UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

The first data on the number and composition of Soledar’s dead defenders appear. Expectedly, foreigners were among the AFU soldiers. On the evening of 11 January, official Wagner PMC sources announced that they had earlier received a request to trace two British men who had stopped making contact from Soledar.

“On 8 January, the “Ask Wagner” hotline received a request to find two British citizens, Andrew Bagshaw and Christopher Parry, who went missing on 6 January in Soledar. Today, the body of one of them has been found, and documents for both British nationals were found with him.” – Wagner PMC.


UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine


The Wagner PMC hotline on Telegram – https://t.me/SprosiWagner

PMC Wagner phone numbers can be found here – https://chvk-vagner.ru/kontakty-chvk-vagner/


UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

It is highly likely that the second British man also died or heavy injured and his documents were taken by his compatriot.

One of the provided documents is a volunteer card in the name of Christopher Parry issued by a “charity organization”. Such documents are usually used by mercenaries to travel to Ukraine. However, it is not reported whether the dead man was in a military uniform or whether he was carrying a weapon.

Earlier, on 11 January, Evgeniy Prigozhin, head of the Wagner PMC, said that while inspecting the city, about 500 people were found dead. “The entire city is strewn with the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers,” he reported.

More information on foreigners killed or captured in Soledar is expected to emerge soon.

UPDATES:  On 7 January, at around 5:15pm, the Bakhmutskyy district police department (Ukraine) received a report of two British citizens aged 28 and 48 who had disappeared. It is known that the day before, on January 6, at 8 a.m. Andrew Begshaw and Christopher Perry had left Kramatorsk for Soledar and contact with them was lost,” the Ukrainian police reported.
Chris Perry of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire was found in hospital with a shattered eye socket and a broken nose.

As we now know, his partner Andrew Bagshaw was found dead. Andrew Bagshaw was born in the UK, most recently residing with his parents in New Zealand.

UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

Christopher Perry in hospital

UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine

UPDATED. Two British Wiped Out In Soledar, Ukraine



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Possible they were journalists is went to Soledar to report on the battle is the heavy losses of the AFU. It’s like the Nazis were afraid of the truths to the Western public, they ended up eliminating one of them. It is another fled from the Ukrainian holocaust not to become one of the 500 corpses.


Sure didn’t look like journalists in the pictures on Telegram.

Two more imperialist terrorist dogs put down.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

A British Nazi mercenary denazified the hard way?! Hell, I now open one more Prosecco.


Yup! about 100,000 Ukrainians dead. I believe 🤡 Biden the Clown™ is trying to break the infamous record of 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™ in Iraq.

🤡 Biden the Clown™, 🤡 Zelewski the Clown™, 🤡 Scholz the Clown™, 🤡 Harris the Clown™, 🤡 Pelosi the Clown™, 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged

Captain Hohol

They’re not nazis, they’re just people compelled to do the dirty work of dishonest globalists, very few nazis in Britain, most of them are idiot leftists or well meaning centrist progressives who don’t know the evil they’re serving.


There is not a whole lot of daylight between a NAZI and a leftist these days.


something like 25,000 ukranians reported dead if that number is realistic it could take some time to identify these two especially if there are injuries or disfigurements and they are not buried in rubble

V for victory

Poor devils. Another unnecessary death in a miserable NATO war.

Ahmed the muslim Cocksucker

Devils were rich. Good pay merc. Their death was necessary. Fuck you faggot. Go suck a nigger’s dick.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ahmed the muslim Cocksucker

War is Hell. Live by the gun die by the gun. No sympathy for mercenaries who should stay home and mind their own business. Ukraine is on the wrong side of both history and morality. Many Ukrainians were forced by conscription into a war they wanted no part of. These two fools had a choice and threw their lot in with zionist satanic Nazi’s and the WEF kosher cabal of evil. Karma is a bitch. Onward to Kiev and the final victory, Z.

Ultrafart the Brave

Wise words indeed.

Who will weep for these fools? Very hard to have any sympathy for people who blatantly set out to kill other people for money.

Captain Hohol

Mercs on both sides, the only thing is there’s a right and a wrong way to do it.

People in the UK already have a better quality of life than a lot of people in eastern Ukraine who were marginalized by the Kiev government. It’s fucked up for military tourists to jump in and participate in the bullying of people on their own land that they’ve lived on for the last 200+ years.

Wagner guys are doing it the right way, many Wagner guys are earning their repatriation back into the civilized world and out of prison by fighting the globalists, it’s honorable, they’re putting their lives up for their country and redeeming themselves in the process.

And as far as putting bounties on American assets? That’s monetizing combat as well, nothing wrong with it, you’re giving the average grunt a strong motivator. If that were me out there, I’d make a pact with my squadmates to split the money and hunt as many of them as possible.

Dick Von D'Astard

Look like two former lovers of Liz Truss.


They died doing what they loved. Getting killed by Russians.


