On September 16th, two US Apache attack helicopters attempted to approach a Russian military police patrol in the Syrian province of Haseka.
This goes against the agreement between the two countries in Syria.
In response, the Mi-35 and Mi-8 helicopters accompanying the Russian patrol stopped the provocation by intercepting the American helicopters.
The Americans quickly retreated, flying a long distance away.
Initial reports were that the Apache helicopters were chasing after the Russian convoy and that was the entire incident, but then subsequent footage was released showing that they were, in fact, intercepted.
“Two American AH-64 Apache combat helicopters, violating the agreements on the interaction of the parties, accompanied the convoy of Russian military personnel,” the channel said.
“Apparently, the command of the International Coalition, after serious physical and mental trauma to its servicemen, has not abandoned attempts to control the movement of Russian patrols, only now without creating obstacles on the ground,” they added.
This refers to a previous incident in which a Russian vehicle rammed a US vehicle in Syria, and 4 US troops were injured.
According to reports, the four U.S. troops have been diagnosed with mild concussion-like symptoms after the incident involving Russian and coalition armored vehicles.
The incident occurred on August 25th, when a routine security patrol encountered Russian troops near Dayrick in northeast Syria, US National Security Council spokesperson John Ullyot.
A Russian vehicle struck a coalition vehicle, injuring its crew, he said, adding that the coalition patrol then left the area “to de-escalate the situation.”
Ullyot condemned the Russian actions in the statement.
“Unsafe and unprofessional actions like this represent a breach of de-confliction protocols, committed to by the United States and Russia in December 2019,” Ullyot said. “The Coalition and the United States do not seek escalation with any national military forces, but U.S. forces always retain the inherent right and obligation to defend themselves from hostile acts.”
Videos taken by the Russian MoD's Zvezda TV channel of the abandoned US base near Manbij. Russian journalists were escorted to the base by Russian military police.https://t.co/tymCrxk2M0 pic.twitter.com/5N3xolmlXO
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) October 19, 2019
Two more videos of Russian forces in Syria. Not sure if this video was also taken on August 24 before the fracas between Russian and American forces. The video shows a US MaxxPro MRAP, and Russian Typhoon-K, Tigr, Mi-8AMTSh, and Mi-35M. 316/https://t.co/H70Iz7dAke pic.twitter.com/BW0VLP324B
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) August 26, 2020
A longer video of the confrontation. US forces appear to be blocking a road and then attempt to block the path of the Russian patrol when they drive through the field. An American MaxxPro MRAP appears to collide with a Russian Typhoon-K MRAP. 319/https://t.co/iCliZSYVY9 pic.twitter.com/xZTtN6l0Ib
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) August 26, 2020
Incidents such as these appear to be happening more frequently, with tensions between Russian and American troops being heightened.
It could also be a result of some US troops being redeployed inside Syria to secure the oil fields that the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) defend, while a US company begins carrying out work on exploiting them.
Us chasing away Russian cowards lol https://media1.giphy.com/media/l3q2YgSAFpSePLXJS/giphy.gif
You must have missed the part where Russian helicopters chased off the US ones!!
I watched the video and I didn’t find that part either.
lol…simple but brutal..unfortunately russians dreamed of whole syria but they overestimated their capabilities…you need solid allies and very high gdp to play at middle-east..usa is champion league player..hands down..
Dont make me laugh.
U.S. is a crumbling empire, they lost in Syria.
And Turkey is on the way out of NATO and into SCO.
ı respect you because you are polite..thats all you need to know…
Same to you bro ?
fyi:ı lived in russia 5 years(kemerovo,angarsk,kirov,kaluga)..honestly love russia but since that gyspy boi keeps his stinky mouth in this forum ı will keep my evil side to death…you are aware of the situation..
Im actually Hungarian.
But pro Russia. ?
ı am not racist bro…but when someone knocks my door ı will knock his door too..ı dont have rear gear..
I will “knock” your sister because I already did “knock” your mother
ı am on the way to beach but ı have to make an exception for you from phone…ı didnt bother to knock your pig mommy..she is literally animal….she shitted you in toilet she should know supine and prone position during birth is way better choice..imo your sister considering your level is abomination..even thai cum girls are more beatiful than her..
Whats racism have to do with anything ?
ranger knows it…
But I dont, please explain.
Syria won the war with its Iranian, Hezbollah and Russian allies. Every major city in Syria is in government hands now. Idlib will soon be liberated and the US fags and their terrorist allies are to follow soon.
yeah keep dreaming cockroach..maybe you have to assemble death-star to get east of syria back..
