On September 2, the Turkish military deployed several M60T battle tanks, which had been upgraded by the Turkish ASELSAN company, in the southern province of Hatay, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency. The stat-run news agency said that these battle tanks will be stationed in several posts on the Syrian-Turkish border.
Turkish military has sent modernized M60 Firat tanks to Hatay province on the Syrian border to Idlib, where Assad wants to attack HTS. pic.twitter.com/r0QfVnLHev
— Ali Özkök – علي أزكوك (@Ozkok_) September 2, 2018
Two weeks ago, the Turkish military deployed similar battle tanks in the in the southern town of Yayladağı, which is located north of the Turkmen mount in Syria’s northern Lattakia.
Some Syrian opposition activists said that the deployment of these battle tanks along the border is aimed at preventing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies from launching an offensive on the opposition-held areas in northern Syria.
However, other sources believe that Turkey is simply reinforcing its border ahead of the upcoming offensive to stop any unwanted refugees. The Jordanian military took similar procedures before the SAA’s military operation in southern Syria.
Who uses upgraded tanks to stop refugees? Ottoman War Machine is on the border for evil intent. The next upgrade these tanks should get is the ATGM upgrade! :D
The attack on idlip began. That`s the reason of turkeys moves.
Okay, let them move, there are 25 russian warships very close, and the rest, and in Russia there are also Armata tanks.
russia will not start a war with turkey. So it doesn’t matter, what they have on location or in russia.
It seems that Russia don’t start a war with no one, may be no one will start no more a war against Russia (I mean states).
Lol great comment
Maybe because the “refugees” are armed to the teeth with advanced heavy weaponry including American/Israeli/NATO made anti-armor weapons?
Well that is certainly true. I think they will have to deal with both civilian refugees and with Orcs. But if Orcs could cross the border at will why haven’t they already done so. I mean on a large scale basis. Not just the odd bombing or shooting found in every European Capital.
Because they’re following their paychecks to cause problems in Syria not Turkey. If they go to Turkey they’l be unemployed illegal aliens and fugitives avoiding law enforcement.
Good point. Without the FUKUS paychecks rolling in they would have quit and gone home years ago.
Or Zio/Wahhabi.
Hardly. It cqan be a matter of having no choise and fx also retreting to defendable corners.
None knows the plans. We not even know who will fight against who and mighht help each other.
Er onlu know 1/3 seemes to be children and all others think they all are manipulated white helmets – some even dwarfs from USA.
You always have that ‘fx’ in your comments.
What is ‘fx’ ? Just trying to understand..
fake xolocaust :-)
That would be the reason.
As BL said, these are well armed ‘refugees’, of the kind that no one wants to ‘invite’ into their own country. As for ATGM’s, we have seen at the hands of ISIS and the YPG how well Turkish tanks stack up against well armed and well motivated troops. I’d hate to be the poor Turkish conscripts who has to sit in them when the TOW’s and Kornets start flying.
There are no Turkish conscripts in Syria. All soldiers serving in Syria are professional soldiers.
The presence of US, UK and of their stooges in the region is a big threat to each country. Under SAA and their allies anti terrorist operation the chances are high that these terrorists may flee from Idlib to Turkey. Therefore, as a precaution Turkey took this step to secure their border from US, UK and of their stooges.
Yes, but tanks are not used to stop refugees. That would be a mission for troops with wire and canines. I mean unless the Ottomans just plan to shred the refugees with anti-personnel rounds.
tanks are a big psychological weapon against refugees trying to escape into turkey. A tank firing its main gun and machineguns in the vicinity of groups of people will almost invariably send them running in the opposite direction.
Hopefully SAA, SyAF, and RuAF will give them plenty of motivation to run all the way to Istanbul!
refugees will rather use humanitarian corridors into Syrian controlled areas, while terrorists will simply die violently.
Very funny. So You tell Turks will fire with tanks, if 1 million civile try to escapape into them.
You must be mad.
“You must be mad”
You must be unable to read
You know US and UK have given all types of weapons to their puppets. Turkey at this moment cannot differentiate between friends and foes that cross border. Before Turkey have allowed millions of Syrians and provided them shelters but then IED explosions started and many citizens were killed in that.
No, they havnt. SDFs are not there and never are given heavy weapons. You also ignore the many other muslim arrab contributors as well as the Turks.
the reasons are the same as always. Blame others doing nothing sensible change Yourself.
All these seasoned and armed Jihadis were displaced to Idlib from the areas where goverment regained the control. But from Idlib there is no where they can run to – excluding Turkey.
that is the idea. But the correct thing is to erase them not to let them run anywhere else.
There’s always Paris. Macron is an open borders socialist type!
Again babling nonsense.
