Turkish Army Announces Start Of ‘Operation Olive Branch’ In Afrin. Russia Relocates Troops From Area

Turkish Army Announces Start Of ‘Operation Olive Branch’ In Afrin. Russia Relocates Troops From Area

A Turkish strike in Afrin

The Turkish Army’s General Staff announced in an official statement that the Turkish Army launched “Operation Olive Branch” against Kurdish militias in the Afrin area in the Syrian province of Aleppo at 14:00GMT on January 20.

“‘Operation Olive Branch’ has been started on Jan. 20, 2018 at 5 p.m., in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region to establish security and stability on our borders and region, to eliminate terrorists of PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh [ISIS], and to save our friends and brothers… from their oppression and cruelty,” the General Staff said in its official statement.

The military also stressed that “Operation Olive Branch” is conducted under “the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law” and within Turkey’s right of “self-defense”.

Later, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu revealed that Turkey informed the Damascus government of its military operation in Afrin area with a written statement before it was launched in a rare diplomatic connection between the two sides.

“We have informed all parties, including the UN,” Cavusoglu added, according to the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik.

From it side, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced in a statement that it is relocating Russian troops deployed in Afrin to insure their safety during the Turkish military operation.

“The command of the Russian group of troops in Syria has taken measures to ensure the security of Russian servicemen located in the district of Afrin, where the Turkish Armed Forces launched a special operation against the Kurdish armed groups,” the statement reads.

The Russians also said that the US supplies of advance weapons to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria triggered Turkey’s military operation against the Kurdish militias in Afrin.

Uncontrolled deliveries of modern weapons, including reportedly the deliveries of the man-portable air defense systems, by the Pentagon to the pro-US forces in northern Syria, have contributed to the rapid escalation of tensions in the region and resulted in the launch of a special operation by the Turkish troops,” the ministry said.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Anadolu Agency reported that 103 positions of Kurdish militias in Afrin were destroyed by the Turkish Air Force (TAF) in the last few hours. From it side, the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) said that seven civilians were injured in the Turkish bombardment so far.

AHNA also claimed that the YPG repelled several attacks of the Turkish Army and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) around Afrin. However, Turkish sources said that the Turkish Army has not launched its main ground attack in Afrin.

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Reminds me of “Merciful Angel” or “Iraqi Freedom”…

Jaime Galarza

They’ve learned well from their masters, the US

Solomon Krupacek

lebensraum. you know this, little fascist :))

more pzivj follow ups for turks :DDD tens of thausends


Slovakia has very little living space :(

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Thought it was Operation Olive Branch in My Ass the way you typed it ?!!?


Yes, it looks like the two invaders (USA-Turkey) agreed with these operations.


Easier to get rid of thieving Turks than thieving Americans.

Travis Kelso

I feel like Russia just messed up here. Seems short sighted, there is no guarantee this attack will work for Turkey. Lets see whose resolve is stronger the YPG who has everything to lose or the Turks who wont be able to drag this out for long.

Hide Behind

Think Russia smart move.
Let’s just wait for US Responce if and when US NATO aircraft and Turkish planes or military ground forces get to close too each other.
Any future rift between Turkey and US works for Putin’s Russia and Syria’s advantage.

Travis Kelso

That doesn’t change the fact that the YPG will probably win. As long as they are willing to fight and there isn’t anything in the last 4 years that proves to me that they won’t like their corrupt brothers in IRAQ. Also, if the YPG wins what prevents them from now being so indebted to Washington that they won’t conduct their bidding against the people who betray them now? its all or nothing for them. Just wait the real war has now begun.


YPG will show their asses again if the US interested with them even after all their guilt and betrayal. Kurds should really learn to be gratuitous to people that received them.

Pál Póli

Yeah like tha arabs are gratuitous to Europeans who took them in …


Sure. Whatever arabs that’s Have decided to live in west should lay their loyalty towards their own respective home.


