Tensions continue to escalate in the eastern Mediterranean
Greece has announced plans to extend its territorial waters along its western coastline facing Italy, and held a second day of military exercises in waters where Turkey has sent a survey ship escorted by warships to explore for oil and gas, challenging Greece’s claim to maritime jurisdiction over the area.
The Turkish vessel Oruc Reis has been carrying out seismic research for oil and gas for several weeks escorted by Turkish warships. Athens, which says the ship is operating over Greece’s continental shelf in an area where it has exclusive rights on potential undersea gas and oil deposits, sent warships to observe and track the Turkish flotilla.
Both countries have sent warships to shadow each other this month in an area between Crete and Cyprus where the Turkish vessel is prospecting for potential gas and oil deposits. Greece and Turkey both conducted military exercises within the area on Tuesday (25 May).
Speaking before the national Parliament earlier this week, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said Greece is planning to exercise its legal right to extend its territorial waters along its western coastline, which faces Italy, from six to 12 nautical miles.
The planned extension would not affect the territory at the centre of the Greek-Turkish dispute. But the prime minister told parliament that Greece was abandoning decades of ‘passive’ foreign policy. Turkey has warned in the past that an extension of Greek waters to 12 nautical miles in the Aegean Sea, facing the Turkish littoral, would be seen as a reason to declare war on Greece.
Mitsotakis described Turkey’s actions as ‘illegal and provocative’, adding that Athens was willing to start talks as part of a German-brokered initiative, but only if the Turkish seismic surveying work were halted. “Our position is crystal clear and can be summarized in six words: When provocations stop, talks can start,” he said during a debate on the ratification of deals Greece recently made with Italy and Egypt setting out maritime boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones. Greece’s deal with Egypt in particular has angered Turkey.
Lawmakers ratified the Italy deal by majority vote late Wednesday. They also ratified most of the agreement with Egypt, with a vote on one article remaining to be voted upon later this week. The government holds a comfortable majority in parliament, and the article is expected to pass. LINK
Meanwhile, Turkey has accused France of exacerbating the conflict after joining joint exercises with Greece, Italy and Cyprus. President Erdogan stated on Thursday that Turkey has no intention of suspending gas exploration activities in disputed areas.
The declarations followed a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in Berlin to try to persuade EU member Greece and neighbouring Turkey to return to diplomatic paths to resolve their dispute over maritime boundaries and jurisdiction.
The ministers were expected to debate a series of sanctions and other policy options that could be used to pressure Turkey to suspend drilling for energy reserves in the disputed areas of the eastern Mediterranean.
Germany has promised to act as a bridge between the two neighbours to defuse tensions, while on Wednesday US President Donald Trump held phone calls with the leaders of Greece and Turkey.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also said he was in “constant contact” with Greece and Turkey. “My message is that the situation must be resolved in a spirit of allied solidarity and in accordance with international law,” Stoltenberg said when meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. “Dialogue and de-escalation are in everyone’s interest.”
Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akara criticized France for joining Italy, Greece and Cyprus in three-day air and maritime military exercises off the eastern Mediterranean island, saying Turkey will not be deterred by the show of force, and Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy accused France of deploying fighter jets on the ethnically divided island of Cyprus under the ‘pretext’ of conducting military exercises, claiming that the deployment is a breach of the treaties reached in 1960.
France and Greece are deploying fighter jets and navy ships as part of military drills, while Cyprus will activate its air defence system to test its capabilities, the Cyprus Defence Ministry reported on Wednesday.
Turkey has also issued an advisory notice, known as Navtex, stating that it will be conducting live-fire military exercises on September 1 and 2 off the southern coast of the Mediterranean, that is, off the coast of Cyprus. LINK
Turks got their sights on becoming energy-exporters, and once they reverse-engineer tech like the S400 and nuclear plant reactors, they’ll be of little benefit for Russia as a “partners”. The actual geopolitical utility of Turkey would be as wrecker of NATO and EU, where Germans would be at odds with the rest of EU to keep Turks as a market and keep the huge German Turk community at ease.
