U.S. Admits GLSDB ‘Wunderwaffe’ Was Rendered Ineffective By Russian Electronic Warfare

U.S. Admits GLSDB 'Wunderwaffe' Was Rendered Ineffective By Russian Electronic Warfare

The GLSDB system. Source: Saab Group

Much-vaunted rocket-launched glide bombs supplied to Ukraine by the United States “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud, technical problems and Russian electronic warfare, the Pentagon admitted on April 25.

U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Bill LaPlante said that Kiev forces discarded the sophisticated weapon after it failed on several occasions.

“One company, I won’t say who they are, they came up with a really cool idea of taking an air-to-ground weapon and doing a ground-launched version of it, and it would be a long-range fire weapon,” LaPlante was quoted as saying by the War Zone. “It didn’t work for multiple reasons, including [the] EMI [electromagnetic interference] environment, including just really … doing it on [the] ground, the TTPs [tactics, techniques, and procedures], the DOTML [the doctrine, organization, training, and materiel] — it just didn’t work.”

While the official did not explicitly name the weapon system in question, the description he provided suggests he was talking about the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB).

The GLSDB, which was developed by American Boeing and Swedish Saab Group, combines the 129-kilogram GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), which is guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system, with the M26 227 mm rocket motor. It has a range of up to 150 kilometers.

The SDB has been in service for around 18 years. The GLSDBs are not however currently used by the U.S. military. Ukraine was the first to use it in real combat conditions.

To speed up the delivery to Ukraine, the U.S. reportedly developed special launchers for the munitions, which are not yet compatible with the M270 MLRS and the M142 HIMARS systems already supplied to Kiev forces.

LaPlante also revealed that the U.S. government truncated the usual testing requirements to expedite the weapons system’s acquisition. As a result, the weapon was “produced as quickly as possible.”

“And what happens is, when you send something to people in the fight of their lives, [and] it doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and then they just throw it aside; so that’s what happened,” the official concluded.

The GLSDB was promoted by the mainstream media in the West as yet another “Wunderwaffe”. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the first interception of the munition in March of last year. In later months, the remains of several munitions of this type were found in remote areas in the special military operation after they were apparently jammed by Russian electronic warfare.

The failure of the system highlight the doctrine followed by the U.S. and its allies in the current conflict, which is based on throwing money on anything demanded by Kiev forces and relying on their own propaganda over facts.


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Das Wunder Waffen SS

volkssturm brigades to the rescue heinrich

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass and mouth. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face diseased with herpes. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
jens holm

i worship dollar i have only 1 god money—to be morally you must worship dollar be submissive all mulatto—i inferior to russian my power senile fart

US is becoming a shithole

are you feeling ok, took your meds!!

corn pop

i heard the danes make wundewaffles almost as good as belgian wunderwaffles.

they both should stick to what they do best and not stick their noses into other nations’ business, like that stupid wench nuland and her nazty coup d’etats of democratically elected governments using fascist pigs to do her dirty work.

Joseph Day

lmfao. thats all ive got, lmfao


murkhan / ikea_fagg0t junk failed as expected.


does not matter, we can use any junk we have, the only thing that matters is that its used by eurotard clowns and used on their soil.

amerikkka orders the third world war on europe, and the eu obliges!
hahahahaa guilllable clowns!

rtx makes money on you idiots, keep it up!
🤡 😆😆😆


we prefer incompetence and failure —amerika #1 lgbt


ukrainians are fools

Ja, wohl

washington is the pied piper of fools.

corn pop

the tools of washington fools are bona fide fools themselves. the question is, which came first….the chicken footed fool or the egg fool jung?

Yankee Go Home

amerikkkan weapons are only effective against unarmed citizens

hyper weapons

yes, like serbian civlians in belgrade

Ja, wohl

indeed, and that brings up a question no one in the west wants to answer. if nato helps ukraine reconquer its territory, hopeless that the effort may be, then why did it not help serbia to regain it’s kosovo territory and bombed it instead? after all, many more donbass civilians died in 8 years than kosovo civilians. that’s two unsc resolutions, 1244 and 2202 that the us signed on to and then threw in the garbage.

are western powers made up of two-faced rats or is it just my imagination?

Ja, wohl

and that raises another question too. if nato targeted civilian infrastructure along with civilians in serbia to force capitulation, then why does it cast stones in a glass house? doesn’t that make nato look like a collection of two-faced rats just for that alone?

Gneaus stapo

quod erat demonstrandum, russian military technologie is crap.

band of bandoleros

stupo is back with more silly jack.

has mamma finished nursing your booboos and you’re back for more?


my lgbt wonder is dildo

Gneaus stapo

thx for sharing


as said before, please guys don’t stop with your bullshit propaganda, it’s so fking hilarious and entertaining. and now imagine the brainless idiots believing this crap 😆😆😆


its true, we also believe the “3 day” war narrative!

keep it up klowns, i am gay and have mental health issues, but my dick is soon a vegane
🤡 😆😆😆

Ja, wohl

i believe the 3 day war narrative, except that poroshenko said it’d be 48 hours and not 72 that he’d be able to bring donbass back under control by making their children hide in basements while his went to school and learned all about how stepan bandera saved the poles and jews from the nazis.

corn pop

did you know the banderites were known to shoot donbass children for fun when they came out of their basements to fetch water? it’s fact…i saw videos and heard testimony from the children themselves.

aren’t you ashamed of yourselves, for supporting such filthy psychopaths, america and europe? you should be.

i’ve also heard of a few idf doing similar things in gaza. but that’s another saga for another time. there’s a hierarchy of justice here. first come, first served.

Last edited 10 months ago by corn pop
Gneaus stapo

flatheads are subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum. tell them any lie and they believe it aka general winter is coming, biolabs, nato generals captured in putinopol, 5000% of ukrainian airforce destroyed, jewish nazis or whatever.

band of bandoleros

this conflict is starting to effect your brain matter. you’re starting to sound like that danish dipshit, jens. relax, learn and repent your evil lust for the childish aryan brotherhood.

band of bandoleros

what propaqanda? ukraine’s having its ass handed to it. enjoy! celebrate! a more deserving piece of a rotten fascist regime that sacrifices its entire population for nothing, there isn’t on earth.

Zelensky The Homosexual Clown

will this be the year the ukrainians hang me from a lamppost in kiev?

Ukrainian gypsy fortuneteller

indeed it will.

American bank teller

well, i hope i’m able to get my cash back if that’s your will.

may i suggest you hang him by his ankles as a benito bundle, so i can at least pick up any spare change from his pockets?

gestapo mctrucktaco

spare change funneled into egyptian villas..

corn pop

isn’t zelensky afraid of being beheaded by the muslim brotherhood, or a russian tourist?


we amerikkkans can only produce hot air and proxies, and you eurotards will be our proxies!

guillable clowns!
🤡 😆😆😆

The French Macaroon

we are not your proxies! we are not your slaves! honest, we’re not. you must believe me!

Ja, wohl

a neutered nato is a happy nato.


to ak ju rus dokázal zajať, tak by ju mal poriadne preštudovať a po odblokovaní poslať debilom zo západu späť. inak je zaujímavé, že ruské fab 500, 1500 a 3000 fungujú. s tých sú banderovskí fašisti posratí a utekajú čo im nohy stačia. svetu mier!!!


doesn’t work on the battle field, but hey it made some shareholders rich.


abbreviation of glsdb is similar to lgbt, as i read it for the first time.

band of bandoleros

it’s all just a blt sandwich to me.