Turkey Rejects Ceasefire Proposal Forcing Egypt To Consider Direct Military Action

Turkey Rejects Ceasefire Proposal Forcing Egypt To Consider Direct Military Action

Egyptian Army soldiers in Sinai peninsula,

Turkey has rejected Egypt’s proposal for a ceasefire in Libya, pushing Cairo closer to a military intervention in the war-torn country.

Egypt’s proposal, which received support from the U.S, the EU and Russia, was meant to put an end to a fierce 14-month battle between the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu dismissed the proposal on June 10. The minister claimed that the proposal is an attempt to save LNA Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar following the recent losses of the LNA.

“The ceasefire effort in Cairo was stillborn. If a ceasefire is to be signed, it should be done at a platform that brings everyone together,” Reuters quoted Cavusoglu as saying in an interview with Hurriyet. “The ceasefire call to save Haftar does not seem sincere or believable to us.”

The strict Turkish stand is apparently forcing Egypt to consider a military action in Libya in order to prevent the GNA from securing a military victory.

Last week, the Egyptian military amassed a large offensive force on the border with Libya. Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces Lt. Gen. Mohammed Farid Hegazy inspected on June 10 military formations along the border. He also met with commanders of Egypt’s western region.

“The Egyptian Armed Forces are at the highest level of preparedness and combat readiness to face all dangers and challenges,” Lt. Gen. Hegazy stressed during his visit.

The growing Turkish military intervention in Libya allowed GNA forces to make significant achievements in the country’s western region in the last recent weeks.

Turkey is clearly working to secure a military victory for the GNA. An intervention by Egypt will foil Ankara’s plans and force the GNA to return to the diplomatic path.


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The Middle East – North Africa has just become alot more interesting, you gotta love this region. As for us, nothing has changed and we will annex the Jordan Valley on July 1st as planned.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

The whole world beside USA, is warning you not to do that. The americans at least overtime started trying to improve native reservations and give them autonomy. izraeli europeans still have 2 million palestinian semites encaged in open air prison of Gaza, and another million in the West Bank.


In the West Bank there are 2.5M Arabs! Israel, by annexing the Jordan Valley will create a large Arab Bantustan within its border. It is a suicidal mission, they will end up like South Africa.

Ashok Varma

Israel’s end will be worse than the Apartheid regime as the Palestinian sliver of land is very small and demographics will win out soon.

Icarus Tanović

Wow, man. Didn’t know about that monstruous situation in Gaza. Thanks to letting us know. We’re blocked, no info.
All I know, and others too is that Mossad implanted Wahhabis into Gaza, with spies feom hamas. This is war.


They are more free than you may think, also alot of them are working in Israel so no one is forcing them to come here. We built the wall to stop terror attacks and guess what? it worked. You can call it a prison but we see it as life saving, and they can still have a state if they decide to.

S Melanson

Hi Iron Zion. I look on Jacob Wohl’s Nose reply to you regarding the nations of the world are against annexation and add your perspective that nothing has changed. In other words the opposition to Israeli policies has and continues to be all bark and no bite.

With 100+ UN resolutions ignored by Israel with few consequences, no one should be surprised Israeli policies largely ignore international opinion. If Israel is consistently not held to account for its policies and actions, then the nations of the world need to point the finger back at themselves, not at Israel.

Israeli leaders I assume are counting on continuity such that nothing changes and opposition to annexation will remain purely rhetoric and little else. Not an unreasonable assumption.

Looking at annexation as a security driven decision to secure control of the Jordan River that provides a natural defensive line that shortens the perimeter and adds strategic depth. However, 2.5 million Palestinians will be situated in the West Bank to be contended with. You also have a peace treaty with Jordan, the nation across the Jordan River.

Annexation will no doubt put the durability of the peace treaty to the test. The Palestinian population in the West Bank will be hostile and given annexation wipes the slate of all prior agreements clean, what follows annexation is hard to predict.

Israel is pushing the envelope to achieve long standing goals on the assumption nothing will change. While past behaviour is a good predictor of future behaviour, I would be wary of counting on that this time.


Hey Melanson, just want to make it clear that we are not annexing the entire West Bank, only our border with Jordan as can be seen here:

S Melanson

I am aware of that. The plan creates Palestinian bantustans cut off from the outside world and this will create a crisis in the West Bank.

The security arrangements with the P.A. have been beneficial for Israel but annexation will be the downfall of any agreements and probably the collapse of the P.A. as a political force which will strengthen Hamas. Swept away will be the moderate voices and empowerment of the more radical voices.

In addition to a very hostile Palestinian population numbering 2.5 million, Jordan on the other side will have to respond in some way. The King of Jordan has no choice because the legitimacy of his rule will be broken if he turns a blind eye to annexation. It is even possible the Monarchy could fall with all the uncertainty that brings. Certainly Jordan realigning with the Syria, Hezbollah and Iran would be a major set back for Israel.

I also point out that what is driving the annexation is Netanyahu’s quest for immunity by catering to hardliners. This brings into question whether decisions are based on Israeli interests or Netanyahu’s personal interests. If it is personal interests above all, to save his skin, then objective evaluation of the merits of annexation versus the downside will play second fiddle and this is dangerous for Israeli security.

