Turkey To Open Damascus-Aleppo Highway Under Agreement With Russia: SOHR

Turkey To Open Damascus-Aleppo Highway Under Agreement With Russia: SOHR

Turkish forces are seen in a convoy on a main highway between Damascus and Aleppo on August 29, 2018. (AFP)

The Turkish military is preparing to reopen and oversee the opposition-held part of the strategic Damascus-Aleppo highway as a part of the Russian-Turkish agreement, which was reached last September, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on March 8.

“Vehicles of the Turkish military were experimentally deployed in positions near Jarjnaz and in the southern Aleppo countryside near the international highway,” the SOHR quoted local sources as saying.

More than 100km of the Damascus-Aleppo highway passes through the opposition-held part of northwestern Syria. This strip of the highway is under the control of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria.

Earlier, the Turkish military began patrolling the demilitarized zone around Idlib. Hulusi Akar, Ankara’s Defense Minister, said that these patrols are aimed at stabilized the situation there.

Despite this step, HTS and its allies continued their attacks on the residential areas around Idlib and launched several rockets at the government-held town of Mahardah. This led to an exchange of artillery fire.

The hostile behavior of HTS indicates that the group will oppose the Turkish attempt to reopen the Damascus-Aleppo highway. If this happens, it would be another major setback to the Russian-Turkish de-confliction agreement.

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M5 highway will be all in control of Turkey, Russia will stay on its side and Turkey on its side. its over. idlib is fully ours

Poor Turk

Turkey has to step in with military and officially protect HTS or it will lose Idlib to SAA.

Jens Holm

But they do, dont they…


That’s what thieves say when they rob a house. ‘ Its ours now ‘.

I would not have expected anything else from the criminal Turkish regime.


Aren’t you faggots tried of being wrong about everything you’ve ever said about Syria? Literally from the very beginning of the conflict you’ve been saying the wrong thing and have been on the losing side again and again. In a few months/years when Idlib is taken back by Syria you will simply forget you ever made this comment and will move on to your next delusion.

There’s nothing in this agreement that says this a permanent settlement. Syria has made it clear that every inch of Syria will be retaken and I assure you this will happen regardless of how long it takes. The reason there’s a pause in the idlib operation is because if Idlib is taken back now your terrorist dogs will flood inside Turkey and Erdogan will funnel them all to Europe, hence the meeting between Russia, Turkey, and European leaders a few months back.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

cry dog fuck u


I’m winning Turkorach vermin, I have no reason to cry.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

what are you winning little doggi, ahahaha cry with your fellow assadists mother fucker :D HAHAHAA


You’ve lost the war in Syria. The entire world knows it except dumb ass Turkroaches like you who are still living in your typical Turkroach delusional bubble. You’re so desperate you consider Russia and Syria temporarily allowing you to monitor your own dogs in an increasingly smaller area of idlib as some kind of “win”. You will disappear from this site when idlib is taken in a few months.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

Hahahaha we just entered the war, war is far from over. 50% of your country is lost, what did you win ? :))


LMAO, thick as a bag of rocks. Congratulations for your “win” in Syria Turkroach. I sincerely hope you continue to “win” in the future exactly the way you won in Syria.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

Hahahaha, dum assadists, Turkey now entered the game, lets see your weak assadist army fight against a actual army instead of a few sandal rebels with ak47’s :) LOL

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

Hahahaha, try aim turkish military bases then we’ll see. you been striking for a long time now, no result idlib is ours trash :D


I hope you still respond when SAA retakes idlib but knowing you coward Turkroaches you will simply disappear from this site.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

Hahahahaha, keep dreaming idlib is ours babe, go bark elsewhere i saw many assadist crying already that idlib is lost to Turkey, keep calm and cry mother f*er :D


I sincerely want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so dumb, you make our life too easy.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

ok go bark elsewhere cont, you lost 80 SAA soldiers this weak, enjoy trash LOL

Jens Holm

You have no realisme telling the Assads will take anything back. Is it even Yours. You not even represent those many milions apart from Your many forced soldiers.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually 65%, if you include Golan and all the US expanding zone at Al-Tanf. Even Aleppo is now under threat from headchoppers again. Ruskies sold Syria out to their Zionist masters.

Jens Holm

Much more like the gave up Assads being able to make any compromize in that. Its also easier for Russia to keep a smaller part and Assads are smaller to keep as well.

