Two US B-52H Strategic Bombers Intercepted When Approaching Russian State Border

Two US B-52H Strategic Bombers Intercepted When Approaching Russian State Border

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On July 21, Russian MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters intercepted B-52H bombers of the US Air Force approaching the state border of the Russian Federation over the Barents Sea.

The incident was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. According to the official claim, Russian means of airpace control detected a group air target approaching the state border. In order to identify the air target and prevent violations of the airspace of the Russian Federation, MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters from the air defense forces on duty were lifted into the air.

A pair of American B-52H strategic bombers were moving towards the Russian border. After Russian fighters approached the American bombers, ”they performed a U-turn from the Russian border.”

As a result, the Russian aircraft returned safely to their airfield, the Russian military added. The Ministry of Defense stressed that the flight of the MiG-29 and MiG-31 were performed in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace over neutral waters and in compliance with security measures.

This is far for the first time that American and other NATO aircraft perform dangerous provocations, approaching the state border of the Russian Federation. Amid the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, various NATO aircraft, including numerous reconnaissance UAVs, are conducting reconnaissance operations in the Black Sea and near the Russian city of Kaliningrad. NATO aircraft are providing the Ukrainian military with precious data and target strikes with NATO missiles in the Russian rear. As a result of NATO operations, dangerous incidents that threatened a major escalation of the conflict could not be avoided. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK


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Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

the last time these relics were actually used was probably vietnam, yup uncle sam will find out real quick on how outdated these flying coffins are.


they were used everywhere, even in afghanistan to bomb tora-bora caves alongside with b-1b. the plane came through numerous modernizations, that’s why it has h letter in the index. b-1b is out of service, not so big resource of airframe. b-2 can’t use missiles. so b-52 is the only reliable bomber in the airforce after f-111 (tactical bomber) decommission and is planned to meet 100th anniversary. tu-95 is also very old, it was invented when stalin was alive.

Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

i didn’t know the tu-95 was that old, interesting 🤔

Conan M

tu-95 is far superior to any active b-52s given the refinements “inside”. don’t let the outside fool ya!


this is one type of machines, they are equal in capabilities. i’ve read many books and military portals about all kinds of military equipment, so i know a bit. my point was to say that b-52 is sturdy unlike modern models. same is fair for tu-95. now such planes are not bombers, but mostly air launch platform. no need in high speed and low radar cross-section, just climb at 8-9 km height and drop 10-12 cruise missiles above area where are no enemy interceptors.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон
Moshe Dayan

i like the tu-95. i fully support russia in their defense of the people in the special military operation. but the tu-95 has 1/4 the capability of a comparable b-52. russia needs to take them out of the sky. make no mistake they intend to attack the russian federation.

Moshe Dayan

it is the most powerful aircraft bomber ever invented: it has two racks in each airframe like a revolver, loaded with nuclear missiles. do not ever dismiss the significance of the lethality of the weapons system that aircraft represents.
it was such a rugged design that it will fly until the airframe is 100+ years old. believe me, it’s no joke. russia must launch first: rand corp believes the us will survive a full strike, so they intend to escalate the war. russia must launch first.


the most powerful is tu-160m, the heaviest among its class and super-sonic. and the work of art.


well they lost 18 in vietnam and thousands of other aircraft including 500 usmc phantoms.


nothing special, it’s easy target, big and almost not maneuverable. s-400 has such name, because it’s max hit range is ~400 km for the biggest targets such as b-52 (~100 m2 of radar cross-section) or transport planes at high altitude. range for 4th generation jet fighters (~10 m2) is ~200-250 km, 5 gen fighters — ~100 km, because their rcs is lower than 1 square meter.


next time, shoot the bastards down!


why russia is afraid shoot b-52 down ?


no idea…..


they should take lessons from yemen.

AM Hants

it was probably in international air space, trying to get as near as possible to the russian air space. russia, unlike nato, plays by the rules of international law.


over international waters? doesn’t sound like a good plan if you ask me


looks like a boxing game. going for the weak spot and a knock-out punch. they hope russia falls asleep. maybe it is time to make a few holes in b52 wings. show your teeth russia, your enemy has no mercy.


those would get shot down easily.


let them cross the borders and shoot them down. where’s problem?

Moshe Dayan

the terrorist organization that is nato is testing russian response times to plan for a surprise attack. that is what they are doing.




nato is planning to deploy two permanent warships in bulgaria. this move aims to enhance the security situation in the region. the reaction of russia to this development is of great interest. in the past, russia has strongly criticized nato’s expansion in similar situations. this development could affect the military balance in eastern europe.

Ramses II

why russia complains when there’s hope for liberation from tyranny with dictator vladolf. maybe russians like to live in a nazi ghestapo russian dream?

Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

in the future the stars and stripes will only be used as a historical reference.


eh eh said by the son of the demential soviet union, keep dreaming and drinking cheap votka

AM Hants

do you mean the soviet union, that ukraine was part of, amongst 14 other member states? the same soviet union that fell in 1991? over a 1/3rd of a century ago.


or flags of liberia, puerto-rico, cuba, independent texas may be.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон
Mighty Orc

why lgbt amerikan tantrum at south front? humiliated by russian


no, that would be the kikenreich.

AM Hants

do you mean dictator volodymyr selinsky? remember, his term ended in may and he has no democratically, enforced, enforced, mandate to be a president. he arrests all opposition, whether media or politicians and refuses elections in the nation. his neighbour, who runs an 11 time zone nation, has no problem with elections or answering to his people and media.

Mighty Orc

where are desperate inferior anglo saxon now that russian victory obvious?

AM Hants

boris is begging for peace. the same boris who demanded ukraine walk away from the peace negotiations. now why does he now want ‘peace’? is it because nato is due to fall?


should have shot the fuckers down. give uncle sugar a good hard kick in the balls.


ussr was real uncle sugar. helped eastern europe to restore after the war, gave tasty military contracts to poland (landing ships), cz (l-29, l-39, l-410). they got much more than gave, but in 91 ussr was debtor to cz, amazing! debt of cuba to ussr was 30 bln, if to count in dollars. half of african countries got money and arms for several billions each. the us isn’t so sweet, it gives credits under political conditions and steals big part with puppets.


these were made back when boeing didn’t have dei qc inspectors. they work and remain the preeminent platform for unloading enormous quantities of missiles which finish will finish the job, even if unloaded in international airspace.


still nothing russian air force cant handle


see how dumb the u.s. military is?

Moshe Dayan

two of those aircraft can decapite any government on earth: next time send them a hot candle greeting so they don’t return. russia is going to be forced to launch all out strike because nato terrorists fully intend to go nuclear: otherwise russia will be destroyed. i was hoping things would be resolved, but it’s clear that it will not happen. cleanse the earth of these satanist murderers once and for all: the creator will understand.


get you hand off it weakling,russia would decapitate them in world record time,pufs just dont have supersonic missiles,let alone hypersonic technologys,which is why no one fears lgbtq minions=fixed!


in the real dire situation,easy targets for russian emps,usa is done,kepoot! to many low iq liars of cias.


russia has the fastest most formidibal long range bomber on planet earth,dozens of them too,supersonic,hypersonic,ballisticks make no mistake payloads capable second to none + top speed mach 2.8 lets see the septic gimp try to get out of the argument if push comes to shove,shall we? =z=