If Turks are not going to pull the rug from under NATO/EU feet, there’s no reason for Russia, or Iran for that matter, to still be tolerating Turkish terrorism in Idlib and other parts of Syria and that’s that. US Zioterrorist nukes are still poiting at Russia and Iran from Turkish territory.
Massive arms delivery to Syria as the bridgehead on eastern Euphrates expands as axis of resistance militias secure more areas, Russia sends 7 large cargo planes to Syria.
Summer holiday season’s over, and the situation has been stagnant since March, which has only allowed the US Zioterrorists to revitalise ISIS in the Syrian desert while Turks keep Russia busy with the joyrides in Idlib. Hope to see decisive action soon with those new weapons you mention because the US terrorist scum just deployed more of their invasion troops to their narcobanana republic statelet Colombia, signaling that their schemes to weaken the Russo-Iranian geostrategic position are just around the corner and global in scope.
Would be great to see Iran help Venezuela develop its own missile-defense industry, Russia’s had 20 yrs to do it but it just doesn’t happen for some reason.
Russia learned their lesson in Afghanistan; the same Arabs that Russia supported against israel turned on them in Afghanistan. Russia seems to sit on the fence and awaits for the right opportunity without over committing itself.
Venezuela is not like Afghanistan, there’s no religious sectarianism like in Muslim countries and one of president Chavez’s first actions after the 2002 coup attempt was the creation of the Bolivarian militias to guarantee the continuity of his sociopolitical project. He was a rather competent military strategist despite being just a colonel, and today, the delusions of CIA assets like Bolshitnaro and the Colombian druglord terrorists would hold no water if Caracas had been allowed to develop its military industry.
And it’s not like Venezuela doesn’t have oil, gas, gold, diamonds, silver, coltan, etc., to pay for the tech transfers.
Russia is being cautious via past experiences; Putin even said that back n his 2008 speech. Same goes to Syria, Putin said he is in Syria to combat terrorism not the US and coalition, jews or the Turks. Putin also said that Russia will never again be the global saviour. One can’t blame Russia for that attitude.
No need for saviours, much less if you allow tech transfers so other countries can save themselves. And that’s a double-edged sword anyway, who’s gonna be Russia’s “partners” if all other countries fell prey to the global Ziocorporate terrorists?
Good point. Russia is seeking not so much as partners but alliances not only with China but African states also. Russia has always had good relations with Asian countries but i believe that partnerships are out of the question. What is your take on that?
There’s no point in aligning with weak nations not capable of defending themselves, that is the gist of the matter, especially when Russia’s rivals, which Moscow insists on treating as partners, still have considerably greater forward deployment capabilities and blue water navies. The US alone is in almost 30 African countries, including Djibouti where China’s got its African base, and that’s not counting France, UK, or Israel.
Do you consider Venezuela as a weak country? Russia and China have attempted to enter the South American sphere, not all that successfully one has to admit with Brazil turning on Russia and China and being a member of the BRICS doesn’t bode too well for either Russia or China. Russia is keeping out of the conflict between India and China and still conducts trade and sales of weapons to India; China doesn’t seem to mind.
Russia and China did nothing to stop the CIA Zioterrorist coup against Dilma Roussef and Lula, although I doubt they could’ve done anything. And the US can launch a total naval blockade of Venezuela from Puerto Rico in less than a day. Venezuela’s 2 S-300 batteries can’t put up much of a fight against the Pentagon terrorists.
India is a nuclear power and has its own military industry, Russia is in no position to intervene there, besides, China and India remain equally eager for “partnership and business” with the Ziocorporate terrorist globalists so there’s no point to even try, as least as things have been so far..
Sorry for not replying earlier but I have to make preps for work. Thanks for the enlightening conversation, take care and hopefully we can resume again some time in the not too distant future.
