U.S. commanders want Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria to keep the weapons supplied by the Pentagon after the upcoming withdrawal of U.S. forces from the war-torn country, 4 U.S. officials told the Reuters news agency on December 29.
“How are we going to get them back and who is going to take them back?” Reuters quoted one of the officials as saying.
The news agency said that the discussion on this matter is still at an early stage inside the Pentagon and no decision has been made. Once ready, the plan will be presented to U.S. President Donald Trump, who will be making the final decision.
The Pentagon supplied tons of weapons, including armored vehicles and anti-tank missiles, to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) since 2014 under the pretext of fighting ISIS. The delivery of these weapons sparked new crisis between Washington and Ankara as the late consider the group’s core, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), a terrorist organization.
“Planning is ongoing, and focused on executing a deliberate and controlled withdrawal of forces while taking all measures possible to ensure our troops’ safety,” Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman, said commenting on Reuters’ report.
In late 2017, Trump told his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that the U.S. will not supply any more weapons to Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria. However, the promise is yet to be fulfilled.
These attempts to keep advanced weapons in the hands of Kurdish forces will likely lead to a new fallout between the U.S. and Turkey that’s planning to launch a large-scale military operation in northeastern Syria.
FINALY …… ! ! !
Good News for Syria,
The Zionist NATO Coalition Countries will have Responsibility Problems
with their Proxies War-Crimes !
Le retrait US ouvre la question des crimes de guerre de la Coalition
Dès l’annonce du retrait des troupes US du Nord de la Syrie, des experts syriens et russes ont déclaré qu’il allait être enfin possible d’évaluer précisément les crimes de guerre de la Coalition.
Cette alliance est formée de 74 Etats, dont la France et le Royaume-Uni. Elle a notamment bombardé Raqqa sous un tapis de bombes, tuant la presque totalité des habitants de cette ville occupée par Daesh.
La Coalition se serait également abstenue de fournir des vivres et des soins aux réfugiés du camp de Rukban, provoquant une très forte mortalité. Des témoins assurent, qu’avant de partir, les soldats US y brûlent quantité de cadavres.
lol quoting Reseau Voltaire. The owner of the website is known for his conspiracy therories and has been flagged as so with hundred of falses news fully made up.
You should inform you with more independant website…
Yes Gullible Troll infection…
Put your low terror on, your time is coming…. !
Il ne faut que lire ses réponses qu’il passe entant qu’évidences.
C’est de toutes evidences un simplet inclut au parti pris.
La plupart du temps les Articles sur Voltairenet sont remarquables.
Il m’est arrivé de relever des fautes avérées,
mais qui ne se trompe pas ?
La méfiance doit toujours être en éveil,
surtout lorsque l’on est d’accord….
Méfiance, méfiance, prudence, prudence, comme le disent
certain agriculteurs Vaudois (lol)
Je prends vos insultes comme des compliments venu de vous. Vous semblez bien sûr de vous. Cela veut dire que vous avez consultez les liens de mes réponses mais vous ne voulez pas voir le fonds du problème avec ce site.
Sans aucune exception, tous les articles de Voltaire sont anti-Kurde et son conspirationniste à leur propos. Pas un seul des articles traitant de la question ne prends en compte l’histoire des Kurdes et leur existence en tant que peuple. Seulement en tant que peuple inventé par des puissances obscures pouvant être contrôlé à leur guise.
Les fautes sont systématiques sur les articles traitant du Kurdistan en général. Vous parlez de méfiance et de prudence mais vous vous abreuvez des informations de ce site sans prendre de gants.
Allez y mollo sur le Chasselas….
Le Kurdistan prévu lors de la dislocation de l’Empire Ottoman
n’a pas été intentionnellement réalisée par les puissances Coloniales pour jouer le jeu inadmissible
de “diviser pour régner”, une spécialité Anglaise….
Ceci dit, le principal problème me paraît être
le Nationalism Turque un peu ridicule,
bien que leur Histoire soit grandiose et admirable !
Enfant en 1960, je suis allé a Istanbul et en ai gardé un souvenir
Kurdes, Grecques et Turcs sont mes amis et je regarde ca
a distance.
Je regrette qu’ Öcalan ait été capturé et retourné par la CIA
pour faire des Kurdes des agents Sionistes en Syrie,
toujours sacrifiés pour des intérêts ne les concernant pas !
Personne ne me la demandé, mais étant donné
que Byzance-Constantinople-Istanbul, fut la plus grande ville “Européenne” pendant des Millénaires.
