Turkish Foreign Minister: Recent Talks With Russia On Greater Idlib Were Not Productive

Turkish Foreign Minister: Recent Talks With Russia On Greater Idlib Were Not Productive

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The recent Russian-Turkish talks on the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib were not productive, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu revealed in an interview on CNN Turk on September 16.

Cavusoglu hinted during the interview that the political efforts to solve Greater Idlib issue may end as a result of the current Turkish-Russian disagreement.

“As for Syria, we need to maintain the ceasefire in Idlib region first,” the Turkish minister said, adding “the ceasefire in Syria should continue and we should focus a little more on political negotiations.”

The minister said the situation in the Syria region is calm to some extent, noting that if military operations are resumed, political efforts will be over.

On March 5, Russia and Turkey reached a breakthrough agreement to stabilize Greater Idlib. Ankara is yet to honor its commitments under the agreement.

The new Russian-Turkish talks on Greater Idlib, which took place earlier this week, saw a serious disagreement between the two countries. According to RIA Novosti, Turkey refused to a Russian request to reduce the number of observation posts in the region.

Apparently, Russia pressures Turkey into honoring its commitments. If Ankara refuses to do so, Syrian government forces and their allies may resume their operations in Greater Idlib. This will lead to a military confrontation similar to the one that preceded the March 5 agreement.


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Ishyrion Av

Now, turks here should explain how relations between Turkey and Russia are very good. Because when I said Russia requested Turkey to leave Idlib, they said: it was just a press report.
Now, report this, please!

The Objective

The fact is Russia has limited or no chance of reuniting Syria under Assad no matter how hard Putin tries. Most Syrians if given the option will certainly vote Assad out. The reason most of you on this forum don’t understand how very unpopular Assad is among most Syrians is because you get your news exclusively from SouthFront. They never tell the reality of the Syrian Sunnis who constitute 80% of the population. Some of the Sunnis will support Assad, but a majority oppose him.

The single pointer to that Assad has no confidence of winning the hearts and minds of Syrians is that he NEVER agrees to elections supervised by the UN even with Russian participation. That’s because Assad knows there is no chance in hell that he’ll win the an election in Syria against a Sunni candidate. Turkey knows this, and that’s why it’s not giving up the fight for Majority of Syrians who want to elect their leaders instead of being ruled by dictators.

A good sign to tell you that Russia is only wasting its time trying to reinstate Assad is that the Americans are pretty serious about preventing such an outcome. America is serious to such an extent that U.S. forces killed between 200 – 300 Russians in Syria WITHIN 4 HOURS! SouthFront certainly didn’t cover that incident, but thankfully, there are alternative sources of news and you can read more about the bloody battle via the link below:


Fog of War

” The single pointer to that Assad has no confidence of winning the hearts and minds of Syrians is that he NEVER agrees to elections supervised by the UN even with Russian participation. ”
Let us know when the US agrees to the same terms for its elections. Hypocrite much ?

Lone Ranger

BS alert…

Lone Ranger

SOHR called, Sugardaddy wants you back at Coventry…


If the Syrian people wanted Assad gone he would have gone a long time ago,trust me,the fact is most Syrians know what the alternative is,and its not pretty.


The objective is not really objective. Rather pathetic!

Nikola S

@The Objective is a turkish troll, and also jihadist supporter. “objective” as Erdogan.

Nikola S

Delusional garbage and retarded propaganda literally every word. Especially that fantasy ‘battle’, repeated by clueless fools again and again…
Yes, it was covered by SF long time ago, a few times actually (you are lying there as well), in reality US criminals bombed syrian unit named ‘ISIS-hunters’ (I guess the name itself made USIS very angry). They killed a few Syrians and 5 russian mercs, perhaps a few more from other soviet republics. There was no battle, no Hollywood crap. Then they started circle jerking and increased the number to 50-100, then 200 few months later (Pompeo bragging), then again Pompeo increased the number yet again to 300 .. i guess next year he’ll say 500. or perhaps 6million godzilion.
In reality, more Pompeo’s CIA agents and US ‘instructors’ died in Aleppo. Not to mention 100 US soldiers with serious “head traumas” after being bombed by Iran. But using Pompeo/NYT hallucinations and fantasies – let’s say 600 americans died that day.

