Turkey Runs Out Of Money For Its Mercenaries

On Janury 1, dozens of mercenaries from Siryan Idlib staged a protest in Tripoli’s Police College in Libya. Militants demand payment of salaries from their Turkish bosses.

According to the Al-Saa’a 24 news channel, the Syrian mercenaries have not been paid for five months. Each mercenary’s late due reportedly amount to $10,000.

According to numerous sources, it is known that the amount of contracts for Syrian mercenaries ranges from $1,500 to $2,000, depending on their military specialties and responsibilities.

Despite the signing of the ceasefire agreement between the Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA) in October, Turkey intends to deploy a new branch of mercenaries in Libya to support the GNA, according to the recent claims by the Siryan Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

According to the SOHR, the number of mercenaries sent to Libya is estimated at 18,000. A significant part of them are under age of 18.

Turkey is actively deploying mercenaries from Syria to implement its national interests in different world regions. The recent Nagorno-Karabakh war, where more than 2,500 of its fighters were reportedly deployed alongside with Azerbaijani forces, demanded significant financial efforts from Ankara. Moreover, there are reports that Turkey is going to send mercenaries to Kashmir to fight against Indian forces.

At the same time, Turkish proxies have recently failed a large scale attack on the town of Ain Issa held by the Syrian Democratic Forces in Siryan Raqqa governorate.

Turkish desire to restore the greatness of the Ottoman Empire faces a lack of funds to carry out these ambitious plans.


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John Brown

As expected as I predicted Turkey won’t be able to pay its terrorists and they will leave Syria unless the USSA wants to pick up the bill..


expected is that they blow up turkish cities


More like french cities allready burning from revolt.


expected is that erdogan is so delusional at some point that he will believe that he can order around alot of unpaid infuriated terrorists


expected is that the terrorists will call turkey traitors and that they will have to fight them at some point

Mehmet Aslanak

Author of the article is very naive, that Syrians in Libya are not paid Turkey, but Qatar.
Syrians in Karabag are paid by Turkey.
Also notice the surname at the Tweet: Berkowitz.
Ring a bell?


qatar is like a tiny nobody they think of turkey when they think of a boss


erdogan did a huge mistake he is destroying turkey that fool

catalin zt

Yep,smart one!


A smart Jew … who knows what’s up?

He must be feeding INTEL to Yossi … eh?


” Author of the article is very naive, that Syrians in Libya are not paid Turkey, but Qatar.
Syrians in Karabag are paid by Turkey.”

Karabakh, Libya, Syria … paid mercenaries are fighting everywhere and not the Turks. You rely on the warlike spirit and innate fighting spirit of other peoples.

Because the degenerate, degraded tribal patchwork that lives today within the Turkish State has completely lost the courage, boldness and endurance, characteristics necessary to wage war.

The Objective

You would be convincing if not for what happened earlier this year (February to March).


Nothing happened … just an agreement between the 2 centers of power. Most people here do not know exactly what game is being played, and by whom.

Mehmet Aslanak

Not about the boldness, courage, etc, brother.
Remember the pen is always stronger than the sword.
You forgot the adjective wisdom?
Better to use someone else instead of your own son.


Israeli policy is a classic example of this cowardice.

Mehmet Aslanak

Remember an old song from 1980s: “We didn’t start the fire”
Lyrics goes like: “It was always burning, since the world was turning”
I would suggest a famous (or infamous?) book to read about it.
Machiavelli – The Prince
You will notice Italy was today’s Syria 5 centuries ago.
Players are: France, Spain, Swiss mercenaries, Pope’s dirty games, etc.
Indeed world is the same. Locations & people change.
And it was always burning in somewhere to someone.


” Better to use someone else instead of your own son.”

Yes, but then the son will not have the right education and endurance. Psychological endurance and the ability to react calmly is the key today. I prefer to fight myself, and after this experience to pass it on to others like me.Training, experience, knowledge of real military operations are very important.