So let Turks have the refugees, the FSA, the Nusra and welll – YPGs there too.

You can forget all about 1/2 Golan. A trade could me made. Westbankers after all was Syrians and if Israel get the Westbank, Syria can get the spendables from there + Golan.

Kurdophobia - AntiKurdos

Autistic cunt you lost all important oil fields and fertile fields to some k0rds, you trash dog

Jens Holm

Those oil- and gasfields are not lost at all. Thats Your infame version.

I still wonder where USA/SDF can export it to. Give me a list: Zipfiles by internet, hot air ballons made by dirty hot gasses from Your behind or in barrels down Eufrat to Israelian Mossad, Zionist submarine ?

Give me how they can ….

Zionism = EVIL

You need to open your eyes, the Ruskie Jew slaves have sold Syria down the tubes, insulting each other is not going to change FACTS on the ground as I have said from day one. Russia is a weak, inferiority complex ridden third world dump and not in the same league as the west, which it pathetically tries to emulate. We have all seen how well junk Russian weaponry worked against the Turks, Pakistanis and Israelis. It is only a matter of time the Arabs will start killing Ruskie shitheads again, like the Afghans did.


You’re blinded to the truth by your constant lies and misrepresentation.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have said previously, Assad should have left in 2014 and has only prolonged the blood shed. Syria is now finished anyway as the Ruskies sold it down the tubes as their original plan with Zionist masters was. Turkey is now looking after its own strategic interests. The biggest losers from this mess will be the idiotic illiterate Iranian mullahs who got involved in an Arab fratricide for nothing.


The Zionist’s plan to destroy Syria was going according to plan. By using Islamic extremist jihadists from surrounding countries, Assad’s Government was all most over. It would be ridiculous plan to suddenly bring the Russians in and disrupt that, wouldn’t it? It doesn’t make any sense to think that. Of course Syria is just the proxy to a wider geopolitical struggle between Iran, Turkey and Israel. Russia, through Putin has achieved a great strategic victory in Syria and has demonstrated to the world that he is a master tactician. He has successfully brought, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia to the negotiating table and at the same time has made the West look stupid. You might think he is a Zionist stooge and to a degree you maybe right, Russia is deeply rooted in the mordern state of Israel but things just aren’t as simplistic or as easy as you make them out to be. As for Turkey, to suggest that somehow they have become more powerful is just ridiculous. They have failed in Syria. They have lost any trust they had as a NATO member, and their biggest NATO ally, the US, has been supporting the Kurds, who have seem to come out of this in a good position. They want to buy Russian weapons which totally conflicts with their NATO obligations. That does not make them stronger, only weaker.


This idiot is a disruptive troll who ignores reason, truth and facts. And responds to them by doubling down with the inflammatory lies, Orwellian disinfo and industrial stupidity. He’s a complete crack pot.

Zionism = EVIL

I am no fan of Erdogan, but he played both the dumbass piss weak Ruskies and NATO well. Turkey is now in the strongest position since 1930’s and Kemalist era. Now is also time to get rid of Kurd turds once and for all.


Turkey has the Yinon plan Kurds setting up Israel 2 on their southern border to do the same thing to Turkey that they’re doing to Syria. The current Turkish administration barely survived a recent coup.


the kurds have nothing and they will soon be back being tenants along the borders to turkey, syria, iraq and iran as they’ve been for a long long time – no one is going to help the turds get anything.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry bub, Syria is finished. The Kurds control all of eastern Euphrates, the Turks the best agricultural lands and Idlib and the US is expanding in the south from al-Tanf. The Zionists hold the water resources from Golan, so what is left of Syria. Assad will face the same fate as Najibullah in Afghanistan who “trusted” the Russians and ended up being castrated and hung at Pashtunistan square in Kabul with dollars stuffed in his mouth. Russians are the most dumb and treacherous of all and cowardly to boot. Putin has lost to Erdogan, it is that simple.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Turkey now controls the best agricultural lands of Syria and will expand its control now to the gates of Damascus. The Russian pimps had no choice as their economy is the size of Bangladesh and the their garbage Migs and Sukhois are being shot out of the sky like rubber ducks by your airforce, your Pakistani cousins and Israelis. Who in their right mind can take the Jew sock puppet Putin or Russia seriously? Russia itself will disintegrate in a few years according to a new CIA study. Turkey and Iran should grab as much of Southern Russia as they can because US and Europe will take all west of Urals and the Chinese already occupy most of the far east. Russia is kaput!