Nikola S

The fact is: you are full of shite. Nothing but retarded lies and moronic jihadist propaganda, starting with ‘Assad is not popular’ (because your boyfriends from HTS say so) and ending with fantasy ‘battle’ from NYT. In reality, USAF bombed syrian unit ‘ISIS Hunters’, killed some 20 fighters, including Syrians, then started lying about dozens of killed Russians, then increased to 100-200 then a few months later Pompeo increased it again to 300. As he said: “we lied, we cheated..” using Pompeo/NYT hallucinations and fantasies as criterium how many americans died when Iran bombed their base? 6 million probably.
And yes, Southfront covered that incident so many times, you are lying as usual, pathetic lying jihadi scum.

The Objective

“fantasy battle?”. Which means the NY Times gave a false report. But here is where your argument is weak: Mike Pompeo confirmed U.S killed about 300 RUSSIANS. And the surprising thing is, there isn’t a notable OFFICIAL DENIAL from Russia to that effect.


Perhaps you can post a link where Russia denies the claim

Nikola S

Again, you somehow missed that I specifically mentioned Pompeo… twice! Not just that he ‘confirmed’ it, he was basically fueling this entire story again and again in order to show how Trump was decisive against Russia. It’s your problem if you trust Mike Pompeo, CIA torturer, so much. Even Mike Pompeo admitted ‘we lied, we cheated, we stole’. Lying is his job.

Initially the US military said they killed 100 regime and allied fighters (so mostly Syrians). Then Reuters/ ziobritish propaganda agency made up a fake story that some ‘anonymous’ russian doctor confirmed 100 dead and wounded russian mercs (not even they said 300). Yet that story soon mutated into hundreds of dead Russians! And finally Pompeo himself said 300! A few months later tho. And it’s still repeated everywhere, especially by antirussian trolls.

Russia didn’t need to deny anything, because these were certainly not russian soldiers, no one claimed that, not even that dirty pig Pompeo. But I remember Maria Zakharova said that 5 russian citizens were likely killed in Syria in that period. 5. Not 300. But 5.


“”We are possibly talking about the deaths of five people, supposedly citizens of the Russian Federation. Others are injured. But this all requires verification, in particular their citizenship. We are not talking about Russian soldiers,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Some media reports said dozens or even hundreds of Russian mercenaries were killed in the attack but Zakharova dismissed these claims as “classic disinformation” spread by anti-regime militants.”


His “boyfriend” is he-donkey.
And couldn’t care less about Assad but wold do lots of erotic positions for bunch of carrots that “Objective” (donkey) ass fucker would offer to him.

Rob Centros

New York Times… always the opposite of the truth.

The Objective

And SF is the ultimate truth!

The Objective

I stand corrected. SF did report the clashes between US forces and the Russian/Syrian forces.


Lying asshole, I already debunked your retarded lies, exposed your complete idiocy and proved that you have no points at all (nor brain), just a bunch of cheap lies along with some CIA crap.

By the way you are a filthy piece of shit. And a pathetic coward.

I see now you changed/heavily edited your comment, hours after I replied to your other comment and again proved how wrong you was, how utterly clueless and stupid you are. But then you returned and instead to answer like a man, you changed this comment (the only text previously was “I stand corrected”/admitting that you lied)

No I’m not iranian lol, pathetic hallucinations, and the only troll here is you: turko-jihadist ISIS loving piece of shit, and you also love to lick Pompeo’s butthole for a few shekels, dollars whatever they pay you. You don’t deserve a civilized reply, you deserve to be crushed like an insect that you are, just as your boyfriends from ISIS may they all burn in hell.