The Objective

Yeah, you have a point. I forgot Qatar when I pointed out the authors bias and open lies. Qatar is certainly capable of paying ten times this number of Syrians for more than a decade. Their entire pay amounts to less than $30 million a month, and about $300 a year. Qatar alone can foot this bill for years. And this does not include the GNA which will certainly be paying a huge part or even all of the bill, since these Syrian heroes are protecting them from the new imperial power.

Jaime Galarza

Who hired these mercenaries? It wasn’t Qatar. It was Turkey. All right, Qatar foots the bill, but the guy in front is Turkish. Good luck with that. Actually, bad luck with that.

Servet Köseoğlu

Running out of money cover story for dummies..Egypt intelligence with Uae’s infinite funds trying to getting benefit of Gna’s multi-head org.structure by paying,offering much more..Deadly combo which needs extra focusing by Turkey..


do you still not understand how stupid you turks are to use a bunch of terrorists

Servet Köseoğlu

ahahahhaha.pathetic shit eater..you dont deserve even an answer..all you are going to hear insult from me now on…Do not breed for the sake of universe..shit-head..xD


Unlike Iran … ‘using’ poor Afghani / Paki / Iraqi mercenaries … pmsl


Too late … where’s Qatar to the rescue?


There is also China with hidden funding,except Qatar.




It is true that huge sums of dollars from Beijing are what really help Erdogan. Strategic cooperation between China and Turkey gives Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a real salvation from his political and economic woes.

Experts say cash flow from China, Turkey’s second-largest importer after Russia, will increase for the Erdogan government, as it steadily boosts it at critical times.


As the ship Erdogan sinks …


Erdogan’s ship may sink, but Turkey is another ship.


Lets feill er up with goodness and juices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN WIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Turkey has much more important things to do with their money,unwinnable battles ain’t one.


Not on Erdogan’s list of “much more important things to do“.
Re-creating Ottoman Empire is top priority for him.

Arch Bungle

Niccollo Macciavelli:

“I say, therefore, that the arms with which a prince defends his state are either his own, or they are mercenaries, auxiliaries, or mixed.

Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe;

for they are disunited, ambitious and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before


they have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and [one’s own] destruction is deferred only so long as the attack is; for in peace one is robbed by them, and in war by the enemy.

The fact is, that they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you.

They are ready enough to be your soldiers whilst you do not make war, but if war comes they take themselves off or run from the foe…”

— The Prince, Chapter XII

Sun Tzu:

“The nominal strength of mercenary troops may be 100,000, but their real value will be not more than half that figure.”

— Sun Tzu, quoting Wei Liao Tzu, ch. 3


Israel’s Army is STRICTLY recruited from Jews (Bedouin and Druze & very, very few Christian Arabs) and well trained and disciplined … eh?

Sounds like they’ve got the right type of armed force … one that can win and wage war with their Arab / Muslim enemies … eh?


El Mashi

Jews tired of defending occupation. Muslims seething for revenge, a unquenchable thirst.


Ants facing blow torches … lol

They’re NEVER gonna win … hello?

It’s like the Harlem Globetrotters playing the Washington Generals … lol

YOU don’t know the reference … eh?



Israel is geostrategic pleonasm. Crusader kingdom surrounded by enemies close, supported by allies from far, far away. If leaders of Israel keep fighting attitude towards neighbors, it is only matter of time when Saladin II will appear among Arabs, unite them and organize, to crush much hated neighbor. Supremacy among races doesn’t exist, there is no civilization which never falls. Only diplomacy can save Israel, not army. Diplomacy to make allies among neighbors.


Blah … blah … blah

Saladin the Kurd to the rescue?

Diplomacy seems to be working … the Gulf Arabs are on board … normalization is spreading … BECAUSE Israel is a military superpower BUT (Israel’s ally, the USA provides benefits for joining) … eh?