Find all the mercenaries and kill them, they are illegal combatants and have no POW rights. If caught, sentence them as criminal and create Gulags in Siberia for them to work their sentences off at.


The BBC in London were reporting 2 days ago that the above individuals had gone missing near Soledar and that they were working as volunteers for a charity. The BBC report eminently drew my suspicion that something was being covered up! Who in their right mind would travel to an area like Soledar knowing full well that a major military engagement was taking place idiots or spy’s it is my option that the two individuals above were and had to be involved with British intelligence services eyes and ears the older man is of interest look at his bio and you will see…….

Isser Harel

British Bullshit Corporation. Hasn’t told the truth since probably 1970.


Make that the mid 1960’s, I might have been a child then, but I recognised a lie when I heard it.


It has never ever told the truth :)

Big Ol' Alligator Tear

volunteers for a charity…. BWAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA


Bagshaw was a New Zealander, posing as British. If you Google his name, you can find a picture of him in a British military uniform in Syria. He was fluent in Russian and Polish; he was obviously a SAS spook. If Parry was with him and had his info, obviously he was a spook too.


Looks like Parry was trying to anonymize Bagshaw’s corpse by taking his ID. Britain – as they have so clearly stated – is not involved in this war!

500 Ukro bodies strewn about? The dogs and rats of Ukraine will not go hungry this winter.


No the older guy Bagshaw had taken his wounded fellow “Britbastard” ID! Only Mad dogs and English men would think a LAND-ROVER an appropriate vehicle and why Ukraine colours?
Mer van no medical one that just an England flag “Savy”
Seen many a dead Brit either shot or blown to bits or both (always b certain)
Awhh am getting emotional missing the “good ole days”

Joseph Day

Let’s go to Ukraine, it’ll be fun they said


GOOD!… As there will be many more that will accumulate on top of the others the past year (or should I say several years) that will remain nameless for all eternity given that they are their illegally and their government who sent them to their deaths has NEVER officially declared war on Russia!…

Saves on body bags and shipping costs with the “official salute” that uses too many resources!…

The other best part is that the dead dumb asses will no longer be able to spawn which will translate into higher IQs

They don’t deserve a “tomb of the unknown” after THIS https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Isser Harel

Any ASS that fights on the side of Nazism deserves their fate.

Captain Hohol

A good number will have learned too late.

Grunt Britain

What an uppity has been of a nation that UK is, ‘Great Britain and Norther Ireland”. LOL

What happens when the Irish kick the Brits out of ‘Northern Ireland’? The Brits are too bankrupt to print new passports for everyone.


Not like “Call of Duty” was it, boys? Dead is really dead.


They are British special forces! May the force be with them now !! LMAO !!


Threw their young lives away fighting to globalist elites, complete waste

Nick J

Bagshaw is a New Zealander. He is an “aid worker”, not a mercenary. He believed he was doing humanitarian work. I can state that whatever he believed he was not a fighter or belligerent. RIP

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

I don’t know why but I strongly doubt he was there to pull kittens, dogs and Guineea pigs out of harms way.

Maybe there are decent people like that out there, it would restore my faith in humanity a little but these guys seem to enjoy more shooting random people than doing any “humanitarian work”.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

500 dead Ukronazis!? Way too few, the NATO scum pushed tens of thousands in there, don’t tell me they live to fight another day, to bring more destruction and pain just for fun!?


You join a conflict on the losing side, you have to pay the price.


“Chris Perry of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire was found in hospital”
Whose hospital Ukrainian, or Russian?
(If they’ve captured him), than Russians obviously haven’t learned lesson from previous captures of mercenaries.
Kremlin will send him back to Britain, just like the other 2 before him. ( Hopefully not after another death sentence in Donbass court which is only humiliation of Russian justice).
Mercenaries should never be prisoners.


Russian intel agency knew about those two Brits in the area. Russia put all military might just to kill them and ‘liberate’ pointless small town at very high cost. Hundreds of Russians were killed to get two foreign charity workers – yes, some might say they were spying but come on – Five Eyes got much bigger and more advance network!


This was done only to proof Russian narrative about Nato directly involved in the conflict. One day ordinary Russians will realise that there is still no change from the soviet time… and all former kgb will pay a massive price… like tsar and his cronies…

Kev not Kiev

These two Brits, hiding in sheeps clothing and red cross ambulances, could have been operating NATO equipment that was targetted by Russian counterbattery actions. No way in hell any civilians in their right mind would still be lurking in Soledar and needing ‘supplies’. In fact most citizens flee the area as soon as Ukrainians show up to take positions, they know the return fire is assured and leave asap, so the claim that they were doing aid work is beyond dubious. They were prolly operating a drone for targetting artillery or were directly involved in fighting, the Russians don’t expect any civilians to be in the contact zone except for hostages and human sheilds, maybe organ harvesting Israeli doctors…but unlikely they were ‘aid workers’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kev not Kiev
Buford T Justice

Hope everyone of them is eliminated.

Anglo Suckers

Just 2? I was hoping for more
