On September 28, the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) announced in an official statement that the Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II stealth multirole fighter has been used in a combat operation for the first time ever.
According to the France-Press Agency (AFP), the F-35B flew from the USS Essex amphibious assault ship and carried out airstrikes on positions of the Taliban in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province. The news agency suggested that more than one F-35B were involved in the combat operation.
“The F-35B is a significant enhancement in theater amphibious and air warfighting capability, operational flexibility, and tactical supremacy … As part of the Essex Amphibious Ready Group, this platform supports operations on the ground from international waters, all while enabling maritime superiority that enhances stability and security,” Vice Adm. Scott Stearney, commander of the NAVCENT said in the official statement.
Last May, the Israeli military revealed that it used its newly acquired F-35s to strike at least two unspecified targets in the region, thus Israel became the first country to use the advance stealth fighter in a combat operation.
The F-35 is the most expensive weapons system in the U.S. history. According to the Pentagon’s selected acquisition report (SAR), the total cost of developing, building, operating and maintaining 2,457 F-35s ordered by the U.S. Army will exceed $1.5 trillion.
That is what F35 is good for…..fighting Taliban insurgents. All US stealth technology works well against third rate powers or guerillas.
The best feature of the F35, is the money it generates for the MIC.
LOL – and that’s probably it’s purpose in life.
All the money spent on F35 will not provide US with a viable weapon in case of war.
Haha,I agree . All that stealth and bells and whistles and they send it against teaboy-lovers who can not fight back!
What happened to Syria? Those S200 ‘s too smart for them are they? Haha .?
You are not going to see F35’s in Syria, F22’s are getting embarrassed by Suk 35S in their encounters, Suk 35S always managing to turn behind or get close to the F22 for an easy kill. When all the superlatives were being passed out on F22’s radar and avionics with it’s ability to have a God like situational awareness, they did not take into account advanced EW that confused their situational awareness.
Do you maybe have a link to sites that go deeper into the topic and describe the situation in detail? I’d be very interested in it as I know stealth is pretty much a buzzword but haven’t found a good source where this is explained in a scientific way yet. Thanks in advance.
This is a good site, Australia is buying F35’s and this site provides a critical review of the aircraft and its capabilities.
you ruskie animal, the f-22 flies unciovered and tell to your brothers their flight plan. therefore ypu can see them.
does it? with only two bombs and nothing else? I wonder why they use it when an F16 or similar can really do damage. Kind of an expensive over kill to my opinion, for them to excuse the cost of the lemon.
The Pentagon had no choice. They needed justification for building them. If Congress ever found out that an F-15/6 could do the job, then funding would be severely cut back, or suffer the same fate as the F-22.
It is kind of obvious what they are trying to do and justify.
The F22 was killed off because of staggering maintenance costs.
The F35 was supposed to be a cheap to maintain aircraft, but is actually as bad, or worse than the F22. There are people lobbying to restart F22 production.
The bottom line is, the US is going backwards technologically and just can’t build modern military aircraft, or missiles. They can still build ships?
Actually there’s also fatal airframe design failure which can’t be addressed with fix and rather may need total rebuilt. Which is why rather than admitting that there’s something needed to be revised in the design they rather let the public know that F22 ‘can’t’ be produced anymore due to lost of facilities. Impossible.
Build ships? Like Zumwalt and Ford? Nope.
True. I think the cat has been out of the bag for a long time now. The F35 and most weapons programs from the USA have always been a tax on Allies.
A vast vacuum- cleaner sucking taxpayers money from Allied countries all the way into Fatcat corporate Yanqui pockets!
The F16 is a good plane, but very old. They are trying to convince voters that America needs a war, and going to war in 40 year old planes doesn’t look good.
As it now takes the US 25 years to build a plane, the F35 is their only option, so they have to convince the mushrooms(mushroom kept in dark fed BS) that America has a viable air force.
Every day that goes by Russia and more so China are not just catching up, but are leaving the US behind militarily.
I know that here we concentrate on Russian weaponry, but China is ramping up weapons production at a staggering rate.
Yes? well I have an old car 100% restored that makes 280 km an hour and is like 40 years old. I took it not once in my travels in europe and have done 3 times Italy -Malaga Spain with out any trouble and so is the F16 to my opinion as well F15 and F18.
This stealth myth they try to push is an illusion at least base on the technology humans have to this point. Russia is ahead of every one in electronics decades and is hard to catch them up or the chinese since the russians shared a lot of their technology with them. especially americans they lack the brain power, not to mention the Brits.
The reason is not longer every one with brains go to america because the pay is better. But stay in their own countries and have better work in those areas and conditions, than in america.
See how much problems americans have with electronics and workmanship quality, both in airforce and navy, the last 20 or so years. Then you understand my point. When something work you dont try to reinvent the wheel from scratch, but you perfect what already working and dont base all your future, on make believe and a myth in order to fuck the tax payers money.