Who would take a complete nutter like you seriously, who can’t even prove his pathetic lies, let alone provide credible predictions of what will happen in the future? Is George Orwell your hero and 1984 your bible for the crazed twisted nonsense that you constantly spam these threads with?


“Russia and Turkey have agreed to set up a 15-20km demilitarized zone along the contact line between Syrian government troops and the armed opposition by October 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday after talks with his visiting Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey plans to strengthen military positions in Syria’s Idlib, says Erdogan
“At the meeting, we discussed in detail this situation (in the Idlib governorate) and decided to establish a 15-20km-wide demilitarized zone along the contact line between government troops and the armed opposition by October 15, 2018 and evacuate radical militants, including Jabhat al-Nusra (a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia – TASS),” he said.

Putin also told about other agreements reached at his talks with Erdogan. Thus, at the Turkish president’s initiative, it is planned “to withdraw from this zone heavy weapons, tanks, multiple missile launcher systems, artillery systems and mortars of all opposition groups” by October 10,” Putin informed. “Control in the demilitarized zone will be exercised by mobile patrol groups of Turkish units and units of Russian military police.”

He also said that the sides agreed to “resume transit traffic along the Aleppo-Latakia and Aleppo-Hama highways by the end of 2018”

– Russia, Turkey agree to establish demilitarized zone in Syria’s Idlib — Putin



““Today Russian patrols will start outside of Idlib in the border region (and) Turkish armed forces’ patrols will begin in the demilitarised zone,” Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said.”

– Ankara: Turkey, Russia patrols begin around Idlib –



This is a unilateral statement from the Turkish military. There isn’t any confirmation that I can find that the Russians agreed to this. As it would be a modification of the DMZ agreement which calls for joint patrols in the DMZ according to quotes from Putin stated in the TASS article above.


This statement by the Turkish minister looks like a blocking mechanism to prevent the Syrian government coalition from moving the front lines forward into occupied Idlib by formally expanding the Turkish military zone from the Turkish redoubts to all along the DMZ to use Turkish military as human shields to protect their terrorist proxies from the resumption of clearing operations by the Syrian government coalition.

If this is the case, and the Russians never agreed to this. Then not only is it a further non implementation of the DMZ agreement which explicitly calls for expanded Syrian government coalition operations in occupied Idlib. But it’s a worsening of the situation by taking steps to prevent the expansion of Syrian government control in Idlib. And just further puts off the restoration of Syrian government administration in Idlib by attempting to solidify the partition.

If this is indeed the case. Then I doubt that the Russians are going to agree to it.


The Russia-Turkey agreement is just garbage that must be put into the waste basket. Putin must stop pleasing Turkey and its criminal terrorists. Idlib region must be totally free of terrorists and Turkish.


It wasn’t garbage if it was implemented as agreed by Putin. It would have expanded Syrian government coalition operations extensively into terrorist occupied Idlib with far fewer hostilities than if done by force. But now it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Turks are unwilling and/or unable to implement their part of it.


Turkey behavior was expected, and Russia knew this. Russia has just been trapped with the commercial-economical deals with Turkey (reactor, S-400 system, turstream). That is why Putin wanted to please Erdogan. That is why from the beginning this Russia-Turkey agreement was just garbage, as it is right now.


Your anti Russian response expected. Putin gave the Turks enough rope to hang themselves with and now they’re swinging in the breeze from their non compliance. Which removes the legitimacy of any objections that they were putting forth to clearing operations. And provides The Syrian government coalition the moral and legal high ground to resume clearing operations.


You’ve been criticizing Russia’s progress in the Syrian war for years and have been proven wrong over and over again as the Syrian government coalition has gone from controllling 10% of Syrian land and none of it’s airspace to controlling 60% of it’s land and 70% of it’s airspace, none of which could have been done without Russian intervention. You’re a broken record of mistaken analysis and disproven contentions.

Zionism = EVIL

Not true, the Zionists, US and NATO control Syrian airspace. The US is now testing a whole new generation of killer drones in Syria.


What you lie about and what you can prove are two different things. You have ZERO PROOF. You’re a liar, a loser and a head case.

