On March 11th, reports surfaced that Turkey was withdrawing some heavy weaponry from its Idlib observation posts and back to its territory.
Two days later, in a statement, the Turkish defense ministry said that negotiations with the Russian defense ministry were continuing in a positive atmosphere and that there was no question that the heavy weapons would remain at the observation posts.
“The talks to be completed as of today [March 13th] have been in a positive and constructive atmosphere,” the Ministry of National Defense said in a statement.
“Our observation points continue their duties. There is no question of pulling heavy weapons from there,” the statement said.
Syrian Arab Army sources on the ground in Syria also denied that any heavy weapons were being pulled from the Turkish posts in Idlib.
Turkey still continues its deployments to the de-escalation zone, despite the ceasefire. According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR), 820 military units (vehicles, heavy weapons) have entered Idlib since the ceasefire was established on March 6th, in addition to hundreds of soldiers.
Most recently, on March 11th, a new Turkish military column of nearly 70 military vehicles crossing into the Syrian territory via Kafr Lusing border crossing, north of Idlib.
From February 2nd to March 11th, SOHR activists monitored the entry of more than 4,220 trucks and military vehicles to the Syrian territory, including tanks, personnel carriers, armored vehicles, mobile bulletproof guard booths and military radars. Meanwhile the number of Turkish soldiers who were deployed during the same period in Idlib and Aleppo exceeded 9,200.
Turkish forces, stationed at observation posts and military bases in north Syria, still refrain from paying the rent of land where these posts and bases are located.
In Hama’s Murek, Turkey still evades paying the rent due of the land, which is owned by a man who is known by his initials as (M.M.), where Turkish forces have been stationed in their observation post for 21 months.
SOHR sources said “The land owner agreed with (Al Sham Corps) faction, which has strong ties to Turkey, that the lessee had to pay $700 for each dunam of land, however, nothing like this has happened, as the Turks have never paid the rents due. Moreover, the contract expired in early June and was not renewed despite the fact that Turkish forces remained in positions, but on the contrary, Turkish forces expanded their presences by taking more ground and starting cutting down pistachio trees.”
As of the most recent update of the number of Turkish “observation posts” – it has established 43, all the while the Idlib Agreements set out that it should only have 12.
Thus, a large portion of Idlib is supplied, and will continue getting supplied with heavy weapons and soldiers, and Ankara plans to have no withdrawal of any sort.
ohhh iam sooo fucking surprised-sarcasm out
ps. for all the 99% bibi cock sucking treacherous Zionist pig Putin Lovers here……all your bs swearing wont Change the truth…last week i posted About Turkey having 36 Military Posts in Idlib, and u idiots 99% here were swearing your Zionist asses off at me…….. well i Quote from THIS articel from southfront
“As of the most recent update of the number of Turkish “observation posts” – it has established 43, all the while the Idlib Agreements set out that it should only have 12.”
so to the 99% brainwshed Zionist treaschrous Zionist Putin Lovers here
FUCK YOU idotic braimnwashed Zionist Putin Lovers…..
and to southfront…..thank you very much for Posting the true numbers of the invading and occupying tukrish ILLEAGL Military Posts in Idlib!!!!
You are the main potty-mouth around here.
He does go overboard doesn’t he?
So you were right ,so what? I have suspected a secret deal too. The question is how do we get those fucken Turks and Yanks out?
The only way his makes sense is if it is a smart plan Putin as @disqus_buw9aRYaZ2, you can call me al ,said above.
Otherwise Putin is either t currently too weak or unwilling to kick the Turcos out.
but iam sure that you 99% idiot donks and sheep brainwashed, will again explain how great and intelligent Putins Actions were and are in regards to the turkish Invasion and occupation of syrian arab land…..and These 43 Military Posts with heavy Equipment from tanks to artillery to air defense to mortars and rockets will HELP the SAA liberate back their Country!
i must say i have alittle differnt Approach with a Little bit more of brain usage and intelligence……..if i may be so frank…….
if i was a SAA soldier or a SAA officer i would rather fight(if one wants to call it that lolol) the SDF/YPG traitors that have no airfoce in afrin and Idlib and aleppo countryside and no tanks or artillery and no air defense weaponry…….THAN Fighting the turkish armed Forces with a big Military that includes all modern weapons from UAV´s to tanks and artillery and mortars and rockets and airforce and air defense weaponry and a Population of 80 million+.
now anybody that does not understand this MAJOR COLOSSAL difference in opponents is either totally BRAINDEAD or a fucking Zionist motherfucker!
Then SAA and russia will just blow them up
I apologise for my cunt government – “Turkish and British defense ministers visit the border between Turkey and Syria”….. so here we go.
HAHAHAHAHAHA lol. You snif Putain’s balls too much, it makes you sound funny
at least its not some shithadist balls, didnt you upvote me before? whats your problem?
I have a problem with ballsniffers like you
thats a shame, blocked
I wish it was true but those observation posts have been supplied with food and water for ages. Who has done that? Who is the only one able to do that? Russia! The Turks would have been starved out otherwise.
So Russia is either unable or unwilling to kick these Turkpigs out. Syria should just shoot the duck out of them and then blame a rogue Syrian battalion. Oh sorry ! They went haywire ,we will punish them balah blah blah.
These illegal Turkish terrorist bases need to be bombed.
Why is South Front quoting the SOHR? you might as well call South Front the North Atlantic news.