China does mind weapons sales to India and Vietnam but tolerates them.
But they did the same with Ukraine (to Russia) or Belarus, buying from them literally all Soviet know how they could find there available or investing there.
It is in nature of Russia – China agreement never to oppose their strategic interests (cross the red line) the rest is permitted on both sides.
In simple words – they are not yet strategic allays and don’t have military pact, but they work very closely.
Putin also said that Russia will never again be the global savior. One can’t blame Russia for that attitude.
But all these bitches you are talking to now are blaming Russia all the time and ONLY RUSSIA (and much much worse than that)
They use same CIA-MI6 methods of slinging mud at Putin and Russia all the time hopping that something will stick!
And calling themselves “friends of Russia” is irony of all ironies!
Iran hates Russia for not liberating Syria and starting war against IsraHell so that they pretend to be “mighty regional power” and build their bases in Syria.
Now they lick Turk ass (and doing nothing to help SAA) while pointing at Russia and complaining of not “doing enough”
The fight for liberation of Syria to the last Russian is on (in their opinion)
So they sit and wait that Russia does their fighting for their regional ambitions.
Turks are born bask-stabbers and worst kind of people there is.
Iran sticks to Assad as Shia Muslim (which puts Assad in awkward position in his own country) while Assad is an atheist and President of SECULAR multi-religious and multi-ethnic country and that is how Russia see him and accept him. But not Iran.
It is very bad favor to Assad to put forward his Shia appurtenance when he builds image of him being President of ALL SYRIANS.
These people on this forum here…. they do their sweet talk but they are double faced back stabbing snakes with total hypocrisy that call themselves “friends of Russia”.
They’ll tell you anything they think that you want to hear and put poison in your drink with the smile.
Russia has NO true friends in Syria and specially not in Turkey or Iran.
It is very unfortunate for Russia to be forced into the alliances that were not her traditional alliances.
But that was choice of the West and not her own.
There is this:
Russia or USSR to be correct, since 1917 did not have a well defined policy or a system of global alliances and it failed to support its interests with vigor, hence the unraveling of the USSR in such a quick time frame. Hopefully, some real nationalists in the military and GRU and other state organs now realize how important it is to create a viable and reliable system of alliances in the multi-polar world where the Americunts operate as a hyena pack.
World revolution is nothing?
To me its more like they were the great ones having power for solution there and now Trump is laughing.
And after USA has retreated some, the Turks has invaded even more.
President Maduro has openly stated that Venezuela will buy missiles from Iran.
Better then 2008. You give them a loan and missiles and never get any of it back.
Iran and China now both have extensive ties with Venezuela and that is one of the reasons the Americunt arseholes could not do much. Another key factor is that the Venezuelan armed forces like Syria have remained cohesive and that does give the Americunt losers much room to destabilize. Iran has a lot of engineers and advisers in Venezuela along with Cubans, so I believe that tech transfer may have already happened.
So funny. Your extensive ties are, that not even China can get their loans paid back.
Your mistakes are, that this can and should be solved on spending the money none has into weapons.
Funny again.
As I see it Maduros as well as ther Feduals before the non productive socialisme version are the only ones, which can make changes.
Venezualans dont listen to any advices.
Its difficult for me to see Syria is not destabilized. 5 million of 20 are not in the Coutry. 1 ton lira = 1 wheelborrow for them. The currence there is dollar. 5 million internal refugees. SEveral 100.000 having no leg, arm or worse, vital facilities are destryed. 550.000 are dead. A map says a lot too.
Let’s get real, both Greece and Turkey are NATO arselickers and this is just saber rattling for their excitable domestic populations and fackall will ever happen. However, in the real world:
New Iranian ship reaches Venezuela with important materials: report
Turkey is also building strong ties with Iran, its only peaceful neighbor with whom it has no conflicts.
