U.S. Avenger Air Defense Systems Destined To Ukraine Spotted In Poland (Videos)

U.S. Avenger Air Defense Systems Destined To Ukraine Spotted In Poland (Videos)

The Army Avenger’s turret rotates as the vehicle drives down an Eglin Air Force Base range road April 20. (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.)

AN/TWQ-1 Avenger air defense systems donated by the United States to Ukraine have already arrived in Poland, according to videos that surfaced online on February 19.

The U.S. first promised to arm Kiev forces with Avenger systems last year. In November, four systems were included as part of a $400 million military aid package. Eight were included in a $2.5 billion package in January of this year.

Last week, at least 14 Avenger systems were delivered by the vehicle-carrier ARC Integrity to the German port of Bremerhaven on the North Sea coast along with dozens of armored vehicles and other equipment.

The Avenger was developed by Boeing to provide mobile, short-range air defense protection against cruise missiles, drones as well as low-flying aircraft. The system’s main armament is the FIM-92 Stinger infrared homing missile, which has a range of up to five kilometers. Up to eight systems can be loaded. The system is also armed with a secondary .50 FN M3P machine gun with around 600 rounds.

The optical targeting system of the Avenger is built around a FLIR [Forward Looking Infrared Receiver] and a laser rangefinder.

Kiev forces will reportedly use the new Avenger systems to protect their high-value installations from Russian missile and drone attacks. Due to their limited range, the systems will not likely be effective enough to achieve this task.

The U.S. has been working to improve Ukrainian air defenses for a few months now. The Avenger is not the only air defense system being supplied to Ukraine. The longer-range NASAMS system, and the MIM-104 Patriot anti-missile system were also included in recent aid packages.


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Max Schmidt

SS Oberstabstandartenwichser Alexander Sozansky from Lvov has been denazified in the Donetsk area. Famous for killing Donbass civilians since 2014, the Neonazi (which was member of the “Golden Rain Receivers” PMC) left 3 children (one son, one girl and one, well, “undecided”) and a wife, Masha. The whole family are now heading to Poland where they will live with Masha’s new BF “Marcin” who is a former public cemetery gardener, now pensioner.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt
The Objective

How is Russia going to cope if the West decides to send more advanced weapons to Ukraine? That is what will likely happen in the end. There’s increasing talk of fighter jets and longer-range missiles.

Natalie Biden was 13

No more coping. It’s over, Russia should destroy these advanced weapons even before they enter Ukraine. Natalie Biden was 13 recommends to sink the ships crossing the Atlantic carrying the tanks.

Joseph Day

Himars the gamer changer, didn’t change anything.
If they send jets, they will loose them, US pilots aren’t use to coping with air defence.
Ukraine is lost, Monsanto and co will have to cut there losses.

William White

Talk is cheap, if the Russians would get off their asses and finish thigs up instead of dicking around this could all wrap up before that junk arrives. Moving at the speed of cows.


Heavy derp, derpster.

Captain Hohol

Glowie gets paid per post.


Prehnitý západ začal poriadne prikrmovať tú Banderovsko fašistickú sviňu, len čo je pravda. Uvidíme ako jej to pomôže. Ruské vojská budú mať teraz znovu možnosť otestovať svoje zbrane a zbraňové systémy priamo na bojisku. Teraz sa ukáže kto má akú vyspelú techniku. HIMARS na Ukrajine pohorel. Tento raketový systém Ruské vojská už celkom slušne začali ničiť. Nie iba strely, ale už aj samotné odpaľovacie zariadenia. Uvidíme ako to bude z týmito.

Dick Von D'Astard

Scrapheap challenge.

Dick Von D'Astard

God help them if they take on the PLA next. Doubtful even the almighty would be able to save them.

Joseph Day

More junk the ukrops are paying way too much for. Suckers


Ukrainistan is even better – PROFIT wise – than Afghanistan!


Soon will be scrap metal

Romanian whore

Absolute expensive to maintain/use junk, for this stage of the war. Russian learned how to stay out of SAM’s and meanwhile destroying them (good Recon and MIG 31 medium range ASM or easier knowing the imbecility of bandera rats, an 152mm shell). Not even good as an anti-hellmopeds since theirs very low signature and cruise level. But very good to show something for the ukroimbeciles and then ask to die for…..almost pity for this crowd of delusional ukroretards seeing they are now like we were 34 years ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

So we won. WTF, not yet?! Pochemu? Are we waiting for God’s instructions or what?


Nine years, Ihor, nine years. Your shitty army couldn’t take Donbas, can’t take Crimea, and now has lost two more oblasts, and likely at least one more before the shooting stops. How’s life in the EU treating you and the other Banderite retards?

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

Every time the us sends a new toy the fans rejoice and say this will brake the russian back.
But this war is nowhere near to an end as long as neither ukraine nor russia fails to mobilise new waves of troops. Both sides the west and russia have enough toys for a decade of war probably.



What a joke!


Great ! More practice targets for Russia.More chances for Russia to win this war since NATO would have nothing left to fight with in September 2023.

From MYPerspective

They are going to be used to protect their high value installations? If those installations are high value, then Russia will simply use hypersonics and that will be that. But do your thing….

Harry Taylor

There is nothing Western Oligarchs will not destroy to plunder any world resources anywhere they can. There is no one they will not kill for their greed, including their own.
Khazars and Jesuits – a match made in Hell. There are no White Joos. Ben Franklin and Abraham Lincoln warned us about BOTH of them. These fake Joos created the Nazi Party. Mein Kampf shows how they modeled their movement incorporating the Jesuit Philosophy. WWI and WWII laid the groundwork for the creation of “Greater Israel” which is nothing but Oil and Gas Hegemony. They are stealing Syrian Oil Fields, Iraqi Oil Fields and want every drop they can plunder. They are not stealing it for us, only for their own profit. They destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline. They tell our Government what to do. They are trying to destroy every aspect free Nations Constitutions and Christian Culture.

Last edited 2 years ago by Harry Taylor
Chris Gr

Jesuits dislike Israel

jens holm

vurly bisted bias—we live in amerikan anus. comes kusticlblis spayed bliny kl;ing-on sex…super tebe


Keep the overpriced yankee scrap rolling to the ukrap dumpster fire. The tax cattle in Slumville will finally break and tear the whole nightmare apart. Either way the USSAN Mafia abomination is being demilitariZed along with its naZi maggot in rump Ukrapland.

Z and more Z until Washing town burn$.

Captain Hohol

These things at one point had a 1200 round per minute .50 caliber machinegun on them, I can’t think of a vehicle that such a gun would be more useless on given how current wars are fought. That turret on the back is a great big target and I genuinely feel sorry for any Ukrainian who has to sit in that thing, the only thing they can hope for is that these things will be sat around in kiev in hopes of shooting down drones or something, because out in the field it’s basically a suicide chamber.

Last edited 2 years ago by Captain Hohol

In Command & Conquer thise things had lasers on them which would should down missiles.
I guess in real life they are just launchpads for cold war era manpads.
