The National Front for Liberation (NFL) claimed on November 27 that its militants ambushed a group of Russian Special Forces snipers in southeast Idlib two months ago.
The allegedly incident took place near the town of Ejaz in the southeastern Idlib countryside on September 3. The NFL claimed that its fighters managed to ambush a group of Russian snipers that attempted to infiltrate their positions west of Ejaz.
A video of the alleged incident released by the NFL shows many acting scenes, unrecognizable night-time clashes and civilian camping gear, which the group claimed it was “captured” by its militants.
The captured gear included a foldable camping chair and a civilian backpack containing, of course, a Russian Christian postcard.
The NFL’s claims of a Russian Special Forces attack near Ejaz on September 3 are accurate. Nevertheless, the attack was successful.
The attack targeted a small observation post of the Suqour al-Sham Brigades, an NFL member. Russian Special Forces personnel managed to kill both militants who were manning the position.
Even the Suqour al-Sham Brigades acknowledge its losses back then, identifying the slain militants as Yahya Hamid Shehadeh and Abdullah Hassan Zinedine.
The NFL is clearly manipulating facts in order to create a fake victory of some sort. The group is likely trying to rise the morale of its supporters, especially after losing several towns in southeast Idlib in the last few weeks.
This jihadist mercenaries are train by the CIA which means that the way that they fight is trough deception and deceiving, their targets are civilians, to make that civilians think that their are losing men to give up or affect psychologically in some way or another, there’s no way that this monkeys can come up with something like this, this is pure CIA operation to desperate try to do something because their moderate head choppers are being blow up by the SAA and the Russians. The only thing that they have at this point is deception because there’s no escape from oblivion, meanwhile the U.S gestapo will try to do as best as they can with their assets before they lost them in the sand.
I stopped reading in first line because You as usual only are able to blame CIA. By that the rest is limited in the same way and worth only a few liras or syrian pounds.
Aaarrrh second line has gestapo in it.You pobatly not evenknow gestapo was a police force.
or how about when 500 russkie mercenaries thought it was smart to attack a US Special Forces base at Conoco Oil Field back in February of 2018? 200 of them got scorched by AC-130 and Apache Gunships within the first hour, and another 200 got blown to bits by F-15 Eagles and B-52 bombers! 400 out of 500 eliminated. And 30 BTR/trucks/T-72 tanks destroyed! An entire russkie battalion and mercenary mechanized brigade wiped out in less than 2 hours! Never mess with the US Airforce, baby!
That was a propaganda stunt, the explosions were really well made, even i almost believe it.
No, it was real. Intercepted radio communications from the mercenary commander confirmed the entire battle and their losses in the “hundreds”.
oh man, this sounds like a complete annihilation. FIRST, one of the standing columns of hundreds of mercenaries were pounded relentlessly with 155mm artillery, HIMARS, and 120mm mortars. SECOND, another column was blown to smithereens by F-15s and B-52 bombers. THIRD, the rest of the mercenaries were mopped up by 4 Apache Gunships and AC-130s! And ALL their communications were JAMMED by the F-22 electronic warfare systems!
Video of radio coms is bullshit, that wasn’t the PMC commander. It was faked by Ukrainians, most likely ukrainian intel agency. Most journalists confirmed only 15 PMC killed and up to 50 Syrian soldiers KIA, the “hundreds killed” claim is complete bullshit, just like your Patriot air defense system :)
blah blah
says the retard
Why you don’t talk like a real person,you pïggïe soap bar?
He says: You talk and tal, and the only thing of importance is You make noise or thinsg already is says many times before.
Thats bla. bla UNited Nations.
Nice rebuttal there shorty.
You guys lost Syria,.and all you have to show for it is a spin story for giving air support to isis and saying f35 is so good and s400 dont work.
You are completly full of bullshit.
Why do you all even try to convince this idiot troll?
When this fake news occurred word was about 100 or so Russian *regular soldiers*, and very soon they found out that it’s too much of a lie so they shifted to a Vagner and that was convincing enough. As time went on, 100 Vagner started to be 200 and now we have 500.
What’s worse lie now include half of US’s artillery and AF.
ANYBODY with IQ bigger then his/hers shoe size can tell this is notorious lie!
It’s the fact they are so persistent, it screams of Hasbara Troll Activity.
Dumbass morons on youtube actually believe it is real audio recordings though, even though it was faked by Ukrainians!
Morons believe in just about anything.