Turkey floats ‘new cooperation’ with Iran after gas find.
Turkey and Iran have a inter-related history and the people like each other. There are more Turkish speaking Azeris in Iran than in Azerbaijan which was also part of Iran. The populations are related so as many intelligent observers like Stephan Kinzer accurately pointed out a decade ago, it is natural that Iran and Turkey will cooperate and dominate Eurasia and the future of the region as you are witnessing. The Arabs simply can not provide a united front or capable of governing themselves, so they will always remain puppets of stronger powers, same goes for Greece, which is being propped up by Germany and EU, it is a failed state. As I keep on repeating for the benefit of the gung-ho children, there is ZERO chance of Greece taking on Turkey, unless it wants to commit suicide. The Turkish military will be in Athens in less than 48 hours.
You are so funny mullah and u have no idea about power. Greece is committing suicide? haha Turkey cannot win the 10 year exhausted Syrian army and fighting the Kurds for decades. Greece has the third largest conventional army in NATO after US and Turkey and against Turkey only in total troop numbers. But hey bob mullah we are not in the middle ages, we dont fight with swords and spears anymore. Greek navy and airforce is just a big as the Turkish one but with way better trained navy personnel and pilots, every day they get kicked in the butt. And do not expect any WW2 style armoured warfare battle, Greek army has more than enough tanks and artillery, armoured vehicles, attack Helo’s to fight and win. Also one of the largest and most dense air-defences in the west. If any war is going to happen, it wont last more than 2 days before other powers intervene to break it.
You are delusional of great magnitude if you believe that Turkey can be in Athens in 48 hours(lol). Turkey will lose the fight, especially now that Turkey has way too many fronts open, they dont have the capability to open another front against a peer adversary. Also if you count the fact that most of the experienced pilots and commanders were remove or jailed by the Erdogan regime, it makes it allot easier for Greece to win.
Its funny how a mullah is talking about failed states, the ones who cant feed their own people, and its citizens try to escape and live somewhere in the west. Do you know how many Iranians “refugees” illegals have passed through Greece posing as Syrians lol
Indeed, I am mullah Naseeruddin in person, so what’s your anal itch my Gayreek bitch :)
Hey mullah, remember what happened to you. 3 times. 490 BC, 480 BC and with Alexander the Great. haha
You are talking about Macedonians, brave people, unlike the Greek homosexuals who have been ruled by Turks all their pathetic lives :) The dumbass inferior Gayreeks claim Macedonian Alexander as their own ROFLMAO, kiddo I stick with FACTS and have a ball with you emotional kids. Now piss off :)
haha Mullah, yeah I am talking about Greek Macedonians as the entire planet knows them as such. Dont speak of behalf of Turkey mullah, speak only for yourself. And the reality is that we kicked your butts and destroyed your empire lol.
Careful mullah, dont get Israel angry because the same can happen again to you.
Angry little buggers aren’t you lol, let’s face it Greece is a superpower living on German charity, Jew banks rip-off and an an economy smaller than Bangladesh, I am scared and impressed :) carry on wanking.
First I never claimed we were a superpower and there is no charity Mr Mullah, no one gives you money for free, every country in the planet take loans and Greece is paying back everything as a normal Democratic country must do . Its funny how you poor suckers have the nerve to speak about economy while the majority of your population is starving and your regime sits in palaces and you got so severe economic sanctions and have the nerve to speak about others lol
And you are controlled by the Zionists … you got it small puppet ;;London, November 15, 1979 He was an agent of the Zionist English
Hush Stupid CUNT!
” kiddo I stick with FACTS”
The FACT is that the Greek Alexander, fucked you very well and deeply. He destroyed the Persian Empire as if it were made of paper. Kill all the pussies Persians who thought it was something great. Today you are the same pussies with then. The fact is that you are so insidious that even your own people are betrayed. THE FACT is that It seems that it is not only the US that is involved in the murder of the Iranian. Together, the United States, Russia and Iran collaborated in the assassination of Suleimani. The Iranians got rid of a potential contender for power, since his skills and actions had made him a popular hero. At the same time, they disorient the fanatical, religious crowd, making them temporarily forget the oppression and hunger caused by the sanctions. A picture is called a thousand words.