The annexation drive is wrapped in nostalgia that gives a fuzzy warm feeling which is how the backers are selling annexation. The question that needs to be asked is how will annexation serve to enhance Israeli security? Netanyahu’s historical record has in my opinion made Israel’s security situation worse and this latest project needs to be looked at long and hard as it will be the third highly provocative act in so many years.


You Arabs are a lot of fun.

Ashok Varma

It is funny how much the Mizrahi and Sephardi (Arab) Jews like Iron Zion hate themselves in the Ashkenazi racist entity where they are treated as second class citizens, slightly above the Falasha in the Zionist racist hierarchy.


On the contrary Ashok, Mizrahi Jews like me were the original people on this land till we got exiled in 70 AD. Now, we take back what is rightfully ours.

Astar Roth

You are playing with fire…

Jimmy Jim


Porc Halal

“ And while Turkish leaders claimed they wanted to enter northeast Syria to root out terrorism, Turkey’s forces have brought a new brand of terror to the region.

They’ve taken over the AANES in three places and replaced it with harsh Islamic ideology.

And in Afrin, a place experts say was never a center of terrorism, Turkish forces have demolished religious sites and even kidnapped Yazidi and Kurdish women, selling them into slavery“…

Read the entire article here:


Icarus Tanović

Not Islamic, but indeed Wahhabi ideology.
That is what Turkey is doing nowadays.

Porc Halal

I am not the one who claimed this … I just quoted from the article … there are many others who support this allegation as well, including many who left islam…

Porc Halal

PS … however, isn’t wahhabism a variant of islam? … both claiming that follows the true path of M’s teachings …

Astar Roth

No, they’re not Muslims, they’ve left Islam, but who cares…

Porc Halal

Oh, yes they are…I heard this rethoric “no they are not muslims” every time someone is trying to cover up the ugly truth behind the scenes…when ever a muslim kills, rape, enslave, bully, offend, etc, etc in the name of his religion a non-muslim then, bang(!), there you go, “he was not a real muslim”…simply and conveniant, isn’t it?!…

What would you comment the following statement which is lets say, the official narative of the political elite in the West and MSM who is very favorable to islam and very christianofobic…

“Islamic terrorism, Islamist terrorism or radical Islamic terrorism are terrorist acts against civilians committed by violent Islamists who claim a religious motivation (…) Justifications given for attacks on civilians by Islamic extremist groups come from extreme interpretations of the Quran and Hadith, and sharia law. These include retribution by armed jihad for the perceived injustices of unbelievers against Muslims (especially by Al-Qaeda); the belief that the killing of many self-proclaimed Muslims is required because they have violated Islamic law and are actually disbelievers (kafir); the need to restore and purify Islam by establishing sharia law, especially by restoring the Caliphate as a pan-Islamic state (especially ISIS); the glory and heavenly rewards of martyrdom; the supremacy of Islam over all other religions”…

Astar Roth

Yes, I see now who are you. As you eating porc, you are becoming smarter each and every day in that classic Zion narative.
And I’m out…

Porc Halal

oh my! how profound…

Ashok Varma

Erdogan’s AKP was funded by the gulf Wahhabi sheikhdoms with CIA blessing.

Astar Roth

I knew it…

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Hope we see some Egyptian Airforce activity soon, along with army. Will be fun to see F-16’s, Rafales and Mig-29S side by side roasting turkish terrorist cunts


Unlikely, unless Sisi gets the nod from Zion masters.


With Turkish Awacs Link-16 and BVR missiles, they will get destroyed before they can do anything against Turkish F-16.
Egypt has not even refule Jets. And the Rafale are probably like their Mistral LHDs striped down versions.

Ashok Varma

Arabs have a poor history in warfare, especially their airforces are useless.


Something we can agree to Ashok :)

opet ja

What Turkish airplanes will fly across Mediterranean to fight??!! Has Turkey brought fighter jets to Libya, I guess no? And Egypt has massive land forces that can finish the job in a week or two.


TAF has refule Jets and it can use Tripoli Air Base as it is now safe of LNA attacks.
Egypt cant even handle Its own Sinai Region. As it is known, Egypts Tanks have poor armor and are monkey versions. Do you think Israel would have allowed selling it otherwise?

I dont even talk about Egypt Armed Forces poorer training, discipline and Battle experiance then Turkish armed Forces.
Turkish trained syrian merceneries (good trained by Turkey, Experianced and Battle hardened) with Turkish special forces and officers support alone, would give Egypt armed Forces a hard time.

Svincius Savickas

Russia, Egypt OAE shall support the Kurds in Turkey to get independence. If Turkey is torn with war inside, the islamic pigdogan will not invade other countries.

Icarus Tanović

Islamic, rather CIA, Wahhabi pigdog.

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme childabduction)


Icarus Tanović

Saudis too. If Gülen doesn’t do something soon, like coup against this monster Erdogan, Turkey will become a rathole for Wahhabis such is Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

Porc Halal

I don’t think the former coup was linked to Glulen, nor will the future ones be … they are or will be related to the secularist members of the turkish society or army.


