Turkish Gendarmes Torture Syrian Youths in Idlib (Video)

A horrifying video has been published on social media showing service members of the Turkish Gendarmerie were beating and torturing of 4 Syrian youths on the Syrian-Turkish border in the Idlib Province. The beating and humiliation caused serious injures of the youths. At least one of them sustained heavy injuries. Syrians being humiliated by Turkish gendarmes were forced to collect street stones in order to gain an opportunity to leave.

Turkish media sources claimed that the youths were Kurds and were attempting to smuggle weapons to Turkey. However, none of the young men appeared armed in the video and there was no any sign around of seized weapon.  Local sources claimed that the youths were Arabs from Idlib.

Local sources in the Idlib Province reported that the Turkish Army deployed a number of snipers along the Syrian-Turkish border and they had already killed several civilians who tried to cross border from Syria to Turkey, including a woman.

According to numerous reports the Turkish Gendarmerie has direct communications and coordination with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in Idlib.  Furthermore Gendarmes have excellent relations with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). They cooperate with HTS’ Civil Administration to manage Bab al-Hawa border crossing.

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I would think that thousands of Syrians rue the day in 2011 when they failed do support President Assad and instead have been living under terrorist and Turkish brutality.


Anti-Turkey atrocity propaganda starting up, and the angelicization of Kurds gearing up. Who are the local sources in Idlib? The last time there was a major news story in Idlib, we had residents claiming Syrian Army of Assad was gassing people. We need more than the “local sources say …” and “there are no signs of weapons near the youths …” to start believing the Turkish have suddenly started to commit atrocities on the the local Arab people.


If they have, Assad should step in. It’s an issue between him and Erdogan if this report is true.

Turkish would have nothing to gain by committing atrocities on the local Arab people. They are only anti-Kurdish fighters who work for the Zionist Axis.

Turkish have changed sides. Russia has accepted them as partners. Ask yourself who gains from any atrocity propaganda involving the Turkish?

Kids in Africa

Hitler was 100000x better than the Israelis. There is no comparison. Jews are homicidal maniacs. They killed an estimated 66 million Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, and other Slavs; also Kazahks, Uzbeks, etc. when they were in power in the USSR, from 1917 to 1991, in executions, overwork in labor camps, massacres, famines. Very few Jews died under the Soviets.
Read about them here:
Red Terror by Jewish communists. Here they are brutalizing a woman.


Jews are lethal to gentiles once they get into the government, especially a communist one. At least with a democratic government, you can kick them out after 4 years. In communism, you don’t have a vote. There is only ONE party – theirs.


Don’t swallow the tripe that Jews are gentle creatures who are persecuted. This is a fake image created by the Jewish media. They are actually very sadistic. They have a huge chip on their shoulders against gentiles, and that makes them dangerous. Once you give them a chance, they will kill you, gentiles, in the millions. Read about this Jewish woman, Roza Zemlyachka, & ask yourself how she compares to Hitler.


Hitler’s commander of the camps ordered that the food be improved in the camps for the inmates and he recommended that chopped raw vegetables to be added to the diet and overcooking be avoided (so that the vitamin content be better preserved). There is an actual document existing that proves this. There is also a document by this commander saying that the death rate of inmates must be reduced at all costs. Does this sound like people who were psychopathic killers that the Jewish media wants goyim to believe? Or is it just more Jewish screeching about fake atrocities done to them?


Maxim Gorky: “They would open a prisoner’s belly, take out the small intestine and nailing it to a tree or telegraph pole, they drove the man around the tree with blows, watching the intestine unwind through the wound.”
Remember that this Gorky dude was a friend of Lenin and Stalin. He supported communism for a long time. There would be no reason for him to lie. Besides, he’s not the only one to say this kind of thing. Tons of eyewitnesses. Tons of photos of torture under the Jewish Bolsheviks.
How many photos of tortured bodies of Jews can you find? None.