The Objective

You sound pretty angry in this comment. Never mind the hot air, let’s get back on topic.

Point of correction: I never edit my comments because someone found a fault in them. I edit when I feel like adding information, correcting a spelling or a wrong thought.

It seems you are pretty mad at me for claiming that SF is a propaganda outlet. I’m willing to debate that with you if you are ready.

The articles you claim that SF published on the massacre of “Russians”, not “Russian soldiers” as you misquoted me, were very shallow. I did some more research on the incident and found other sources with far greater detail.

You posted a link about Russia’s denial of the death of hundreds of Russians in Syria. I researched further and concluded that Russia is the liar in this case. Pompeo and the U.S do lie a lot, but in this case, their claim is far more credible. I want us to delve deeper into what happened that day. I want us to debate the topic: Did U.S. Forces Kill About 300 Russians in Syria or Not?

We’ll study the claims by both sides, and even the sources that publish them. We’ll consider the political implication of such an incident for both Russia and the U.S. and the incentive for lying. We’ll also study the rules of the game before and after the incident. We’ll also thoroughly examine the mercenaries that Russia deployed back then, why, on what terms and how those guys operate.
This is a challenge. You called me a coward. Now it’s time to prove your bravery. Declining makes you the coward. Not that I’m eager to debate with you, but I want you to see just how good you are at verifying facts, distinguishing truth from a web of lies, and searching the net for information. If your methodology of telling facts from lies is credible, then I’ll accept wherever I’m wrong.
Is it on?

You mentioned that I’m obsessed with SF. That’s because there is plenty of lies against Sunni Muslims on SF. Being a true Sunni, I got to put up some fight. I can’t stop you, but at least, I can guide even a few to some truth about the wars or crisis in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, and Egypt. Russia and Iran are guilty of murdering or facilitating the death, destruction, and displacement of hundreds of thousands in some of these countries. And you want us to keep silent? Not to oppose or even fight you because you have powerful militarizes and nuclear-armed?

Like I’ve said may times, the Islamic awakening is gaining momentum across the Muslim world and there is no stopping it.


Because the stupid Sunni want to make paradise by creating silly sharia.

Mustafa Mehmet

Stupid idiot. Sunni does not believe in sharia. They are Iranian. clueless moron.

cechas vodobenikov

a stupid amerikan that believes there r wMD’s in Iraq and NYT fake news…US obese fake cowards killed no Russians…”amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell
“no people are more entertained and less informed than amerikans”. Neil Postman


He is not American but fanatical Sunni – Erdogan lover from Africa

The Objective

You haven’t said anything to convince me that the detailed description of the incident by NYT is fake news. I’m yet to see any credible conflicting account of the incident.

Lone Ranger

Im not worried.
Turkey will realise in a few weeks the only friendly the only friendly county towards them is Russia.
Cia already tried to topple Erdogan but failed.
U.S., France, Greece, Kurds are creeping up.
Doing business with them rarely ends well, just look at Ukraine nor Belorussia.


“Recent Talks With Russia On Greater Idlib Were Not Productive”
Russia is fed up with Turk bollocks and not fulfilled promises.
The bombings will start till terrorist are either killed, or till they leave Idlib by themselves.
And Turks can sit and watch or they can try to stop it and get bombed themselves.

Jens Holm

I might be wrong. I only recall Turks want a permenent safezone and put in people, which are safe according to them (they cant even do that).


Translation: You are misguided.

Jens Holm

Well, tell about it instead of only writing “misguided”


I could make an exhausting and pathetic career out of fixing your comments.


The agreement of the “safe zone” was to remove HTS and all foreign jihadists (all terrorists that were not directly controlled by Turkey) from the direct proximity of that road.
Turks have just promised that to do it and did nothing


Turks are stubborn You see. Putin is traitor.

Jens Holm

Putin is no traitor. Russai has its own agenda. The promise is kept. Assads are safe and the Russians now has very good baserights.

They never has told anything else.