Il serait juste et réjouissant que la Turquie fasse partie d’une Federation Européenne des Regions comprenant
la Russie Occidentale jusqu’a l’Oural, laissant libre choix
aux Populations Kurdes, frontière de cet ensemble,
tout comme le Sud de la Méditerranée…
Quant au Chasselas, je préfère la “Petite Arvine”,
mais ne boit qu’ occasionnellement de l’ Alcool
depuis des lustres.
Moins on en boit, mieux l’on se porte !
Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année,
et que 2019 apporte espoir aux Kurdes pour un meilleur future
et débarrasse des lubies Sionistes qui déstabilisent le Monde !
A votre bonne Santé !
And what Voltaire thinks, is mirrored by most intelligent geo political thinkers on this planet.
Most people do not “get it”, because they do not know how to think.
It seems like you either don’t know much about the site or make up silly claims to cover up your disagreement with the content the site presents.
Every articles about the Kurdish question or anything related to Kurds and Kurdistan has always been discovered as false. You should check up those past articles.
You just have to check up about the obscure links the owner’s website has with certains government/persons to see why he writes articles like that. It’s not disagreement it’s facts.
You keep on making claims but have still not backed anything up.
http://www.voltairenet.org/article202383.html -> Whatever you say it’s known as fake.
http://www.voltairenet.org/article200092.html -> big lol
http://www.voltairenet.org/article166532.html -> “Pour Hüseyin Yildirim, l’erreur du BDP s’explique par l’influence du PKK, qui ne serait plus le défenseur du peuple kurde, mais un instrument manipulé par les militaires turcs et l’OTAN.
Dans un entretien, le 28 juillet 2010, il a affirmé que le PKK est contrôlé par son chef historique Abdullah Öcalan depuis sa prison, et qu’Öcalan est contrôlé par l’Etat profond, le Gladio.” BIG WTF haha
http://www.voltairenet.org/article202761.html -> “Selon l’archevêque catholique syriaque d’Hassaké-Nisibi, Mgr. Jacques Behnan Hindo, les autorités du « Rojava », qui contrôlent le Nord-Est de la Syrie avec le soutien des États-Unis, auraient fait état devant lui d’un plan pour éradiquer les chrétiens de la région.” LOL Eradicate the Christian ? For what ? big wtf
http://www.voltairenet.org/article197821.html -> I will not say anything but LOL
I can continue with thousands of articles.
The owner of the website just throw things to influence ppl into believing something completely random made up from his mind. Everything he writes is without source or anything from the ground. You can destroy every arguments he has with simple facts from the ground. If you can’t see
through it, I can’t help you.
You claimed Voltairenet is a generator of false news. I asked you to back up your claim. You presented five past articles from the site and presented the following responses (which I supposed you try to pass as contradictory argument):
• article 1: “Whatever you say it’s known as fake”
• article 2: “big lol”
• article 3: “BIG WTF haha”
• article 4: “big wtf”
• article 5 “I will not say anything but LOL”
Am I supposed to take you seriously? I don’t know who, in his right mind, responds the way you did but I suspect you’re either grossly ignorant, intellectually deficient, suffer from some kind of psychosis, trolling or a combination of the aforementioned.
You claim: “the owner of the website just throw things to influence ppl into believing something completely random made up from his mind” but have still not shown any evidence for it.
You claim: “Everything he writes is without source or anything from the ground.” Not only he is not the only person writting on the site, most of the articles are referenced and their content is verifiable. Short articles, like the first one you presented, are either indirectly referenced to known historical events and/or verifiable incidents dates, people, locations, etc.
You claim: “You can destroy every arguments he has with simple facts from the ground. If you can’t see through it, I can’t help you.”. No clue where you read me ask for help either; I asked you to back up your claims. Not only did you not destroy anything, you made mocking buffon out of yourself with your childish responses (“lol”, wtf”, etc).
You claimed Voltairenet is a generator of false news. I asked you to back up your claim. You presented five past articles from the site and presented the following responses (which I supposed you try to pass as contradictory argument):
• article 1: “Whatever you say it’s known as fake”
• article 2: “big lol”
• article 3: “BIG WTF haha”
• article 4: “big wtf”
• article 5 “I will not say anything but LOL”
Am I supposed to take you seriously? I don’t know who, in his right mind, responds the way you did but I suspect you’re either grossly ignorant, intellectually deficient, suffer from some kind of psychosis, trolling or a combination of the aforementioned.
You claim: “the owner of the website just throw things to influence ppl into believing something completely random made up from his mind” but have still not shown any evidence for it.