Want to know what it’s like living under Jewish Bolsheviks in a One Party communist state?
Ask the Latvians. They experienced it for one year. Latvia was a small country of less than half a million people. 30,000 of them died or disappeared in the space of one year.
Read about it here: https://tarbaby.wordpress.com/2017/07/24/baigais-gads-part-iii/
People found their family members like this:
I picked the least disturbing picture deliberately.
Do you wonder why the Latvians welcomed the Germans with open arms as saviors when they came to Latvia? The Bolsheviks quickly fled when they heard the Germans were coming.


Victors will write history. The Wikipedia site that you quote about the treatment and deaths of Russian POWs says that many POWs were murdered with Zyklon gas. If this site tells this lie about the “gassing in showers” story, how reliable is the rest of that site?


In addition, it says 200,000 POWs died in the camps.

About 270,000 people died in the concentration camps of the Germans for civilians. Red Cross and USSR’s own archives say this (1989). Most died of typhus. This death toll is actually not high considering that typhus was a deadly disease in those times. (More than a million Russians got typhus during the First World War).


200,000 POWs and 270,000 civilians died in German run camps.

Compare this to 39 million goyim who died in the gulag camps of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

Can you see how the Jewish media has been covering up the REAL holocaust?


If the treatment by the Germans of prisoners in the camps was so bad, how come they have to fake photos like this? More photos here:


I’d rather stay in a camp run by the Nazis than any camp run by the Gentile hating homicidal genocidal Jews.
Did the Germans make little kids work like this? The kid in the pic looks as if he or she is 6.


You just replied at least ten times to my above post!?
GO TIGERS GO! (time to take out ISUS trash along the river)


Wow, is that all you can say? What happened to your “It’s true! It’s written in Wikipedia! See?”


According to UN tigers are about to become extinct or highly endangered.


These Russians were going to be sent to their death. That’s why they were reluctant to go. Patton knew it too, that they were going to their doom. He turned a blind eye and let many escape. This is probably why there is such a high number of “disappeared Russian POWs” at the end of the war. Germans were very efficient. They kept records of everything. They would guard their prisoners well. The POWs probably ran away.


Many of the POWs were Russians who had actually fought on the Nazi side. They would not want to go back to the USSR. The USSR killed civilians for just looking at a Jewish official the wrong way. They killed Red Army heroes. They killed whoever they liked. How do you think TRAITORS to the USSR would have been killed?



“Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Bronstein, personally gave Bela Kun orders to shoot 40,000 captured officers in the Crimea (this is confirmed by historic documents republished by Dagens Nyheter in November 1993).”

“Under her direct command, more than 120,000 soldiers and officers were executed. She was personally involved in the executions.” (Rozalia Semlyachkov, who was one of the founding members of the Communist Party of Russia).


The Cheka (the Bolshevik secret police) conducted the mass repressions – one can only say that it was inspired from a furious revenge on the Ukrainians … Estimates for the total number of people killed in the Red Terror range from 50,000 to two million.



“The Russian author Shmelev, however, states that at least 120,000 people were murdered by them in the Crimea. Bela Kun used to lend a hand at mowing people down with several machine guns simultaneously – the body count would easily reach 70 people per minute. He became infamous as “the Commissary for Death”. Dzerzhinzky called him a lunatic.”


Solzhenitsyn. Why would he lie about the Jews? He was even married to one. He has Jewish kids.


Did not millions of Russian POW’s die of malnutrition in the slave labor camps of NAZI Germany during WW2? So how does this fit into your lovely narrative to re write history??


Where’s the proof that millions of Russian POWs died of malnutrition in German “slave labor camps”?
Never heard of this.
In fact, it’s well established that millions of people died of starvation under the Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR. An estimated 39 million died in the gulag camps (Rummel), which were essentially slave labor camps for the jewish government.
The prisoners were given 400-800 calories a day in many gulags (as little as 300g of bread a day some cases). They had a system where the person who was last to line up would be shot. They did this so that they could always have fresh prisoners to do labor work. Called the “No work, no eat” system, devised by Jew Naftaly Frenkel.