The guy holding his hand helping him downstairs, is a French ( citizen ) agent pretending to be a pilot , his job was to assure nothing happens to him & he arrived safely for Guadalupe islamc revolution against Iran. Understood STUPID … do not put my country in your shit mouth again…Deal with the pussies Iranians, Now piss off :)
Reciting 2500 year old history is hardly a reflection of the current situation, Iran is one of top military powers and 20 times the size of tiny Greece, so in essence the Greeks have not done well over the years. Blind nationalism not borne out by facts is sign of idiocy.
Iran in top militaries? hahaha dont make me laugh. We still have way larger and more advance air force than you, you have some ancient Su-24, some old non-upgraded MiG-29, old F-14 from the days of Shah Pahlavi lol, F-5s and the Chinese copy of MiG-21 the F-7 lol, while Greece has 250 modern jets.
Your navy is tiny, mostly armed with little civilian boats armed with light weaponry, while Greece has many frigates, but also light but heavily armed corvettes and 11 subs.
Your Ground forces are using some ancient stuff as well lol, tanks, APC, artillery and so on most are ancient, while Greece has modern Leopard 2, M109 and PzH2000 howitzers, M270 MLRS, ATACMS, Apache, Chinook, NH-90 helos and all kinds of modern equipment, plus Patriot, S-300, Tor-M1, Crotale, OSA, HAWK, AWACS etc.
The only thing your regime has that is worth something is the ballistic missiles and some of your air-defences, all other things are useless lol.
20 times more powerful hahaha, I laughed on that. With your junk you really believe u are 20 times more powerful lol, you mean 20 times less powerful.
You people are so useless that you even blow yourselves lol, remember your exercise lol. Also the multiple explosions in your country power plants and everywhere else.
Turkey cannot win the 10 year exhausted Syrian army…we can in a couple of months but we have to engage a one hell of a war with russia and iran too..where do you live in a cave?the Kurds for decades..its a guerilla warfare which is operated at 320.00km²..the terrain is much worse thanyou can imagine..full of mountains worse than tora-bora afghanistan..and excellent ratio we have1/8-9..
are you masturbating …smoking weed or something else? wtf are you writing..unless it is simple trolling or wishfull thinking
I went to skool with Master Bates, what is your point ? Greece is a superpower and can defeat China and Russia combined with an economy an envy of Somalia and Bangladesh. really, now the effects of weed are wearing off, Turkey would be a Turkey shoot for the mighty Greek army of butt bangers, seriously :)
The man next to the Iranian is the Moshe Katsav is an Israeli former
politician who was the eighth President of Israel from 2000 to 2007.
Isn’t that lovely ?
your analysis is joke. Turks will be destroyed in the sea and air within 24 hours .
You don’t have a clew about Greek naval and air force capabilities.
Go ask your friends Turks if they finally have managed to spot the Greek type 214 submarines or still searching.
Greeks have a innate inferiority against the Turks who ruled them for 377 years, albeit quite leniently. The Greek military is no match for much larger and richer Turkey, which is far more important for NATO. I am neither Greek, Turk or Middle Eastern, and really don’t care, just saying.
The zone map above shows another story.
but in reality it doesnt work..still even medium sized fisher ships and oil-lng-cargo tankers use the path..
nahh .. Turks have the inferiority complex because everything they own is stolen by other nations that lived there and that Greeks started the rip off Ottoman Empire at 1821 . Greece has almost the same numbers with Turkey in all weapon systems,superior quality in some and by far superior dogma and skills in navy and air. If you believe war will be with spears you are naive. Turkish economy right now goes straight to complete bankruptcy . Turkey is important for NATO as area. Westerners will never allow the wannabe Sultan Erdogan to handicap western and other regional powers interests or make him equal player with them. Erdogan is delusional, he has overextended and soon West will cut his legs and arms.