You claim: “Everything he writes is without source or anything from the ground.” Not only he is not the only person writting on the site, most of the articles are referenced and their content is verifiable. Short articles, like the first one you presented, are either indirectly referenced to known historical events and/or verifiable incidents dates, people, locations, etc.
You claim: “You can destroy every arguments he has with simple facts from the ground. If you can’t see through it, I can’t help you.”. No clue where you read me ask for help either; I asked you to back up your claims. Not only did you not destroy anything, you made mocking buffon out of yourself with your childish responses (“lol”, wtf”, etc).
I though you were smarter than that. My bad. I was thinking that you could, only with your knowledge, see only by reading those few articles that this site is full of fakes. But I guess that you miss a lot of informations about the situation.
• article 1: http://links.org.au/node/4585 + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_Democratic_Federation_of_Northern_Syria#Arabization_in_Northern_Syria (you can click on the sources of the article)
• article 2: where are the sources ? There is none. The PKK is self lead by members of the KCK which are differents Kurdish groups arounds the world. The top leaders of the PKK have all bounty on their head by the US for several millions of $. Every sources that the owner has is his own article. Is that reliable ? If you tell me yes, I don’t know what to do for you.
• article 3: Again where are the sources ? Nothing but straight from his mind. Hüseyin Yildirim was never the top 2 of the PKK. You can find the organisation’s orga easly on the net.
• article 4: I invite you to read about the Sutoro and everything around it and also read the statement of the PYD about this situation of Assyrians school closed.
• article 5: If you belive this article, that mean that you don’t know anything about the Rojava, the Kurds, the Internationalist movement (also in Spain) and what is really happening over there. This is his only theory about the situation wihout any proof on the ground again. Did you check the sources of his claims ?
I was just pointing at the lack of sources of his articles and I was just saying that you should check his links with some governments to see that this Fraud Thierry is not neutral at all.
But if you choose to believe in this website. You also must think that the earth is flat and that we have never been to the moon. haha
You’re nothing but a lamentable raving lunatic.
In the first instance, you presented the five articles and had the audacity to pass absurd comments (“lol”, “wtf”, “haha”, etc) as contradictory arguments. You now expect me to read a myriad of articles and all sorts of sources online in order to understand your psychosis. That is not how intelligent discussions are conducted. If you believe the content presented in the five articles and elsewhere on the site is incorrect, opiniated or made up, you need to address them point by point and present valid, factual evidence. I am not going to do that job for you.
Besides, I find it interesting how the five articles you presented are strictly about Kurds.
1. You ask me to prove my claims. I show you the fact with detailed sources and factual evidences, you don’t want to read it. Nice internet discussion.
2. I address main specific points about those small articles on Voltaire with facts and answers about those.
3. The article is about Kurdish weapons, I talk on my second post about Voltaire being anti-Kurd. That’s why I’m centered on Kurds.
Good on you to not double check the infos on this clearly biased “media”.
He said quite correctly, This is how intelligent discourse occurs.
“If you believe the content presented in the five articles and elsewhere on the site is incorrect, opinionated or made up, you need to address them point by point and present valid, factual evidence that contradict.”
yet I have not seen you do so.? Why not.
I did ask you to back you claim(s) up but you still have not done so. If you believe you did, I can only reconfirm that you are not intellectualy fit to entertain any inteligent discussion requiring a minimum of critical thinking. You provided no facts, no answers, no detailed sources and no factual evidence. Be serious.
• In regards to the first article, you linked to two websites (one being Wikipedia) and called it a day. I told you this before: do not expect me to do your job in reading entire links/pages in the hope to understand your rambling. What content of the article do either or both sites contradict and how?
To address the points brought up in the first article, it states that:
1) The Syrian branch of the PKK is looking to forcibly continue their endeavor to make of the north of the country, a Kurdistan. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
2) That the Syrian branch of the PKK tried, with the help of US, France and ISrael, to create an independant state in the north of Syria. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
3) That the Kurds in question arrived on the land in the 1980s as political refugee and they have since undertaken a Kurdistanization policies that discriminated Muslim and Christian Syrians, land confiscation, mandatory military enrolment in pro-US militias aligned with the PKK ideology and the imposition of a Kurdish academic curriculum in the Kurdish language. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
4) That on August 7th of 2018, the Turkish PKK closed a Christian Assyrian school in Derbiseye after it refused to accept the Kurdish curriculem even though the Assyrian bishop from Hasake, Maurice Amsih intervened and criticized the act. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
The article does in fact not have any reference. Content that is either known by most and/or easily verifiable often does not need a reference. That said, had I written the article, I would have made sure to include them to shut ignorant people like you from the get-go.
