On March 10, the Turkish Army and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) continued their advance around the city of Afrin and captured the towns and villages of Qastel Kisk, Qurah Tibah and al-Khalidiah, according to sources linked to the FSA.
#Afrin artık gözle görülüyor.#ZeytinDalıHarekatı?? pic.twitter.com/2Pb0AOZBKS
— Hüseyin Bozan (@huseyinbozan) March 10, 2018
The Turkish Army and its proxies also captured the villages of Kafr Zayta, Ka’n Kurk, Zalqah, Khuraybah, Tallaf and al-Shiekh Abd al-Rahman in Jandaris district west of Afrin. In the district of Bulbul north of Afrin, the Turkish Army captured the villages of Dubayrah, Khader Tahtani, Khader Fuqani and Sulqli.
Thus, units of the Turkish Army are now deployed only 12km away from reaching the new positions of their counterparts south of Afrin. Should they do it, Afrin and dozens of villages north and northwest of it will be fully encircled by the Turkish Army and its proxies.
Meanwhile, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) press announced that YPG fighters had repelled a large attack on their positions around al-Khalidiah village east of Afrin. YPG fighters reportedly killed 18 Turkish Army soldiers and FSA fighters and destroyed a vehicle belonging to the Turkish Army.
The YPG defensive operations around Afrin are currently limited to such minor clashes. This indicates that YPG units are now mostly preparing for urban clashes in Afrin, which will erupt when Turkish forces besiege the city.
The FSA advance in the Jandaris district:
It looks like this is about over. Most YPG fighters have deserted and the town lays ready for the taking. All Turkey ever had to do was walk in as Kurds see them as liberators. All of this bombing was for nothing.
so what happened to the reinforcement of 1702?
They never made it, Russians wouldn’t let them in. The rest are dressing like women and trying to run away. This is so over.
Ok. whatever you say…
It is all thanks to Erdogan’s master diplomacy, he has worked both sides stopping the Americans from arming them and having the Russians deny them access. They were left to throwing rocks now they run like scared children.
Dumb ass traitor Kurds who are NOT even indigenous to Syria would rather get wiped out by Turkey than to hand over Syrian territory to Syria’s government. All these vermin did was create additional headaches for Syria. Now there will most likely have to be a direct conflict between Syria and Turkey down the line after all the other terrorists have been dealt with. Turkey is not known for letting go of occupied lands so Syria and its allies will most likely have to force it to leave. Another wonderful contribution of Kurds to the region.
Kurds acctually gave the area to assad,,,the thing is assad is busy at ghouta and cant fight at 2 front at the same time…you havent been reading the news lately or you live in a cave?..tal Arifat is the turkish goal…but there will be assad waiting them there
Yes. They gave Afrin to Assad just like they gave Mandjib to Assad. In dreams. XD.
They didn’t give the area to Assad, that’s why Russia gave the green light to Turkey to invade. Seems like you’re the one who isn’t following the news. Afrin was being protected by Russia but after Turkey started pressuring Russia to either deal with the YPG or let them deal with it themselves, Russia gave an ultimatum to the Kurds to either hand over Afrin entirely to the SAA or face Turkey’s attack. The delusional brainwashed Zionist useful idiot Kurds decided the latter. Even now they’re still not willing to cooperate fully with the SAA which is why Syria only sent them minimum reinforcements with no heavy land or air protection.
Putin was bombing FSA/Turko Takfiri trash right up to the Turk border where the Captigon Takfiri tumbling out of Turkish hotels into Syria were getting decimated,
Then the Russian Su 24 was shot down,
And Putin Blinked**
Since then….Erdogan has recieved trade deals with Russia,
Turkstream pipeline,
Takfiri and weapons pour into Syria North to the tune of over 40,000.
Erdogan invades Northern Syria while US builds bases in Kurd Syria North and takes Tabqa Dam away from Assad.
Erdogan could hand more occupied Syrian territory over to the FSA,..who then have
Rats fleeing the Ghouta join them in the North and US pump Takfiri into Al Tanf from
Kurds are basically a weak door stop vs what could develop in the future.
With the bottom line of…
Will Putin/Iran actually strike US/FSA zones….
Or just talk?
Putin is crypto-jewish Zionist traitor to mankind and to Mother Russia.
The Kurds participated in the Armenian genocide side by side with their Turkish and Jewish donmeh brothers, so screw them.
The Bolsheviek Jews gutted Mother Russia while Empire danced.
Later…the Farrgin Evil Jews get their shit hole nation to worship their Snake God/Chabad Lubavitch and extortion nations towards the Zionist NWO.
Putin’s history is big ?
Why would a leader of a Nation with Nuclear arsenal the West cannot stop,
Yeild and become floor mat for Empire and Zionist extortions ?
Does Israhell and the Oligarch Jews of Russia ever yell and kick chairs when
More sanctions Cat O Nine Russia?
Is there a Twilight Zone Episode this weird?
Russians have only themselves to blame.
Keep withdrawing from east Euphrate to Afrin. XD.
Will the Kurds be just as dumb next with Manbij or hand it over to SAA to prevent its capture. Either way they lose it.
Not happening, US won’t allow it.