The Pals are finished … the Resistance front are finished … with sanctions in place Iran and Turkey are sidelined

The Objective

Most of these facilities are above ground, and the U.S probably knows their location. They knew about the movements of Soleimnai, Fakhrazadeh, Nuclear sites, and many other things Iran tried hard to keep a secret. It’ll be much easier knowing the locations of these weapons. Those that remain hidden would be picked up fairly quickly in a fight.
Iran doesn’t have a chance. The Mullahs just appealed to the UN to retrain America from attacking Iran or its militias in the middle east. they also denied threatening Trump with assassinations after the NY Times ran an article about it. Thus, they issue so much threats and they back off pretty fast.
Iran knows that it WILL NOT attack U.S targets to kill Americans should the U.S bomb Shiite militias in Iraq. Thus, Iran’s best chance is to threaten all-out war in the event of an attack on its militias, in the hope that they deter Trump. However, this strategy is doomed to fail because Iran did not respond proportionately to the blatant killing of Soleimani. Who’d believe Iran would respond in any meaningful way should America attack its militias?

Arch Bungle

Not Saladin. Hassan Nasrallah, the Old Man of the Mountain. The very reincarnation of Hassan-i Sabbāh.


The last Hezbollah leader lost his head …. Mungiyeh and Mungiyeh Jr … Kuntar … an Iranian General … nuclear scientists … Al Qaeda #2 living in Tehran

Tick Tock …

Joe Bloggs

The resistance front is stronger than ever. Islamic Jihad and Hamas military united and recently had joint excercises on behest of Iran IDF cannot take Gaza ground losses – thats why they only bomb from the air – cowards. its a stalemate for Israelis. Zio White Colonial settler state is almost extinct – 1 – 2 years at best, months probably more likely.


Running off at the mouth again ?

Soleimani’s arm and ring on his finger … what’s he doing theses days? lol


It’s ironic that that the indecent haste for the Great Global Reset that is riding on the back of Covid19 is now threatening the stability of the bankrupt US Empire.

The calculated patience of the Khazar globalists plans since the late 1800’s for a Jewish World Empire is now at risk of failure due to the current Khaza, ‘ We wannit all now’ faction of the Zionist Cult.

The year 2021 is going to be violent on all fronts in my opinion.
The coming chaos will be global and the wealthy nations are totally unprepared for their internal schism’s that will result.

There will of course be some who will profit from the anarchy and chaos. BUT when ‘ war begins, planning usually goes awry.

The current Khazar puppet masters would be wise to follow the aphorism, ‘ Act in haste, repent at leisure ‘.

Just Me

Israel is nothing and now with US going down the gurgler the Zionist entity is doomed. The US deescalation with Iran is a clear signal that the west will not fight for the devious Jews anymore and they bankrupted it.

Arch Bungle

For a thousand years, the Jesuit Order tried to possess Jerusalem and for a thousand years Arabs have fought them off.

Every crusader state has fallen inevitably.

Eventually the Jesuits realised why: Occupying Jerusalem with non-natives would always naturally result in their eventual rejection by the indiginous people (Arabs, Phoenicians).

So they invented a race of people called “the jews”, and concocted a story about these being the descendents of an extinct tribe of semites called the “Hebrews”.

Their reasoning was that if they could con the locals into believing these white inbreeds from Khazaria and Germany were their long lost hebrew brothers, they might find some legitimacy in that land …

Joe Bloggs

Saladin 2 already there – Nasrallah. After 2006 war, he promised a ground invasion. Scared Ziothieves never attacked the Hezb again – its been 14 years and counting LMFAO

The Objective

Some Muslim countries that are patriotic of Islam will get nuclear armed. They’ll cover the tech gap in weaponry. And the battlefield levels out. Then you’ll know what it’s like to make an enemy of the Muslim world. Many empires before you have troubled Muslims in worse ways than what you’re doing to Palestine. And what happened in the end?
Your war with Iran (which is inevitable), will likely be the last major war you fight, despite the fact that Iran does not represent the interest of Islam. Allah has made strong enmity between you two, and this includes the evil rulers of the Arab world. The Iranians won’t leave you alone. They’ll continue to be your nightmare for some time to come. So you are gonna have to deal with them first, before pointing your finger at the entire Muslim world.
If you think things will continue to be the same, then keep thinking. Especially after a war with Iran.