Point 1 and 2: the creation of a Kurdish independant state in the north of Syria, backed by foreign powers, is anything but news or a secret. Point 3 and 4: the arrival of Kurds on the land as political refugees is known. The Kurdistanization of the land by forcible measures is what needs to be verified but in the light of the Assyrian bishop’s intervention on a specific date, it seems credible and thus should be verified.
• In regards to the second article, you right away attack the fact that there is no sources. Again, so what? How is that, in any shape or form a contradiction to any of the content presented in the article?
You wrote in response: that the PKK is self-lead but that it is lead by the KCK. Which one is it? Self-lead or lead by the KCK? I think you meant to say: the PKK is lead by different Kurdish groups (KCK). Okay; what part of the article does that contradict and how?
You wrote in response: that all top PKK leaders have millions-worth bounty on their head by the US. What part of the article does that contradict and how?
You wrote in response: “Every sources that the owner has is his own article. Is that reliable ?”. It took me a second to understand this. I see what you mean: Meyssan used his own articles as sources. I can understand the dilemma but his previous articles (used as sources) would have to be discredited in order to discredit the main article. Have you done either? So far, you have not.
• In regards to the third article, I’ll skip your continous tantrum about the sources.
You wrote in response: “Nothing but straight his mind.” What is?
You wrote in response: “Hüseyin Yildirim was never the top 2 of the PKK. You can find the organisation’s orga easly on the net.” Why do you no provide the organization structure to contradict the statement?
• In regards to the fourth article, thank you for the invitation but as I said, several times now, do not expect me to read entire pages, links, books and what no in the hope to understand your rambling. It is your job to back your claim(s) up.
In regards to the fifth article, what I believe is irrelevant. It is you who claims the content of the articles you presented is incorrect and/or made up and/or biased. And it is, thus, your job to back your claim up.
All in all, what you call “detailed sources”, “factual evidence”, etc is in reality continued rambling that says nothing.
Everything being said, you seem to live in some kind of denial: that Kurds are entirely independant and angels. History shows otherwise: that Kurds have been used and abused by the West since the early 19th century (where they took a major part in the Armenian genocide) to fight as their proxies for the promise of a land somewhere. The land never came but Kurds keep on fighting.
My answer was blocked since 4 days so I’m copy/pasting it.
I’ll try to answer to your “intellectual” circus. You clearly put your trust into some website without asking yourself the right questions. You clearly have no background on the Kurdish struggle and the actors involved into. Pardon my english since it’s not my mother tongue.
1) The Syrian branch of the PKK is looking to forcibly push their endeavor to make of the north of the country, a Kurdistan. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
Sorry but It is incorrect and made up. They are not trying to “make” a country. It (PYD or any leading party) has said thousand of times that the PYD or any party involved in decision in the North of Syria do not seek independance. Autonomy in a Federation is the key word. Please prove me with one article from the PYD or PKK (without mentionning the Turkish propaganda) which claim they are trying to be an independant State. “Le CNK (Conseil national kurde de Syrie) et le TCK (Mouvement de la jeunesse kurde de Syrie) soutiennent la création d’une région fédérale kurde au nord de la Syrie mais sur le modèle du Kurdistan irakien, un modèle diamétralement opposé au communalisme. said M. Saleh”
2) That the Syrian branch of the PKK tried, with the help of US, France and ISrael, to create an independant state in the north of Syria. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
See my previous answer
3) That the Kurds in question arrived on the land in the 1980s as political refugee and they have since undertaken a Kurdistanization policies that discriminated Muslim and Christian Syrians, land confiscation, mandatory military enrolment in pro-US militias aligned with the PKK ideology and the imposition of a Kurdish academic curriculum in the Kurdish language. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
Again, it is incorrect ! Kurdish people came way before 1980 “in Syria”. They do not discriminate any minorities or population (where are the proof of that claim ?!). You can read the North Syria Constitution if you have trouble finding it I can help you.
The demographics of this area underwent a huge shift in the early part of the 20th century. Some Circassian, Kurdish and Chechen tribes cooperated with the Ottoman (Turkish) authorities in the massacres of Armenian and Assyrian Christians in Upper Mesopotamia, between 1914 and 1920, with further attacks on unarmed fleeing civilians conducted by local Arab militias.[2][3][4][5][6] Many Assyrians fled to Syria during the genocide and settled mainly in the Jazira area.[4][7][8] Starting in 1926, the region saw another immigration of Kurds following the failure of the Sheikh Said rebellion against the Turkish authorities.[9] While many of the Kurds in Syria have been there for centuries, waves of Kurds fled their homes in Turkey and settled in Syria, where they were granted citizenship by the French mandate authorities.[10] In the 1930s and 1940s, the region saw several failed autonomy movements.
