U.S. Africa Command Shares New ‘Evidence’ Of Russia’s Intervention In Libya (Video)

The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) shared on June 5 what it called a new “evidence” of Russian interference in Libya.

The supposed evidence is a video recorded by U.S. pilots allegedly showing a Mig-29 fighter jet of the Russian Aerospace Forces en route to Libya.

“Adding Russian fighter aircraft into a very complex and challenging situation in Libya, adds chaos, heightens tension, and deserves spotlighted attention. Russian officials continue to deny their involvement despite very tangible evidence,” U.S. Air Force Col. Christopher Karns, director of public affairs in the AFRICOM, said in a statement.

The filmed Mig-29 has no markings. Furthermore, there are no details that allow to udnerstand where the video was taken. Russian warplanes regularly move from and to Syria through Iraqi airspace, where the U.S. Air Force is active.

Last month, the AFRICOM and media sources released several aerial photos and satellite images of what they claimed to be Russian warplanes deployed deployed in Libya, reportedly to support the Libyan National Army (LNA) against the Government of National Accord (GNA).

In spite of these claims, no airstrikes carried out by Russian warplanes have been reported in Libya so far.

While the AFRICOM is pushing the narrative of the Russian direct military interference in Libya (which is untrue), it continues to ignore the ever growing Turkish involvement there. In the last few months, Turkey shipped loads of heavy weapons and deployed thousands of Syrian militants in Libya to support the GNA.


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Since Turkey intervened in the Libyan conflict we have seen NATO propaganda machine in the works.


and the us africa command – what are they doing, sitting on their hands or providing support in the form of guns and bombs and the whole kit and caboodle to the side favoured by the yankeetwats.


Even the name AFRICOM/ US Africa Command is such an implicitly arrogant overreach – as if US commands over the entire African continent.

Ivan Freely

Just wait until the Pentagon decides to create Earth Command. LOL

Lone Ranger

They already have that.
Air Force Global Strike Command…


Russia Manhandle Command, how about this?

Caio c

And what abou Wagner troops?


It’s like the boogieman, we hear about Wagner but no one can show them or provide a figure of how many they are.
How many Wagner mercenaries do you think there are in Libya?


How many man has Wagner at all ?



Lone Ranger

Whom toppled and killed Gadaffi, who bombed Lybian cities?
Whom armed and funded jihadis?
Was it Russia?
It was the U.S., UK, France…

King Cliff

if the Russian where the one doing the bombing the GNA wouldn’t be around with enough asset to launch offensive.


Yes, I’ve already seen that in Idlib

Lone Ranger

That was isis Air Force.
Formerly known as U.S. Air Chair Force.
Russia bombs terrorists, U.S. bombs hospitals and civs.


Was US airforces involved in Idlib? The more you comment the more you expose yourself.

Lone Ranger

Yes it was.
It gave aircover to isis for years.
While bombing SAA and civs.


Then shame for Russia not confronting them with their mighty air superiority

Lone Ranger

And start WWIII?
SAA and Russia still won, albeit it took 5 years, but lets not forget they fought an axis of evil made up from the U.S., UK, France, Turkey, and sometimes Israel too.


I don’t see that the war is over yet.

Lone Ranger

Its over.
What you see now is clean up operations.


So war it’s over but they lost over 50% of their territory and Israel bombing on weekly basis. Good lesson for any country that thinks Russia is a reliable ally.

Lone Ranger

80% of Syria is under SAA control.
Russia is still there.
U.S. abandoned the Kurds and Iraqis, not once but twice….each…
Indeed Russia is a reliable ally.


Indeed, a reliable ally for Turkey and Israel.

Lone Ranger

That’s why 80% of Syria is under SAA control now, plus the Greater Israel Project failed too.
Totally logical…


You have no clue how to read a map, they are here on SF, you pulled that 80% out of your arse.

Lone Ranger

Projecting much Shlomo….?


less than 50%

syria lost oiol and gas field, tabqa damm, water of euphrat. syria is dying countr. under russkie tact.

Lone Ranger

Disney called, they want you back…

Lone Ranger

Keep exposing yourself ;)


I just got one question.

In the whole country, Libya, from West to East and North to South, is there any Americans ?

Any ?

So…what is Russia waitting for ? What is Putin waiting for ?

What are the U.A.E and Egypt waiting for ?