Turkish army much larger? How you define that Mr turkishlover. Pay attention, both navies and airforces are about equal in size(ships, subs, jets etc) and tech BUT one thing is for sure though that Greek sailors and pilots are way better trained.
Even in the Ground forces the only difference is the total number of troops because Turkey yes larger population and more tanks, but you cant say that Greece having 1400 tanks is a small fit. Even powers like UK, France, Germany, Italy dont have more than 250-300 at best. But Turkey having around 2300 tanks(most are junk anyway) makes no difference in that environment. First the only place a tank battle can happen is in Evros river or in Cyprus, and there not much room either for both places for large scale tank battles, its suicide for anyone to try to cross the Evros river.
Plus Turkey has spread out its forces a lot more than Greece in other places because they have a lot of enemies, many Turkish armoured divisions are in the east against Syria, Iraq, Armenia borders, while almost the entire Greek forces are focus against Turkey.
So before open your mouth and make statements like that, you better do a research because sound uneducated and ignorant.
tell me your naval and air force capabilities..solid examples and advantages please ı am curious to hear…
tell you what? that Ottomans have the biggest naval disasters in history? That Ottomans-Turks never won a naval battle against Greek fleet? That every time Ottomans tried to build large fleet went bankrupt? That all Ottoman naval officers were foreign? You never were maritime nation and never will be. Neo ottoman mavi vatan doctrine-fairytale of the last 10 years didnt make you or will make you sea nation . You cant even spot Greek type 214 submarines under your nose for 2 months. Uruc Reis tried to plow Greek frigate but got plowed by the Greek one instead. Every single Greek island has anti ship missiles and AA systems. Aegean is a trap for Turkish fleet.
In the air what are you gonna do against the tightest air defense web in Europe? Two times (one yesterday) Greece sent F16 at Cyprus and you failed to spot them.
If you think Greece is like the militias in Syria and Libya ,you can try to come :) ibut youu don’t have meat fodder for planes and ships as you have in Syria and Libya. You will have to fight on your own :)
u214 very well discovered…dont worry about that..ottoman and turkey is completely different states..dont use ottomans as a reference..you dont answer my question..what solid adavntage you have over turkish army?1*1 you dont have a single chance..we both know it..that antiship missiles are old tech with subsonic speed not a big deal..hundreds of drones can tear them apart..tightest air-defense..sead operations,anti-radiation missiles-drones-electronic assault..not a big deal..
Hungry Iranians question the cost of Revolutionary Guard’s decades of war
With millions of people living in poverty, the Islamic Republic is facing growing protests about the tens of billions of dollars it spends on foreign ventures.Deal better with the crap of your country..
What? You mean the Greek people decide their future through democracy. While Iran and Venezuela are dictatorships. Where do you live mate because I think you and me should have a few words.
You are lying again, and you are doing propaganda. Here is a blog for men and not for pussy, Now piss off and go wash any dishes in the kitchen.
Easy to see here why there is an economic zone dispute going on:
“There is a tiny Greek island at the upper corner of the triangle. The island Kastellorizo is around 4 km wide and only around 400 people living in it, and it is only 2 km away from the Turkish coastline. The Greek claim that the Green Triangle belongs to this island.”
Have a third body like EU manage all explorations and drilling in the mediterranean and distribute the net proceeds on all coastal states based on the size of their economic zones. Lone islands inside the Med can be an exception and be agreed upon to have a reasonable and proportional territory(with a direct route to main country) and EZ.
Why would anyone in their right mind entrust their natural resources to the EU?
Who else? Its a proposel among many others.
Actually EU does it inside the EU and has done it for many years. Its from oil to fish.