Did you notice how Turkroach and Jewroach support each other in all comments?
I think the same situation is between Bibi and Turdogan…In public they pretend to fight and later they are friends in secret, privately support each other and the same terrorists.
Yep, funny thing tho – turkish trolls are supporting SDF now lol
Delusional bullshit. US terrorists along with their turdish and saudi vassals dreamed of regime change in Damascus but they failed completely.
Swap U.S. with Russia and its legit Trollstoy…
Your moronic gay GIFs don’t change the fact US cowards are running away
Paul is Sunni Muslim from India that loves US and Turkey
The video doesn’t reflect the title.
just like your comments never “reflect” the truth
so here you are still with us
The title was changed. Now it reflects it.
The video is inconclusive that said there is no doubt that there was indeed several helios from both Russia and US in the air at the same location which makes it highly likely there was a threat and counter threat scenario.
The US is adding to its illegal Syrian invasion every other day either with convoy additional troops and armour or radar platforms.
Obviously their vicious coup fell flat on its tits thanks to the brave Syrians Iranians Iraqis Palestinians Afghans and Lebanese who gave their lives in large numbers to stop these Western sponsored child raping head choppers destroying Syria and Iraq.
The Russian airforce and special forces were vital to the saving of Syria as a unit and the Russian diplomacy in restricting Turkish involvement in the threatre when the USA actively encouraged Turkey to invade Syria when their 80 nation band of murderers got obliterated by Hezbollah and the SAA
These incidents will continue to occur if not escalate while US holds any foothold on Syrian soil
It is about time that Russia should arm Iran, Hezbollah and the Iraqi resistance to the teeth. That is the only way to weaken the terroristic cunts and their head-chopping allies in the region.
The Russians are entering the territory of the Coalition and the SDF forces, then claiming the U.S has no right to be there? nobody asks you.
Shut up turkisis loving jewsnake !
Nobody gives a f*ck what you think anyway!
Child murdering c*nt!
Child murdering cunt’s indeed!
You again? how come you always pop up at the wrong place at the wrong time? do you have a gift to come out of the blue and spill out your nonsense at me? seems like it.
Are you crying ? Did I hurt your feelings ?
No, I just don’t understand what’s up with your comments. I talked about Russia in Syria, what does it have to do with Turkey or Greece?
hahaha….coward gays…they cant forget the past…living desperately with the fear of invasion…
Did I say anything to you about turkgay or Greece?
I just told you to STFU cause you are a turkisis loving jewsnake and nobody cares.
Do you deny you are a turkisis loving jewsnake?
Cause you only give thumbs up to yout turkisis friends here :
And they are the only ones that give you thumbs up too.
I would give you a thumb up too if you adressed me with respect, I try not to go down to you level even though I can do it very well as you’ve learnt. Solve your issues with Turkey about East Med, here we talk about Syria. None of your business.
”Down to my level” ??? hahahahaha
First of all you did Not answer my question !
Do you deny you are a turkisis loving jewsnake?
And I didnt ask for your thumbs up either jewsnake !
If anything a thumbs up from the likes of you, (someone who takes pleasure in killing children) would be a badge of dishonour!
A 17 years Palestinian can hold a gun and shoot at IDF soldiers, he is a kid for you or not? I consider him a kid. I have never killed small kids who throw stones, I am not an animal. I talk about a firearm, which pose a clear threat to me or my unit.
Now, about Turkey. I don’t have anything against Greeks or Turks since we have never been enemies and had no wars, so I don’t take sides here. Solve you conflict on your own, it has nothing to do with Israelis. Does that answer your question?
palestinians are insects and master at back-stabbing…ı dont forget their co-operation with pkk..Palestinians, who were protected by Ottomans until their last breath, backstabbed Ottoman at the time of the Arab Revolt and favored Arab nationalism. They integrated their forces negotiated their assistance in the British Embassy in Cairo Egypt with Lawrence Man of Arabia who disguised always as an Arab to get their support.
Palestinians will always support the ones who is best for their current interests in the region, they have no loyalty. But in the end we need to reach a peace deal with them, that is the best for both people.
treacherous people dont ever trust them..always keep axe somewhere close..
You call a slingshot a weapon !
And you go and shoot them from miles away with your rifles!
Cowards of the lowest kind you are.
And thats why you like the turks so much, and they like you, cause you are birds of a feather.
