Turkey, United States And Russia Are In Close Contact Over Northern Syria

Turkey, United States And Russia Are In Close Contact Over Northern Syria

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Active diplomatic contacts between the US and Turkey, the US and Russia and Turkey and Russia are ongoing over the situation in northeastern Syria.

On October 15th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone. The two leaders spoke of the Turkish advance in northern Syria and the necessity to avoid conflict between the Turkish forces and the Syrian Arab Army.

Putin said that the humanitarian situation is rapidly deteriorating along the Syrian-Turkish border and that terrorists must not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.

“The presidents of Russia and Turkey called for continuing the process of political settlement in Syria and expressed their resolve to promote the convocation of the UN-sponsored Constitutional Committee in Geneva in late October.”

Putin then invited Erdogan for a working visit to Russia “in the next few days,” which the Turkish leader accepted.

Russian Ambassador to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev told reporters in Abu Dhabi that the Turkish advance needed to be concluded soon and that it was “unacceptable.”

“We didn’t agree with the Turks any questions about their presence in Syria and we don’t approve of their actions,” Lavrentiev said.

He said Turkish troops had the right under an agreement struck between Damascus and Ankara in 1998, the Adana pact, to temporarily push up to a maximum of 10 km (6 miles) into Syria to conduct counter-terrorism operations.

“But it doesn’t give them (Turkish troops) the right to remain on Syrian territory permanently and we are opposed to Turkish troops staying on Syrian territory permanently,” he said.

Also, on October 15th, US President Donald Trump also had a phone conversation with Erdogan.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he had asked U.S. President Donald Trump to send a delegation to Turkey.

The delegation will be headed by US Vice President Mike Pence, and will comprise of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and Ambassador James Jeffrey.

Pence is set to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for a bilateral meeting, according to the VP’s office.

“The Administration is resolved to maintain security in the region, the safety of civilians, and the continued detention of ISIS fighters,” the office said.

During the same press conference, Erdogan said he had invited a US delegation to Turkey, he spoke of there being no chance at a ceasefire, since there would be no negotiations with terrorists.

“Trump said to declare ceasefire. We would never declare a ceasefire.

We are, based on the 20 mile proposal, busy cleansing the area that is 444 km long from Iraqi border to the west (side of Syria). Whom? From terrorist organisations. Until we do, ceasefire is not an option. We can never declare ceasefire, because we are establishing a safe zone.”

They announce sanctions. Our objective is clear: We have absolutely no concern about any sanctions. You know that there are creating some obstacle with regards to visa applications, including myself and three minister friends of mine (impacted by this), also some trade sanctions. Apparently they have no idea about the people (they are dealing with). I told all of these to Mr. Trump. On the other hand they are inviting us to the U.S. on November 13.”

Turkey’s operation in northeastern Syria is reportedly going well, as the Turkish Defense Ministry announced that 637 terrorists had been neutralised since the start of Turkey’s military operation in Syria on October 9th.

Furthermore, it was alleged that the US itself set the Ain Issa base on fire itself and fled the scene, and that Turkish forces didn’t specifically engage with any US troops.


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And where are the Syrians?
This is the proof that humans and justice is only an excuse.


Yanki vipers being sent to king cobras nest. Thzt should be interesting there will be a lot of venom published about that encounter. Lol


From both sides I am sure.

Diplomacy and the United States of America are not words that sit comfortably with each other :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

if US wants peace and stability in the region it should LEAVE the region and never come back


So much for the therory of Russia having colluded with Erdodog on this.
If anything, the Donald did coordinate this with Erdodog.
But there is now ample evidence, that Putin did not coordinate this beforehand, and only found out after the op began, also turks did not coordinate it with russian military, only informed the military attache, and only begun to talk on military level days after the op started. right now both sides militarys only talk over secure phone line 2 times a day. No common operations room, no personal meetings, nothing.
Russias plan was all along to get the kurds on board with assad and revive the adana agreement. Having Erdogan creating a new Idlib in north Syria is the least thing Russia wants, and a direct threat to its security when a new safe haven for Jihadis is created.
Good to see Russia now pushes back diplomatically, and with supporting the SAA advance.
We will see how it goes in Moscow.


Do the Turkish controlled zones like Afrin have abortion rights as in Turkey? or are they under Islamist law of allied militias? Is abortion rights part of any Kurdish autonomy agreements with Assad? Putin? Adana?


I am sure the Turks and their Jihadis would shoot you in your stomach, if you ask them too.. Or are you one of those idiots who want to apply our western society onto the middle east? You think anyone but the Jihadis give a fuck what you do or dont with your pussy?
Nice trolling.


Turkey is partly European, and abortion rights are global, and must be backed by nukes as in Kashmir.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have been saying and here is the proof I was right!
Manbij is the heart city of the Heartland, who controle Manbij controle the world………………….LOL.

Trump, Pence, Erdogan, Putin, Rouhani, Pompeo, Jeffrey, Obrien, Lavrentiv, Shogou, Lavrov, Macron, Haspel, all the big guys occupied 24/7 with the Kurdish question of Manbij. Why?
Because I was right, and me and Bolton had the finger on the pulsating Aorta………………….LOL.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Trump wanted out of Syria and now he’s getting out, and despite all the obstacles placed in his way by his own government [Zionists], he actually prevailed, US forces are finally leaving the northern territory for good.
And even better than that, Trumps letting the SAA slip in through the backdoor to take their places as they leave, effectively stopping the Turks from getting there first. And on top of that he’s also threatening to do more economic harm [sanctions] to Turkey if Erdogan doesn’t pull his head in militarily, so the only parties he’s actually helping through his recent activities are Assad, Putin and the Arab League, and everyone else is getting the shaft, Turkey, Israel, and the US Zionist government.
Obama tried to destroy Syria and Assad but Trump’s actually trying to save Syria and Assad, and since June last year Trumps been on a mission for the Arab league to stop the Muslim Brotherhood [Isis + Erdogan] taking over the Middle east, that’s why Trump’s on Assad’s side now and opposed to Erdogan.
Since June last year Trumps consistently been saying Assad can remain in power, and when Assad started taking back Hama and Idlib the only thing Trump said about it was “Assad should be careful not to harm civilians when he was reclaiming territory from the terrorists”, which was another green light.
And since the new UN brokered resolution was announced he’s also been saying Syrian territorial integrity should and would be respected by all parties, so that was a hint nearly a month ago that something was about to change.
So I’ll say it again, Trumps doing more to keep Assad in power and Syria’s territorial integrity intact than anyone else is now, well not really, it’s really the Arab league doing it but Trump’s acting on their behalf, so we should all really be thanking both Trump and the Arab league for these wonderful new developments. But are we, no we’re not, Trump’s still getting criticized no matter what he does, and the poor old Arab League, who’re the biggest movers and shakers in the whole plot, don’t even get a mention.
Give some credit where credit’s due, Obama and Trump are not playing the same game Obama started, Trumps playing a different game to the one his predecessor began.
The US government under Obama and the Arab league were responsible for starting the war in Syria in the first place, and they did it in collusion with Erdogan, but now the US government under Trump and the Arab League are ending the war in Syria, and it’s Erdogan’s on the opposite side now, ALL BY HIMSELF.
ThanksTrumpy, thanks Arab league, thanks for a job well done, which means it’s bye bye for Erdogan and bye bye Muslim brotherhood, and bye bye to Isis as well.