Remember ’91 testimony on Iraqi soldiers killing babies in Kuwait hospitals,
2003. WMD lies in UN by Colin Powell, list goes on…
Morons are just that, morons, and by letting all of those lies “becoming a truth” they are becoming accomplices in war crimes and destruction of numerous countries.
You estimations are relatives as well.
I didn’t gave any estimations! I am looking for the facts and proofs and those two are never to be found when it comes to western MSM!
I dont know the correct number, butfor sure Your 15+50 is absolute minimum as well as You dont mention loss of equipment.
Something like that. Most of them hardly knew, what hit them. The production of glue to make the bodies nice was not to buy for a long tiem after that.
Maybee we should donate them some memory sticks.
Easy these big fella …. this isn’t Fox News. What you are describing is ridiculous. You realize that munitions cost money and the fancier the bomb the more they cost.
The AC-130’s and apache gunships are reasonable and according to the US military this is what they used. The probably had a couple of F-15 flying cover. If 155’s were within range and AC-130’s are already pounding why use Himars missiles which are vastly more expensive than arty shells and being a long range missile could leave other units vulnerable if used up.
B-52’s cost $70,000 / hr to operate …. AC-130’s cost $2100 / hr. They aren’t going to call in B-52’s when they already have AC-130’s apaches and artillery all within range. If they did heads would roll …. even having a magic printing press doesn’t mean the USAF can waste money like that.
This leaked “radio communication” was faked by Ukrainians, you know that right? There’s absolutely no proof its the commander of the PMC, let alone actual Russians. There weren’t ever “hundreds” of Russian PMC during this battle, only around 30. There were hundreds of Syrian militias, however, which took the most casualties from US Airstrikes. There’s not a single shred of photo, video, or audio evidence to validate your claims of 200-400 dead PMC, but there were independent reports of 15 PMC killed and up to 50-70 Syrian Militia “ISIS Hunters” killed, according to SOHR and other journalists. All these casualties came from fighter jet strikes, not Apache gunships or AC-130s. The only proof of casualties shown by the US Military is an artillery position being targeted and a T-55 tank being destroyed. So do yourself a favor and stop spreading links of faked videos and bizarre claims which have no pertinence to reality whatsoever. It makes you look even more ridiculous than you already are
Ukrainiens. Thats a new one and You forgot the ususal suspects doomed by no evidence and no trial.
FAKE. its ukrainian, not russian. Dumbass. that increased cranial size doesn’t help you out at all
Your forehead is suitable enough to be used as an aircraft runway. I think, next time we will land our su35 on your forehead.
I thought toys are us has collapsed:)
Accord the pro western SOHR…13 Russian PMC members were killed in military operations vs ISIS in West Eufrates!…no Russian PMC were deployed in East Eufrates where USAF attacked SAA members near Conoco Oil field days before!
Thats mismanegement of the worst kind. Russians were active there even befor the whole DEZ town was taken – and killed.
Its confirmed by Syraíans and Russians themselves onclusive atleast one general and several high ranked ditto.
Much You might need a sight about memorylack. I know one, which cant remember well. She use a calender any time important things happen. She has leaned that by somefriends of here. She even takes pictures now and then.
Giv it a try.You are only usefull, if You are hired by a timewaster company.
Yeah..surely your are on ground there and have more info..
8 minus sheep. Here we go. Even Russia reflected great losses among them.
These ruskie mercenaries were under contract of syrian/russkie oil businessmen, they were tasked with taking the oil field and “scaring away” the US Special Forces. They expected the US/SDF to abandon posts and retreat, but they held their ground and returned fire with Javelins, 50 cals, mortars, and artillery! Then the US Airforce came in to finish the job. (Note that these mercenaries stood no chance whatsoever, they had no anti-aircraft cannons, missiles, and no air cover)
Important to note: 4 US Airforce F-22 stealth fighters were patrolling the entire Syrian airspace while the battle was raging. They were to ensure no russkie airforce/air defense interference
Lol doing multi accounts much? sad dude you are.
Lol, him bernstein and rocket nose are all the same
The IDF is really desperate dude, the point that they sink sooo low haha.
Empty speak. Once upon a time, there might come, when Baktrian Camels soon take over Middle East, because all inhabitants has killed each other and themselves.
Yes, looks like Jacob now has 3 accounts.
You can rely on Bernstein. They are systematic oes, why You can say about half is very correct and can rely on that.
