Turkish forces are seen near Mount Barsaya, northeast of Afrin, Syria January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi
Turkey is ready to discuss all issues with the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, including a partial or complete withdrawal from Syria, BBC Turkey reported on January 18, citing a Turkish security official.
Following the outbreak of the war in Syria more than a decade ago, Ankara cut all ties with Damascus. Today, the Turkish military occupies vast parts of the country’s northern region. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government are now working to restore relations with the war-torn country with help from Russia.
The unnamed Turkish officials said that Turkey’s military operations in Syria and its presence in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib, the last bastion of al-Qaeda’s Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, are in line with agreement approved by Russia and Iran, both are allies of Damascus.
“There are no red lines or preconditions on the table today,” the official told BBC Turkey, stressing that any issue can be negotiated, including the complete or partial withdrawal of the Turkish military from Syria.
The official noted that any preconditions could hinder the ongoing Turkish-Syrian talks, which are sponsored by Russia, adding that both sides view meeting on a single table in itself as a “success.”
BBC Turkey’s report came around a week after President Assad stated that future talks with Ankara should aim for “the end of occupation” by Turkey of parts of Syria.
In December, Moscow hosted a breakthrough meeting between the defense ministers and intelligence chiefs of Turkey and Syria. A more important meeting between the foreign minsters is currently being organized. The Turkish withdrawal from Syria will likely be one of the meeting’s key points.
Damascus reportedly wants the Turkish military to withdraw from Greater Idlib, at least to behind the strategic M4 highway, as a first step. Ankara is yet to agree to this.
The remarks of the Turkish official indicate that Ankara is serious about the rapprochement with Damascus and willing to shift its stance on the war in Syria in a drastic way to facilitate the process.
It’s a lottery to second guess Erdogan.
I winder if he is by-polar?
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Erdogan is clever and cunning. He goes step by step.
Assad wins muahaha stronk!!
I feel there is more to this than just the Turks giving up on their hard paid for mercs and jihad proxies plus land they have been occupying and buolding up for years in the North. There has been a lot of counter Kurdish activity by the regional governments lately. The Iraq, Iran, Turkish and to a small extent Syria, which up to now has been cooperating with Kurdish forces to counter further Turkish occupation. That Saud it appears Syria may soon start to reclaim its lands from the Kurdish forces. Iran, Iraq, Turkey may even help broadly as it is in their own interests as well. An independent Kurdish state is a threat to their own interests, and a puppeted wester controlled Kurdish state is a threat to the regional interests as a whole.
FAKE again.
Kurds has not even claimed an own state.
None here in the west wish and want some Kurdish state at all even it mighty make a lot of common sense as the only póssible part, which try to unite people by much more sekularisme and equal rights for gender.
So You lie again telling what unites Assads and Erdogans as home made propaganda of the worst kind.
Ad whats own interests??? Well thats not given the peopleliving there, what should be their civile rights to a descent life in peace decising most local things by themself.
Syria never had any oil. The Baath party memebers had the oil until ISIS stole it from them. Next the Kurds by USA took it, where USA partly finance their soldiers there with it and Kurds has cheep fuel.
Kurds are few in Syria. SDF is a Syrian Trotskyist stunt.
SDF is mostly Syrian though. Kurds exist mostly in Turkey, Iran and Iraq. However, the KDP and PUK parties have been supported by Turkey, Iran, Iraqi Shias and to an extent the Assad regime against the Saddam regime.
Je na čase, aby sa Turek konečne stiahol zo Sýrie. Inak mohol by sa Damask z Ankarou dohodnúť na obsadení tej časti Sýrie kde sú momentálne okupačné vojská USA. Tým by vzniklo napätie v samotnej (zto) NATO!!! Rusko by to mohlo dohodnúť, istotne by mu to pomohlo pri riešení úloh ŠVO na Ukrajine. USA by mali hlavu v smútku.
You must be joking.
You only say its a right for Turks to behave like Ottomans
Like the Europeans don’t act like the empires of old? Many still trying to control and extort Africa and Middle East as much as possible. Some even openly and illegally engage in militarized actions without the permission of the sovereign state’s government. As far as I’m concerned, if Europeans can do it, all can do it. Go educate yourself Jens. You stupid is showing
Don’t blame all Europeans. Did Poles, Serbs or Bulgarians do any colonialism?
I see no indictions at all.
Nothing will change to the worse or better unless Erdo and Sadas is not there anymore.
The only possible change might be Erdogan loose his faked country majority.Thats might not even be an improvement for the people living in the border regions.
Turkey is an ancient country and a major world power. Hopefully they can help reduce the endless wars being pushed by the globalist pigs and get people back to doing mutual business which brings peace and prosperity.
BTW: “they” = plural form of ‘IT’.
Globalists are many times worse than the Turks.
They should be made to remove all NATO assets from Syria, as a sign of good faith that they are not chronic liars, like all the rest of the heads of NATO aligned nations are.
Let me say one thing though. NATO was needed before 1991. You wouldn’t want to live in a gulag archipelago, right?
This can only be a win-win scenario for the Syrian people. Turkey coming forward and saying there are no red lines or preconditions is huge. Perhaps President Putin and his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov are responsible for this mastery in diplomacy.