When US could negotiate autonomy for Kurds and Idilb they have decided to grab Syrian oil and gas instead.

Now any kind of agreement with “opposition” terrorists is not possible (Assad didn’t want to negotiate with them anyways so Trump have made him a favor indirectly)
New SAA offensive to push them to narrow strip close to the Turk border is now inevitable as an only option.

Porc Halal

Even though I don’t understand much of what you are saying, I agree!…


You are just another Turd….Your “opinion” is worthless so, go away.
Turkey is pile of shit pretentious country and nothing else.

Антон С

Sad, but true. There was information in spring that the full scale offensive could start at autumn, because Syria need time to prepare to fight with Turkey. Time has come, something gonna happen for sure. May be not the straight offensive, but artillery and aviation shelling. Kurds are striking turkish forces, unknown partisans doing the same. Local people with demonstrations near turkish check points, now it’s going on in free part of Idlib region, but can happen in occupied part.


Do you have any idea how many of Turkic origin population is there in the region?
Of course such information is irrelevant if Turks have populated area abandoned by the Kurds with some Turkic refugees who resided in Turkey and who originate from some other part of Syria to solidify support of the population for their army.

Porc Halal

You have a clear grasp of what is obvious…


Even if I might have my opinion of what it is maybe “less obvious” I try to avoid to talk about it. To avoid all unnecessary argument that usually is just waste of time with some people here…
Plenty of people have had seen Assad defeated and killed already back in 2015.

Today many people think just because Turkey has so many tanks and troops that everything is finished already and that Turkey will stay forever there.
They might be wrong.
Much bigger games are happening right now on global scene that doesn’t give green light to such actions.

Once the time is right Turk problem in Syria will be resolved.

IsraeHell and US presence (aggression’s) are much bigger problem than Turkey because they can trigger global conflict much more than Turkey.

Porc Halal

I totally agree with what you are saying above…

Porc Halal

PS …US, under trump administration, and israel will not directly trigger any global conflict in that region that will originate but today’s turkey can!…


And where did I say that they will?!?
Try to read properly before commenting please.

I have only said that it is much more difficult to resolve US and IsraHell presence (and occasional aggression) than to resolve Turks as problem.
I simple do not agree about Turkey (if that was only what you wanted to say)

Porc Halal

Well, you said “they can trigger”… however, isn’t that the point…the point is that even if turkey is not capable of sustaining a global conflict on its own, it has the potential to trigger it!…and no worries, the turkish issue will be solved as it has predicted long long time before…


“they can trigger” if somebody tries to push them out because IsraHell is Master of US and US starts all global conflicts and is boss of NATO.

While Turkey is not in position to directly confront Russia by attacking SAA.
Because Russia will send first bombs on Turks as warnings, while next volley of bombs will be falling on Turk heads.
Either way if there is SAA offensive some Russian special ops advisers are always with the troupes. Turks hurting even one of them can trigger response.

And how exactly can Turkey trigger WW3 since their influence is growing smaller every day in NATO since they have antagonized not only US but EU as well?!

Porc Halal

Well, today is less probably than one month ago, I agree…

Fog of War

” As for Syria, we need to maintain the ceasefire in Idlib region first,” the Turkish minister said, adding “the ceasefire in Syria should continue and we should focus a little more on political negotiations.” ”
Its all about getting the new constitution in place, which will guarantee the head choppers have an equal say in Syrian politics. This will also include defacto autonomy for Idlib. Thanks Putin !!

Lone Ranger

Calm your tits Sir.
Its chess not checkers…

Fog of War

Wanna bet ?

Lone Ranger

Keep calm and trust Russia.

Fog of War

I only trust the creator pal. Your Russia worship is getting pathetic.

Lone Ranger

See you in Berlin…

Fog of War

You’re ‘merikan do you think the Russian people will show you mercy after what your nation has wrought ?

