Turkish Forces Advance Further Northwest Of Afrin City (Map)

On March 4, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the village of Haji Khalil in the Rajo district, northwest of the Syrian city of Afrin, according to pro-Turkish sources. The village had been controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

On March 3, the TAF and the FSA captured the villages of Ba’dinli, Umranli, Shamanli, Karakinli and Ali Bazan from the YPG. The recent setbacks of the YPG put the Kurdish force into a very complicated situation in the Afrin area. If the TAF and the FSA keep this speed of the advance, they will be able to reach the outskirts of Afrin in March.

On March 4, the TAF’s general staff released a statement saying that 2,612 ‘terrorists’ had been neutralized since the start of Operation Olive Branch in Afrin on January 20. Ankara describes the YPG as a terrorist group.

Turkish Forces Advance Further Northwest Of Afrin City (Map)

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Michał Hunicz

According to liveuamap they captured Sheikh al-Hadid!

O Allah, stop the criminal kuf­far who turn people from Your path, who fight Your allies, who deny Your messengers, and who desire corruption on the earth. O Allah, support Your religion and Your soldiers, make Your word supreme, raise Your banner of truth, O ilah [god] of Truth. There is no power nor strength except by Allah. And all praise is due to the Lord of creation.

May Allah have mercy upon all Muslims killed unjustly by the Russian and American airstrikes. May Allah unite us with them in the highest levels of paradise, with the Prophets, companions and the pious. And to the killers, planners, and inciters of these murderers of our heroes: hide from us wherever you can, because by the One who raised the heavens without pillars, you will not find safety as long as you are above the land of Allah and under His heavens.

Russian 4x SU-57 in Bilad al-Sham

Ishyrion Av

Your prophet is in the deepest hell now and for eternity. Do what he did and you’ll join him there for sure.

You can call me Al

There is one God with numerous prophets – well that is my take on it.

Allah = God and my prophet is Jesus, simply because I don’t get the virgin birth.

Ishyrion Av

It can’t be… Since numerous prophets says completely different things about God and give opposite teachers (some even say kill the others). I do believe God is not schizophrenic and therefore can be only one truth about God.
And because you brought Allah in the discussion, this name comes from a devil/idol who was worshiped by Arab tribes before their pedophile prophet arise. He simply took the name and made it the “only god”.
But it still the devil.

You can call me Al

Actually the prophets are not that different if you take into the languages and cultures, thus the interpretations ……yes I am serious.

I mean even if you look at the divide between Christians and / or Muslims, the differences are just BS.

The Koran and the Bible say the same but is different ways….remembering we were and are more advanced.

PS I am a Protest Christian.

Ishyrion Av

No, the differences exists and are really divisive. Christianity and Islam are incompatible from the point of view of faith. And from the point of living too, unless everyone stays in it’s place and no interference is done between. In fact, Islam is much closer with the Judaism in it’s principles and way of life, but Judaism was intended by God in an early stage of human development, when He had to raise a shinny nation among idol worshiping and imoral tribes.
When Christ came, it was the end of the world as we knew it.
Nothing and no one after Him can make a change in the way God will deal with the world, because He is God himself.
I am Orthodox Christian and for us “don’t change a word in the Scripture” really is crucial.

You can call me Al

No that is not true and it is only because I have Mozzie friends that I have discussed this with, I state that.

Jesus Christ is not God, shame on you – he is the alleged Son of God, as I am a Son of God….it is all down to interpretation.

A am a protestant Christian and will take our side against a Muslim, but I have studied quite a bit about it and I reiterate it is down to interpretation of the scriptures.

Why is an Orthodox Christian different from a protestant or Catholic Christion ?……. I am not being rude, but I really do not know.

PS I mean no offence. It is my view only.

Ishyrion Av

It’s a conversation, no one is being rude, even if we don’t agree with each other in some points. Jesus is Son of God and God Himself: …Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made (The Niceean Creed, our Orthodox Creed of Faith, https://orthodoxwiki.org/Nicene-Constantinopolitan_Creed).

