A first F-35A stealth fighter jet produced for Turkey. Source: https://twitter.com/thef35/status/1009837367941844992
On June 21, Lockheed Martin rolled out a first F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter jet produced for Turkey. The ceremony took place in Fort Worth, Texas. Then, the F-35A jet was set to be deployed at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, to begin training.
“Turkish F-35 pilots and maintainers have arrived at Luke Air Force Base and will begin flight academics soon,” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Mike Andrews told CNN.
There is a second F-35A jet built fot Turkey. It’s currently passing flight tests at Fort Worth.
The sides claimed that the June 21 ceremony marked a delivery of the first F-35A jet delivered to Turkey. However, in fact no F-35A jets will arrive Turkey until 2020, according to Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.
“There will be training works until 2020. The arrival of the jets in Turkey will be in 2020,” Cavusoglu said.
Furthermore, under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 adopted on June 18 the delivery of F-35A jets to Turkey can be blocked if Ankara buys Russian-made S-400 air defense systems.
The bill calls on Defense Secretary James Mattis to submit to Congress “a plan to remove the Government of the Republic of Turkey from participation in the F-35 program” as well as list the “steps required to prohibit the transfer of any F-35 aircraft currently owned and operated, by the Government of the Republic of Turkey, from the territory of the United States.”
The 2019 fiscal year stats on October 1, 2018. So, even technically, Lockheed Martin has no legal basis to deliver F-35A jets to Ankara before this date.
Turkey and the US signed a contract on delivery of 100 F-35A jets in 2011. The contract worths about $25 billion.
I guess that Turkey is about to find out if it has a status of a partner or a vassal.
They know they are vassals, most of the world are vassals to the USA.
You can pick the non vassal states, because the USA wants to destroy them.
do something with vassal australia
I’m hoping by now the Erdo has realized that the US does not allow S-400’s to be owned by countries it intends to strike in the future.
After Iran, Turkey is next on the israel/US hit list – after all, israel does NOT want a strong Turkey in the region – does not want a strong gentile ANYBODY. The genocidal jew appetite for destruction is simply insatiable. But the jews never learn: it never works out for them in the end due to their overreach – and Iran is THE point of their overreach.
Turkey you Idiots, why the fuck you are buying the worst from the worst in the world, that piece of shit can’t fly in no weather, the US Stealth technology is a MYTH, just why paying for such a heavy metal shit so much money, that jet is worth nothing in a situation if another enemy jet is present, nvm do what you want. But remember Turkey you sign a contract with Russia for S-400, and Mad Dog Mattis says if you buy Russian Anti-Air weapons you will not get the program of F-35. For your sake Turkey I really wish the US to block you and prevent you from buying these Jets. You can buy a lot more and very effective jets from Russia and the S-400 and a lot more, the Su-57… Do as you wish. But this means nothing, just 1 or 2 jets in US for Turkish Pilots to train on it. There is a lot to be done if the Turks want to buy these jets for 25 Billion $ LOL. The flying Junk. F-35 Leadies and Jents. So Turkey chose either the US F-35 or the most powerful air-defense in the world. The S-400. Which will it be, you can only one of them, you can’t have both ways…
You have to understand that the US has a lot of the Turkish military in its pocket.
When Turkey shot down the Russian plane, it was the Turkish military, that is controlled by the US that did it. When the Turkish military tried to assassinate Erdogan, they were working for the US. The US cultivates and brainwashes the military’s of many countries, including South Korea, Japan, Germany and Australia.
Most of the evil that is America is hidden from sight.
Turkey takes delivery of two turkeys…
The US will make sure it gets every dollar it can out of Turkey, before reneging, it’s the American way.
“Stealth Fighter”
You have to give it to the Americans, They are excellent salesman… Selling a subsonic Dark object for 2.5 million a pop. A Truly Amazing Aircraft with a Microwave in the nose.