In fact, it’s a very sad story, but when the Germans lost the war, and the Allies swooped down on German-occupied lands, many Russian POWs begged to be allowed to stay in Germany and German-occupied lands and not be sent to the USSR. They knew that they would have a better life under the Germans/US occupation than in Russia, which they dreaded going. The US betrayed these people knowing that many of them would be considered “enemies of the state” and would go to the gulag. Many Red Army war heroes ended up in the gulags “death camps” for no other reason than they were the wrong ethnicity.
Read about the US betrayal of Russian POWs here:
Video you can watch about this at the site:


Russian POWs forced against their will by US soldiers to go back to Russia.
Ukrainians holding demonstrations at the end of the war, protesting against being sent back to the USSR.


“During World War II, Nazi Germany engaged in a policy of deliberate maltreatment of Soviet prisoners of war (POWs), in contrast to their treatment of British and American POWs. This resulted in some 3.3 to 3.5 million deaths, or 57% of all Soviet POWs”


Wikipedia lies. Besides that’s not proof. Where is the source for this? Where are the original reports? Who compiled this figure?


It was the other way around. Look at Eisenhower’s Camps.
500,000-1,000,000 German POWs died after the war when they were put into the camps.
Once again, the Jewish media won’t talk about this.
No food or water. The POWs were killed deliberately.


Here is link of article and endless sources.
Unless it agrees with your beliefs :(


Your own source contradicts your claims:
” Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, Total War — “The total number of prisoners taken by the German armies in the USSR was in the region of 5.5 million. Of these, the astounding number of 3.5 million or more had been lost by the middle of 1944 and the assumption must be that they were either deliberately killed or done to death by criminal negligence. Nearly two million of them died in camps and close on another million disappeared while in military custody either in the USSR or in rear areas; a further quarter of a million disappeared or died in transit between the front and destinations in the rear; another 473,000 died or were killed in military custody in Germany or Poland.” They add, “This slaughter of prisoners cannot be accounted for by the peculiar chaos of the war in the east. … The true cause was the inhuman policy of the Nazis towards the Russians as a people and the acquiescence of army commanders in attitudes and conditions which amounted to a sentence of death on their prisoners.”


“Nearly two million of them died in camps and close on another million disappeared while in military custody either in the USSR or in rear areas”. They disappeared in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a closed society. They don’t give an account of what happened to two million prisoners. Do you think they might have been sent to the gulags? The main word I see is “lost”. Many would have run away when they realized the soviets had won. I told you Russian POWs didn’t want to go back to Russia. They preferred to stay with the Germans.
And many of these “POWs” were actually Russians who had fought with the German army. If I were them I too would disappear. The Soviets killed proven decorated Red Army heroes – executed them, sent them to labor gulags. Imagine what they would do if they found out you actually had fought on the GERMAN side.


“The true cause was the inhuman policy of the Nazis towards the Russians as a people”
Do you even read what you post or is it just stupid copy and paste !! :DDDD


The author wrote that. So he said he didn’t know what happened, just that many people disappeared in Soviet territory. Then he says “the true cause bla bla” Shows he’s biased. Admits he doesn’t know precisely what happened and is just guessing then makes a blanket statement “True cause is …” Am interested in facts and figures and not people bloviating.


Bottom line is that the Soviet Union is untrustworthy. They do not release records in their archives to the people, unlike the USA. There is no such thing as the FOIA. And they were like this for 70 years. They kept the Death Books of the German camp commanders for 50 years. They lied and said six million died, and built fake chimneys at Auschwitz and other “modifications”. Then when communism collapsed, they opened the archives and we find that they knew all along the total number of dead in camps was 280,000.
If they lie about this, what else are they lying about? And still the total of six million doesn’t change. You go to jail in 18 countries if you dispute this figure. Even Auschwitz reduced the number dead from 4 million to 1 million. But still the 6 million lie stands. This is Jewish math. Auschwitz reduced from 4 to 1, so Jews say 6-3=6.