Jews (I told you before and posted the articles) have murdered and butchered Greeks in Cyrenaica Libya and in fact in Cyprus during the Roman empire times, over 200.000 dead with the help of the Romans.
So dont say you are not taking sides and you are neutral and that kind BS to me!
And in our times the past 10 years or so the trade between Israel and turkey is growing constantly, comercial and military.
On the surface you pretend to be Greece’s friends (we gave you the info on the S300) but behind our backs (as always) you go to good old Erdy.
Erdy is a big jew by the way, nvm what he says on the cameras to get the voters on his side.
Greeko, if we wanted to go against you then trust me, you would feel it. But we are not doing it, infact we even have a gas deal with your country to improve the economic relations and Israelis come to visit Greece in big numbers. You want to be stuck on the past? I can also blame you for helping the Nazis, some of you did. Get over it, we are not your enemy so don’t turn us into one.
See, this is why I call you jewsnake, on top of being a child murdering cunt you are also a common filthy liar.
Everybody knows the Greeks fought the invading Italians and then the Germans in the north and then we had the battle of Crete.
That Is history, go to your library in TelAviv, I m sure you ll find something.
And as much as we Greeks hate the Germans for what they are, and also cause they v always been against Greece since the year of independce 1821, a lot of us however feel sorry that they didnt finish their work with that final solution thing…
Nobody is perfect though right ?
And I also blame the Greeks that protected the jews in Greece from the nazis …big massive mistake! Thats how the mothers and fathers of little jew pricks like you escaped their death and here you are today talking out of your dirty hole!
You helped the Nazis, and that is a fact. Go read how many Greek Jews died because of your actions, because you made no effort to protect them. I’m done talking to you, atleast accept your dirty past before you talk about others.
You are so funny little Jew, Greeks were fighting the Axis powers while you were hiding. You will clean your mouth with a soap before say anything about Greece.
Hahahah, respect ? You ? ?????? You very funny troll….
All their steps recorded and collected for database. Well done! Internet special service doesn’t sleep. Sofa wars goes on. My combat chair is ready for attack.)
lol…they are ansar-allah children…but mediterranean version…and these gay island mykonos children are angry at israel because you give some technologies to us though not critical but helpful…ps:these guys cant even produce machine gun let alone ship,drone or radar…
Cause turkgay produces loads !
No no, its not just kebaps, rugs, terrorists and genocide … no….
Well-said, Turkroaches are indeed genocidal headchopper!
“The Russians are entering the territory of the Coalition and the SDF forces”
Could you please clarify that a country called “Coalition and the SDF forces” exists? It’s not on a list of UN member states. A UN member state called Syria owns that territory
“then claiming the U.S has no right to be there”
The US has no right to be there. Period. In fact under US law the SDF, which is the military wing of the PKK, are a terrorist organization according to the US State Department and has been since 10/08/97. The US military is arming and supporting a terrorist in their support of the SDF.
There is no such thing as “the territory of the Coalition and the SDF forces” you shameless and brainless piece of shit – it’s the territory of Syria occupied by the US terrorists and their kurdish puppets. But then you ziorats are experts in stealing foreign land.
Go cry to someone else.
Go eat shit someplace else.
As far as I am concerned…I am much more tolerant than you!
He can and must eat shit right hear and right now and nobody should stop him from doing that or that person will have problems with me!
Go eat a block, motherfucker. Now don’t reply.
Go eat a cock, you and your block ?
I’ll reply whenever and whatever I want, I don’t give a fuck whether you’re reading, crying or breathing (more rhymes lol). btw doubt I fucked your mother, you are too stupid and ugly to be my bastard… perhaps my dog did…
ı love kibbutz and how israel transforms these dry lands to efficient agricultural areas by inventing drip irrigation. ı hope and believe by heart israel will get larger in terms of land mass. Palestinians have done nothing right in their pathetic lives. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6acaf4660241581ba7b82214e3109540fef86dcad58ee40b957c6356d0e162ff.jpg
Thank you Servet, I hope you can end the PKK terrorism too because terrorists that hurt civilians are the same no matter who they are. The Greeko guy can keep calling me jewsnake and other bullshit, I stand behind my words. Thank you Turkey for saving many Jews in WW2, the Greeko needs to be ashamed of his history.
we saved jews from spain ..in 1492, the Spanish royal couple Isabelle I and Ferdinand II ordered the expulsion of the Jews from the country…Bernard Lewis excellent source as historian. ı respect israel. İstanbul where ı lived our neighbours were all jews.
