The US is ‘withdrawing’ troops from Syria by deploying Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and additional manpower in oil-rich areas across the eastern part of the country.
More about the US strategy in Syria and the oil question:
The US is ‘withdrawing’ troops from Syria by deploying Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and additional manpower in oil-rich areas across the eastern part of the country.
More about the US strategy in Syria and the oil question:
Thou shall not Covet other Country`s OIL….Can some one tell that to the Americans
And show Russia where its borders are too EH .
Russia is invited into Syria unlike US criminals.
Ukraine did not invite the Russian terrorists .
No but the Crimean’s did and you’ll notice the only people who are crying about Russia going back to the Ukraine are US neocons and their useful idiots like you. Everyone else in the world has figured out that Crimean’s are Russian and want to stay that way.
As for the Donbass ….. that’s a civil war just like Syria is. If the USA can pay for a war in Syria then support their “moderate rebels” with arms, intelligence, propaganda and air/artillery strikes then the Russians can do the same in Ukraine.
If the USA wants others to stop meddling in the affairs of others they should lead by examples and get the fuck out of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and stop with the colour revolutions.
Thought the cookie monsters came from the US not Russia.
They did
Libya did not invite nato terrorists did they?
Soon Your Filthy Rothschild-Balfour-Declaration-Illegal Occupation & Steppingstone into the Middle East will have no Borders…send my regards to the Mossad Cunt…
Soon you will have no leader diklik .
Bwahahahaha….I am the Leader you stupid Cunt….you on the other hand are just one of Satanyahu’s Paedophilistic Kidkilling ZioNazi-Brigade of Assmunchers…You suck ass long enough, pretty soon you’ll start choking on shit….
They dont.
scene one with a # of others in faribi st gardens awaiting pickup at dusk thereby there must be more around
33 tons of fake democracy spreaders ready to steal oil in someone else’s country, sir! Fuck international law, sir! We’re above the law, sir!
Yerrrrh, tanks are for oil. Assads has tigers in theirs.
Needs turning into a coffin.
I am certain that some will be.
Modern man portable ATGM’s have given the firepower of dedicated anti-tank artillery to the infantry platoons.
Yes, and they most likely has hard air support just around the corner as well.
Sooner or later, the Bradley will meet the Kornet…………………sooner or later………………..
Thats why its armed having a railgun with 900 rounds and 2 machineguns.
Apparently they still haven’t fixed the whole bursting into flames problem. This video is part of a series on the Bradley by Bradley crewmen who learned about the Bradley’s shortcomings through experience. They aren’t too impressed with the Abrams tank either.
I’m still scratching my head as to why the US military sent in an mechanized brigade when in the past they got away with SOF in better protected MRAP’s with artillery and air power as their big stick. It doesn’t make much sense to deploy a force that’s much more maintenance / logistics heavy therefore much more expensive just to do guard duty.
Perhaps the fact that the Russians are deployed there means they the USA knows they will have to fight without air power against the SAA if push comes to shove?
I agree with you.
“…much more expensive…” thats is you answer
“Perhaps the fact that the Russians are deployed there means they the USA knows they will have to fight without air power against the SAA if push comes to shove?”
Very interesting thought.
Thank you for the video.
It kept be amused for hours.
You are welcome Florian.
Ive watched it several times now, and it just as fun as the first watch.
Yangeese Piss Off to your own Fuckn country & Never show your ugly face again, pathetic sore ass losers…you are Nothing! A Filthy Bunch of Looting, Raping & Killing Parasites….together with your ZioNazi Buddies
Nicely put my friend.
You have been greatly missed here .
Thanks my Brother good to be back…the New Zealand outdoors have poor reception…A lot has happened in the past moons right? It is still not going very splendid for the AngloZioNazis though… which is a great thing…
How did you find New Zealand?
The scenery can be spectacular I am told. Did you visit both islands?
Politics there is rather too Libtarded for me. Are the people you met ‘worldly’ or just content to have a quiet life?
I spend most of my time with Indigenous Folks (Maoris) on the North Island…they are Fighting the British Crown…so am I…..The South Island is spectacular…
btw that Attack on the Christchurch Mosque was yet another Mossad-Operation…
No doubt, its funny how the gun control advocates were the sames that called for the overthrow of Gaddaffi.