God is one being and three persons. Even Christ says about Himself He is God. For example when He cures the one who couldn’t walk, which was taken in front of Him through the roof of that house, cause the crowd didn’t move. He told the man that his sins are forgiven. And when people started to mumble – who is this man talking, only God can forgive sins they were saying, Christ tells them is easier to say to a paralitic your sins are forgiven than tell him to walk on his feet. But for them to understand that He can forgive all sins, he commands the paralitic to walk and the paralitic walks. People were impressed of the physical miracle but the greatest miracle was done first, the sins were forgiven.
There are tens of other references about this too.
Undoubtedly, Christ is God.
It makes sense also. His sacrifice was made to restore the order of the Creation which was badly damage by Adam and Eve.
There is a big mystery here, I cannot even comprehend the logic of God and why he choses to sacrifice Himself in order to save the man. All I know is that us, mankind, are called to be (spiritual) Sons of God.
We are called to be. As we are made with the face of God but the resemblance of God must be achieved through our own will and effort (and we are not alone in this quest at any moment).

You can call me Al

I never said it was – hence “PS I mean no offence. It is my view only.”…

But I am sorry I disagree. How can the Son of God be God himself ?

I think you are wrong in your opinion that “Undoubtedly, Christ is God.”….my view.

As for “It makes sense also. His sacrifice was made to restore the order of the Creation which was badly damageD by Adam and Eve.”……

NO IT DOESNT and this really angers me. I am an engineer thus have some scientific mentality and no-one can honestly believe that from day 1 we had Adam & Eve blah blah….. but:

In the beginning, God created the earth

There was no mention of Adam and Eve – he created the Earth end of ……and after millenniums etc. – he created mankind…… that is what was stated – but it was down to my interpretation.

The bible never spoke nor said we had to remain constant which is what the some believe. We must advance as we do.

The split between creationists and every other group can be simply explained …..and seen in my mind (and yes I have read the bible over and over again) by a mixture of science and religion, but not one solely.

Regards Jesus being the Son of God or God himself, I mean no offence here but again interpretation – being the Son of can mean a believer plus plus all the way to the actual Son,

I know that is daft, but I am the Son of the Queen of England + my Fathers Son….

I have much more, but maybe not this time of night…..

PS Your views are yours and I respect them whether I agree or not.

Ishyrion Av

You asked earlier what are the differences between Orthodox and Protestant. Now you have the answer :)
We believe the words of Christ are for real, not symbols. “This is my blood…” really meant it was His blood. Cause He didn’t say “this resemblances my blood”. And so on.

You can call me Al

Well we are no so far apart’ish then.

“We believe the words of Christ are for real, not symbols.”…. I disagree – you have a crucifix don’t you ?, well so do I.

Ishyrion Av

We see the cross as the path to resurrection. And everybody has to carry his own cross. Christ took upon Him all our sins and washed them in the suffering of the cross and died and resurrected. He was showing us the path.
No man can wash the sins of other man, except God. Christ is God.
This means we can join Him in life if we join Him in suffering. That suffering is sweet, however, is not easy to carry. And most of the people prefer the temptation. The word we are living in.
We don’t have only the cross – weapon against the devil as we call it very often. We have Mother of God, Maria. We have all the saints. We have the forefathers, the Tradition. From the point of view of faith, for us nothing much changed since the Church was established, 50 days after Christ’s resurrection. That is more than 2000 years ago.

Let me tell you something about this nickname of mine. Which of course I’m not worthy of it, but anyway. We have a collection of stories (real ones, but happened centuries ago). We call it Patericon. Patristic Texts. One of them says this:
– What have we done? one said. And a great one answered, Avva Ishyrion:
– We have made the commandments of God.
– And those who will come after us?
– They will reach half our deeds.
– And those after them?
– Those in that generation will have no deeds; temptation will come to them, and those who will prevail it at that time will be greater than us and our fathers.

I think those time that Avva was spoking 1500 years ago are now. Common sense is gone and temptation is everywhere.