F/k the Iranians … they’re paper tigers

A showdown is coming … the plans are already drawn … the Jews/Zionists/Israelis are NOT backing down … hello?

Arch Bungle

If it’s anything like 2006, when Iran wasn’t even involved, you’re going to get smashed harder this time round:



Still living off the fumes? lol

Joe Bloggs

The Iranians have been waiting since 2000….and waiting….and waiting and if your pathetic state survives another year, they’ll still be waiting for that “showdown” – Go home coward LoL


Months … 1 – 2 years … now 1 year … LMAO

YOU’VE been waiting since 2000 ACE … that’s 20 years


Jaime Galarza

If you were a little smart, you’d do well in being less arrogant. Much more powerful countries and empires fell and are now belong to the dustbin of history. Israel, being such an insignificant country withour outside support, should instead try to make peace with its neighnbors on fair terms. Unfortunately, your leaders -as in your case- are full of hubris. As somebody said here, what will you do when a hostile Arab nation acquires nuclear weapons? Or even worse a non state actor armed with that kind of weapons? Do you think you’ll be dealing with the snowflakes from Europe and the US? You may not be able to threaten or frighten or blackmail using your Samson option in this case because Arabs are willing to die for what they beleive in.


The Jews/Zionists/Israelis will bury any state acquiring Nukes … full stop

No ifs ands or buts …

Just watch …

Jaime Galarza

If you read history, you’d learn that every single powerful nation that eventually fell said the same thing. Learn from the past. In The Peloponnesian War, Athens was very powerful, no doubt. It was excessively proud of its sea power and foolishly underestimated Sparta. Yes, we will watch. There won’t be ifs not buts. History teaches the same thing time and again. That you think that you can go beyond the restrictions that the “Gods” impose on us, irrlevant ants, is ridiculous. However, yes, let’s continue along this path. In the end, this is a show for everyone to see, and nobody can make excuses. The US is already on its way out, and this is not an opinion. Before them, the British Empire thought it would last forever, but it left most of its colonies with the tail berween its legs. Nuclear weapons won’t protect you. I suppose you know they are not good to fight wars. Will you nuke your enemies? How many? What about the fallout? Have you forgotten that some Muslim countries already have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them? However, you insist on your zero-sum game. Fine.


Pakistan? That’s some? lol

I studied the Ancient Greeks … that’s why I spent 6 weeks touring Turkey …

Remember … Darius / Xerxes / Artaxerxes didn’t conquer Greece despite their vast numbers ….

Remember … Alexander did conquer all the ‘world’ with his smaller army

Timing is everything …. whose on top today?

Jaime Galarza

If you studied the ancient Greeks, then you’ll know that Greece’s destruction came from inside. That’s precisely the lesson of The Peloponnesian War. And it came as a result of Athens believing itself to be invincible and because of its moral weaknesses. Where is ancient Greece now? Where is Alexander? Wasn’t his Empire short-lived? Once he died, everything fell apart. The west has been on top from the Industrial Revolution until now, but that’s coming to an end. That’s evident. Anyway, I believe Israel has a right to exist, and the Palestinians have accepted that even though many Israeli politicians hide this fact in order to continue expanding. This won’t end well for anybody.


Did the Empire … Alexander create ‘fall apart’?

Ptolemy … Seleucus … Antigonus … Lysimacchus … Cassander

Alexander’s generals took over … hello?

Ptolemy over Egypt

Seleucus over the East / Persia

Antigonus over Turkey / Middle East

The Pals are finished …

Jaime Galarza

Gosh, you really insist on things you are supposed to know, from what you claim anyway. Did his Empire remain intact? You precisely mentioned one fact: it got divided between his generals. It was never the same, and then it disappeared. The Pals are not finished. That’s wnat the powerful always say about their victims. I believe this flows from the fact that morally the powerful are on the wrong, and they try to convince themselves about the “inevitability” of their plans. As you said, there won’t be ifs nor buts. No justifications for eventual cataclismic faiures.