I can link you all the reference to that quote.
Added to that
The ethnically diverse region of Northern Syria suffered particularly grave human rights violations, because all governments since the independence of Syria in 1946, but in particular the Baath governments since 1963, pursued an often brutal policy of Arabization.[15] In his report for the 12th session of the UN Human Rights Council titled Persecution and Discrimination against Kurdish Citizens in Syria, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights held:[16]
Successive Syrian governments continued to adopt a policy of ethnic discrimination and national persecution against Kurds, completely depriving them of their national, democratic and human rights — an integral part of human existence. The government imposed ethnically-based programs, regulations and exclusionary measures on various aspects of Kurds’ lives — political, economic, social and cultural.
And I can add a few dozens of other persecution of the Kurdish people in Syria.
So they are trying to be free to live as they want and to be part of a unified Syria with everybody included.
4) That on August 7th of 2018, the Turkish PKK closed a Christian Assyrian school in Derbiseye after it refused to accept the Kurdish curriculem even though the Assyrian bishop from Hasake, Maurice Amsih intervened and criticized the act. How is that incorrect, made up or biased?
It’s not incorrect but it lack information. Why the school has been closed ? You can find some of the answer in the PYD statement, up to you to read it : https://pbs.twimg.com/media…
The article does in fact not have any reference. Content that is either known by most and/or easily verifiable often does not need a reference. That said, had I written the article, I would have made sure to include them to shut ignorant people like you from the get-go.
That’s not how it works…Sorry fela. “Content that is either known by most and/or easily verifiable often does not need a reference.” How it’s easly verifiable if you can’t find it anywhere else that on that website or governements funded’s website. To back up your claims you have to show source otherwise it’s certainly made up. I can write my own blog and use it as a source and it’s cool for you ? You say that I’m a ignorant but you agree with me. You are quite weird.
Point 1 and 2: the creation of a Kurdish independant state in the north of Syria, backed by foreign powers, is anything but news or a secret. Point 3 and 4: the arrival of Kurds on the land as political refugees is known. The Kurdistanization of the land by forcible measures is what needs to be verified but in the light of the Assyrian bishop’s intervention on a specific date, it seems credible and thus should be verifiable.
Please see my previous answers about that. You have to go back in time to see the Arabization in Northern Syria to understand what you call a “Kurdistanization”. You should really check the wikipedia (even if you do not like it) to understand what is really happening. I’m not going to copy/past the whole statement about those claims of forcible measures used by the PYD in North of Syria but point by point the PYD refute the claim made by Amnesty International. http://links.org.au/node/4585
• In regards to the second article, you right away attack the fact that there is no sources. Again, so what? How is that, in any shape or form a contradiction to any of the content presented in the article?
You wrote in response: that the PKK is self-lead but that it is lead by the KCK. Which one is it? Self-lead or lead by the KCK? I think you meant to say: the PKK is lead by different Kurdish groups (KCK). Okay; what part of the article does that contradict and how?
Yes because to make claims or to point something you have to show proof first. Which they didn’t. I meant that the PKK is not lead by foreign Government but by the Kurdish People itself. I have to remind you that the PKK is on the terror lists of some country that you mention (USA, etc)
You wrote in response: that all top PKK leaders have millions-worth bounty on their head by the US. What part of the article does that contradict and how?
How can you support a “terrorist organisation” if you have put them on your terror list ? I’m happy to know how.
You wrote in response: “Every sources that the owner has is his own article. Is that reliable ?”. It took me a second to understand this. I see what you mean: Meyssan used his own articles as sources. I can understand the dilemma but his previous articles (used as sources) would have to be discredited in order to discredit the main article. Have you done either? So far, you have not.
If you understand the dilemma, that’s all I have to know. And it’s possible but I don’t have a lot of time this year. :-D
The article is centered around the opinion of Turkish official Ilker Basbug: that the US and Israel planned the arrest of Ocallan in order to take over the reign of the PKK. In the light of how Britain and later other foreign powers, the US, France et al. have used and abused the Kurds as proxies, I am inclined to think his opinion has ground. The rest of the article mentions state verifiable facts: PKK leaders relocating to Denmark until 2010 and then to the north of Syria (territory occupied by the US).