You are so ignorant about these issues. Better don’t talk about them.

Porc Halal

seriously?! …. how does this come about? … explain …. do you also have arguments to strengthen your words or do you just talk for the sake of the conversation…or if I talk about, then what?!..


I am not trying to insult you, seriously. But “I don’t think the former coup was linked to Glulen” this sentence alone shows you know almost nothing about what happened nor what is happening in Turkey.
Majority of the Turkish Army is and was always Kemalist (since the foundation of the Republic), especially the high ranked ones. Gulenist movement may seem to you, foreigners, as a religious cult, but is more than that. It is a movement that whose main aim is to break the Kemailst/Secularist power in the army and society, and it is supported by CIA, this is not even a secret.
Anyway, current government and this movement was in alliance, because their enemies, Kemalists, was common. They managed to diminish the bureaucratic power of the Kemailsts. But it wasn’t that easy to do this in the army, they growed some power in the army but Kemalists were always the majority. In 2013 Gulenist movement officially declared war against AKP by using the influence in the police department they tried to arrest several ministers because of corrpution (I reckon the corrpution incident was real, but that’s not the point here). After that day up until to the coup day AKP and Gulenist movement was in some kind of undercover war. After the Coup they purged in masses.
The reason why coup failed is that the perpetrators were minority in the Army, aka Gulenists, even by simply tracking the head figures of the coup you can conclude they belong to Gulensit movement. I can’t say this is 100% true, but in my opinion government had already have an intelligence about the coup and they just waited for it to be able to get a civil support to purge the Gulenists. Coup was the Gulen’s latest (but I am sure not the last) effort to obtain the influence once he had in Turkey. If Kemalists were the perpetrators they would have succeeded 90%.
Besides… are you guys supporting Gulen or what? Because of “my enemy’s enemy”?? If you think Erdoğan is a islamist evil you don’t know a single thing about Gulen. If you support that guy that is pure hypocrisy, if he had managed to take over the country Turkey would be a sunni version of Iran.

Porc Halal

good! …

first of all thank you for the information provided … information that I have not read or heard so far … I am not the type that relies on only one source of information to analyze something (a thing) that I think deserves attention so that in the future I know how to approach that thing …

Secondly, I notice that you said that the army is Kemalist, but at the same time it is quite clear that it fully supports the religious views of the ruling AKP party, which is known to be the turkish political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood (designated in many countries as an islamist terrorist organization) …. this is somewhat contradictory for me since I perceived Kemalism as a secularist movement in Turkey … or maybe I was wrong…

Thirdly … personally, I am not a fan of Gulen and of any political or militant organization of Islamic origin …


Are you saying army fully supports religious views of AKP because of recent developments in Libya?

Porc Halal

I am not jumping to any conclusion yet…I am not judging anyone for their own views or actions…is not me to do that…I am just trying to figure it out what happened with the turkish army I knew, army that was supposed to be the guarant of kemalism in turkey..


No no, I got it. I just want to know why are you thinking in that way, so that I can respond better.


I just realized my comment has been removed…..
Here it is


Afraid of Islamists and supporting Gulen? I don’t even know what to say to you.

Porc Halal

Have you red what I wrote?…where do you see I wrote that I am supporting Gulen?!…


I will reply to the other comment. Actually, I was just asking. Since the other guy is obviously supporting Gulen I was curious about you.

Astar Roth

I mean who wouldn’t…this one is obviously trying to destroy all Kemal Ataturk legacy and what he did for Turkey, so he is better choice…imho…


“this one” you mean Erdoğan? and “he is better choice” is Gulen?

Astar Roth

They’re all better than Erdogan…

Astar Roth

Gülen isn’t that bad, Kemalists either…


I am sorry, but I am sure that you exposed propaganda by media… If you think Erdoğan is bad, Gulen is the devil himself. I know… outside of the Turkey they portray an image that Erdoğan is evil and Gulen is good. NO! Just no! Don’t buy that bs please, if you have read my comment I said if he had succeeded today maybe we would be living in a sunni version of Iran.

Chinese Dog

Good job turkey


Turks hate filthy Hindus and Pakistan is our best friend.

Chinese Dog

We are teaching pakis a lesson everyday, I only want turkish victory over arabs.We dont care if turks hate us or not, we hate arabs the most as they have caused a lot of terrorist problems in India as well.

Ashok Varma

Since you are attention seeking troll and not an Indian, let me educate you, Arabs, especially Saudis and UAE are investing billions in India. Take your trolling hate somewhere else, and you are a complete idiot and a fraud.

Jimmy Jim


King Cliff

I should see what’s Egypt’s next move is,they can’t afford an allied in they backyard to get snatch away by adversary and especially a strategic position close to Egypt yards. I’m all for peace I’m just this the politics they played so Egypt’s is left with no choice but to attack and start pounding site of GNA. in pretty sure the Egyptians government is gathering support and financial support from its allies and green light form world powers aswell.

Jimmy Jim


cechas vodobenikov

turkeys r limited w bird brains