We need to know what those lying bastards are saying so that we can gloat louder when their lies are exposed.
Bollocks. Read the article. we are supposed to accept it . Fuck that. Fuck the SOHR NATO outlet.
Follow your advice ignoramus; SF routinely put up articles from the corp-0-rat media to let us judge for ourselves. SF isn’t COMbbc or the US state media.
Bit of banter mate, chill out.
It is not banter you moron it is life and deah
It is a bit of banter, MSM style, believe it or not or fuck off.
They have for some time as he is the only semi credible source of information on that side . He has become more credible since the losses by his favored rebels and has been used extensively by MSM. We know who he is so what is wrong to read what he says then decide how credible it is. As I say he has become more credible the last year but does it mean I believe everything he says without thought…
In 2022 there will be no Turkish observation posts in Syria (probably even sooner) .. Im not sure there will be Turkey around at all tough..
C’mon Nostradamus, try harder
If you Slovacks really had such a foresight , you would not be dumped even by the Czechs at the first place.
Looks like you gone like this:
‘A report aired yesterday on Russian state-controlled TV (Russia 1) features newly released footage about how Putin made Erdogan wait for 2 minutes outside the hall before meeting him on March 5 in Moscow.’
OMG , what we are gonna do !!
Erdogan waited for 2 minutes for Putin . LOL
Fake, the video if being cut and pasted. The total time was around 1 minute.
Even two mins is not long enough. The troublemaking -Turk should have waited for half an hour.
Looks like this was time back…
and ?…….
LOL, got it.
In 2022 Syria will be given back to its rightful owner, the Ottoman Empire
Really? I say we give it back on the Seuleucid Empire as they had it first. The Turks are just Johnny -come -latelys , just unpaying renters on the landlord’s farm. Why don’t the Turks go back to where they came from; Mongolia?
will this matter? the US pays trillions $ for their military toys and loses all wars—even weak developing nations
Re ikov yannks never loose. they destroy any country they want. money and human live not important. you can couse no problem to them next 50 years that’s what they want then they look somewhere else so there the big boss as always
I just wonder….. Who dreamed that Turkey would remove its heavy weapons form Syria and would stop supporting its terrorists ? …. do you know who ?
Turkey is in Syria to steal its land, oil, industrial parts, cultural sites, to support terrorists, and to continue the destruction of Syria country (all of this in according with USA-Israel-NATO)…. did I miss something ?
May be Putin and Lavrov ! Why don’t you mention them?
Because, it was totally obvious.
The Brother of the tooth fairy.
Yeah, you missed to bring back 4 million Syrian refugees who are being pushed into Turkey by childmurderer Assad and Russian animals
When did you have your lobotomy….it certainly worked !
But I think at least 5 or 6 of the 43 [3 or 4 in US held territory] OB posts are now behind the front lines in SAA held territory, and as another poster pointed out the other day, the occupiers of those OB posts could possibly become SAA hostages if hostilities erupt again.
I hope Assad has the right troops and equipment located near those OB posts, ready to do the job if they’re needed, quickly overpower the Turks there and capture as many of them as they can, those Turkish soldiers could become very valuable assets if Erdogan decides to have another dummy spit.
Nope. Pls see my answer above.
The Russians might let them this time, or even not get a choice in the matter.
Will somebody, please, flush those goddamned Turks down the toilet they crawled out from?
Tuvalet ?.
before the past few years i never knew how fucked up they are lol
TURKEY will not be allowed to violate the MOSCOW terms … if they violate them, they will be bombed into oblivion …
I saw no sign of “if they violate them, they will be bombed into oblivion …” unfortunately.
RAT news …
That is what a “peace deal” is thought of by these camel fuckers; it is about time and for once that Russia et al take the pre-attack to them.
i hope they are extinguished painfully
tURKEY WANT TO ANNEX NORTHEN PART FS SYRIA ABOVE M4 HIGHWAY ALL THEY WAY TO SEMALKA BORDER.Turkey is palying with Russia brain. . turkeyErdogon plan is to annex that land he is liar ceasfire is just to maintain more militry position to fight SAA if they pass M4. SAA and Russia should becareful.
If Russia and Syria bomb all those fuckers out, especially the vehicles, anyone could invade Turkey after that, hint hint ANYONE.
OK Minister of Defense
Nature abhors a vacuum?
So you are saying the Syrian and Russians suffer the Turks so the Israelis and Americans don’t invade? Machiavellian plot indeed. I like it but I wonder if it is true. Only way this would work is if the Assadian Allies get time to rebuild the country and their armed forces so they can push out the Turks and take on all comers after that.
These losers won’t let it go. Their emotional Neo-ottoman agenda is blinding them.
So be it.
Won’t remove them….yet.
To maintain and supply this amount in the field will probably be very cost-intensive in the long run. Such useless waste for nothing.
Turkey must be sunk in bloody defensive attacks in the big cities – the turkish terrorists must feel the pain. Hey, turkish scum, go to hell! Constantinople will be ours one day, and your retarded country will be all in blood and fire.
The pig erdogan is very stupid. All those observation points will be annihilated and thousands of turkish bastards will be eliminated. All those turkish scum are in fact hostages to the Syrian people. GLORY TO RUSSIA AND SYRIA! FUCK TURKEY AND ITS BITCHES.
Nope. Russia and Syria has been feeding and watering them. How else have they survived so long and not died of thirst?