U.S.-Donated Warplane Crashes On Take Off In Lebanon

U.S.-Donated Warplane Crashes On Take Off In Lebanon

Illustrative image. Source: the Lebanese Armed Force.

On May 16, an A-29 Super Tucano counter-insurgency (COIN) warplane of the Lebanese Air Force (LAF) crashed while taking off from Hamat Air Base in Lebanon’s northern region.

The Lebanese military is yet to comment on the incident, which was apparently caused by a mechanical failure. The warplane was heavily damaged as a result of the crash. However, no casualties were reported.

The A-29, which is made in Brazil by Embraer Defense and Security, is easy to fly and maintain, and it is considered one of the cheapest warplanes to operate.

The LAF bought six A-29s in a deal financed by the United States. The first two were delivered in October 2017, with four more in June 2018.

The A-29s supplied to the LAF are equipped with the AN/AAQ-22 Star SAFIRE II reconnaissance and targeting electro-optical system. The warplanes are armed with American-made APKWS [Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System] rockets and AGM-114 Hellfire II guided missiles.

The U.S. stepped up its support for the LAF in the past few years, supplying a number of COIN warplanes and light attack helicopters. At the same time, the U.S. continues to prevent Lebanon from acquiring any fighter jets or air defense systems. This policy is meant to maintain the superiority of the Israeli Air Force.

American military aid for Lebanon is mainly meant to drive the army away from Hezbollah. However, the Lebanese military maintains strong relations with the group.


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the terrorist group hezbollah have their bitches penetrated in the army, they have their shit everywhere like cancer. they sell drugs and steal government money to maintain their brwinwashed masses and bring in illegal goods without paying taxes and sell them for pennies to their supporters or give them away free. mewnwhile the rest of the paying christian population drive the economy and bring in tourism while the leaches leach off of them.


howling poisoned juice outburst


the terrorist group hezbollah have their bitches penetrated in the army, they have their shit everywhere like cancer. they sell drugs and steal government money to maintain their brwinwashed masses and bring in illegal goods without paying taxes and sell them for pennies to their supporters or give them away free. mewnwhile the rest of the paying christian population drive the economy and bring in tourism while the leaches leach off of them.


the us and uk have their beetches too everywhere, they leach off of us but dont do any good to their hosts as parasites.


ussan brazilian garbage can’t even get off the ground. taking this pentacon filth, a “gift” is like letting jeffy epstein “babysit” your children. say no to the dying anglozionazi demon and its vipers in apartheid, occupied khazar occupied palestine


the terrorist group hezbollah have their bitches penetrated in the army, they have their shit everywhere like cancer. they sell drugs and steal government money to maintain their brwinwashed masses and bring in illegal goods without paying taxes and sell them for pennies to their supporters or give them away free. mewnwhile the rest of the paying christian population drive the economy and bring in tourism while the leaches leach off of them

Sir Guldar Tate III Esquire

before seeing the image and reading the article, i knew it was a propeller powered aircraft because the us/israel will not allow lebanon to have modern fighter jets. they block them from having modern fighter aircraft, modern air defense and modern tanks. but the us donates propeller aircraft and old m113 armored vehicles and call themselves friend.


ifit wasnt for us donating to the leb army the leb army wouldve been no more, not that they are any use, but then again you wouldn’t know any of that.

jher Braj

along with the aircraft they also received some used toilets.