Zionism = EVIL

Chill amigo. Don’t make it personal, we are not in the bad old USSR or Jew scum Putin’s pathetic Russia where one can not express their opinions. I value Southfront as it is one of the freest avenues for discussion and free expression and most people are pretty rational. No need to hurl sundry insults.


LOL, asking for truth and proof from you is something that you consider an insult. Because you have none.

Where’s the PROOF to support your claim that the Russians sold out the Syrians and agreed to this consolidation of Turkish control of Idlib at the exclusion of the Syrian government coalition?

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is a weak third world dump and we all seen the “power” of Russian junk weaponry. Putin is a Jew scum and was part of the plan to destroy Syria all along. Now Syria is permanently partitioned into three zones as I wrote years ago. Does anyone in their right mind think that Syria after 8 years of mega bloodshed and occupation can be put together again must be smoking some heavy duty Afghan red. Assad is finished too as the Russians have always backstabbed their stooges from poor Najibullah in Afghanistan to all the ex-Warsaw pact puppets. No wonder Russians are most despised idiots in all of eastern Europe and wider world.

Zionism = EVIL

Only a complete village idiot like your ranting self would post such nonsense, the Asperger Jew shill Putin sold Syria down the tubes and licking Turkeys arse. Well then again, the Ruskie flying dishwashers are being shot out of the sky from Syria to India, so there is not much the Ruskie losers do but play second fiddle to all. Syria is finished as a unified state.



Go to this thread and some of the others where I’ve taken you to task for the stupidity that you constantly post on these threads and look at the up votes on my comments exposing your idiocy compared to the lack of up votes on your comments to see what most readers here think of your nonsense:



Zionism = EVIL

LOL, the truth HURTS, sonny I have seen and heard all idiots in my life time and laughed them to their graves. The Ruskie shitheads have sold Syria down the tubes and their pathetic cheerleaders simply can not accept reality. It is funnier than hell.


What you lie about and what you can prove are diametrically opposed. Show me something from a credible source that the Russians agreed to this Turkish ploy. You can’t so you won’t. Because you’re a moron, idiot, habitual liar and disinfo peddler.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, “Richard or Boris” open your eyes. Since Ruskie arseholes got involved the Zionists have attacked Syria with impunity, the Turks now control over 40% of Syria and the Americunts are firmly entrenched in the south. Insulting me will not change ground realities, same as I wrote about the Hindu shitheads that they will lose and they did. Syria simply can not be put together again. I wish it would, but that is wishful thinking. If it ever does, I will be the first to say that I WAS WRONG, I am at super ago stage of life and had mastered the subtle art of not giving a fuck at a young age and personal emotions have nothing to do with FACTS. Have a great day and cheers.



You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you on the nose. You’re head is so messed up that you can’t even think straight.

Where’s the PROOF that the Russians agreed to this Turkish initiative? I want something credible in writing. With quotes and links. Your insane lies and stupidity are simply exhibitions of your mental impairment symptoms.

Zionism = EVIL

Like I said, sticks and stones :) relax and watch how all this plays out and it may not even end in my lifetime. Sad for the Arabs though, they have wasted generations now and have no future. On that happy note, it is early spring and I am off to T-off. Have a great weekend and don’t get too worked up in the GAME OF NATIONS.


You have NO PROOF that the Russians agreed to anything on this Turkish “joint patrol” initiative and are trying to change the subject to divert attention from your lies, failures and insanity.


Russia had unclear objectives in Syria, besides propping up Assad and retaining its bases, now it has chewed more than it can swallow as Turkey is sidelining Russia. Syria has ended up being effectively partitioned.

Jens Holm

I agree. Russia only can be stronger, if they put Pepper on Putin.


If the Russians in fact never agreed to these so called joint patrols, and it’s just a ruse by the Turks to formally expand their presence from their redoubts to the entirety of the DMZ contact line as a blocking mechanism against Syrian government clearing operations. Which is what it appears to me to be. Then it’s an overreach that I think needs to be viewed as sign of aggression on their part. And a further retrenchment of their position against the Syrian government in conjunction with the cancellation of the US withdrawal.

They’re bringing the matter to a head to challenge the Syrian government coalition to try to get them to back off from pending clearing operations. As a result of the expiration of the DMZ agreement on December 31st with 90% of it unimplemented due to Turkish and their terrorist proxy’s non compliance. And are setting up a direct confrontation with the Syrian government coalition to solidify the partition along the DMZ contact line.