Yes I like old cars my 1970 Alfa Junior GT was a fantastic car, and very fast.
My 1976 Mercedes 300D was bullet proof and very slow.
However a current model Mercedes will go twice as fast, stop in half the distance and use less fuel.
Alfa’s are mostly crap these days, but they are still a lot faster than my old GT.
buy russian Lada :DDDDDDDDD
A Lada Niva is one of the best of road vehicles you can get, they fetch a high price and always sell.
See you just make cheap shots, because that’s all you are capable of, try some Brawndo, it has electrolytes and cures tardation.
you are robot :DDD
my point was that still does the job and still goes like is build to go, no matter of years and has been upgraded to today’s standards with the mods we did to it.
it is better to have a machine that does what is supposed to in numbers rather than a flying coffin, that all it say it does exist only in the realm of imagination of a holywood producer.
It is also more comfortable in long rides, than my A8 audi, I use for my business travels.
ruskie planes are much ore old and shitty
No they aren’t you need to check your facts.
First flight year
SU-30 1989
SU-34 1990
SU-35 1988
F15 1972
F16 1974
F22 1997
F35 2006
see you, and the yankees are still more modern :DDD
The F35 is supposed to replace the F16, so they are giving it a soft workout.
Besides the Talibans have learned not to provide US Air Force with good targets, the Taliban targets are more succeptible to helicopter gunships or slower flying aircraft.
well wishing and make believe, never go hand and hand, especially since 90% of the budget of US goes to the pockets of the war industry and their alleged R&D departments.
This is what happen when your ruling class is khazars and traitors or zionists zealot followers as the evengelikas are and not only. I hear many claiming israel, controls US and I fail to see how since israel is a private real estate belonging to the same group that created the colonies and use them to create israel in order to control ME, as their on location outpost and it is by all signs expendable. any way long story
I am not sure what group are you talking about that created colonies in the 16-17th century, my understanding of historical events is that Jews did not have much power in England until Natahaniel Rothchild helped finance the war against Bonaparte in the early 19th century. Since then, Jewish subversion and influence throughout Europe and later US, all culminated with the creation of Israel.
well my friend just check who created the colonies and whose controlling them and you know, what I am talking about.
My history recollection tells me it was the Pilgrims and Puritans that came to America and founded the initial colonies. They were seeking religious freedoms from England. They were Christian following the teachings of John Calvin.
you are completely idiot
mig 29 is pice of shit against f-14/16
Any old legacy aircraft could have done that as well. And probably at a far cheaper cost to operate and while carrying more ordnance. This is just pathetic PR. At least the Israelis were operating in an air environment that was actually hostile, as unlike the Taliban the Syrians can and do shoot back.
F4 Phantom does better in range, payload, speed, height ceiling, g turns, and thrust to weight ratio…..etc.
Not to mention that the F-4 looks infinitely better as well. Best looking US fighter jet EVER!
Yea, I liked the F4 Phantom as well.
yup, f-4 killed hundreds of mig21s
hahaha, but you were kicked out by mujaheddins :DDD you are too weak also for this simple role. :P
What did it do? …………. fly deep in enemy territory, namely the non-rate E-Club at closing time?
I personally never supported this plane, but now that we got it let’s try and get our money’s worth out of it.
i don’t think you will ever get your monies worth out of it, technology is catching up.
I was expressing an opinion, you are expressing propaganda… I’ll bet most if not all of these sycophants don’t know the first thing about what they’re talking about, they just google as needed…
The problem is the maintenance costs, and the poor payload.
If you are going to arm the plane with more than 2 small bombs, and 2 small missiles, you might as well use an F16, which is cheaper to maintain better performance and has better weapons payload.
F35 has destroy mode. Look it up.
yes? in what reality and which hollywood movie this is happening? Out of curiosity which part you missed that F35 or any allegedly stealth plane is not really stealth and any short wave radar can see them clear as day?
Lol so you’ve not seen them ? Look it up. I promise it was worth your time. It’s even on their official website.
it is very little I dont know about F35 if that. yes I seen their claims as see all their claims replacing F16 and the rest of the planes even they claimed that it be replacing A10 and function better in ground support than A10.
Americans fart a lot and maybe is a 10% truth in what they saying. Like everything else they said about F35. It just make you think if any of them is actually a patriot, or just a bunch of thieves, their main job is milking the tax payers there and the evidence strongly point out to that direction, especially with F35 legacy.
As for see their site………. when I want to read bed time stories I will do that and have a good laugh.
In summary the F35 can bring double their armament in destroy mode at the expense of their stealth features using their external hardpoints. Couldn’t be more crazy i know.
you know what happen to a plane when you add to its payload and has so small surface that can not even flight in low speed even when unloaded? I suggest instead of reading, what the marketing department of the manufacturer says that is nothing but hog wash and provided you understand basic aerodynamics, to instead of repeating what you read that is nothing but make believe and for selling this lemon, to search what others are saying as well the problems the pilots have. Key word very small wings. The only thing keep it on the air is speed. hence the reason is completely worthless as ground control.
here watch this and you understand what I am saying and why in a shit plane like this one is a very bad idea, to add more load.