Ivan Freely

Officially the Pentagon withdrew their forces some time ago. I believe Russia is trying to get Turkey to switch sides. Russia’s Libyan involvement was only to pressure Turkey (regarding Syria) but Putin can’t put too much pressure as it would mean Turkey remaining in NATO.

Egypt doesn’t want to spend too much money and getting mired in a forever war in Libya. They probably decided to only look after the border areas. The UAE doesn’t have the numbers. But, they’ve been losing money for some time because of their financial support for other military adventures. And the current oil markets isn’t helping their situation.


you do not send other countries in war.

BUT! as volunteer you can go there and fight.


Thanks for your irrelevant and dumb comment.

Tommy Jensen

Libya is the next country Russia is gobbling in Putin’s Global Dominance Doctrine of taking out “5 countries in 7 years”.
Gobbling all the gold in Chechnya, Crimea and Syria, Putin is now heading West to pillage all the gold and resources in Libya


issued so many obligations/bonds that the disunited states of A is bankrupt.

Felipe Luker

Oh Russian and Egyptian shame, physical cowardice Long live the Empire OCTOMAN! OHHHHHH

Erdogan said the latest events in northern Iraq, Libya and the “Spring of Peace” area and Idlib, Syria, showed the strength of the Turkish army. Putin’s dwarfs and Egypt’s president Ald SISI



I look forward to the day when Russian troops pillage the Lybian gold that the USA pillaged and took back to the USA :)

Lone Ranger

Nice projecting…
Swap Russia with the U.S. and its legit, Trollstoy.

Felipe Luker

Oh Russian and Egyptian shame, physical cowardice Long live the Empire OCTOMAN!

Erdogan said the latest events in northern Iraq, Libya and the “Spring of Peace” area and Idlib, Syria, showed the strength of the Turkish army. Putin’s dwarfs and Egypt’s president Ald SISI


Perhaps the Yank that took the photos was ‘geographically challenged’.
Americans are not renown for knowing where foreign countries are on a map.
Especially countries that are populated by brown people.
They all look the same apparently :)

cechas vodobenikov

the amerikans destroyed Libya and now they complain when other seek to remediate their atrocities—typical

Peter Moy

100 % correct. That slack jawed, mealy mouth Cameron, the Hungarian freak Sarkozy and the smooth talking monkey boy fraud Obama ganged up on Libya. Notice how none of the lapdog little worm politicians in NATO and the EU mention this when dealing with the migrant invasion of Europe beginning in 2015. When the US deploys their boys and girls to other countries nowadays, they should also issue them adult diapers and tissues to these pathetic crybabies. They are really embarrassing hypocrites and complainers.

Lone Ranger

Dont call Sarkozy a Hungarian.
He denounced his heritage multiple times.
He doesnt deserve to be called a Hungarian, as this is a nation of Defenders and Heroes.


your general haftar is officer od west point. ruskies support a cia agent :P

Felipe Luker

If Russia says so, nothing happens, Russia is extremely passive, and the US needs aggressiveness to stop it, as Nikita Krusov did in the 1960s defending Cuba.

Nikita at the UN took off her shoe and struck vigorously on the cabinet where she gave the speech as a show of force.

The United States only understands the use of force, but asked Iran that it has already used against the United States and very effectively that the fat orange was for two hours without knowing what to say and in the end he lied and said Nothing happened to us no There is a problem. Iran immediately stopped the United States. If Russia wants to contain the United States in its warlike adventures, it needs to be more than diplomatic.

Assad must stay

a country that has an “africa command” complaining about another country interfering in the same country u cannot make this shit up lmao

Lone Ranger

Afrika Corps = Africa Command
Same nazis…


ruskies are also foreign element in africa.

Assad must stay

You missed my point, what I meant to say I the US is trying to tell the world that only it should be allowed to be involved in africa and no one else, what a crock of shit that is


If Russia says its not theirs then there is no problem for Turks, as become a legitimate target without repercussion just like PMCs and SAM systems.


this is not “evidence”, this is EVIDENCE

everybody knows, russia is onvolved in destroying of libya. ruskies are bloody agressors, laki were in afghanistan.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Americants wrong tho…

Svincius Savickas

This pig is simply missing the fact that it was the satanic US, UK bitch and France to destroy Libya while supporting AQ there. And now, this bitch tries to find a justification for another NATO war in Libya under the fake pretext for Russian involvement.