In the Eastern part of the Mediterranean at least two submarines are conducting patrol – TCG “Dolunay” and TCG “Burakreis”.

Russian guided missile cruiser “Moskva” at the Latakia’s coast
Originally appeared at Interfax, translated by James Cooksey exclusively for SouthFront
There are at least two Turkish Navy submarines in the area where guided missile cruiser “Moskva” is providing cover for the Russian airbase “Hmeymim” in the Syrian city of Latakia, – Istanbul media reported.
According to the Turkish General staff, currently the submarines in the Eastern Mediterranean are “Dolunay” and “Burakreis”. “Dolunay” departed for patrol duty on November 11, “Burakreis” on 7th.
As reported earlier, after the downing of Russian Su-24 bomber by Turkish F-16 jet, missile cruiser “Moskva”, deployed to Eastern Mediterranean since the end of September, was relocated closer to the coast of Syria.
According to the Russian General staff, the guided missile cruiser “Moskva”, equipped with naval variant of S-300 air defense system called “Fort” on November 25th, arrived at designated area in the coastal part of the Syrian Latakia province. There he began combat duty to ensure the security of Russian Aerospace Defense Forces base “Hmeymim”
Moreover, after the incident with Su-24 all Russian strike-bomber aircraft operating in Syria are now conducting their missions with the cover of fighter jets. According to Russian General staff S-400 anti-aircraft missile system has been deployed at the “Hmeymim” airbase, ensuring adequate protection of the air group.
“We warn that all targets that represent potential danger to us, will be destroyed,” – said the head of the Main operational Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces General staff, Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy.
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If Us, French, Australian, forces support criminal Turkey, who opperates under the starter of “ALL” wars Rotschilds Israhell, then, you will be known as the aggressors and assholes in history! GET THE FUCK OUT OF SYRIAS BUSINESS!