Lone Ranger

Im actually Hungarian, living in Hungary.
Im fed up with the evil U.S. Empire and the EU traitors.
Russia all the way baby.
Russia is love Russia is life ?

cechas vodobenikov

liked Octagon when I was there for 3 months

Lone Ranger

Thanks :)
It’s a beautiful city.
According to an international survey the second most beautiful on the planet after Venice.
I’m not sure about that but it’s in the top 5 for sure.
Also I like the Buda side more it’s not as flat and has more green.
Pest side looks like Paris which to be honest I find rather boring, with the exception of the Parliament of course.
Hope you will visit again ?

Fog of War

Really ? I respect Hungary and Hungarians very much. I’m sure you’re shocked.

Lone Ranger

Shocked about what?

Fog of War

That I respect Hungary. I’m curious though, how do you feel about the brutal put down of your people in 1956 by the Soviet Union / Russia ?

Lone Ranger

You are not the first one to ask that…
My answer is…
I dont live in the past, Austrians, French, Germans, Americans, Turks all comitted attrocities against my country.
Yet I dont hate them.
I judge by present day policy.
We also comitted crimes against Russians in the Eastern front together with Germans, Romanians, Italians, my experience is that Russia forgave us, so I forgave them too.

Fog of War

Serious question.
Does that also apply to ZioAmerica’s crimes in the past ? Is there an amount of time that needs to pass before atrocities are forgotten or forgiven ?

Lone Ranger

Its not really about time, but repenting and changing your foreign policy.
Russia did that.
U.S. Empire only got worse.

Fog of War

Fair enough. Although, I don’t recall Russia or Putin ever specifically apologizing for what was done in Hungary. I could be wrong, its happened before. :)

Lone Ranger

Both Yeltsin and Putin apoligized for 56 and the occupation.
We did apoligize for attacking them in WWII.
Hungary has currently the best relations with Russia from the EU countries.
Followed by Italy and Greece.

Ivan Freely

Basically the Turks never intended to follow their past commitments. The Syrian military should do what’s needed. It’s not if NATO would come to rescue. The French and Greeks are already pissed off at the Turks.


They are Turks, insidious backstabbing creatures.


I think they would proceed as before…After Russian bombings there will be hopefully another SAA offensive and Turks will not be able to help significantly to their rats because Russia will force them to back off and not to hurt SAA during offensive.
I suppose those Russian military ships didn’t come to Syria for fishing but to send some Kalibr missiles to those who disobey.

Jens Holm

Assads dont have that troops and wont get it.

They are in munis by Hesbollah and Iran more or less has left. Next forced recruitment for the meatf´grinder will be, when the next ones are 18 yars old.

So Ypu have a lot of tired promintive veterans, which in normal conditions as minimum need to regain 3 month – and added some 1000s beginners.

Mustafa Mehmet

Frogs and sivtari Greek pissed off? with Türk.. and what they gonna do about it?


Zigzag, zigzag.
Russia has already lost the momentum and may still lose the war.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.



So how exactly they are “friend” to Turks by bombing their rats into retreat like they did before?
There was no “zigzag” whatever that means but simple formula; offered hand of true partnership and agreement that Turk sige never respects an the end.
The final results are; their rats get bombed again and again.

Jens Holm

Thats right. They invaded not only Afrin but also the mainzone for the SDFs.

Nikola S

Joined Sep 16, 2020
Comments 1


Now is not the time for Russia to be hard on Turkey, let NATO continue fracturing. As someone said, this is chess, not checkers


Of course not productive cause it doen’t serve their chaos and slaughter policy.
I’m always very amused to see the Turkish disguised as WW2 Wehrmacht:)))

cechas vodobenikov

as the turkeys exceed the shabbiness of amerika—both economies in free fall, homelessness and poverty rife– the Kurds will be eating thanksgiving turkeys and they will no longer be able to pay their HTS/ISIS proxies…Turkey has learned self defeat in the amerikan classroom

Jens Holm

NOne of those economies are in free fall. They both are declining, thats different.