You can call me Al

I am sorry I totally disagree with he inference of our comment and therefore I bode you farewell and may God go with you.

I totally agree with your last paragraph, but hundreds of millions of us DO not fit into this generalisation whilst having slightly different values than yours.

Ishyrion Av

Well, nice talking to you too and maybe we’ll talk some other time on other subjects as well ;)

You can call me Al

No, no, no – I am really intrigued, I again meant no offence.

You can call me Al

Hope so, cheers.

You can call me Al

Well if Christ = God, how can he be the Son of God ?.

Ishyrion Av

“if Christ = God, how can he be the Son of God ?”
We acknowledge that God is of One essence and Three in Persons, Father, Son and Holly Spirit. The Ortodox Creed describes this very well: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Nicene-Constantinopolitan_Creed

There is a beautiful theology in this and is based on the most important characteristic God is showing us about Himself, and that is love. Two persons are not complete in love until a third one is present. If there are two is a lot of egoism. The third one makes the love full.
We see this very well in the family, two parents and children. Until the children come, the family is focused on satisfying the pleasures of the parents. But when the children arrive, everything is transformed.
This is only an analogy, as God is beyond our comprehension, except for the parts He is showing to us.

You can call me Al

OHHHHH – My God, quite seriously, I have never thought of it that way.

I read the link for which I thank you, but are we not, all Sons of God ?

Ishyrion Av

We are called to be sons of God (in a spiritual way, by alliance) – and this will come with our effort here and God’s blessing and continuous help.
Only the Son (the second person of the Holly Trinity) is the Son of God by essence (and because is of one essence with the Father, is fully God, one God). Same apply to Holly Spirit.

You can call me Al

Last response to this.

You know my definition of the Son of God, o what if I said my view is that the holy spirit refers to the deceased ?.

We keep on going around and around, my view is different to yours, but that is my faith and that shall be my faith.

If he wanted us to have strict interpretations, there would be millions of commandments and not just 10.

Anyway, I wish you the best.


jahve, allah, god = fairy tales.

big bang is the beginning :P

You can call me Al

It is Muslims killing Muslims – sweet.


Its shia and alevi fake muslim secterians killing sunni muslims, ahlu sunnah wal jamaah


kill all muslems who do not give up this cruel religion. similarly, like they do, if somebody does not take this dirty religion. islam is the sleaz of earth.
nuke mekka!

الله هو مثلي الجنس وخنزيره واجه النبي محمد هو خنثى


Cey more filthy cristianist crusader. We will teach you uncivilized barbarians all a lesson you will never forget ;)


hahaha, you always last :DD without western technology you are grass/sand-eaters

if i could decide, i would kick put all moeslems and begin embargo against islamic states. cut them from swift system. and we could see, who is able to live longer.


Without oil you are a bunch of barbarian cavemen LOL besides turkey produces its own tech europe just buys them from turkish brands and labels them as their own LMAO also military tech. Turkey exports 2 billion$ of military tech every year to western countries. Turkish arms exports to germany for example are 200million while imports 40million. Lol fking losers get rekts. You were 1300 years uncivilized ratz (still are) and our b.tches. european renaissance only happended because of knowledge stolen from muslims. Without muslims you would still live in your own sh.t XD
Only since the 19th century you barbarians have the upper hand. LMAO happy birthday you loser?? this is nothing compared to our 1300 years of domination over you uncivilized, filthy, unwashed cavemen b.tches ?


without shitty arab oil we can live. can you live without our money?


You can do jack sh.t without oil. Your whole econonomy is based on stolen oil. Without it you are just uncivilized cavemen again. Lol and what money you ape?! You mean all that money you sucked out of these countries?!


bullshit. in north atlantic civilisation the used oil amount decreases. better buy from russia then from islamic countries.
you are not eble to prudzce oil, gas without our technology.


Lol stupid fk. Russia exports mainly gas you retarded sh.t!


Technology based on stolen muslim knowledge and rhis fker thibks he achieved anything LMAO ?