I think you seriously lack info about the creation of the PKK and its history before and after the arrest of Ocalan. You are putting every Kurdish party in the same bag and that way of thinking is totally wrong as every part of Kurdistan is influenced differently. It’s true that some of the PKK leaders went aboard. But you miss the moment when the PKK was chased from Syria and went to
It is likely due to Disqus’ filter. I recommend you reach out to South Front to get it resolved.
It is likely due to Disqus’ filter. I recommend you reach out to South Front to get it resolved.
Beau Documentaire !
Les Catarrhs prêchait la simplicité religieuse et le respect des animaux !
À l’ombre des grands châteaux
La cité de Carcassonne
44 min
Disponible du 28/12/2018 au 26/01/2019
Disponible en direct : oui
Prochaine diffusion le mardi 15 janvier à 08:00
Version française
Version originale
À la découverte de la faune insoupçonnée qui s’abrite dans les murs des grands châteaux. Au pied des Pyrénées, Carcassonne constitue l’une des
plus anciennes et impressionnantes forteresses d’Europe. Cet épisode nous présente les ours des montagnes proches de Carcassonne, les oiseaux aquatiques
peuplant l’Aude et les sauriens et rapaces abrités dans les murs de la cité médiévale.
Au pied des Pyrénées, Carcassonne constitue l’une des plus anciennes et impressionnantes forteresses d’Europe. Les moyens déployés pour sa construction
émanent en grande partie des ressources de la région : les sols cultivables et la clémence du climat ont toujours permis d’abondantes récoltes,
et le sel de la Méditerranée voisine ainsi qu’une route commerciale romaine ont fait la fortune des gouvernants locaux. Cet épisode nous présente
les ours des montagnes proches de Carcassonne, les oiseaux aquatiques peuplant l’Aude et les sauriens et rapaces abrités dans les murs de la cité
Réalisation :
Matthias Glück
Robert Wiezorek
Pays :Allemagne
Année :2017
Sur ARTE, ne pas manquer :
Un voyage autour du monde à la découverte des édifices cultuels les plus beaux des grandes religions. Ce volet propose la visite éclairée de six joyaux de l’art sacré musulman, à Jérusalem, à Cordoue, au Caire, à Istanbul, à Ispahan et à Delhi.
Dernier-né des trois religions monothéistes, l’islam a vu le jour au VIIe siècle à La Mecque, dans la péninsule arabique. À la mort du prophète Mahomet, en 732, ses disciples se lancent à la conquête de Jérusalem, la ville sainte des juifs et des chrétiens. Sur la colline où Abraham aurait dû sacrifier son fils, en surplomb du mur des Lamentations et du Saint-Sépulcre, le calife omeyyade Abd al-Malik fait ériger le dôme du Rocher. Pour marquer les esprits, l’immense édifice est ouvert aux hommes et aux femmes de toutes les croyances. Alors que l’islam continue de s’étendre vers l’ouest jusqu’à l’Atlantique, les Omeyyades sont décimés par leurs rivaux abbassides. Seule leur reste la péninsule Ibérique, où le prince Abd al-Rahman Ier a trouvé refuge. Sur les rives du fleuve Guadalquivir, celui-ci fonde en 785 un nouveau royaume. À Cordoue, il fait ériger une splendide mosquée, devenue église à partir du XIIIe siècle. À sa suite, entre le IXe et le XVIIe siècle, d’autres souverains musulmans vont affirmer leur pouvoir par la construction de mosquées : au Caire, sous l’impulsion du gouverneur Ahmad ibn Tulun ; à Istanbul, sous le règne de Soliman le Magnifique ; à Ispahan, sous celui du shah Abbas Ier, de la dynastie perse des Safavides ; et à Delhi, où le shah Jahan, grand empereur moghol, confie à l’architecte du Taj Mahal la construction de la Jama Masjid, la plus grande mosquée de toute l’Inde.
Prouesses techniques
Du Proche-Orient aux confins de l’Asie, de l’Andalousie aux rives du Bosphore, ce premier volet de la collection “Monuments sacrés” nous entraîne à la découverte de six des plus grands joyaux de l’art islamique sacré. Mettant en lumière les prouesses techniques et artistiques déployées pour ériger, décorer et embellir ces chefs-d’œuvre, le documentaire s’appuie sur les éclairages de nombreux spécialistes : historiens, historien de l’art, architecte, artisans, restaurateurs. Richement illustré et doublé d’un récit sur l’expansion de l’islam pendant près d’un millénaire – au travers des luttes d’influence, des conquêtes et des croisements de cultures –, un voyage architectural et historique captivant.
