Hamza Division members
The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Euphrates Shield (ES) area in the northern Aleppo countryside is withdrawing from civilian areas, the US-based Al-Monitor online newspaper reported on September 12.
According to the report, a major part of the FSA groups in ES is redeploying its fighters to newly built military bases outside civilian areas.
Mu’tasim Brigade, Sultan Murad Division, Levant Front Ahrar al-Sham and the Hamza Division are among the armed groups that’s moving to bases, according to the report.
“The Hamza Division has decided to evacuate all its military posts in al-Bab and nearby towns to ensure the safety of civilians, end its military presence in the city and avoid clashes between civilians and armed men that normally lead to terrorizing innocent people. The decision took effect in early August.” Abdullah Halawa, commander of the Hamza Division in al-Bab told Al-Monitor.
The FSA is looking to achieve many goals by this move starting with clearing the civilians areas from violence and other forms of a bad behavior that have been a result of the armed presence among civilians. Another reason is that the leadership of these FSA groups will have much more control over its fighters when they are deployed in military bases.
Colonel Ahmad Osman leader of al-Sultan Murad Division told Al-Monitor that among their goals is building a national army based on the traditional military approach away from the public life.
The FSA has never made such a serious attempt to become an organized force, and there is no doubts that Turkey is the main sponsor of this effort.
Since its foundation in 2011, FSA groups have always been deploying most of its fighters in civilian areas. This made the FSA an armed militia that lacks any form of discipline.
They have doomed the proposed “national Syrian Jihadi army” from the start by building barracks and garrisons per faction and not integrating them.
Their choice.
What the f… are the low lifes doing ?
I thought the purpose of mixing w/civilians was to keep them under control and extract taxes.
Turks are united with usa in this one thing: making fsa look good.the child head choppers are losing the war for hearts and minds so zioyankees and turkics are keeping the rats away feom civilians so that their atrocities are forgotten.
bomb that erdogan rats base.
I think this is a feint and they are pulling back so they can attack the Kurds in the east of of Syria.
Erdogan is very stupid. He helped the kurds by attacking Syria. Now, he is crying. I don’t understand guys like him. But, just another stupid sunni.
How did he do that?how he helped the Kurds?he divided their lands in 2 pieces.Afrin is cut off from the rest of the Kurdish areas
He wanted to step down Assad.
well that didnt go very well
Turning terrorists into a disciplined army? Expect a lot of mutineers. They will want compensation for all the rape and pillage they can commit against civilians.
like hezbollah
Solomons zionist facade comes out more and more out in the open. He cant complain anymore about how assad is weak leader, saa soldiers and people are crap and refuse to fight, russian help is nonexistant and not real/ fake, and how the US checkmated the border with iraq … so he just makes it obvious that he’s an israeli psyops vermin POS, worm and lowly pig. Die in a fire or choke on your own blood, filth.
hezbollah was long time only bunch of terrorists. who direct attack civilans, is terrorist.
Youre still a zionist scumbag tho lol
today i was also nizi scum. so, you shuld unite yourself :DDDDDD
I can fix that, let me call you zionazi
as you wish. if only under such conditions can you have orgasm ….
Israel always directly attack civilian buildings and starts wars. Israel is the terrorist
israel is a rogue country
BS Solomon. Stand up and take that Zionist cock from your mouth.
ake that Zionist cock from your mouth.
dont go out from yourself ;)
So were many of your prime ministers! Remember bengurion,rabin etc
Remember abraham stern gang, palmach? I can go on if you want me to.
Yes, I do like Hezbollah. They are heroes for resisting the filthy Zionist expansionist agenda and for defeating the Zio filth in 2006.
Hezbollah are not “terrorists”. That is is a dirty smear from the Zio-rats and their Murican and Euro-peon goyim servants. They are the front line defenders that stop the Zio-rats coming back in an attempt to add Lebanese soil to their existing parcel of stolen land.
i answered to this sentence
Turning terrorists into a disciplined army?
and YES, hezbollah was clearly terrorist orgnisation. they made lot of war crimes.
Get back to Turkey as Hezbollah/Russia and SAA are on the move! Watch and learn from Hezbollah; USA picks these stray unemployed men and expects SOLDIERS; Watch the SAA; Those are real soldiers! Hezbollah real soldiers/ Russian troops Real soldiers. FSA FAKE and gangsters!
Solomon, Serious, Mountains, and Dutchnational are becoming more frequent in the comment section. They are probably butt hurt SAA reached Deir ezzor so quickly.
I think its KPI time, and they are looking to secure their performance bonuses…
quickly? in 6 months. SDF in six days. this is the big difference in slow russian and swift american way.
It doesn’t matter what the FSA do. Once ISIS is rolled up and the border secured. it will be time to exterminate the AQ and FSA rats.
Good idea. It makes them easier to hit with Kalibre cruise missiles and eliminates unnecessary civilian deaths.
No no, not yet. We finish off the Turkish militants after the SDF.
we? you? do you comment here from frontline??
Ok, you found some mistake I made. You can go kill yourself now.
No surprise Germany and other NATO countries won’t supply weapons to Turkey’s terrorist FSA.Britain has withdrew a week back.Erdogan bite Russian fuel containers call S-400.After the weapons embargo Russia will give the deposit back.The best thing to sell to Turkey is knife and ax to chop of heads.