Cry more you russian vodka bottle. In turkey we fk your wives all the time ;)

You can call me Al

Well in my experience, I would take the Shi’ite over the Wahhabis anytime but I would also take the normal Sunnies over the Wahhabis at anytime.


Everyone hates wahabis. Thats the only common point


Your prayers don’t seem to have to have the expected effect:
the terrorist islamic state is almost entirely destroyed.


الله هو مثلي الجنس وخنزيره واجه النبي محمد هو خنثى

Glen Etzkorn

dimwits below are too stupid that know that no god exists anymore then Santa Claus or a Tooth Fairy. Effing fools.

You can call me Al

You must be a very sad and lonely person.

Santa Clause as you state was taken over by the Yanks and the true story was lost; the tooth fairy came around from tradition about kids loosing their “baby teeth”.

The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor,” Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.

Christmas = Christ mas = Mass of Christ, if you don’t believe it fine, but a billion plus do.

What exactly do you believe in ? you pathetic sad dimwit.


الله هو مثلي الجنس وخنزيره واجه النبي محمد هو خنثى

nuke mekka

You can call me Al

Not sure how to reply there….so I shall say nothing. But cheers.


salam aleikhum


Good info, why they say “old saint Nick”. :)

You can call me Al


When I was brought up, although my parents were not devout Christians ……Imagine your dinner – your favourite meat, favourite potatoes, something else you sorted of liked and the yucky vegetables…

Do you eat it in reverse order from bad to good – believe it or not, that comes from St Nicholas as he finally became …. because he allegedly “saved the best for the last” (another saying attributed to him) as he would give it to others in need. Blah Blah blah.

Don’t get me wrong, I am no bible basher, but until just a couple of decades ago, we lived by what it said and only recently we have “wandered” – same sexual marriages…..well you name it, you can see it.

Once they destroy our culture, religion, history, traditions etc. we may as well give up.


The last few days I have seen noticable developments :

The relatively large lossess for the relatively small NDF contingent in Afrin and the already significant lossess for the so called “special forces” that are “going to storm”Afrin whtt all of the 1200 of them.

As for the first point, it seems thoses lossess were mostly from bombing of their barracks, which leads me to two questions : what were they doing in barracks when they are supposed to be fighting and are they not prepared for fighting in battles where their opposition has closeby air support and they do not? Really worrysome but in line with the tremendous lossess that wagner company and other proxies suffered in DeZ a few weeks ago against air attacks.

As for the latter SDF are really keen on killing those guys and who can blaim them. SDF is likely concentrating on destroying tanks, heavy arms, on taking out special forces and on taking out, as in destrying totally, any TFSA forces, hoping to break their morale.

So far SDF is doing really well on all three counts, though at heavy cost SDF forces are growing rapidly, all over Northern Syria, addind some 4.500 just last week in several locations, incl the 3.500 in Qamishli.

One supposes that few of those forces will end up directly in Afrin, but their deployment elsewhere will free up more experienced forces that might go to Afrin and Manbij, which is being build up too.


What are you dumba.s smoking if I may ask ? You fking retard. Are 8 soldiers for you “significant” compared to the dozens of d.nkeys everyday die ? YPG b.tches are currently only good in one thing: running. Do you retard really believe this poor propaganda without any evidence of these ösexfriends of yours ? Its only to keep their poor moral up, it doesnt contain any truth. Lying takes up a big part of the filthy communist ideology, since every member of this sect lives in a delusional fairy tail world. If you believe this sh.t of these pathetic loser ratz, you may as well believe in the stories of a 5 years old beating up mike tyson and mohammed ali. LMFAO

Hulusi Akar

This idio t think people are stupid. Let me tell this “dutch”national something. So 1 airstrike killed around 50 ndf members according to the ypg. But around 600 airstrikes didnt kill any ypg???????? The numbers given by TAF about 2400+- neutralized terrorists are 100% true.


50 is accepted number by damascus

Hulusi Akar

Thats not my point. If Turkey can target and kill 50 ndf militas with 1/2 strikes. What would 600 strikes on afrin would do?


dont listen to propaganda.