Glaases or more knowledge level might helpYou see Yourown comments and sources toooften is much worse.
only someone whose done so before would ever guess that. So I’m sure you have multiple accounts
You,soap bar semen and kïke Wohl are the same soap bars.
If all three of them big nosed joos exhaled simultaneously, the entire Earth would detach from its orbit and be blown into another solar system
You should cut the Bs before you get nuked to oblivion.
The girlfriend to Popeye is not in this:)
Some split up for protection. I know Turks in Europe vote for Erdogan – most do. But those dont dare the critisism and have a layalacontforErdophilia.
But they also live here and vote as normal or almost like the rest of us and by that have am european opinion account.
That make sense …
Bioppolars and skizzos having more then one account makes sense too.
I actually now and then comment myself but using only 1 account.
When this bullshit first occurred, “only” 100 of bad Russians were killed, but now it’s 500.
Inflation, bank interest, or something third?
Schwartz is extra desperate after an IDF heli crashed yesterday
He is contrasting some ot it and by that very semilar to You. It seemes his memory based on facts on fx Syria Live UA(have You beenreding there) is much better then Yours.
Lol liveUAmap is “facts” according to your dumb ass? ?
100 minimum
100 and not 200.
To me its a relative. The numbers any times must be much higher then the lowest here given by notorios lyers here.
It have worked hard with battels in WW2 and among them the socalled Ardennes offensive in the late days of Hitler.
There were so many investigators and also a problem about what was inclkuded on both sides.
A group of scientist finally agreed about where the important battlefields were and divided the losses like 75.000+96.000+120.000 with 3. That often is themost correct numbers You gets.
If I go back to Ardenes and the battle about the bulp it afterwards also was of greta importance that americans fast could replace their losses in airplanes and other kinds of equipment, but germans never could.
I am sure Assads lost a lot of equipment by crossing eqipment and by attacking SDFs even before that made may ISIS stay alive so they could meet Assads crossing Eufrat with lack of fresh troops as well as lack of equipment.
So the losses very much was by Assads and Russian support, I am sure Russians was many more there then fx 15. 15 often is sodiers serving a Russiangeneral as cooks, cutting hair and ironing uniforms only :)
As I recal it by the danish participation the 4 F16s, F18s(Australia) and F22s was the 24/7 rapid responce strike only.
The rest is much bigger and fx has ground radars, satelites and drones. Some drones might be armed as well.
Above that they could call in all kinds of heavy stuff.
Yeah, you are right, here is the pic of one of those 22’s:
There were never “hundreds” of Russkie mercenaries there in the first place. Most of the 400-500 soldiers were SAA/ISIS Hunters. Only 40-50 were PMC, and journalists on the ground said 15-30 PMC were KIA. There’s literally not a shred of photo/video evidence of hundreds PMC being killed. It’s complete bullshit propaganda
Yeeerh, and they detonated themselves too.
I hardly five nothing for journalists of Assads and Russians there at all.
The same goes for, what americans and SDFs descriebed. Typical for You, those are not even mentioned as anykind of source.
But when I kind of add, I see the picture isnt at all as Damaskus and Moscow says. The numbers were much higher. A total defeat like that dont make fx 65-70 deads only.
So the rest was women or sheep :(
Thats what I remeber of it too.
O am a lttle impresed about peole being able to have that kind of big memory lack.
Haha you play too much call of duty.
Your shits whacked brah!!
You just confirmes, what I wrote about You above progandalf.
Saw the videos of mercenary T-72 and artillery positions getting smacked by precise JDAM strikes! USAF once again proving themselves invincible
That audio was ukrainian,you soap bar ïnbred.
prove it antisemite
Why you don’t prove the holocaust without saying your soap bar grandpa was in three extermination camps? :)
keep lying kïke,the world is getting tired of your bs and don’t get mad if soon there’s a second and real holocaust against soap bars like you and your filthy race. :D
Things of that already are well secriebed. Slow learners of Your kind too
Stop spreading that fake story idiot, that claim has been thoroughly debunked moron.
Why not. Someone like me semmes to see is normal here, sohe is integrating too.
IDF (Israel Diaper Forces).?
I didnt know family pictures was an important part of it for You.
You Zionist Jews have the orgasm to count the dead, true heirs of Hitler.
Stop insulting Hitler. Are you aware that every major jewish religious holiday is based on their celebrations of mass-murder of those they wanted to pillage? It is the jews who reach orgasm by killing people – not the Germans and certainly not Hitler.