Réalisation :
Bruno Ulmer
Pays : France
Année : 2018
Bonjour/bonsoir. Merci pour l’article.
“hy are you centered solely on Kurds?”
his BIAS.
BIAS always fucks up the thought process.
It does indeed. What is strange is that he discredited the entirety of the site based on five articles he couldn’t contradict.
YOu still have not shown one fact as “incorrect”, after babbling half a page.
Lack of sources in articles which are not HIS, are par for the course. One must make logical analysis of fact, to present ideas that match with other facts.
You have no argument, you only babble ignorance as knowledge. And I know this because you said this.
“should check his links with some governments to see that this Fraud Thierry ”
You get your thinking, from the bought and paid for globalist governments. So it isn’t thinking,it is ignorance being played out as knowledge. Because here is what I know for fact, the only people governments try to shut up are those who know the truths, ,and are not afraid to speak the truths the sheep like you are afraid to hear.
Even if information is lacking, one can learn lots from it. You see, you have said nothing relevant or important, but I know you are a mindless turd, arguing from disbeLIEf because of what you did say.
DO you think that you saying “false”, makes the facts disappear dimwit ? :P
And do you think that finding one article that was written missing a fact, destroys the credibility of the Voltaire network ? Then you have been shown already, to be a worthless mouth if that is so.
Think , dont believe. No one is always right, but those with integrity try.
And you have an unrevealed BIAS. IT always shows in the structure of the words of the prejudiced persons.
show us your fact dimwit. It will reveal as opinionated bullshit presented as fact.
“Every articles about the Kurdish question or anything related to Kurds and Kurdistan has always been discovered as false.”
You are resolute,about things of which you could never be fully informed. Your words, are those of beLIEf, and as such, not worth a pot to piss on.
Voltaire is known thus, to mindless chumps who get their news from globalist propaganda. What you miss, is the fact when I read something, I connect it to the facts at hand, and the people posting at Voltaire always present reason for what they write and connect it to the facts. At least in my experience with those I read.
Thierry Meyssan is a man of integrity, and of superior intelligence. More-so, his world view mirrors exactly that of other intelligent men with integrity that I often check my thinking with.
Who would you present as your fact giver? MSN, or FOX pray tell? Those the courts have told it was ok to outright lie to us ?
BIAS dimwit, it is why all you get from your television is bullshit.
“Thierry Meyssan is a man of integrity, and of superior intelligence. More-so, his world view mirrors exactly that of other intelligent men with integrity that I often check my thinking with.”
Hahahahaha Oh Dear God if there is one. Zero discussion will be possible with that claim.
“Zero discussion will be possible with that claim.”
You almost got it…”Zero discussion is possible with k0o00o’s brain ” — is more like it.
Fact, reason, logic, and rational. You cannot lie your way past them. At least to an intelligent man. There are way too many intelligent people who come here, to be spouting off ignorance as knowledge.
Once again you disagree with a conclusion based in fact, using ad hom and dismissal, without trying to rebut anything said.
Shows a lack of intelligence and/or effort on your part. A lazy argument is as bad as a stupid argument.
Please show me evidence of where he lacks integrity, or where he lacks intelligence ? Point form.please, no need for verbosity.
I may not agree with everything he concludes, but i have never had disagreement on those promulgated facts he concludes with.
For instance, I have watched over the years where he has ignored the globalist front destroying the world, seeing it as American. At least he never spoke otherwise. But being an intelligent man, he now considers the globalist front in his world view.
That is what intelligent people do, they improve their understanding, when the facts change, the information increases.
You’all wouldn’t mind giving me them weapons we’uns hauled in here day n’ nite fer the last 5 or 6 years.
Kurds: Go f…. yourself. Pentagn: Well we’uns was just asking.
For the Kurds to survive , they will have to make peace with the elected Syrian government and accept its Writ.
Part of this will include service in the SAA and the handover of ALL military weapons to the SAA.
The SAA has seized thousands of ton’s of NATO made and other illegally supplied weapons and ammunition given to terrorist gangs by the US Coalition of Terror. These stockpiles plus the US weapons donated to the Kurds will be able to supply thousands of SAA/Kurdish soldiers serving in new formations.
God Bless Amerika :)
Yes, it’s too bad it took another trip under the bus for the Kurds to ‘see the light’. Your post is right on the money. Now if only the Kurds are smart enough to figure it out this time. Their past decisions were disastrous. Time is wasting and they better get with it before Turkey rolls in.
A lot of the Kurdish future will be dictated by its leadership, in the short term anyway.