The Empire Alexander left was maintained by his generals … until Rome took power several hundreds of years later … the Seleucid Empire took Judea until the Jewish Hasmoneans rebelled … the Hanukkah holiday is remembrance of that ‘miracle’ … the Hasmonean ‘kings’ eventually asked the Romans for aid and the Romans never left … eh? You just don’t know history … you’re uneducated … eh?

As for the Pals … they’re insignificant … their 15 minutes are up … they remain ‘important’ ONLY because Jews are involved … eh?

Yes … the Future is About to Land

Jaime Galarza

I think you are an irrevcerent fool. “Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) died suddenly at the age of 32, leaving no apparent heir or appointed successor. Some 40 years of internecineconflict followed his death, as leading generals and members of Alexander’s family vied to control different parts of the vast empire he
had built. The Battle of Ipsus, fought in Phrygia, Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) in 301 BC between rival successors, resulted in the empire’s irrevocable dissolution.” https://www.wdl.org/en/item/11739/

To learn, one needs to be humble also. You are both arrogant and ignorant -the latter because you insist on your ignorance. Keep on being both. So much the better.


I didn’t say anything different … it wasn’t Egyptians that ruled Egypt it was Ptolemy … likewise Seleucus not Arabs or natives of the area ruled … both began dynasties … Hellenistic dynasties …


Jaime Galarza

“The Empire Alexander left was maintained by his generals…” This is what you said, and the point you’ve been defending all along was that Alexander’s Empire was kept intact. Well, it wasn’t. Somehow your “next” sounds quite lame this time hehe. Just go, boy. By the way, I’m not Muslim. I don’t have to be to defend what is fair and just as opposed to people like you and your ilk who even gloat about your killing sprees.

Joe Bloggs

Iranians already HAVE nukes and theres sh!t Zio state can do about it – IF they could have, they WOULD have – whats stopping Israel from bombing Iran – since 2000 NuttyYahooo was bitching Iran would be nuclear in 6 months, trying to wag the US dog into action, but Goy were too smart – Yep Israel will fight the Arabs to the LAST American loL1


Iranians have nothing … barely a pot to piss in

cechas vodobenikov

titz arrogance is thinly disguised insecurity
when USa empire collapses in less than 10 years (Jameson, Orlov, Gartung, etc) their colonies—Israel, Canada etc will follow them into decrepitude, squalor, depravity

Just Me

The Zionist entity is untenable. It simply lacks the strategic depth or mass for a asymmetrical war as even their repeated defeats in tiny Gaza have proven.


Get a life or stop confusing Turkey with Israel.

The Objective

The guy seems to be an anti-Muslim demon.


The Turks like rear entry … did they learn that from the Greeks?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?

Arch Bungle

Most jewish men are fudge-packers.


The greeks invented the trend, the Jews mastered it (along with paedophilia and male genital mutilation).

Joe Bloggs

and baby killing, and land thieving and Dubai hotel towel thieving…..

Arch Bungle

Not even the mainland Chinese steal the fittings off Dubai hotels. israel is low, and crass caste of people.


Those Jews sure are leaders in so many things … it’s a wonder you goyim are alive … eh?

What use are you? lol

Arch Bungle

What use are the jews? All the advancements that make modern civilisation possible were created by non-jews.

All the jews did was crib european science and award each other nobel prizes.

Again – all the jews contributed to modern society is male genital mutilation.


Lies, Disinformation, Censorship are Everywhere


Arch Bungle

You are a prime example of the first two items on that list.

cechas vodobenikov

typical sexually repressed n amerikan

The Objective

You will not win against the Muslims if that’s your ultimate goal. You’ll trouble us for a while, but only for a while. It’ll end within this generation, God willing.
The middle east has faced greater oppression in the past, particularly at the hands of the crusaders who took control of a large swathe of Lands, including Jerusalem. When it came time for the Muslims to expel them, nothing could stop that.
I haven’t a speck of doubt that the same will happen again. If Israel thinks that situations will remain like this forever, then it’s in for a surprise.
Muslims never surrender. And we’ve always won in the end. Throughout history.