And what do You compare with ???? As usual You dont. I see very few in the world are doing fine and I do see several collapses….

cechas vodobenikov

you idiot–stop pretending u can think…Turkis lira declined in value 20% in 2 months ….economy contracted 30% in 6 months…same as USA where 180,000 businesses permanently closed…u r blind
Chines economy no contraction; Russian economy self sufficient, contracted less than 5% from covid…Russia has vast reserves—u huge debt, Turkey huge debt: they sold 1/3 of their reserves to prevent the lira from turning into toilet paper—zero extreme poverty Russia—denmark 4%….

Mustafa Mehmet

Why you so worry.. what’s it got to do with you we doing fine just piss off idiot… Our economies is strong ?

Mustafa Mehmet

I am not surprised you have chosen that actor. He is well known pedophile.

cechas vodobenikov

hiding your tears


Do not believe the Turk for a few combat planes and SAM System…


Russia does not have the winning hand. USA will sanction Turkey if they choose to agree. Turks are fair weather friends. Whichever the wind is blowing. Turks don’t like President Assad because he is not Muslim Brotherhood. Now Syria has some left overs from the old government Assad overthrew decades ago. Whoever controls the Kurds controls the Turks. USA is sanctioning the heck out of Syria. Stealing Syrian Oil. Israel with their bomb squad. Pipelines and gas deposits off the Syrian coast. Look at a Map where the pipelines are in Syria. That is where the fighting is. UAE, Serbia, Kosovo, Bahrain were all threaten with sanctions if they did not bow to the Star of David. Have to see what Russia says. Turks are for globalization now. Turks have their Grey Wolves in Western Europe.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The talks weren’t productive they say, is that why the Turks just sent another big military convoy into Idlib.

HTS and Assad have thrown a huge spanner in the well oiled and smooth running Turkish/Russian machine, so now the well oiled and smooth running resolution 2254 machine is grinding gears and blowing out smoke, LOL, way to go Assad.
Assad didn’t have a say in any of the Astana agreements, 16 in total, and he was only allowed to have his own representatives attend the last 2 agreements, not actually have a say in any of the negotiations, just attend the final agreements, so it seems only fair that Assad hasn’t included the Russians in any of the deals he’s made with HTS either, all the prisoner swaps, the trade deals, the open border crossings, the cessation of hostilities, ect, it’s all down to Assad and HTS, no Turks and their moderate opposition involved, and no Russians either, just Assad and HTS.
The Astana agreements were designed by Russia and Turkey for one purpose only, to help speedily facilitate all the requirements needed to implement resolution 2254.
And resolution 2254 is a Turkish, Iranian, and Russian proposed and sponsored resolution, the resolution forced the rewriting of the Syrian constitution and it also gave the Syrian political opposition a legitimate voice in Syria’s political future [that means not just the Turkish backed opposition but also the Kurds too], the Russians, Iranians and Turks took the resolution proposal to the UN and it was accepted unanimously by the security council in mid 2015.
But lucky for Syria Assad refused to accept the deal, he said it was too lopsided and gave the Turks way too much say in Syria’s political future, so he waited five years for a better offer. And instead of the better offer coming from his allies Iran and Russia, the better offer in fact came from the UN. The UN made some amendments that gave the Turkish backed opposition less say in the proceedings [which Assad always wanted], and they also gave Assad the right to veto any of the Turkish proposed participants he didn’t like, so he accepted that offer the very same day the UN made it.
So nearly 5 years of saying no to his Russian and Iranian allies proposal and less than one day to say yes to the new UN proposal.
I keep repeating that fact for a reason but sadly no one seems to understand what it really means, or maybe they just don’t give a —-, I’m still not sure yet.
Assad hates both versions of resolution 2254 but the old Russian/Turkish/Iranian version was the worst of the two, that’s why he accepted the new UN amended version as quickly as he did, the lesser of 2 evils, but he’s still stalling on this version too, the last thing he wants to do is help implement the stipulations the resolution calls for, and if HTS keep doing what they’re doing to Turkey and the Syrian Interim Government, he may not have to. :]
If you want to better understand what’s really going on you have to understand the whole story, this article will help explain many things if you’re interested in finding out the truth.
It’s not entirely accurate and has many things I disagree with, but it will help explain why HTS and Assad have been doing deals under the table, and why HTS and Turkey are now at odds in Syria.
Russia and Iran legitimised the Turkish backed moderate opposition [not terrorists] when they included them in resolution 2254 and the Astana agreements, but now HTS is taking over Idlib and making them redundant, the legitimate opposition no longer speak for the majority of the opposition, HTS now takes over that role as it currently speaks for more than 75% of the population [in the occupied territories].
So obviously Russia Iran, and Turkey backed a lame horse as it turns out, and so have the US and UN, LOL.