Turks are not members of EU, but they at least are highly affilitated.
A kind of funy version could be to look of there are any gas at all:)
We have seen in for Greenland. Many investors came, but there was no oil below.
Did you mean:
A kind of funny version could be to look out there. and there is no gas at all. ?
OMG, Now I can interpret for Jens ! :D
Well the Med is bordering EU states and both are Nato countries. Drilling would require substantial capital and it is in all their interests that this thing does not escalate.
Do you mean Turkey should just ignore that the EU is a Ziocorporate terrorist globalist regime just like the US and will sanction and seize your assets at the first chance they get?
If Turks are so retarded, they should go for it.
BUzz of with that crap. Turkey import and export is 50% with EU and has one of the best affiliate agreemenets with them in the whole world.
Turks can settle here almost free as they wish. Others has to go into integration programs checking what kind of status they have and …everything.
these bordering nations have different national interests
Its tempting to relate to, that Turks what Turks do demand around Cyprus.
in fact its not an island..its rock.. Shortly rock is a landmass above water but unable to produce,sustain human habitation or economic life on its own where an island can keep on its own without any help from outside. There is solid example at maritime law which resulted in favour of phliippines. (PHİLİPPİNES AND CHİNA CRİSİS)..
The “rock” is actually inhabited by hundreds of people. It makes it Greek territorial waters
building fake ”chapels” and bringing hundeds of people from greece doesnt make it territorial waters..all these hundreds of people 3-4 years ago were shopping from Turkey…
What “fake chapels” and bringing people man ?
Do you even know what you’re talking about ?
Here’s a pic from Kastellorizo in the ’30ies :
More than 15,000 Greeks lived there , and fled to Gaza when the German occupation started
Check that piece :
And btw, the minaret on the harbor is still intact
ı am living at antalya:kaş..at the time being how many peoples are living there and under which conditions?cases of maritime boundary disputes and ICJ verdicts those who are examples 2009 ukraine-romania,1977 uk-france,1982 libya-tunusia..there ara many ..just google it..anyway…we will declare and apply navtex over and over again…and these are the others islands which you built chapels(a greek officer said me)..its yours… no problem https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2e1b71b40f91dd596f999da3e264b853858ecefb951f9d7ce92d7853f01d1bd.jpg ps:Turkey didn’t sign or ratify UNCLOS however recognizes it as the contemporary customary law and reserve the rights.
ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the UN, thus the recognition is not up to debate but member states can always dispute a verdict.
according to UNCLOS kast/rizo qualifies for being an island and enjoys rights on maritime zones, thus GR is entitled to claim continental self and EEZ east of 28th meridian as well, the extend of those rights east of the 28th meridian could be a subject of negotiation with TR
This zone is old conquered Greek territory.
Turkey cant revert the history of Alexander the Great, but will have to look at the humiliation outside their windows forever…………………………………….LOL.
it will not work..they cant declare 12 miles…
It still makes it Greek territorial waters though
the southwestern part of your green area shows maritime zones rightfully defined by much larger islands including the major island of crete ( pop 600k ) which lies several hundreds of mile afar from the closet turkish coast ( hence no infringement on any legit TR claims )
crete being one of the largest islands in the mediterranean easily claims rights on EEZ comparable to a mainland – actually according to the GR – EG agreement on maritime regions crete enjoys >90% influence on drawing the GR – EG sea borders
Greece and Turkey will figure it out themselves. No biggie
Greece simply can not afford to commit suicide by starting a hot war with Turkey. It can defend itself to some extent, like Armenia against Azerbaijan, but in the end the larger nation will wear out the smaller one. It is the law of jungle. Turkey is not that dependent on NATO and has been diversifying its military and economy. Turkey is in a position, like Iran to develop a robust domestic military industrial base, but needs to get out of Syria as that is a zero sum game.Turkey and Iran have not had any real issues since the 15th century so the prospect for cooperation is immense as both are very large and powerful states. Greece is a small pauper failed state and its biggest claim to fame recently has been to quibble with tiny Macedonia or the name of ancient city state. Turks like Persians are Empire builders.