You are talking about the same Turkey that was hiding during WW2? And like cowards and well known opportunistic leeches they declare war on Germany just 1.5 month before the NAZIs surrender, when everything was already over, because they wanted to be in the Victors side and take some spoils of war without firing a single bullet lol.
Of course they got nothing, thats why Greece took all those islands as spoils of war, because we did fought bravely against so many enemies when other powers fall within hours, days.
we are foxy dear..kudos to diplomats..we enjoyed pop-corns…
Diplomats? Lol Germany simply didn’t want to attack you, you were not a threat for them little puppy.
But its funny little mongol how you tried in the end to join the allies by declaring war just 1.5 month before the end. Still you got shit from the spoils of war because everybody saw what opportunists you were lol.
Now all the islands belong to us, as they should anyway since there were Greek for thousands of years, long before any ape like you come to this region.
how boring f.ck you are and the guys upvoting you…. shortly wihout super-duper details Germans offered to send us troops to join them,wanted using country to keep pressure through caucaus and reach ıraq oil ( we rejected))after the operation started..(24.06.1941) in exchange of some islands and some balkan lands..yes turkey was a tiny country with around 17 million population..even iran signed non-aggression pact with both sides but he was invaded by soviet-anglo army…see pacts didnt work just like german-ussr pact. 14 Ocak 1943 at casablanca conference allies decided to strenghten Turkey and tried us to make attack and keep pressure to romania(germans oil fields) churchills Autobiography – the Hinge of Fate..read it or goggle casablanca conference and turkey.. by the way Yugoslavia which overthrew their pro-German government experienced german invasion and proved churchill was wrong. Turkish diplomats already understood germans traditionally lacked true diplomacy for convincing different type of regimes for forming allianceand prefered keeping neutrality. enough info..now you are biased neanderthal eat this During Nazi occupation in Greece, Turkey was a 1st country to send food & medical equipments. Kurtuluş was a ship that carried aid to Greece. It sank on 20/2/1942 in Marmara Sea during her 5th voyage from İstanbul. ı know you will deny,its genetical..for you Merlyn streep with shits of oscar and jennifer lopez with one stupid movie equally talented actresses..there is no diffrence between tiger,leopar and house cat..same family…your pathetic comment was full of childish apes,mongols,got shit from the spoils of war..full of stupid arguments..dont even reply to me asshole..
All I know Mr Mongol Mehmet that you were hiding in your caves while the rest of the world was burning. Greece was even smaller back then with a population of 6 million but we stood our ground and fought fearlessly while most European countries either surrender immediately and lost within a week, there none historian in the world to deny that.
One funny thing and I see that you dont want to comment on that(because it bothers you) is that you declare war a month before Germany surrenders, you wanted like leeches to be in the winners side without firing a single bullet the entire war, hoping to gain some spoils of war, which of course you got nothing, everybody knew what opportunists you were.
Mongol go back to the Steppes where you belong.
why should ı enter war gay mykonos greko-romen?so you didnt comment about the facts stated and continuing whining about taking side at winner side..your hyprocrisy has no bounds..why bothers me?rightly,ı had chosen the winning side..nothing strange about that..you are another gay-mykonos offspring…steppes-mongol these are bs…we got istanbul-cyrprus from you..and you are still afraid of us like rabbit.nation of gays..ı cant expect more from you…hahaha pathetic thingie who lives under eu charity..
hahaha Mongol, you choose the winning side just a month before the surrender of Germany? lol What a heros you are lol. Everyone was laughing about you. Cowards, pathetic mongols.
lmao everyone is laughing to us ..fantastic diplomacy saved us clown this is the reality..you lived again invasion which is genetical..hahahahaah…..die you stupid mothafucka…
First speak better English because the last part makes no sense.
And second, you are cowards and opportunists, you were hoping by entering in the end of the war in the winners side that you might take some spoils of war lol.
And you got nothing, thats why they gave us all those islands in the Aegean, as a thank you for our sacrifice.
no ı dont have problem with eng. but since you dont comment anything about the facts…ı dont take you serious..ı wont write something to you again..and you are son of whore we invaded you and made our slaves..hagia sophia is f.cked..kaputtt….
oh oh dont do it, dont leave me…because I give a shit lol.
Crush those Greeko roaches, make them pay.
Thats the problem, they cant lol.
Time will tell.
I’m sure of it.
these son of whores begging you to sell drones them finally they managed to hire heron maritime..ungrateful bitches..