Then when communism collapsed, they opened the archives and we find that they knew all along the total number of dead in camps was 280,000.

If they lie about this, what else are they lying about? And still the total of six million doesn’t change. You go to jail in 18 countries if you dispute this figure. Even Auschwitz reduced the number dead from 4 million to 1 million. But still the 6 million lie stands. This is Jewish math. Auschwitz reduced from 4 to 1, so Jews say 6-3=6.


Auschwitz reduced 4 million dead to 1 million after USSR released death records in German camps they were holding onto all this time at the fall of communism in 1989. But still the six million lie is forced on people. If you dispute this figure you go to jail in 18 countries and many people have. You are the one who refuses to believe anything written unless the Jewish media endorses it. Even if the truth is staring at you in the face. You are just an echo chamber of the Jewish media. It’s obvious to me now you are a Zionist shill.


Wikipedia cannot be considered a neutral source. It use to be a good source of reference and still can be on non-political topics, but its clear leftist/western/zionist bias on anything regarding WWII, the holohoax, creation of Israel etc is clear to anyone that takes the time to examine it.

Lets use the author/historian David Irving as an example. See; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving The very first line tells you all you need to know about who is running wikipedia. Irving’s writing about the holohoax comprises only a fraction of his writing over his entire career, but the hit piece on wikipedia would have you believe it has been his sole mission in life. Incidentally, Irving only questioned the six million dead myth, not that Jews were systematically killed. He even says today that Jews were gassed and killed, again though not in the numbers that have been claimed.

Now some might claim, anyone can edit and make changes to wikipedia. Oh really ? Try and and edit the David Irving biography to present it in a more balanced way and see how long your edit lasts.


Yes, it’s well-known Wikipedia is Zionist.
Look at the entry for “antisemitism”:

Look at the entry for “antigentilism”:
It’s not even in Wikipedia, just in Wiktionary, and it contains one line:

“hatred towards or prejudice against gentiles”

John Whitehot

westerners and zionists are well together in their anti-soviet, anti-russian crusades. If there’s an area of history where zionists tend to forget things about the nazis is the eastern front.

John Whitehot

that, without including the unknown number of soviet soldiers that were killed immediately after surrender by the wehrmacht and that never reached the prison camps. German officers were not afraid of being disciplined (they were probably encouraged) and used to order summary executions of prisoners to avoid the logistic problems and the paperwork inherent at having to transfer prisoners to higher HQs for treatment.

Since these soldiers were never registered as POWs in the german army archives, there is uncertainty on their number, but it’s very likely that we are talking about millions of people again.

Wahid Algiers

Oh, the bad German soldiers and special forces. German soldiers and special forces like Waffen-SS were the best the world ever had seen.


No they were nothing like that, and it becomes not more true, if you repeat it again and again.
They looked quiet nice in 1939 against polish kavellery, or 1940 against not well prepered Francemen and Brits, or in the beginning of Barbarossa. But after Stalingrad the was nothing left of that socalled best warriors ever – also it was a little bit unfortunate that their socalled GrößteFeldherrAllesZeiten turned out to be just a sociopathic Moron… ;-)

Wahid Algiers

Even after Stalingrad they fought a tough fight. You believe in the history the winner has written. You are one of the Germans who pisses themselves in their own face to be the darling of others. Heil.


Dream on but do not wet yourself too much, looking at all this handsome SS guys…
And put your “Heil” were it belongs – to the place were the sun will never shine.
Don´t tell me, a german anarchist, something about our history. We know it very very well!

Wahid Algiers

Anarcho Storti, you are indoctrinated by ultra left 68 teachers. But you are right, these SS guys in their black uniforms looked handsome.

John Whitehot

you aren’t much of a soldier when you make contests out of throwing newborns in the air and shoot them before they hit the ground, which is what your nazi heroes were doing in 1943 in some places in middle Italy.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those were the sports of the Soviet Gulag warriors even the Soviets were not proud of those scumbags. The troops you refer to as German were in fact not but from eastern Europe and Asian , many Ost troops in Italy and elsewhere even on the beaches, the dark suited SS were recruited from Turks, Moroccans and among them Jews harsh but true reality of the war.