You speak out of both sides of your mouth … lol

The Arabs think a lot of themselves … braggarts

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are sovereign … they will not be moved … they are NOT sharing Jerusalem …

Muslims are leaving Gaza and the WB for safer climes … that will only accelerate …

Crusaders were foreigners … the Jews are a HOME … you ‘think’ Muslims never surrender? The Jews/Zionists/Israelis will nuke y’all before falling … Hello?

Stick that up yer Axx …


Arch Bungle

Stick this up your axx, shlomo:

– Joos are leaving israel, the second exodus, this time with no Pharoah needed, or moses either:

” After years of a decline in the numbers of Israelis leaving the country for an extended period, the trend reversed itself in 2015 and for the first time since 2009 the number of leavers grew.

Approximately 16,700 Israelis left the country to live overseas on a long-term basis
in 2015, mostly with their families, while only about 8,500 returned
after living abroad for at least a year, the Central Bureau of
Statistics reported on Monday.”


– It’s so bad you’re shipping in blacks to breed those khazarian whores with nice brown ‘jooish’ kids for your armies:

“Hundreds of Ethiopian Jews have been airlifted to Israel – the first of several thousand waiting to emigrate there in a long-running saga.
Most of their community has lived in transit camps in Ethiopia for years as questions over their eligibility has dogged the process.

The immigrants are related to Ethiopian Jews brought to Israel decades ago in a series of secret operations.”


Soon you’ll turn around and see a tiny elite of white ashkenazim ruling over hoards of chocolatey half-breeds, surrounded by a sea of arabs.

Yeah, breed those joo whores black, baby!”


150,000 Ethiopian Jews … 250 made Aliyah last week

10’s of 1000’s from Russia / Ukraine / USA last year

Growing population with 3+ children per woman

Arch Bungle


There’s gonna be a nation of brown gingers making exodus from Palestine in a decade or two. The Neo Joos.


They make motivated soldiers … their oppressors in Ethiopia were both Christians and Muslims … they had to live in refugee camps with Muslims as well


Arch Bungle

“Crusaders were foreigners … the Jews are a HOME …”

LOOOL! Khazaria, and the backwaters of Slavistan are home for the joos, shlomo. Not a drop of semitic blood in the whites that were shipped in to colonise Palestine.

Ashkenazim are *white people*, you wannabe Arabs.


Racist bs

Arch Bungle


Joe Bloggs

Fake Jews in Palestine will be extinct in 1 – 2 years from now. Better move now – back home to Russia or Polish Ghetto., or Brooklyn shithole


From months to 1 or 2 years … LMAO

pathetic braggarts


You are correct,conversely
Typo zoggie pinks,can’t fight for sht ,little does the troll know greek military has random checks if detected homosexual,will not be allowed to join,turkey is similar like russia,see gimps like this hater of life,never had the balls to partake in any kind of manly sports or teams,but many such as these are the one certain eastern european women explained whom love their cakewholes tickled pink,so next timre thgey rant lies about others,chances are they are the ones whom were fuked up the ass,as their posts strongly imply(period)

Arch Bungle

israel’s army is all mercenary.

Paid by the USA.

Once the welfare funds dry up, all that nice jewish discipline with evapourate into thin air and you can kiss your apartheid shit-hole goodbye.

9 years – that’s how much longer the joo-ish occupation of Palestine will last.


1 or 2 months … 1 or 2 years … now 9 years ? LMAO

What a bunch of fucking drama queens …

Arch Bungle

9 motherfucker.

Joe Bloggs

Thats why they cant fight the Hezb LoL – it was the Groundforces that were wholly unprepared, unmotivated and lost it for the ZioThief state in 2006. Cowardly zios could therefore only bomb from the air – they cannot hold territory ‘cos their bitch soldiers were too scared.