You mean those same European states that assisted the US in destroying their countries? If you’re talking about the NATO countries, have they not made their own beds? I know I would be thrilled to move to France from Libya and turn into one of those that slaughtered my countrymen and destroyed my country. Now, if you’re talking about those that moved there for other reasons from countries that have not been ravaged by the west, then I agree that they should assimilate. Syria did not attack the Kurds, they gave them safe haven. So yeah, they should be grateful, instead of helping to rape Syria.


Agreed. The best outcome here is for them to annihilate or at least seriously degrade each other. Any political settlement that comes from this will be better for Syria. Russian strategy couldn’t be any better off, as this will draw resources from the rest of the Kurds/IS who swear they will help them. This, in turn will weaken SDF forces…better for Syria, Iran and Russia. The Turks? Well, lets just say that this might not turn out to be the rosy story they are hoping for. In the end, this could weaken Turkey, SDF and the US plans for a new ISrael. All good.


The US won’t do anything, the Kurds are just tools, the Americans don’t care how many die. Americans only value white people and Jews, it’s the American way.

The Latin Mass

Turkey will not allow a Kurdish terrorist “state” on the border. Assad is fearful to attack it because it could escalate the Civil War. Erdogan is fearful not to attack. With jews, you lose. The Kurds could have had their own autonomous region, but with promises from the zionists and some grand Kurdistan, the Turks will have none of that and are moving quickly before it gets into a situation where the Turks would be over their heads (a well defended security fence – a Maginot line).

Solomon Krupacek

you, kurds are same animals. plus dirty commies.

John Whitehot


The Latin Mass

There is no freedom of the press in the jewnited states. sites like PressTV and SouthFront are what is left of freedom of the press, everything else is jewish lies.


No the American press are top of the range prostitutes.
They will sell out their country, but only for shekels.

Ryan Glantz

We have independent media now. Everyone knows the mainstream media is fake.

John Whitehot

idk, I think it’s an optimistic statement.

don’t you think that some of the so-called counter-information sites actually are MsM in disguise?

I’m not saying SF or any other particular name, I’m just saying that is a logic step in the current propaganda effort by bankrupted, debt-ridden failed countries and their zionist financers.


lol, the kurds are gonna play the “women and children card” just like their terrorist friends in a lame bid for clemency…

Guess what dude: obama isn’t president anymore and trump doesn’t really care about you kurds either….

Hide Behind

OBAMA was pre during all the paying and then preying upon Syria began.
Trump no more than a dumb ass button while the smiling jackels of Obama played Mr. Nice guy.
No diff between US long standing military enforced Empire building, not one F’n bit.They

The Latin Mass

Kurds are the jew’s best slaves after “Christian” zionists. And the “Christian” zionists aren’t proposing a zionist “state” in the Mideast to help Israhell achieve the Greater Israhell Project like the Kurdish zionists are offering Israhell.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Guess Turkey lied about informing everyone as it was Russia and the US called General Akar, then they made a false claim about handing a note to Syria’s consulate in Istanbul, trying to figure out if it was in their wildest imaginations as Syria has no consulate there. So much for hiding in behind Article 51 as the US uses it fraudulently too.

Pál Póli

The US may don’t care about the kurds, but its in the interest of the zionist to give kurds some leverage. And since the USA is a puppett of the zionist, they have no choice in the matter .. .


Kurds now have to face ultra modern Turkish army.


“Ultra modern” loool. They’ve kinda been at war with that ultra modern army for a few decades now…
Anyway, lets see how it goes.

Toxicus Mechanicus

50.000+ dead terrorists vs 8k dead security forces does that tell you a thing or two? Nowdays they kill a few soldiers in a month.

paul ( original )

For sure the Kurds in Afrin had not suddenly developed into a threat to
the Turks. This looks to me like the Turks just being the Turks – a
nasty, belligerent and aggressive regime.


US forces are protecting most of the terrorist forces, and if Turkey started killing Americans, the US would have the excuse it has been looking for to start nuking the whole world.
This is Turkey’s way of sending a message to the Kurds, you align with the American dogs, and we will turn you into pet food.