“Alternativ” “History” at its “best”… Dream on…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only one who spouts alternative facts are you, such is the life of a store bought Bembel is. Ho- hum ,a boring object and also a boring objective.

Wahid Algiers

Come on Johnny, stop believing war and after war propaganda of WWII.

John Whitehot

don’t even fucking try that shit with me.

the information comes from eyewitnesses who lost their newborns to the ss and wermacht scum fury. There’s no goddamn propaganda, there are countless graves of children born and died in 1943 in the affected areas.

And they aren’t even jews, just ordinary italian civilians





“massacre of Marzabotto” – Bologna, 771 killed civilians of which 216 under the age of 12.

Wahid Algiers

Oh, the bad German soldiers and special forces. German soldiers and special forces like Waffen-SS were the best the world ever had seen….

Tudor Miron

Wahid, I never new that you are waffen-ss lover… That’s news to me. Yeah they looked good when fighting against untrained civillians but failed miserably when confronted with little more experienced russian troops. The result of war speaks for itself.

Wahid Algiers

The result of WWII commy russia gained was a result of the support of the US and fresh troops from the far east of russia. The losses on both sides are the real result: 10x more dead soldiers on russia side than on german side. Also the US lost more soldiers in Europe than Germany and fought there not from the beginning. Facts are facts. And Stalin was a war criminal and after war criminal who killed his own people.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You have been forewarned about using Wikipedia for facts, they are too censored in their material. Get a book next time.


Me and Tigbear where discussing Russian POW’s.
But I guess he got himself deleted as SPAM :DDD
He must have had well over 30 post on this article!


In some gulags they didn’t give you ANY food, and many people resorted to cannibalism to survive.
Read about it here:
Nazino, Cannibal Island. At Nazino, they dropped off thousands of people on an island in the middle of Siberia and just dumped some sacks of flour on the ground. Many people mixed it with dirty river water and got dysentery. After that, there was no more food for many of them.
The Jewish media never talks about this. All they talk about is the Holocaust hoax 24/7. To distract from the Jewish Bolshevik horror story of USSR communism.


This picture is from a museum at one of the concentration camps. This is confirmed by the museum curators. Approved by the Jews. These are the rations for prisoners. Does it look like the Germans were starving their prisoners?
Even the German people themselves were suffering shortages in the second half of the war.


Compare it to this. 300 grams of bread. The daily rations for many people. No work, no eat system. Working in -40 degrees F (-40°C). Siberia can get as low as -70°C (-90°F). Laboring 14 hours a day using shovels and picks.
Work that requires 3000 calories to sustain one.
Any wonder gulag prisoners died in the millions?



Jew Frenkel’s gulag system. Stalin noticed how efficient the camps were. Because Frenkel killed off all the weak ones quickly and Stalin was always feeding the camps new recruits.


German camps were HEAVEN compared to this. No wonder so many Russian POWs didn’t want to go back.


And in some cases they didn’t even give people any food. Just dropped them off in the middle of Siberia. So people resorted to cannibalism – Nazino Island.
Never heard of Germans treating their prisoners like this. No reports of prisoners resorting to cannibalism.
Cannibal Island. Nazino gulag.
Jewish mainstream media won’t publicize this.
They keep silence about Jewish Bolshevism. Because people will find these things out about the Jews.


Pictures donated to Holocaust museums by former inmates and museum curators.
German concentration camp life. Orchestras, lectures. Even swimming pools.


Compare to the Jewish communist camp in the middle of Siberia where temps of below 40 degrees are not unusual.


