entities, but there is extensive evidence that it is being encouraged by, coordinated with, and even being carrot-and-stick imposed by, the U.S. federal Government.

If we continue along this path, how can the outcome not inevitably be a totalitarian dictatorship in the United States?


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Abraham Licoln

the u.s. has been a totalitarian dictatorship since 1913. its just more obvious now. the ussa has been conquered and its people have been the slaves of the racist supremacist global jewish askhenazi satanic slave empire dictatorship since 1913. does someone only become an alcoholic when they admit to it, or when they become dependent / addicted to alcohol??

Gaza Is In Ruins!

yes now we can join the likes of russia and china and become a communist country run by a dictator!


always dictators country use african resources to finance european wars plan by britain and israel and france


who is surprised tho?


“amerikans do not converse they entertain each other. amerikans do not exchange ideas they exchange images…the problem w amerikans is not orwellian it is huxleyan: amerikans love their oppression”. neil postman

Edgar Zetar

nope. i have to disagree with erick zuesse point of view, but i fully understand this pov is an informational confrontation against usa system. after wwii, and even before, they always pretended to be light of the world, and i used the word pretended, because they pretended to be liberals, while underground they were a very militaristic country since the beginning, gaining and taking back territories from european empires (the american eagle).

Edgar Zetar

the usa military is what governs over every aspect of the civil world (domain) and its not backwards.

Edgar Zetar

after wwii they continue these strategies, and to them liberty, freedom, open borders commerce (international commerce) and were just tools to gain support from europeans, and the former colonies of the uk empire, was another tool to control more sea routes, resources and land worldwide

Edgar Zetar

on the other part, ussr wanted to create a new world from scratch, one huge mistake was to remove religion beliefs and most important the church institutions (its not about “god” here, its about the church institution), russia learned this point of view, thats why russia now is using religion to protect himself from usa attacks using the proxy ukraine

Edgar Zetar

religion (church institution) are needed in western civilization, if you fully understand the “origin” genesis of western world, religion was their first stage, the universality of “god”, (pantheism), or have just one institution, one god “monotheism”, because you cannot have multiple sects fighting inside your society, so the christ, christianism was the winner in western world.

Edgar Zetar

also the christianism is a ancient psychological war weapon used by ancient church institution, the reign of god, the universality of god, one god (one church, one empire of the church over all), gain more followers to god (mind), while in reality they are winning more followers to the empire.

Edgar Zetar

what mens constructed over centuries in western world are so complex to explain, and i will need a ten thousand pages book to explain every detail how they did (what domains they used) it and the sects behind every western construction, western world is “frankestein”. religion on the xxii century were removed from more and more space and replaced with “western propaganda”

Edgar Zetar

understanding schopenhauer, and friedrich nietzsche are the “foundational stones” to understand western world, nietzsche did not explained well their thoughts, or their critics (church institutions) made impossible to nietzsche to be fully disclosed and explained.

Edgar Zetar

but now we are in a confrontational century, will be wars between powers, power struggle worldwide, so i recommend you to prepare for wars instead of reading books, but on the long road, on the long view and what we westerners call “civilization” the winner will be the one who better controls over the domains and the exchange layers between them (usa empire did this since xix century) to become the supreme hegemon these days.

Edgar Zetar

more weapons, upgrading all your weapon delivery systems, train more soldiers, create more military districts, prepare for fight, will be your only warranty to control your own “head”, the powers are fighting again and the world is just an huge multidimensional chessboard again, and mens are just “ant” tools, on this game of the century.


to vážne? a ja som si myslel, že už totalitnou diktatúrou sú dávno.


until the nation confronts zionism as an extremist ideology, nothing will change


“authority is more concentrated in amerika than most monarchies”. tocqueville….”tsarist russia is far more free and just than amerika where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official”. vissaron belinsky


“amerika is inverted totalitarianism”. sheldon wolin


“the east german stasi could only have dreamed of having a police state like amerika”. thomas drake


“the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. morris berman


“democracy in amerika means my ignorance is as good as your knowledge”. isaac asimov


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in europe”. paul fussell

Last edited 1 year ago by Yuri

“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito era sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind is primitive and peurile …it lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. julius evola


“amerika requires a stupefied population”. christopher lasch


“art is a spiritual life in russia–people go to a performance to feel life”. m rostropovich…”art is impossible in amerika”. christopher lasch


“the banality of amerika—the radical absence of culture”. jean baudrilliard


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


“the people of north amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. yuri bezmenov


“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter thompson


“usa is the ultimate trickster’s paradise”. sacvan bercovitch


you mean like china and… well, virtually all major powers (with very few exceptions).


“in amerika stupidity is a virtue”. charles pierce

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

xi jing ping, putin, kim jong un, assad, erdogan, iran’s supreme leader – are they not dictators?
