Turkish-backed Forces Claim That They Killed Russian Private Military Contractor Near Tripoli

Turkish-backed Forces Claim That They Killed Russian Private Military Contractor Near Tripoli

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Forces of the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) claimed that they had killed a Russian military contractor in the area of Salah ad-Din south of the Libyan capital of Tripoli. According to the GNA claims, the supposed Russian fighter had a nickname “Hunguz”. No further details regarding the incident was provided.

The claim came just a few hours after a press conference by the Libyan National Army (LNA) – a rival force to the Turkish-backed government. The LNA provided video evidence of how Turkey supplies military equipment and send militants from Syria (violating the UNSC resolution) to Libya.

Sources close to the LNA described the GNA claims a propaganda stunt and ‘fake news’ using the fact that the Turkish-backed entity revealed very little details regarding the identity of the supposed Russian fighter. However, reports that the killed person was a Ukrainian doctor appeared to be untrue. He (Andrey Kuzmenko) is alive in Turkey.

Earlier, private miltiary contractors from several post-USSR countries, including Ukraine, were spotted operating in Libya.


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Mustafa Mehmet

at least his Gone with smile on his face ?… Next…..


Exactly, it’s like he enjoyed his final moments :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You never seen an adult soldier three skins, you only ever shot women and children.

Mustafa Mehmet

No no that’s Russian and assad gangs job they are professional with barrel bombs and chemical killing innocent people

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What are you trying, miserably, to say in English Musthaveashit?

Assad has missiles and bombs supplied by Russia to roast your pork fed ass to smithereens ffs.

Mustafa Mehmet

Re accusing me a f****** goat OK you can hold rope tie and wait for you turn I come and do you too scumbag

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When will that be goatfucker?

You said the same after the Russkies bombed the shit out of your goatfucking troops in Idlib, months ago.

When does the pig fed heroes turn up to my home, and soon is not counted in months.

Threats, threats and more threats, but we all know you will never fight me you goatfucking coward.

Fog of War

” barrel bombs ”

How are barrel bombs any different from other bombs ? They all kill.

Mustafa Mehmet

Google it and find out the difference about barrel bombs Charlie

Fog of War

You’re correct because shrapnel killing someone from a ” barrel bomb ” is so much different from shrapnel killing someone from a ” regular ” bomb. Study some logic my friend.


Well said.
And in practice dropping a ‘barrel bomb’ takes far more courage Turkish and Israeli aircraft dropping guided bombs on Syria from OUTSIDE Syria.

Black Waters

Nop, that’s propaganda from Nazito. But what can you know, desert rat.

Mustafa Mehmet

True hurts Cockroaches?

Black Waters

You mean Turckroaches? Lul

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Those Turdish goat fuckers that the Russian airforce bombed the shyte out of were not smiling.

And what did Erdogan do about that? Nothing, like the cowardly goat fucker he is.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes re you always wrong hold the Rob tied your turn comen I might as well do you too

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You have been threatening to turn up to me for months, are you having trouble getting an airline ticket to come?
Your English has changed also Musthaveashit, is it due to a change in shift, or has the virus got to you, lol.

You cowardly goatfucker, where are you?

Mustafa Mehmet

156 earls Court Road London bring your mama too

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s a brothel Musthaveashit, where your sisters suck off dirty old men.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

SW5 9QH, a hotel ffs.

Mustafa Mehmet

wrong .. pizza take away

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How would you know, you serve drinks to tourists when you aren’t tending the goats.

Pizza delivery driving would be a step up in your employment details ffs. Erdogan fucks goats, and then fucks your kids.

Mustafa Mehmet

I serve yarak on the plate enjoy it re malaka gamodi sistosu. I only f*** Sophie she is right next to me stroking my dick getting it ready for you you


Too bad your Russian friends did not take credit and denied any involvement…but i really enjoyed the slaughter killing hundreds of syrian cucks and your coward russian friends were nowhere to protect them. Just like when Putin chickend out when Israel blew up 15 Russians or when his 200 offduty gopniks got roasted in Deir ez-Zor.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia denied nothing, admitted to nothing.

The Turkish soldiers who were bombed by Russian aircraft are the ones who denied it was Russians, as their leader went to Moscow pleading for a break.

The rest of your claptrap is just wishful thinking, NoHoper19.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

You F@cking piece of shit assh@le! What kind hunmaity are you!! liking to see Syrian people and Soldier getting killed for protecting thier sovereignty country! and Russian still protect it and Taking OUT your stupid Terrorist friend! they not COWARD! you TRASH TALK! Israel are F@cking COWARD using IL-20 as thier Shield! What are COWARD! and I very enjoy seeing your stupid Terroist and Turk dying by Brave Syrian and Russian Soldier that killing shit alot of them and YOU will be next for them! Assh@le.

Harry Smith

Non of Russian Telegram channels confirmed the man was Russian company contractor. But there is a lot of evidence he is Ukrainian medic.

Liberal guy

Hmmmmm and what about the around 1000 syrian mercenaries killed u bastards both sides using mercenaries but for the syrian mercenaries it’s a castastrope in libya

Mustafa Mehmet

figures is going up again? mujahedin dies helping their brothers. To liberate their own country soon will be big celebration

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Careful LR, Musthaveashit will turn up to kill you also, after he sorts out the 145 million Russkies, lol.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Liberal guy

Mujahedin these syrian mercenaries?

Harry Smith

Ukrainians don’t fight in Russian private armies, yet. He could fight on the side of GNA hired by Turkey.

Harry Smith

They found the Ukrainian guy alive in Ukraine. Well it looks like the guy is unknown, yet

Liberal guy

Pro gna media tells he was from the lna side

Porc Halal

what a low-life creatures those mujahideen cavemen and their turdish masters!!!!…definitely a backpack must be a irrefutable proof of an ethnicity identification!!!…

Fog of War

Have you actually seen the video of the dead Russian merc ? I have , and its legitimate. Stop spewing B.S.

Porc Halal

Where did you see the video?!…if you are not BS, provide the proof by posting a trustable source of info and stop spreading turdish MB islamist propaganda around here…

Porc Halal

I said trustable source…seeing what kind of flags layla is waveing, i don’t take this as a serious source…all your so called ‘sources’ are BS and YOU are BS too…why?!…simple, because you are a turdish troll like many others here…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkish backed Libyans, complaining that other nationalities are fighting them, lol.

Little bitches moaning like the cowardly dogs they are. The Russians fed Erdogan ice cream made from pig product, and he ate it, so funny to see him licking that ice cream.

The Russians know how to prove a point, the point being the Turds lick Russian ass whenever Russia wants them to.

cechas vodobenikov

we know that the turkey cowards like their girl companions—amerkans, Israelis r only competent in losing wars—the israelis can hardly creat a functioning government and the non functioning covid turk economy portends that Erdogan-gone will soon be assassinated or be couped to an apartment in London


We know Wagner is in Libya. Not sure why this is making it to headlines.

Rhodium 10

But that doctor and death PMC are clones…I bet that Sultanate propagande have used the Ukraine doctor living in Turkey to make a fake Photo!..Erdogan only can use propagande because if we see maps( Syria and Libya) he only control few parts of both countries and not even natural resources!