They didn’t even give you any eating utensils in many cases. You had to eat using your hands or make your own utensils. Jews treated Russian gentiles (and other gentiles) like beasts. No wonder the Jews’ word for gentiles is “goyim” (cattle).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many of the supply trains going to the camps which the allies knew about because of red cross packages were intentionally bombed , one of the sad realities in war. This strategy has been going on a long time in order to create a humanitarian issue , just look at the beginning all things that ISIS and the rebels attacked were infrastructure same as elsewhere in the world a western strategy.


Do not forget: allies after WWII deported millions of russian POW’s to the USSR. Most of them disappeared into the Gulag. Western allies therefore coresponsable for almost 6 mllion deauths of POW’s.

Kids in Africa

I predicted a media war would start against Turkey in another post just a couple of hours ago. This sort of report won’t be the last.

“They will start a campaign of vilification against Turkey now that it has gone to the other side. Build up Kurds in the eyes of the public; and tear down Turkey.”


On a more positive note:
Tigers and Tribal Forces have crossed into Deir Ezzor province south of Maadan.
A good deal of desert terrain and road has been taken, and some terrain along the river in battle.

Expo Marker

Erdogan and many Turks prided themselves for accepting the most Syrian refugees, but the reality is that Turkey had a huge hand in starting this entire crisis, and now that Syrian refugees are becoming too much, top it off with Kurdish insurgencies, Turkey suddenly wants to end this Syrian war, and send everyone home.

Omar Trevelyan

PanzerIVJ not gonna lie brotha i like you but… tigbear destroyed you TKO and ultimately got you to switch subjects to the Syrian war ( which I’m on the same page with you as fortunately) but damn u gotta either have factual counter strikes which you don’t, or just eat the facts that most ppl in the world accept and understand objectively =/ …..know real history not wiki and mainstream “history” which is subjective, “aka” read between the lines, even i catch myself slipping sometimes but I correct it asap


Yeah, I am not really into the facts of NAZI death camps which he wants to go on and on about.
This is a TKO in my books. :DD

Omar Trevelyan

roger that lol

Omar Trevelyan

no one is an idiot though we all have an idea of whats going in this fucked up world …facts : p

John Whitehot

having an idea? – sure.
but that idea being close to reality? – not even 10% of the total.

Omar Trevelyan

reality and historiography aren’t really the same, but we humans and can either choose objectivity as a reality lens or can use subjectivity and emotions to create another reality, of course id love to know the exact factual history of our existence up till present but non of us will know the full truth unfortunately.

John Whitehot

I agree,
But listen; if historiography is not the same of reality, and there is no doubt, how can we pretend to be objective about history (but the same issue would apply to many other subjects)?

It’s paradoxical, because if the facts we have are surely flawed and false, there is really no point in being objective, because we would not be more right and “on the truth” than being subjective.

That’s why deductions are normally risky to assume as true, while inductions could work much better, provided that the “general” level is factually known and proven as valid.

Tudor Miron

Omar, this little neo nazi hitler lover tigbear (in another article here) was trying to push an agenda that it was bolsheviks to blame that Hitler invaded CCCP :) He doesn’t realise (or doesn’t want to accept it in public) that Hitler was funded by the very same banksters that funded Russian commy revolution.


The victors write the history books, no one seems interested in the 66 million killed by wall street funded Bolsheviks in the SU.

Tudor Miron

The source of commy genocide of Russia (including all the nations of that superethnos – don’t mistake it with racial supremacy) and Hitler was one and the same – gp (so called global predictor) working via “human hands” of banksters etc. Khasars/zio nazi that (by an accident?) dominated the ranks of bolshevics (I prefer to call them krasnopuzie) are not the source of all evil but merely its instrument (among many), hitler was another one.
People should realise a very simple thing… Judge them by their deeds. If some movement/political action/act of war etc. leads to increasing death and suffering tall than this is obvious evil and ultimately antihuman. If it leads to decreasing death tall, leads to people coming back to live peacfully than it is pro human (no matter race/skin color and all that kinf of bs). That simple but always look at wider picture both geografically and in time. The longer time period you observe (while keeping the proper timely order of events) the more obvious it becomes. Dots connect themself – it’s not a rocket science :)

John Whitehot

you can’t correctly connect dots while staying among them.