My view is that it would be a mistake to allow this shift in the Turkish position to solidify. And to allow them further entrenchment along the contact line making any clearing operations more difficult. And that clearing operations should resume to prevent this from occurring.

Xoli Xoli

Reality comes forth Turkey terrorists were blocking the road and shipping out oil and Erdogan the master of Putin and Trump simple dog.


Turkish Air Force has been given the 100% green light to operate in the skies of Idlib/Hama/Latakia. Meaning that any large scale Syrian Govt attack against Idlib will be met with Turkish Airstrikes. A very sad day for assad apologists


“Turkish Air Force has been given the 100% green light to operate in the skies of Idlib/Hama/Latakia.”

According to who, the Turkish defense minister?


you’ll see when Turkish F-16s and F-4s start raining JDAM smart bombs on smelly assad soldiers


Really, what proof do you have?

Coming from a hasbara shill, your post has Judaic Talmud lie written all over it.


Hey folks. This is Jacob Wohl. My official account was banned on multiple sites including LiveUAMap so I was forced to create another one


Were they tired of your constant Jew lies and inflammatory hasbara propaganda?

Jens Holm

Next time You will be converted to a Hindu and reborn as a bonzai plant in Japan.

You have to learn to be not nice in a better way. Several things You read make a lot of sense even I dont agree in many of they.

So behave and go on. Many in ME has seen Ghostbusters too :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9We2XsVZfc


This is a reply that I wrote to a post that was subsequently deleted and generated an error message when I tried to post it saying that you can’t reply to a comment that is no longer active:

There are 3 different primary state actors that need to be dealt with to resolve the Syrian war, Israel, Turkey and the US. The Jews were constantly attacking, so they were backed out and shut down first. Now the Turks are the lesser of the remaining two problems to sort out. They along with the rest of the NATO FUKUS Jew 3 made a big ballyhoo about the looming Idlib offensive after southern Syria was cleared.

At the time I wrote that this was another diplomatic coup by Putin similar to the chemical weapons decommissioning by the Syrian military at the start of the war. And that it was to the Syrian government coalition’s benefit to let it play out. Because one of two results would happen. Either the DMZ agreement would be implemented in whole or in part with minimal Syrian loss of life. With the end result being the the Syrian government coalition would have less work to do to restore government administration in Idlib.

Or that the Turks would abandon the agreement and be shown to be terror supporters. What happened is somewhere in the middle. The agreement was partially implemented with some weapons and forces withdrawn from the DMZ. But there was no advance of Syrian government coalition forces into occupied areas in the form of joint Turkish Russian patrols and the opening of the highways.

I think that it’s fair to say that the agreement has run it’s course and that the Turks have made what contributions to it’s implementation that they’re willing or able to. Which wasn’t much. And that the agreement has essentially expired. And that now the Turks are looking for wiggle room to modify the agreement and consolidate their hold on Idlib in conjunction with their terrorist proxies.

I have a hard time believing that the Russians are going to buy into this in exchange for economic projects in Turkey which benefit the Turks as much or more than they do Russia. If anything, it looks like posturing by the Turks to keep the Jew world order miscreants, the US in particular, from adversarial actions against them.

Until I see some confirmation from the Russian side that they’ve agreed to extend and modify the DMZ agreement, I’m going on the assumption that it’s a Turkish, not a Turkish Russian initiative. That isn’t going to be be well received in Damascus. And that the response to it should be to declare the Turks in material breach of the DMZ agreement to the point where it’s expired and no longer in effect. And that clearing operations should be resumed to determine the extent of Turkish/FUKUS Jew 3 resistance to them.

And then the clearing process adjusted on an as needed basis depending on the extent of Turkish/FUKUS Jew 3 interference to it.

Xoli Xoli

Putin is Erdogan piece of shit toilet paper.He will keep on cleaning Erdogan ass to secure no more downing of Russian jet by Erdogan.To USA apparently he is avoiding nuclear war.To Israel Putin is securing Israel safety.To Idlib attack Erdogan must be given time to implement de escalation zones promised.To Assad he must implement reforms and call for election and keep on accepting USA and Turkey HTS=Alqaida terrorist because their are apparently moderate were to we draw the line.