The National Syrian Army (NSA), backed by Turkish special forces, launched a surprise military operation against remnants of the Kurdish People’s Protections Units (YPG) in the northern Aleppo countryside on May 4.
Few hours after the beginning of the operation, the NSA announced that its forces have taken control of the key town of Ma’arnaz south of the occupied area of Afrin. The group’s media wing released several photos showing Turkish-backed militants in the center of the town.
The YPG has not released any statement on the situation in northern Aleppo yet. No heavy clashes were reported in the area. This allowed some local observers to suggest that Ma’arnaz was handed over to the NSA under a secret Turkish-Kurdish agreement.
Untis of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Russian Military Police are currently deployed along YPG forces in the city of Tell Rifaat, few kilometers south of Ma’arnaz. The situation in the city is currently calm.
Sources close to the NSA said that the operation will be limited to Ma’arnaz and its neighboring town, al-Malikiah, that’s still under the YPG control, as for now. The operation is reportedly aimed at stopping the continues attacks of the so called Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF), which killed a Turkish soldier and injured another a day earlier.
The situation in northern Aleppo will likely escalate in the upcoming few hours. The YPG and the SAA may launch a joint counter-attack to recapture Ma’arnaz.
Good job. Assad is ungrateful to Turkey, a Blessing from Allah(swt). Idlib is a Blessing from Allah(swt).
And those 12 Observation Posts are starting to look like the Twelve Imams(as), especially after assad sent his army and they were swallowed in Bayda.
Ungrateful, you Turds are such dumb creatures.. You Turks are occupying illegal Syrian land and use those Ikhwan and other islamic scum to steal land.
kurds are proven turds. And Turks are proven Axis Allies against nato terrorism(drones nukes sanctions).
Why should Assad be grateful to Turkey you moron! Turkey supports the terrorists isis!
australikike has many kikesis members.
So the Kurd’s can spend the last 1,000 years genociding Christian civilians (the lands that Kurd’s hold today were Christian lands before the Kurd’s stole them).
But the moment that an armed civilian militia challenges the Kurd’s, their cowardliness becomes self evident.
Kurd’s are butchers of women and children. But cannot fight militia to militia.
Are you drunken or under drugs effect?
I dont see that at all.
Are you blind drunk again then Jens :)
Since the downing of Russian jet Turkey terrorist forces still attacks Syrian and Russian soldiers.From Idlib and Hama.
The Turks want Ma’arnaz , al-Malikiah, and Tell Rifaat , they now have Ma’arnaz and are about to try and take al-Malikiah next, so that only leaves Tell Rifaat to go, and the Russians are already there, mmmmm has a deal been done by all 3 parties.
Turkey is now waging a full scale war against Syria with its own forces and terrorist proxies. This is unacceptable and wonder how long Russia and Iran will tolerate this blatant aggression by Erdogan?