In the video their bodies are padded.
Are you really stupid enough to believe everything you see?

Justin Ryan

Thats like saying that the prisoners in Guantanamo bay are not being tortured. But are undergoing enhanced interrogation.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are wearing traditional local clothing and not the regular ISIS clothing as you would assume both speak accented Arabic and yet still YPG members. ARA said they would investigate the incident in their words “ISIS Mercenaries” and said only one looked to be Tortured , this is in keeping with all the Arab youth who refuse to join at gunpoint the YPG.


The last time they showed a video of socalled SDF torturing arabs, just a little investigation showed the were AAS or related and half a year ago. When that was proven, one never heard it mention again. This site loves anti SDF propagabda and is hesitant in rectifying. Some commenters here love it.

In general, even in SDF there can and will happen things that are not ok.

As for rebels, Zenki beheading a young boy? FSA using gas against Sjeikh Maqsud in 2016? SAA barrelbombing? etc etc.

I doubt there is even one group that has completely “clean” hands.


Off topic:
The tigers have crossed into Deir Ezzor province !

John Whitehot

I’m not in the business of defending Turkey, but calling this “horrifying torture” seems a little too much.
It’s mostly a beating, we’ve seen worse things done by the police in the United States, not to mention the IDF in Palestine. I can’t believe that I’m the only one so old to remember the vids of the IDF soldiers snapping the arms of palestinian boys (and children) because they threw rocks at them.


Lol, YOu are right but, We kurds have seen many vids of kurdish kids on camera arms snapped by turkish police for protesting ,NOT THROWING ROCKS….
AFTER ALL, Turkish Army police trained by Israeli system called TALMUD…
Stupid kurdish factions think running from turkish tyranny to israel will save them as if, AS IF ISRAEL did not supply turkish military with Military Tech and know how… drones and central banks…

John Whitehot

one thing’s for sure, the kurds are the current biggest subject in pro-west, anti-Syrian propaganda, something which should invite to caution anybody reading of seeing things related to them.

I’m pretty much convinced that the US is trying to make them become their ultimate “moderate rebels” option, with the sacred help and blessings of Israel.

Perhaps they’d even try to convince Turkey by telling them that the Kurds will never have a country of their own, that they will only be used to remove Assad and that Turkey will get some nice gifts in return…

Brad Isherwood


Can’t see Uncle Shlomo letting all this develop into non $USD future energy.

Possibly American Roulette will replace Russian Roulette.
American version being 5 bullets in the revolver : )

John Whitehot

mostly i tend to agree with your link vision.
Yet I have some reservations about Turkey, I can’t really help but being suspicious of it.

They had a grand-plan based on “turkmen” expansion into central asian ex-soviet republics and southern Russia, a plan that has been blessed by both the US (with lots of dollars and CIA involvement) and Izrael, with the key (non)participation of the treasonous Eltsin.

That plan was basically destroyed when Russia refused to accept defeat from Chechen moderate rebels, and actually got back there and swept the wahabist scum away.

Then Turkey tries to get its moderates into Syria, again with USrael blessings, and again Russia comes and pulverizes their dreams of sharia law rule over Damascus.

I’m not sure that they are to be considered reliable partners for whoever they align to.

Brad Isherwood

https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/caspian-sea-dispute-where-solutions-jump-ahead-problems Iranian demands

This left only Iran with demands conflicting with those now met by other states – except for Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan which have yet to agree on the maritime borderline between their sections of the Caspian Sea. As for Iran, it proposes to divide the Caspian waters into five zones of equal size. This would increase Iran’s share which since 1921 only stands at 13 per cent, to the detriment of the Azeris and the Turkmens. This has driven Ashgabat into the arms of its fellow ex-Soviet republics, and left Iran standing alone. As usual, nothing of the kind ever happened. What did happen is that all foreign companies involved in operations within the potential conflict zone withdrew from their projects, including BP, the Royal Dutch Shell and Total of France.