Yeah Servet, doesn’t matter Vas showed me their true face.
You did nothing, the U.S and British forces saved your sorry asses while you were helping sending Jews to Auschwitz from every Greek Island. Don’t talk to me about the past, you dirty Greek.
Lol What Mr jew? We did nothing? For fighting months alone against Italy and then Germany and score the first victory for the allies. You little jealous Jew, you were hiding under the rock while the rest of the world was fighting. Every historic recording says how bravely Greece fought and won battles. You need to go educated yourself Jew, basically you know all those stuff but you are too Jealous to admit it.
And we send no one Jew to Auschwitz, thats a straight up line out of our butt with no evidence whatsoever. But to tell you the truth I dont give a shit what happened to you in WW2.
We weren’t hiding you fucking Greek, we were being killed thanks to you cooperation with the Nazis. Jewish Partizans fought in the forests with what they had and starved to death, Jewish prisoners in the Ghettos rebeled against the Germans with bravery even though they knew they would die. Don’t talk to me about what Greece did, you did jack shit to help the allies in war. You were more than happy to kill the Jews, don’t act like you cared you lying scum.
haha Jew more BS out of your butt. The historical records say otherwise. Go educate yourself Jew. While we were kicking ass in the battlefield, you pathetic Jews were hiding. And Greek troops participate all the way till the end of war, even in Normandy with ships and troops.
Little coward Jew, we saved your butt, say a thx and move on.
For your education Jew:
We did part, we did it way above our size.
Tell me, where were you in all of this? Ah yeah hiding.
Hiding? let’s see your Greeko army today against our IDF, we will teach you how to swim back to your fucking Greeko islands. Your entire navy will be sunk by our airforce, don’t fuck with us.
Ah so now you just forgot cowardice past of hiding and you speak for now.
Lol dont be ridiculous Jew, we have a large strong air-force, and large navy and large army and one of the most dense and numerous air-defences. You cant do shit, we are not Syria. You couldn’t even win against Hezbolah in 2006. lol
Israel #18, greece #33
We have bigger numbers. better technological army and better soldiers. What you have? say thanks you are part of NATO as no one gives a fuck about you.
Really? You take Globalfirepower as serious source of military? Its so wrong, probably some kids write it. They even have Poland above Greece while Poland has 1/5 of our airforce, its tiny navy its even smaller than yours and much less ground forces. Dont take it seriously.
Better soldiers…lol thats why they kicked your ass in 2006, our soldiers will crush you, our armed forces are pretty advanced and they will get even more now, with modernization of the F-16s in the Block 70/72 Viper in the process, with Rafales and F-35s on the way and new more advance frigates and subs, corvettes and modernization of the older ones and many more.
You should be lucky, if it wasn’t for US giving you so many free billions every year for arms, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
Vas, you won’t last a week in a total war against Israel so don’t fool yourself, and if you act nicely we promise not to shoot Jericho III at your Athens and wipe it off the map. Now know your place Greeko, you don’t have money for a toilet paper and we Israelis come to your country and help your tourism. We might aswell help Turkey, you stinky Greeko.
haha Dont be fool Jew, you will lose, pretty easy I must say. You cant even won against Hezbolah lol. Israelis tourists lol, dont be ridiculous, you are so few that wont make any difference if u come or not for tourism.
Alright then, I’ll trash talk Greece in every forum I know to let Israelis know what you think of us. Right now Greece is one of the few countries we can travel to because of the virus, once it ends I’m sure many of us would love to spend the money in Turkey. Enjoy.
oh oh dont do it because…I give a shit lol. Really, is that the best you can do? Who gives a shit about Jew tourists lol.
Not you, but ask your hotel managers how many Israelis come to them annually. Anyway you need to say thanks our PM and Erdogan are not friends, otherwise we would help Turkey with weapons and hurt your interests in the East Med. If you think you can send your army here to fight us then do it, let’s see how long you can last.
You people are just a fraction of the tourism in Greece, be real Jew. I love how Erdo the Sultan in every chance he gets say shit about you and despite that you Jew Iron you still support the mongols here, the ones who everyday have something to say about your Jewland.
Why would we need to send our army in your place, we are not at war. lol Dont make stuff out of your butt. Because I can say the same thing, try to send yours and see what happens.
We won’t attack you because you’re part of NATO, but if you attack us then you are on your own. I don’t like Erdogan, but after reading your comments and the other Greeko guy, I’ll sure as hell support Turkey against you anytime and anywhere I can. I hope they sink your entire ships around Cyprus, would be a cool thing to watch.