These advocates are getting stronger on the home front while weakening abroad. Is this how the west’s descent into totalitarianism comes out of the closet with a gay pride parade.?
They want all our Guns…so that we all become defenseless Sheeples ready for the Slaughter…The Elites are afraid that we will be knockin’ on their doors pretty soon…and with a Damn Good Reason in my humble opinion…
Yes, one always needs to consider ‘Who gains’ , and the Neo Liberal (marxist) leadership at once bought in legislation to prohibit classes of firearms.
People fail to understand that throughout history it has been tyrants who have banned civilians owning weapons that can challenge those in power.
It was illegal for ordinary citizens in a medieval period to own or use a crossbow. Punishments in those days were severe ! This was because anyone could become proficient in their use after a few hours training. Whereas the Longbow took many months or even years to master. It is illegal in the UK to hunt with them even now.
Stalin and Hitler both banned firearms for the general public. Some shotguns were allowed on approved circumstances.
The Neo Liberals and other Zio Marxists also greatly fear a well armed ‘Peasants revolt’ in the US. Hence the plethora of completely illogical mass shootings in the US.
Who Gains.
I personally think everyone should own a good Sniper even better than a crossbow… 1% Elites are not that many after all, when the shit hits the fan that is…Just have to wait until them Cockroaches come crawling from underneath their rock again..
What are you still doing on the internet beetch? I told you to come over here, you said no problem. I marked you.
You are a Fucking Pathetic Joke…you are just a Filthy Cocksucking Khazarian Faggot…Piss off Kidkilling Paedophile…
I wasn’t kidding, I want you to come over here and I’ll make you regret for your dirty mouth. I am pathetic? you said we can’t fight and that you can kill us, so why are you afraid? come to help your Gazan friends like you promised. Your curses only motivate me to torture you even more, coward.
You are a Paedophile Cocksucking Khazarian Yagoda-Parasite….Bring it on Faggot…you are Nothing…Go suck your Master Satanyahu boy…You folks always needed America to solve your problems…because you are all Cocksucking Kidkilling Chickenshit Epstein-Parasites…do you think you impress me little cocksucking bitch?
OK i see that you’re afraid, atleast admit it. So don’t ever threat us again coward, stay in your hole and be quiet.
Arms control is very strict in the UK.
What arms control is in force in Holland?
Depends…for obtaining guns legally you have to fill in a lot of papers…With the right connections it’s pretty easy to get anything…should basically be the same everywhere…
I would think that open borders make arms smuggling easier on mainland Europe.
Britain only has pourus borders for the ‘desperate migrants’ from dirt poor countries who have circa $5000 in cash for the journey :)
So the convoy of US armour is heading to the oilfields to protect them, but I didn’t know there were any oilfields at Sappat [Sabt] just south of Kobani, they must have just discovered a new site there in Aleppo LOL.
Why does SF do this continually, misrepresent the truth to suit their own narrative.
The US convoy isn’t heading to the oilfields to protect them, they’re going to, or have already arrived at the Sappat [Sabt] US military base, which is hundreds of km’s away from any oil.
The US is protecting something near the Syrian/Turkish border but it’s not oil, so there’s another reason for this re-establishment of a US military presence in Northwest Aleppo, and it shouldn’t be too hard to work out what or who it is the US wants to protect.
SF in not the only one using Sappat whatever. But is it true, fake, mistake.
My own guess is, they are close to the M4 highway between Hasaka – Tamr, where they have(had a base a week ago.
If so its true, they cover all oil east of that line and down to DEZ and it makes sense.
BUT in theother hand some other site actually are followed to south of Kobani, so most like ly its not about oil under Kobani :)
Its all about denial of assets and territory, but who’s actually being denied the assets/territory is the real question, who loses the most by a US redeployment, the SAA, the Russians, or the Turks.
I think it’s the Turks who lose the most, followed by the Russians, then the SAA least of all, and despite what everyone else thinks, I’m inclined to believe the US is actually trying to shut the Turks out, not the SAA.
Have you heard of even one complaint from Trump about any unwelcome SAA occupations of any Syrian territory or bases they previously held? Not a peep, just whining about Erdogan’s forces going over an beyond the guidelines they’d agreed to originally, because as usual Erdogan changed the rules mid game with no prior warning, LOL.