Some leaders of European nations are pissed with Angela Merkel for killing Southstream.
As they realize Germany will become broker hub and future contracts for European
Nat gas with Nordstream 2.

Had read online opinion a year or so back about Erdogan going insane over possibility pipeline routes would bypass Turkey all together.
Seems Erdogan wanted a pledge that Future pipeline routes would go thru Turkey.
So ya….Turks/CIA shoot down a Russian Su 24 and later….Putin signs Gazprom Turkstream pipeline. …

Considering the past decades Sanctions on Iran…..Dick Cheney and US oil salivating over
Caspian Sea,…
Russia and Iran holding Veto …

Is it going to get weird like Hitler wanting Caspian oil/Miekopf, ….then splitting his army to Attack Stalingrad, ….basically he lost the war for sure after that.

Erdogan is a loose canon,……his longevity may be in doubt.
US will only have Jordan to pull tricks out of their bag…and Kurdish NE Syria/N Iraq.
Both are positional on behalf of Israel vs Iran….
Israel simply garrisoning men and missiles vs Iran.
Ancient Rome withdrew from indefensible outposts,…..Britannia ,…Germania.
They could not print money out of thin air : ).

The US can however buy the servitude(Jordan/Kurds…Iraq?… and land lease. )
So ya……Interrupt Silk Roads and break up Russian/Iranian Energy futures.

John Whitehot

It makes sense no doubt
Of late I’m seeing more signals that Russia Iran and several other countries are putting up an energy conglomerate alternative to OPEC.

The way I see it, that would signify the US losing large part of its world power. Yet, for all we know, I don’t see the US (and Israel as a consequence) having high cards in this game. The danger is there because this is not people that are simply going to call the score and accept defeat, especially if folks like Dick Cheney and its clique are so involved into it.

These criminals had no hesitation in killing 3000 innocent americans in New York, more thousands of US servicemen in ME and millions of innocents around the world to protect their scheme.

And in fact, one suspicion I had was that the SU-24 wasn’t shot down on Erdogan orders, but more likely on the 1st minister Daviloglu. The impression is that Davinoglu was the “America’s interlocutor” in the Turkish government and he’s been asked to put Erdogan against Russia. Subsequent events were his resignation, and the strange coup attempt, in which Erdogan could very well have removed those forces in the military which were aligned with the ex-premier.

But these are mere speculations.

Brad Isherwood

The Russian diplomate murdered via a lone gunman which may have been linked to the
Turk Grey Wolves/NATO/Gladio program.
Erdogans Son part of the ISIS stolen oil tanker truck show. …which USA did not bomb,Yet Russia/Syria did.
Still having pause with Erdogans criminal path, …Turk military force conscription of
Syrian/Turkmen/FSA……into their operations against Kurds.
Syria reminds me of the Colonial pillage via the various Nation East India company’s,
British East India company being the more famous for gun running and narcotics.
Later the entire show sets up in China.

Erdogan and Gulen bitter divorce…..Erdogan is no way safe in his dream vision Caliphate.
CIA could end game him and have that blamed on Gulen network.

Recent US rhetoric vs Russia continues in the near hysterical with fake news.
Difficult to gage if this is just trash talk or is Deep state going to try and regain the
Initiative in Syria?
Iran’s also signed energy/reconstruction with Syria.
Israel can’t be pleased with the above recent news : )

Andrzej Bendyk

When i kick you in the spine it can make you paralize. You are all sick to torture and justify to torture people.You cannot be call human. Talmud, sharia and USA “fight for democracy” are all pure evel

John Whitehot

Why would you ever want to kick me in the spine?
I don’t give a fuck if somebody calls this “torture”, I see it as a beating.

I don’t justify, I actually despise it and I’m disgusted of it, but calling it torture its propaganda.


Pffft fkn Turks.
Looks like they just made 5 new snipers/bombers that will dedicate the rest of their lives to killing Turks.

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