You boast of missiles … ya f/kn cowards

Your soldiers will be dying in unprecedented numbers … inshallah

Séamus Ó Néill

Israeli’s “army” is well trained at beating up, or killing, defencless women and children, they’re racist psychopaths. They, with their superior training, should enter a team in the olympics……the way they run from Hezbollah


Sure …. lol

Thanks for the levity … eh?


Arch Bungle

You’re really at a loss for words these days, aren’t you?



cechas vodobenikov

“Amerika is a paper tiger”. Mao
all US troops are cowardly mercenaries….incompetent, immoral, obese, uneducated: unable to find work w BLM or at a LGBT Macdonalds they are discarded when discharged, they decline into drug abuse and die early. per recent reports 22 US military veterans commit suicide each day


Well said.

I would add however, that Mercenaries throughout history have also been wiling and able to murder and abuse civilians as a preferred alternative to fighting soldiers who can shoot back at the mercenaries.

Even the UN peacekeeping mercenaries have rogue groups who rape plunder and steal from civilians.


Mercenary armies are not reliable, these Gulf states think the money is the answer to anything.
These mercenaries would not measure up to Tiger forces, Hezzbolah and other elite Iranian and Egyptian forces.

The Objective

Your elite forces are yet to demonstrate this claim in reality.
Hezbollah itself is a mercenary.
Deal with ISIS in the Syrian desert first.

Jaime Galarza

If the US and its vassals stop helping and supporting ISIS, no doubt this would end very quickly. These elite forces have demonstrated time and again their high quality. Hizbollah practically defeated Israel in 2006 https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=813662


BS … practically? What does that mean?

Horse #2 practically won the race? Hello?

So … they LOST …


Jaime Galarza

The War Colleges in the US and other parts of the wester world do not agree with you. Sorry. Next!


Yossi knows …

Jaime Galarza

To paraphrase your “criticism” about the undefined nature of the word I use -prcatically- I can say the same thing about the following: “Israel initiated a long war, which ended without a defined military victory” If you say that my term is BS, then this sentence is also BS. It’s a way to cover a defeat and belongs to the Winograd Commission report. I suippose I don’t need to explain what that was.


Wow … heavy

Arch Bungle

Practically. Means “Really”. In “Actuality”.

Jizz-rael was defeated militarily. Not conceptually, not in principal.

No stalemate. Defeat – as in you failed in your military objective while Hezbollah succeeded in theirs.

None of that rubbish about weighing up civilian body counts either. The civilian body count due to IDF strikes is a measure of how rotten at aiming and targeting the idf is.


Hezbollah succeeded in theirs? Survived the onslaught?

Thousands dead … infrastructure destroyed … reported Lebanon still has no steady electricity 14 years later … hello?

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours

WE ARE ALL HEZBOLLAH … will be buried with their masters

cechas vodobenikov

titz cries, loses to Hizbollah
pretends she is a horse


good news.

Igors Savitsas

Islamic state of Turkey.

catalin zt

I’m romanian,we know this ottomans….they brought us pain for hundred of years but at times we did MASSACRE them big times in battles and ambushes in our own country! In Romania is an GENERAL Hate against them…


A Truth teller … a Romanian scumbag but a truth teller on turkeys

cechas vodobenikov

backward self uglified racist


What about Vlad Tepes?


No kidding. Why did you win battles instead of wars? Because you are a nation of cowards who paid their taxes instead of fighting.

John Wallace

18,000 @ 1500 a month is 27 million a month times 5 months … I don’t think they will be getting paid any time soon. The ceasefire stuffed it up. It was expected half would be killed and no need to make payments.. So instead of kissing their arses goodbye they are kissing their pay goodbye.. War is hell…

Séamus Ó Néill

Erdogan has allegedly 100,000 of these psychopathic headchoppers employed, approx $150,000,000 per month or $1.8 billion yearly…..I think he and his Ottoman dreams are up the proverbial creek. I know Saudi, US etc are presently footing most of the bill, but for how much longer. If these morons are double crossed, God help Turkey, their women and their children.