The issue as always will be the amount of US dollars being used to bribe the Kurdish leaders to accept a ‘US Preferred Option’ I suspect.
A US preferred option will not be to the advantage of the Kurdish Rank and File.
I am optimistic though as the SAA and Kurds fought together during the darkest days of the Aleppo siege .
I can see three Kurdish factions right now.
First, those morons have to find a common language among themselves, before they can address the future of all Kurds.
You are clearly r*tarded and ignorant. There is one language, Kurdish, with dialects.
Do you know how many official languages there are in Switzerland or Indonesia ? You see what I mean or do you need help ?
gee what a surprise, k0k00k has a kurd BIAS :P
And you have the ignorant bias ? Which one is better ? ;-)
not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you son…
Maybe not the sharpest but the righteous one… ;)
“but the righteous one”
words spoken by many of the religious nutbars, for centuries.
Well, I am not righteous, but I am right with respect to my original comment.
We spoke about languages being necessary to be united and you bring the Kurdish thing, the religious argument and the next one is the Nazi argument or what ?
I’m also with respect to my original comment so what do we do the sharpest one ?
now you babble…
haha you are so wishy-washy and prosy. I can gladly give you some tips on how to be less insignificant. Don’t hesitate to message me :) xx
you still babble…
The Kurds need to replace their leaders with those who are not US vassals.
the best idea for an ever lasting peace is not to give weapons to the various forces in the ME but to de-arm them forthwith (and conclude the chapter of israel which has been ongoing for far too long and brought nothing but murder, mayhem, death and a concentration camp like treblinka (Gaza) to the world)!
Gaza is a genuine Concentration Camp though that replicates the British version in many ways, that were used to control the Dutch farmers families during the Boer War.
yeah without the extermination chambers but what you see is a long and slow eradication of an indigenous people sanctioned by, primarily, the moronic state and uk and also the eu. rather cynical I would say, but minor states within say the eu, are not allowed to voice an opinion in the matter and thus israel can continue to cleans the area of the indigenous palestinians and commit war crimes on a scale that would have sent them to the gallows in Nuremberg together with the more prominent nazis.
George Orwell nailed the politics. Huxley nailed the social manipulation of the masses.
And what about the mass murder done by America, France, Italy, and all the rest of the globalist puppets?
Gonna disarm them, or do they have a superior right to arm themselves for murder ?
“…U.S. commanders want Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria to keep the weapons…”
Fascinating, except nobody really cares what U.S. commanders want or think regarding any Syrians aside from the U.S. commanders’ neocon, Israeli-firster masters here in the U.S.
Wake me up when the Pentagon arms Palestinians to the teeth with ATGMs and Stingers – and Reuters quotes some anonymous ‘U.S. officials’ claiming U.S. commanders want the Palestinians to keep the weapons. That would be newsworthy.
I do recollect the US stating that those weapons given to the Kurds will be confiscated once ISIS is defeated. Further proof that the US is untrustworthy and dishonourable.
I’ve been saying the Kurds will have to repaint their vehicles and equipment soon, now it’s time to do it , but what will they become, half painted in SAA colours and the other half something else, like a target over a picture of Erdogan, LOL.
“The Pentagon supplied tons of weapons, including armored vehicles and anti-tank missiles, to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) since 2014 under the pretext of fighting ISIS. The delivery of these weapons sparked new crisis between Washington and Ankara as the late consider the group’s core, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), a terrorist organization”.
2014 but what about this year, there was another massive influx of light armoured vehicles and more weapons delivered this year as well, and there was a lot of it, the Kurds were very happy about it.
Gee the fast lightly armoured vehicles and missile launchers will be real helpful fighting the 1500 Isis at Hajin, no they won’t, they’d be much more suitable for killing tanks and heavy armour, how could the US make such a silly mistake giving the Kurds the wrong tools for the job, LOL.
Trumps not abandoning the Kurds at all, he’s making sure they have all the friends and equipment they need to stay safe, and he’s been preparing for 12 months now, radar installations and swanky new OB posts for the French, and he’s allowing the Russians and SAA to move in straight after the US depart, all the new equipment and vehicles more suited to fighting a guerilla war against a much more powerful enemy, I don’t know what else he could have done for the Kurds, I know they don’t want him to leave, but he’s been telling them since January he’s going to no matter what, this is all they should expect and nothing more, now it’s up to them, and the SAA and Russia.
Somebody should suplier them with anti aircraft weapons, the Israëli’s, Saoudi, French, ….. and let the keep the weapons which defended us from ISIS and his proxy Turkey.