Notice the co-ordinated anti-kurdish HATE here both in the comments and Southfront’s implied editorial stance. It is reminiscent of the anti-slav racism of so many parties in the run up to WW2.
The kurds have always been idiots, but never ‘terrorists’. The turks, on the other hand, have been some of the most inhuman organised butchers in Human History. Google the Armenian Genocide for example, and know this was one of the less murderous crimes against Humanity carried out by the turks.
Hitler’s greatest crime of WW2 was unleashing the vile demonic criminality of so many East Europe tribes – which is why the worst Nazi death camps were located in THEIR lands and not those of Germany itself. There are peoples on this planet with an unbroken record of using any and all means, no matter how evil, in pursuit of their racist tribal agendas. After WW2, many of them were ‘bottled up’- frozen, but waiting. The people of Japan are one such terrifying group. The zionist jews another. And the turks are yet another example.
In better times, we give these peoples a positive incentive to ‘behave’- but unless their tribal mechanisms are carefully broken across GENERATIONS, their potential for ultra-violence remains. Sadly the Great Powers choose to keep these potential monsters “in reserve” rather than civilise them.
Since WW1, turks have largely behaved themselves- but now Putin and the Deep State have uncorked this bottle once again. The regional ambitions of turkey have been reignited, and fools here cheer about this. Modern turks are NATO trained and NATO armed. They are NOT knuckle-dragging lazy vile cretins like the Saudis, and they are far smarter that the pathetic zionist scum of Israel. In short they are dangerous beyond belief when unbottled.
The ONLY leash on Turkey is the group of western modernisers that have ruled Turkey since the end of the 19th century. But a Turkish ‘hitler’ could arise at any moment, breaking this leash.
Everythin Putin does at a grand level is dumb beyond belief.
kurds participated to armenian genocide. kurds are I don’t know 40 or 50 millions people. They are a lot for a “persecuted” people. XD.
Shut up idiot, you know nothing.
Pkk = Terörist not kurds
Turks are living on the lands of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians, whom the Turks exterminated exclusively through rape and torture which their donmeh Jewish masters adore.
You are a complete moron. The Turks have been fighting a Kurdish insurgency for decades. They are simply securing their southern border from Israelistan in the making being used against them. Any rational observer can see that.
Putin is also obviously winning the war. These convoluted anti Russian diatribes that you constantly post here are the rantings of a fool.
Russian Pilots
PKK started their thing in 1984, the year in which ASALA decided to stop their thing and dissolve themselves. Do you believe in coincidences?
Could you elaborate?
Putin the zionist is the problem.
To put it in the mildest of terms, Putin is not a good man nor a great strategist who has Russia’s best interests at the top of his agenda. Check out the links below to get a fairly-rounded perspective on Putin’s real (weak) character and motivations:
Here’s a partial list of things why Putin is part of the problem and not, of the solution:
1. Putin never stopped selling Russian oil for American dollars
2. Putin never nationalized the City of London owned-and-controlled Russian central bank
3. Putin never stopped BACKING thereby subsidizing the petrodollar with Russian oil
4. Putin enabled NATO to kill Gaddafi
5. Putin sells Russian gas and oil for Euros (which are just a different name for the dollar) to the European Union who commit acts of war by passing sanctions against Russia along with the Americans
6. Putin never demanded the Americans leave Syria
7. Putin never declared Syria’s airspace closed to America
8. Putin never helped the Russians in Eastern Ukraine establish secure borders and independence from the NATO-imposed criminal regime in Kiev
9. Putin sold highest-level-military-technology S-400s to NATO via Turkey thereby directly impairing Russian national security
10. Putin sold S-400s to Saudi Arabia who are wahhabi muslim terrorists bent on the extermination of Putin’s allies the Alawite/Christian Syrians and Shiite Persians
11. Putin collaborates with the Turks who are proud to have ambushed and shot down Russian jets and killed Russian pilots
12. Putin opened Syrian airspace to the Turks so that they could bomb and exterminate the Kurds of Afrin in Northern Syria
13. Putin ALWAYS allowed the Americans and the Jews to bomb and kill Syrians with impunity
14. Putin never punished the jewish terrorists who exploded Russian passenger jets killing hundreds of Russians
15. Putin agreed to pass sanctions against North Korea thereby agreeing to starve the North Korean population
16. Putin refused to deliver the self-defense-related S-300s to his supposed ally Iran
17. Putin has not provided up-to-date SAMs to his Syrian allies
Putin the crypto-zionist Jew?
Not good.
USA have suck SDF like a orange and went into agreement with Turkey over Manbij.For now let Turkey deal with SDF.Syria must concentrating on land reclaiming and cleansing from terrorism.
USA is laughing at their puppets SDF.
No one is laughing..its a war. There’s not any winner in the end….just status quo
Bloody Ottoman Orcs are like the NotSees surrounding and bombarding Leningrad. Making war on a civilian population is Ottoman tradition, continuous for 700 years.
History wont repeat. Its a different ball game now.
Hello white elf man…
Hello Green OrcMan!
Thank you brother, please change your avatar because you are full of hatret xD
Please change yours as you seem not to have one.
Racist elf, its new one, I like it xD
You can have this one! http://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/photoshop/blackbashi/index.html
Racist white man….