Ryan Glantz

Nuke exchanges will never occur.

Ivan Freely

Never say never.

Hide Behind

Olive Branch?
WTF, the sire changed definition of term.
Something must of exchanged between Russia with Syria, and zsyrias warnings about Turkish war planes over Syrian airspace, and just shows how realy weak the Assad Syrian regime is , no more than passive party to outside powers.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yeah the thing that sticks in his ass, as for any collusion just pure Turkish delusion,as the Russians and US had to call them and Syria has no consulate office in Instabul to deliver a note to, sounds as delusional as the US handing a note to Syria,lmao.

The Latin Mass

The Internet Trolls from Hell Aviv are out in force on SouthFront. A Kurdish “state” backed by the jewnited states and Israhell would be one of the best results from this Syrian Civil War… for the zionists. With a border fence made by the jewnited states? The Trump regime promised the rednecks in ‘merica a wall with Mexico, but more important than making rednecks happy is pleasing the jew. And a border security fence for the Kurds would please the jew greatly. And all these comments of hatred toward the Turks, either not too knowledgeable about Erdogan or paid trolls from Israhell. Kurds fancy themselves as Best Friends Forever of Israhell. Jews look at Kurds as useful idiots.


Nice cartoon. Next show us one in respect of the Palestinians suffering. If you have any.

The Latin Mass

Wahhabis (whose spiritual leader is a jew) are better than kurds, don’t fall for the zionist propaganda. The problem with the wahhabis is they are working for the jew too, Mossad and CIA agents litter wahhabi terrorist groups because such groups are started, financed, armed by the masters of the kurds – the jew. kurds are traitors to Islam moreso than the Wahhabis.

Solomon Krupacek

kurds deserve this


Kurds in Afrin getting thrown before the bus in the game between US and Russia over control in the rest of Syria (which Russia is winning) Afrin isnt supported by the US, so all sides have a responsability in the civilian casualties that are gonna fall in Afrin. Afrin hasnt even had a big rol so far in the war…


Well for the Kurds Afrin is significant. They have set up their administrative powerin the area for a while. Not like it completely win over the people though.

Solomon Krupacek

russia is losing

Gregory Louis

Have you seen the map or are you just proving yourself another terrorist supporter


you dream as any northamerica peolpe is dreaming.

Harry Smith

I think he is not northamerican, but pole.

Astar Roth

You’re loosing your mind.


I hope the Kurds give Afrin control to Assad and use the other Kurdisch controlled areas to discuss and trade Afrin later


This was proposed by Damascus under Russia’s guide and were rejected by PKK.

The Latin Mass

The kurds are fighting for Hell Aviv and a zionist “state” obedient to Washington. So they are not sane to begin with.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Go Turkey go destroy all USA back terrorist.Dreams of federal state of Raqqa is gone.SDF promised that SAA won’t enter but their Arab brothers Turkey will enter.No more 30000 terrorist along Turkey,Syria,Iraq and Jordan border.No more SDF entering of Idlib.

Solomon Krupacek

kremlin, the big babylon

Astar Roth

You’re big baboon.

Toxicus Mechanicus

Bringer of light. ^^


Kurds will be moved East of the Euphrates, then US/Turkey/NATO/FSA will hold Northwest Syria
Assad and Russia will not attack them (yet).

The Latin Mass

The jewnited states have plans to arm the kurds to the point where anyone who attacks might be fighting a bloodied fight for years, like the Vietnam War. Assad has been letting the terrorist kurds arm and train for far too. Trying to negotiate with these terrorists. Erdogan had enough when he heard of a border fence. The jew wants the Muslims to fight each other indefinitely, it pleases the jew. The kurds are with the terrorist/zionist West.

Astar Roth

Zionists wants that.

Inskip Millett

America is the source of all the wars on the planet. America intends to destroy Syria by the by hook or crook. America’s international terrorism, justifies North Korea arming itself with nuclear weapons.