Peter Moy

These hired hands should form a labor union and call for a wildcat strike. Breach of contract means war! Stand up for your rights! Now hire some real slimy, slack jawed, mealy mouth New York City or Washington, DC labor liars, I meant lawyers, and sue Erdogan for BILLIONS of lira in back pay, interest and mental anguish.


Just turn their guns on their masters … that payback … hello?

So … without pay … NO Jihad … hmm

Ya mean … muslims won’t die for the sake of allah unless they’re paid?

‘C’mon Man’ !!!


Turkey is just the consumable henchman-bullyboy someone elses.

The Objective

I understand your hatred of Turkey. It is the major obstacle to Russia’s imperialistic desires in the Muslim world.
Russia is fighting rebels in Central African Republic.
Russia is currently an overstretched empire, but it can still be stretched more before it breaks.
Biden must heap more sanctions to saddle the Kremlin. And he will.


Biden can sanction Turkey Jan 21st 2021 … then what? lol


You know not,though your other comments are of some use unconstituate cowards!


hatred does not allow you to see objectively the mistakes and weaknesses of your enemy. So I’m not making this mistake … but anger is something different. After all, the whole Iliad relied on the wrath of Achilles.


Lol what? Russia has a handful of people in CAR, it isn’t overstretched. A few thousand in Syria & Karabakh isn’t going to put much strain on them either.

Other important thing to note, the government and most of the people in these countries are friendly. They aren’t occupying anyone like Turkey or the US.

Try again troll.

cechas vodobenikov

the subjectivist confused—turkey/US vast debt, currency becoming more worthless by the year—vast extreme poverty, poverty. Russia vast reserves, gold, platinum diamonds, oil/gas, wheat, etc….Russia no extreme poverty–poverty declining and expected to reduce to 6% in 2 years
USA 3 million families extreme poverty/17% poverty per fabricated US data
Turkey 80 million poverty
the CIA LSD you use is too strong

Séamus Ó Néill

Why are trolls so inherently stupid, spewing out rubbish that a 5 year old child could destroy in seconds….but then the masters arn’t very clever either !

El Mashi

The biggest supporter of Turkey is Israel. The United States/Nato are shadow boxing with Turkey. The Turkish economy cannot support Ottoman ambitions of Erdogan, simply cannot. The Central Asian “Stans” too tied to Russia, Iran, and China to side with Turkey.


Silly mercs, they never intended to pay you just to sit on your hands during a long ceasefire. They only pay when they need canon-fodder thrown at the enemy. You don’t like it, go home… oh wait you probably can’t leave. Tough luck huh?

Ice Icegold
The Objective

Turkey is very unlikely to run out of funds for these Syrian fighters. The GNA and Azerbaijan would be the ones paying for the service of these Syrian fighters, though it’s unlikely that any Syrian was deployed to help Azerbaijan. In fact, this is a demonizing propaganda to obscure Russia’s occupation of Nargono Karabakh. The Azerbaijani forces were more than a match for their Armenian counterparts, and it makes no sense that Turkey would deploy Syrian fighters to help Azerbaijan. It’s actually the other way round, where Russia deploys its mercenaries to help Artsakh.
It is possible that the GNA is behind schedule paying Syrian fighters, but the issue would likely be dealt with in the coming months as Libya’s oil sales recovers.

cechas vodobenikov

confused as usual—most oil in Libya under LNA control


They may or may not win these battles, but this problem is not enough by itself to stop their game. The whole situation is complex and nobody can predict the future.


Syrian democratic forces in libya,maybe their master biden can foot the bill,that’s if they make it!

Assad must stay

hahahahahaha good

cechas vodobenikov

as the Turkish economy has disintegrated coincident with the many misadventures in Libya, Syria, Caucasus, North Africa, Kurdistan, the mediterranean, this was predicted by many. the lira has lost nearly 40% value; 1/3 of their god was sold to prevent complete collapse


Piss off the terrorists your supporting and they just might come back and take revenge….


I would say the Turkey has come home to roost.

Porc Halal

I knew this would happen sooner or later