You only need to re-read Avi the psycho’s comment above to get an inkling of their collective sickness – their insatiable appetite for MURDER AND MAYHEM.
Most Jewish Holidays are several 1000 years old. Hitler is not.
And what do I see. I see several countries giving the Jom Kippur war another name and even celebarete it as a victory.
The same goes for 6 days in June. You give it Your own name, that I can understand, but celebraying it as a victory, I cannot.
So Your celabrations, Hirler or not are made the same way or worse.
You have no gays, because You dress them in black womens clothe and shave them well.
You sure know how to spew shit from your mouth you filthy Jew, all of it BS
You semitees are family. Tret Your family better. I do know srustucxs says 2/3 of all crime is among family and most affiliated.
But give it a try.
That incident was debunked by German journalists shortly after it happened.
US and SDF forces fought Syrian tribal militias who had crossed the Euphrates deconfliction line.
They then went on to attack an SAA force on the other side of the river that was not involved in the initial attack with air and artillery strikes. 10 – 20 Russian Wagner mercs were killed in this second attack. They weren’t involved in any attack …. just innocent bystanders.
Every time I hear this story it gets bigger and bigger. First it was 50 Russian regulars. Then it was 200 Russian regulars along with their tanks and APC’s. Then it was a Russian mechanized brigade 500 strong and they were attacked with B-52’s.
Next, I predict it’ll be the the Russian 5th Guards Tank army, 150,000 strong commanded by Georgi Zhukov himself and they will have been defeated by Rambo.
First. There are no Russian regulars deployed to Syria …. it’s SOF, RuAF and MP’s.
Second there was never any Russian mechanized forces deployed in Syria let alone a brigade of them.
Third. The US used primarily AC-130’s and helicopter gunships to destroy these farmers / militia as they tried to force their way back to their land. NOT B-52’s
Fourth the Russians responded by deploying Russian EW units and air defences east denying Coalition aircraft access to GPS and ground communication which put USAC-130’s out of action.
Yeah, I think the HasbaRats are for once correct, the cauusalty numbers dont mach the initial reporting, etc, etc, the circumstances may be different if I remeber them correctly, but then again, let them have an ball, poor creatures.
Its was not 200, but then again, it may even be true, that depends on what and where they hitted.
Again, its more due to Russians dont wanna escalate policy, then abilitys to do something, witch is more about Putin and the people around Him than anything else, and again, the numbers are disputed, the scope of the attack disputed, and so on, but the intital boming did happen.
Its like the constant bragging about Airstrikes into Syrian territory, and the “inability” of the RUFs missle defence systems to counter them, while the truth is, that IDF fighers hide behind comerisal air traffic over Lebanes/Jordanian air space, and then the issue is more, again about what can the consequencess be when and if the shoot back, not about IDFs air force, etc, etc, and the second, is some of the drivel is just bragging, and probably never happened.
So, let the schumcks have their day.
Not often they can, petty little f…..
But again, I have time and time questioned the cowardness of the RUFs comanders and Putin.
Next time, shoot them down, period.
There was literally not a single shred of photo or video evidence on the ground to confirm crazy neocon/zionist claims. US Military would have released a lot more footage of the strikes if hundreds of PMC were actually killed. They’ve released lots of footage of dozens of taliban being eliminated by gunships before. They only released video of a T-55 and artillery position being destroyed. That right there is 10-15 KIA. SOHR confirmed 15-30, and up to 50. But hundreds claim is complete bullshit
Anybody culd see the terrain and the non adavance, We also got describstions for the amounts of troops crossing there.
So You just simply can go back and see the start and who still was there after tgat defeat.
Tempting to compare with fx Battle of Britten. Nazis could not effort to attack more and was stopped by that before they had no airplanes left.
We also saw troops “Fahren gegen Engeland” in primitive riverboats, but retretead for Barba”Russia” and Nazis in stead building defence lines.
We also heard the explanations for that.
So often pictures are not needed. They lost a lot of airplanes and face and fuel.
:) They are trying to copy Hezbollah documentaries style made by Al Mayadeen.
Russians spec ops are using a “French” made camping tripod stool and a “US” made KESTREL 4500NV applied ballistics meter hahahahaha nice propaganda stunt
Russia should somehow make this videos reach American public audience to reveal who they are supporting in Idlib against evil Russians and Assad