You wont attack us not only because we are in NATO, but because you wouldn’t dare to fight such a strong opponent.
Its funny though because me on the other hand I did support Israel many times here against the Iranian idiots, but it seems I should start support them as well in every topic against you.
Turkish navy…pfff Greek navy has never lost a naval encounter since ancient times. Turkey was never a seafaring nation. Their navy is gonna get sink without problem.
Support whoever you want I don’t care, you have made me pick a side and it’s the Turkish one. I’ll let them deal with you the proper way.
ah oh oh the Iron Zion has pick a side. What are we gonna do now? People head to the bunkers lol. Dont worry about the mongol Turks, we will deal with them the right time. I’ll let the Persians for now deal with you.
The Persians have been trying to hurt us for 40 years, and still failed. Don’t hold your breath, I suggest your sailors practice swimming back to the Agean.
ah the Jew speaks about sea, look what large area of sea we have and cry. You go hide again like you did in WW2.
One day Europe will get sick of you, you lazy Greeks.
Europe is Greece, even the name is Greek. Lazy is your Jew ass.
Funny, look at your debts. Only Germany is keeping you alive, now bow down before your German masters and kiss their feet.
No one is keeping us alive, we keep ourselves alive. Taking loans in normal for all countries, there is none country in the world that dont do it. And we pay it back.
You should thanking US for giving you billions of dollars for free like the cheap Jews u are. At least we take loans and we pay it back.
Seems like the Americans think we are a better investment than a sorry ass lazy Greekos. Don’t you think?
No they just feel pity for you Mr Jew, because of what you poor suckers happened to you in WW2. Same Hittler didn’t finish the Job.
Oh don’t cry, you can come here and try to do the same if you have the courage….
ah dont cry you can come here to try something if you have the courage…
this sentence exactly shows your pathetic,imbecile character…whoa..
greeks duty is..marketing miracle..great asset to make bucks..
israel already proved itself in terms of military-healthmedicine-software-business comparing israel and greece is like comparing bmw520 with hyundai i10..
haha so true xD
That reply just confirms how ignorant you are and that you have nothing useful to say because you know he is right.
US has no right to be there. It is an invading forces occupying a sovereign nation. It is therefore subject to attack at any time.
While Russia is invited to Syria to provide military assistance, and welcome to stay in Syria as long as it likes.
US interference in Syria’s allied forces, carrying out their duties is begging to be attacked. A US military chopper taking action against a Russian patrol ran into some Russian EW yesterday that kinda’ cooked it’s innards a little. Forced to set down hard, it had to be hauled back to it’s base,
AmeriCUNTS are trying to gain back what they have lost to Russian -Turk agreement on the border region.
Now they 1st testing Russia and than trying to put some pressure.
All Russian patroles should be equipped with multiple mapnpads to be more independent
from their air-protection.
The optimal solution is “Tor” system.That can shoot down any chopper while being on the move themselves.
In that case US choppers would be a dead meat even if staying on some distance from patrol.
dont bark stupid son of whore they owned you at east syria 5 years passed you are still whining here …
Wells-said, It is about time the cunts pay dearly for their illegal occupation in parts of Syria as well as in Iraq!
asma s.sad too sad that she cant see west of syria again…
Is this sentence supposed to have some meaning or sense to it? – Because it doesn’t.
Try getting someone to write it in understandable English. :)
well it triggers you right?simple one-shot sentence change ”because” with ”that”..
Americants should go home before they get hurt.
They werent Invited anyways.
Stealing oil and bragging with it on TV…
Trump is a pirate, not that I would prefer pedobide, just sayin…
Exactly! The only language the cunts understand is violence and body bags they should get in Iraq and Syria. It is time to arm The Resistance!
Good job Comrades.
CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage :)
“This refers to a previous incident in which a Russian vehicle rammed a US vehicle in Syria, and 4 US troops were injured.”
Oh, I didn’t know that! :D
inherent right of trespassers and thieves is to be shot dead… and the entire world knows US is thieving lying sack of shit..
This is hilarious. Unless I did not listen accurately enough, the russians appear to be laughing.
The games people play? This all looks like theater to me. Militarily there is no point to the any of this.
Much of our history is ” theater “.
Yes much but not all.
All you have to do is follow the money all of the way to the MICIMATT.
Imagine US being bullied, they can’t believe it.