LOL iranirat sweet talking the turkeys hoping to draw them away from US
similar bottom feeder parasites doing their swift elsewhere are suggesting greece should join the resistance axis ( sic )
desperate iraniroaches :D
ha siktir pezevek orospu cocu
thanks to that genius air dog an, your country is becoming very much like pakistan or – even better – like iran :>
Ahwazi Children in Iran: Starving, Abused, and Forced To Work...as the coronavirus epidemic continues to worsen, vulnerable populations living in poor areas will be more susceptible—particularly among working children in the Ahwaz region. The Ahwaz region, in what is today southwest Iran, is home to millions of Ahwazis. The Ahwazi ethnic minority faces systematic discrimination, living below the poverty line without access to adequate healthcare services or clean water. In the late 1980s, the Ahwazi people experienced mass displacement as a result of the Iran-Iraq War and were relegated to these run down neighborhoods on the fringes of Iranian society. Children throughout Iran are working dire conditions, especially in the country’s capital of Tehran.
These are the REAL FACTS and not what you say and propagate in here.Before talking about other countries, it is best to look at what is happening in your own country.
The chance of inter-NATO conflict is very rare.
Some countries (will not name the big elephant in the room) enjoy exaggerating and inter NATO disputes as if it is almost WW3, or use troll armies before any new country is about to join. But well, that is life, haters will hate. As Bill Clinton once said to the elephant “it is none of your business”:))))
Less than ZERO chance indeed.
‘Turkey is now a haven for terrorists and an enabler of terrorism’…
The NY Post is a Jew rag, just a few months they were cheering on the Turkish invasion of Syria, now that the Zionist cunts are worried about Turkish policies they have turned.
Regardless of what NY is, can you imagen that even the biased msm admits that “there’s a big pink elephant in the room”…
Fair enough. Let’s keep in mind the stupid destructive Americunts in their infinite hubris and Jew masters delusional quest for “full spectrum dominance” caused the whole international political, geo-strategic and economic fulcrum to collapse, Turkey being a historical power saw and opportunity and took it. It was the NATO cunts led by Canada, France and Italy that bombed Libya for OIL and killed Kaddafi, not the Turks to the best of my knowledge. There is absolute power vacuum in the world and bedlam until a new Eurasian based power structure replaces it. It will take a major war and another 20-30 years to get to that.
he shows ny post as a referance…newspaper of a country which is the motherland of terrorrism,assasins and coups….its like:turkey is a killer because hannibal lecter says so..ı want to cry…
Yet another victim of (islamist) terrorist turkey…
turkey is now antagonistic to many civilized nations—Greece, Italy, France, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Armenia–they maintain ambivalent relations w Russia, Iran, USA and r only allied w Qatar, Azerbaijan—as they exhaust themselves turkey and USA will withdraw from Libya, Syria
So Erdogan is having new hair style and no mustache….
I hardly could recognize him….interesting
more birdbrain turkis insecurity
armenia and greece…even if we find cure to corona they will reject it..np with italy and bulgaria..get c vitamin
there already exists treatments for covid…why would they refuse a proven cure from any source?
I urge the parties to refrain from violence and enter into a lot of dialogues, and stay firm to the International usury rules of order!
The Eu,Germany and usNato wanting and pressing Greece to work out its differences with Turkey is like the Sheriff and Posse wanting the virgin schoolmistress to sort out her differences with her rapist ,the troublemaking cutthroat terrorising town.
Hang them all
High,the Rapist …and the Sheriff and posse for their “dereliction of duty”.
From yesterday, near our NAVTEX region. Turkish pilots are playing with Greek pilots as cat plays with a mouse:)
Turkish F-16 pilots humiliated the Greek ones yesterday :)