Read the whole article, even opposition sites have relevant info sometimes.

“Hay’ at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)” has been working on demonstrating its ability to adapt to Syria’s internal situation to have a role in any future political process. The HTS has sent messages on the international and regional levels, the most recent of which is its talk on opening up relations with foreign countries.

Over the previous years, the HTS has undergone several shifts in its ideological and military structure. However, in the HTS’ commander-in-chief, Abu Muhammad al-Jolani’s meeting with the “International Crisis Group” on 20 February, he asserted that the HTS is a local movement that does not practice “external terrorism,” which was a turning point in the faction’s policy.

In recent months, the HTS has disbandment “jihadist” groups in areas under its control. It also prevented them from carrying out any military action, opening up headquarters without permission, and arrested prominent leaders in these groups.

While the leading cleric in the HTS, Abdul Rahim Attoun (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Shami), spoke to the Swiss newspaper Le Temps on 4 September directly about normalizing relations with western countries.

Moreover, in an interview with journalists a few days ago, the HTS referred to Idlib as a state governed by authority and institutions, even without the countries’ recognition, raising questions about the future plans of the HTS.

On 18 June, the HTS arrested the former leader in its ranks, Serageddin Mukhtarov, (also known as Abu Salah al-Uzbaki), who is wanted by the International Criminal Police Organisation, commonly known as INTERPOL.

Mukhtarov was a leader in the jihadist group “Ansar al-Din.”

Several days later, the HTS arrested another former leader in its ranks, “Abu Malik al-Tali,” who is linked to the extremist mainstream on 22 June. The HTS justified his arrest by accusing him of attempting to “weaken the ranks and rip the already torn situation apart.”

The HTS arrest of “Abu Malik al-Tali” and “Abu Salah al-Uzbaki” led to fighting in the operations room “Be Firm,” which includes five jihadist factions: the “Coordination of Jihad” faction under the leadership of the former commander “Abu al-Abd Ashdah,” who was arrested twice for criticizing the HTS, the “Ansar Combatants Brigade” faction, the “Ansar al-Din Front,” the “Ansar al-Islam Front,” and the “Guardians of Religion Organization.”

The clashes ended with an agreement between the two parties to evacuate the “Be Firm” headquarters in Idlib and prevent the establishment of new ones. The agreement also prevented the setting up of checkpoints unless by the SSG’s “general management of crossings,” accused of association with the HTS.”


Rodney Loder

Only I Jesus Christ can bring about reconciliation in Greater Idlib and I’ll tell you how I can do it, to start with Assad stayed and faced off Britain France The Muslim Brotherhood and Obama after they wacked Gadaffi who is even a bigger hero than Assad.

These events transpired because I personally was supporting Allah (swt) and not satan so my Companions in Heaven were able to convince Allah (swt) that best practice would be to hold the evil doers to account.

Allah (swt) saw merit in this idea and immediately smacked down the idiot Mohamed Morsi then shafted the scumbag Fethullah Gulen, which gave rise to the Reformed Righteous Muslim Brotherhood supported by Salafia Lightning and myself Jesus Christ all praise be to Allah (swt).