Hulusi Akar

Kurdish, american, russian, etc. All propagandas lie.

Hulusi Akar

Give me sources which you think its trusted. If you are going to post YPG propaganda news dont even bother.


No one. You must purt together from several sources.

thesis, antithesis, synthesis ;)

Hulusi Akar

Sorry, but these aren’t articles but solid proof from the ground with visual confirmations.


i can not open twitter, if it is attached. security system on my pc.

i ask you? how can yu be sure, that all information, interesting for you is not fake on twitter? several times were videoreports, which were false and made in another time in another place.

Hulusi Akar



which were false and made in another time in another place.

Hulusi Akar

Omg you are so in denial. Go live in your fantasy world where ypg controls raco al bab sheikh haded bulbul istanbul and ankara.


Brainless dumbfk. I think your skull is full of your own p.ss, where people have a normal brain, thats why you have the urgent need to relief yourself in this comment section with your p.ss


bye jiadist, i block you, goatfucker. i wich you 7000 such huris.

because you are dumb moslem, i explain you, what does men blocking of you: dont waste your short life on me, i will not see your comments.



Mimimimimimi :'( ? Cry more you loser


+ the 2 dozen killed couple of days ago and the 3 killed in the convoy =70-80. get rekt you loser

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

Go Great Turkey my hearth with you

Ishyrion Av

Turkey will do great when it will be split between Greeks (who will take Constantinople and their former territories back), between Kurds and between Armenians. It’s good that a small Turkey will survive in Asia, where turks came from.
You still didn’t pay for the blood you spilled in 800 years!

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

im a kurd living in van im so glad that armenians massacred by my forefathers

Ishyrion Av

That’s too bad for you, since you too will join your prophet pretty soon. No one lives forever!


Keep trying boy , as you did since centuries. You always end up in disappointment and come here to cry.

Ishyrion Av

Oh, but we stopped you many times and years. You couldn’t cross the Danube. Or you crossed it and you died.
And this century is a special one. If you are not that old, you will live to see it and perhaps you will remember these words.


Who are ‘you’ , dear ? I mean we dealt with so many of you in last millenia – so you have to be a bit specific..

Ishyrion Av

oh, arrogance
the sin of the devils


Nope , Biggotary. Your case..


Hitler wanted great germany, finished with little germany.
Milosevic wanted greater serbia, finished with little serbia.
Erdogan wants greater turkey, will finish with little turkey.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

yeah yeah im sure your ancestors said samething to ottomans before they rekt


my ancestors destroyed your shitty empire.

kill kurds and turs. this is the most important role of europeans in this centruy.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

nope our empire still living in our hearths, but we burned ur churches and destroyed your silly culture ahahaha all armenian and greek buildings razed and burnt haha


you, kurds had never empire :DDDDDDDDDDDDD you were slaves of ottomans.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

lol 0 historic information you have. kurds are autonomus people in ottoman era they joined the empire willingly no wars happened between ottomans and kurds, they saved kurds from persians you cnt


They were a part of it as the turks and arabs were you filthy fkface. The ottoman empire was multi ethnic. Only one thing mattered and that was islam and being a muslim


parts as laved parts :DDDD

kurds were second class members. if they were 1st class, they would not try to form own country :P


Only stalinist dipsh.t PKK tries to form apostan. Kurds in turkey dont. They are happy as it is, they are equal brothers. And in the ottoman empire all muslims were first class only christianists were second class


YPG commu fascist, imperialist, zionist, terrorists want great stalinistan and they will end up in a råthole


Israel wants greater Israel…Yinon Plan to expand across the Levant.
But Syrian’s have halted Israeli plans to do so under proxy war chaos.


come here on one afinkebap!

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

Stfu 10 iq crusader


what do you want inside?? i like with some Turkish white meat and some fsa brains..

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

im not Turkish im Kurdish so stfu


ohh you are kurd supporting turks?? LOL!