Look mate that’s basically what i meant crazy. But yeah thanks for the video. A nice add.
That’s a nice comments from veteran air fighter.
To simplify high degree of basic capability of the warplanes (speed, maneuverability, payload) is what the pilot would count on reacting and adapting into new situation at hand. More would always better.
Second you can never know and neither you can learn from beyond visual range engagement where all you’re seeing a blip on your radar screen and a perhaps a confirmation of missile detonation on target. Missile would do what it’s programmed to do and would have nothing to add or report back if they executed them as it is. Any decoy or countermeasure that can defeat the missile then would be kept unknown without anything to learn from their engagement.
That’s is still the biggest problems why BVR is nearly impossible as engagement doctrines.
It would be worth mentioning the rotor-craft ‘f-35’ from last generation.
Perhaps we all remember the Comanche?
I was sharing a news article i had read,from an official source, maybe it is propaganda, maybe it is pure BS, i don’t know enough about quantum mechanics to know if it is even possible
As I understand, from what I’ve read, for nearly all its missions it has to carry external ordnance. Ergo, its not stealthy. Trillion dollars to kill poor brown people.
good luck, killing your pilots. No better way to do so.
How? By bombing the shit out of a country that is not attacking US not is it any danger to US?
Quit making a fool of yourself…
Did i say something that aint true?
The fact that you ask the question precludes the fact that you’d refuse to accept the answer. Bug off.
The fact that you are not answering my question shows that you do not have points to argue about and are just attacking people with the aim different from a making a serious conversation.
1,000,000,000,000 USD in R and D not wasted after all after this attack on inter-montain Afghan herdsmen…this is what I call value for money
“Significant enhancement”, but the article in no way clarifies what the F35 did better than any other aircraft in the US inventory like the AV-8B, A-10, F16, F18 0r F15. Must be that the Taliban never saw it coming?
Using a stealth aircraft for now probably with only its very limited internal carriage in a non-contested environment is a total waste of resources. Dressing that up with such language will not hide this waste.
Keep in mind that the F35 still has to go through its Operational Test & Evaluation with lots of issues still to be addressed. Presenting this aircraft as somehow operational is a total fraud.
The F35B has a 1667 km range and Kandahar is about 1000km from the Pakistani coast.
So either the planes were refueled in flight, or external tanks were fitted(no stealth).
Also the planes would have been using Pakistani air space to attack Afghanistan.
Pakistan needs some S300’s.
russian warmonger!
Lol use stealth plane on afghan pashtun villagers.
Well done america well well done.
And one wonders why many chant death to america…
America likes to test their weapons on countries who cannot defend against them.
And how long have they been building that thing – and how much money spent?
Small wonder that Russia gets by – and very nicely too – on a tenth of their military budget!
Presumably the USS Essex was carrying out operations from Hamun Lake?
Just as long as there are no storks around…
And imagine some taliban dude while shooting some IGLA to that fat red hot ass of the F-35… Priceless!!!
An F35 has crashed in the USA.
yup. ruskie weapon has no chance to crash :DDD
F-35B also just had its first crash ever – https://theaviationist.com/2018/09/28/usmc-f-35b-lightning-crashes-near-mcas-beaufort-south-carolina-pilot-ejects/
In a simultaneous ‘first’ – the Marine F-35B also just fully crashed for first time – with pilot ejection – right outside the Marine Corps Air Base in South Carolina – just as this air-frame is commencing actual Marine operational use.
Not going so good for the ‘next’ generation fighter. The Zionist wander off into Syria with their F-35 looking to claim ‘first combat’. Got a wing shot off by Vietnam era AA weapon (Claimed it was a bird). Good news for those with SAMs loaded with birds. Then the Zionist attack Syria by slipping in behind a Russian AWAC since their (stealth!) F-35 was lit up by Syrian missile control. The American’s (US) say they have flown their first F-35 combat mission in Afghanistan. Got some first hand experience shooting Asian Peasants on the ground armed with sticks and rocks. Will be very useful training when facing SU 57s loaded with supersonic missiles. Now it is announced a F-35 simply fell out of the sky in state of South Carolina USA. Recent reports note the F-35 has thousands of uncorrected defects, hundreds effect its overall ability to be air worthy. Lockheed and the military says they will fix the problems on the ‘fly’. Now one of their gold vaults is laying in the streets of Smallville America awaiting to be ‘fixed on the fly’. What do you call a fighter plane that is slow, hard to maneuver, looks like a water melon on detectors systems and requires each pilot to have a wally world tool kit in his pocket to fix it on the ‘fly’.