The real test will start when turks reach afrin…then we can expect dead turk bodies stockpiling…till they just fought for tiny villages up in mountains

Hulusi Akar

LOL ypg has nearly no manpower left, or they will run away or they ll hand over to SAA like cowards they are. But lets see if Turkey will allow SAA to enter. We don’t know the deal between TR and RU.


so you believe the numbers turks give? still its lets than 3% of their manpower lost according to turks

Hulusi Akar

3%? Are u dum b nigga? Do you know how much 3% is, thats alot. more like 0.0001%


man you are so stupid…you’re supposed to say more than me not less….lamo

Hulusi Akar

Its hard to understand people like you when your sentences make no sense. Do something about your english. And use ur brain maybe.


how about you learn English first? or at least math…if 3000 dead ypg freedom fighters for you is the whole manpower in afrin and i say to you it was only 3% it means that there are 30.000 YPG freedom fighter you stupid mongolturk

Hulusi Akar

Yea I didnt understand your sentence because it didnt make any sense. I was talking about the Turkish army losses and not YPG terrorists. Don’t bother commenting on me. Have a nice day.


True the hardship will be once they entered the urban area however it seems the Turkeys have at least some mole in YPG body that they could run their bombing campaign effectively somewhat since as we can see there’s seems lack of concentration point and forces build up from YPG sides to counter attack.
Their advance undoubtedly will reduced into a crawl in urban area however it’s hard for me to imagine that YPG alone will be enough to repel them. They’ll need more manpower to do that so it will be a bloody battle into a stalemate or slow gains for Turk FSA.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Heros rape terrorists

Game Over

Turkey is getting sloppy seconds while they can. Eventually their little rain dance will come to an end.

Epsilon Eridani

does anyone have an idea what s happening to the local civilian population living in the areas invaded by turkey? ıt should be impossible to govern a population totally hostile to turkey, therefore i assume all the areas invaded are now totally depopulated (probably will be repopulated by arabs). am i right? and i wonder what will happen when the invasion will be completed. Will all the local population try to continue living around tel rifat? (Which is protected by SAA i guess.) or Syrian government will allow these civilians to go to raqqa for instance?


This is middle-east. Local population will accept the side that brings the highest prosperity. They are not living a normal life like you and me. They lack common comestibles, shelter, clean water and health care. You can supply PKK with weapons and train them to fight but governing a town/city is completely something else.

Every single place taken by Turkey’s forces are, i say probably but i believe for sure, supplied with food, water, clothes and medicament. This way they gain the favor of common people.


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YPG hav no control of the population. YPG has taken Afrin people hostages.


Why are you all arguing with each other?


Run Kurds, run! :)))


i have read that the Turkish AForce has launched 3 attacks in the AFrin area against Syrian forcs killing dozens of troops…..any ideas?


It’s not SAA forces. It’s Shia militas under the commend of NDF. I doubt Syria’s goverment itself will give a reaction.


NDF is legal unit in syria.


Asshead isnt even you sh.tface how are those shia secterians legal? Since 80% are sunni and nobody invited these apes. Asshead had no alevi secterian soldiers left, thats why he cried for help



btw., for me is no problem, if they are shias. they are also legitim citizens, arent they?

by the way, if you want propagete your jihadi islamic phobias, get out back to your goats and sheeps!


NDF is Syrain army. Not first line troops but still….


unfortunately truth


for putin the turkish stream is more impirtant than the syrian blood.

M.A. Lamett

Kurdish state in northern Syria is an existentialist threat to Turkey. A Kurdish state will be part of greater Israel which is aimed to claim Turkish territory in the future as well. That’s the reason why US is insisting to stay in Syria forever under all kinds of pretexts. Turkey cannot accept that, as otherwise it would mean the acceptance of self-destruction. Hence this military operation took place. Turkey has no choice but to eliminate this existentialist threat. Military operations for Manbij and east of Euphrates will follow suite soon, even if it involves coming face to face with US forces. Unfortunately, there is no other choice left for Turkey, not even a peaceful negotiated settlement will do from this point on.