Facts are 5 non Coalisition groups by purpose meet in Afrin. Not a single Jew. Not a Single from the Coalition.
Even so Your dirty mouth and brain close to Your behind involve US, UK and stoges. Whats the point. Is it You can kill all there incl many civilians and soldiers and again blame us for it ???
“Who uses upgraded tanks to stop refugees?”
next time they’ll deploy vintage M-60s.
but wait – there will be no next time..
Greedy bastards! They have Leopards instead! But, ahm… They’re costly too!
Leopards are not modernized yet and vulnarable against ATGM
These M60Ts have developed armor , ballistic computers and can stand ATGM damage at least from the front and sides.
Turks fo. Its written above. But You use the word rfugee in a very narrow way Yourself. very armed groups can be refugees as well.
“Turks fo. Its written above.”
I was quoting.
“But You use the word rfugee in a very narrow way Yourself. very armed groups can be refugees as well”
No, I can’t, and won’t, because I don’t have a zionist boss who ordered me to piss over Astana agreements at every single opportunity, even if it made me sound like a fly trapped into a lightbulb.
it’s foolish, or propagandistic, to use the words “upgraded tanks” in context with “refugees”.
Normal people without a hooked nose complex, or a cowboy indians one, would use simply the word “tanks”
I, the Sultan Pasha Kara Sunetleeyah can promise you this: Trust me, I know what, I’m doing!
Haha! Ottoman armies in the streets of Sofia, Bucharest, Belgrade and Baku soon! All hail the new Sultan!
Aiiigh! It’s happening, under my iron fist rule. Sultan Pasha Kara Mustafa Sunetleeyah!
You know what does this shit means?
Not exactly. Will you translate? :D
Sultan Big dick, fucker black Mustafa with his circumcised large cock.
Ha! It fits Erdo quite well.
And big brown nuts are hanging.
That one is me, man!
You are the Yokozuna of Sul.tans, old Akashi Shiganosuke! Err Dawg the pretender grovels at your feet!
Some of those refugees could be in vehicls and be well armed. Tanks never should be stand a lones. I expect the cover is there too having at least some gurad line by infantery with machineguns and heavy mortars.
Yes. Any vehicle at the border will be unassed and thoroughly searched. In the case of cars trying to “run” the border tanks could be used to stop them.
Hatay? They must be referring to the Turk occupied Syrian province.
nope, they are deploying inside Turkey proper.
Hatay province was always part of Syria. Turkey invaded and occupied it in 1939. Now it is hopelessly infected with Turks.
Give us dates , so we can see what you claim is true or not.
From which date to which date it belonged to Syria ??
Yes ,
From antiquity to 1516 it was ruled by Assyrians , Akkadians Arabs, Turks , Greco Macedonians , Crusaders.
From 1516 to 1920 Ottoman rule for 400 years.
1921 to 1923 Sanjak of Alexandretta
1923 to 1925 State of Aleppo
1925 to 1938 French mandate of Syria
1938 to 1939 Hatay State.
1939 – Today , Turkish Republic.
With an objective look at above dates , what makes it Syrian ?
Having your land occupied, still is your land. Because the brits took a ruler and drawn the borders according to them and legitimized with their laws does not make it so. People never forget their motherlands no matter how long passes.
If you can not understand that then, you are a person with no motherland and no ID. The main reason all man made empires have failed and been dissolved by the populations who never forget and never forgive.
True , but Syria is not Greece or any other country that were invaded by Ottomans. It is a diffrerent case. Its a very strategic cross roads that was invaded by many empires. The population of Syria consists of off springs of the invaders ( arabs and others ) and native Anatolian people like Assyrians, Akkadians, Phoenicans. Thats the reason why British tried to unite them under Arab identity.
I dont agree with you and I am not comparing Syrians case with Greece or any other country. The only way your thinking is valid is if you practice the mentality of the colonists and global western NWO.
British caused on purpose what you suggest, as their try to unite, all the current problems in the world and the one thing they have NEVER try to do is unite people, even their own.
No it wasnt. There was no Syria since 1258 and it was not even where Hatay is.
Aleppo Province was there – or the Ottman mainland was. Stop Your claiming this and that having no part of any historical facts at all.
Tripolis emirate wasnt Syria as well as the Raqqa province. You are totally twisted by arabic nationalistic facts just as the Turks about that.
You not even liberated the new State of Syria and the borders was made so kurds and Turkmen was forced to live with You. Only few came from Turkey, but the kurds from there was from the provinces of old Raqqa and Aleppo.
And yes, they did change the majorities in Hatay, but dont forget You have tryed hard to do exact the same in Syria today by exact the same nationalistic arabic crap.
The people of Hatay never was arabs. The biggest minority was Turks, number 2 was kurds in the inland and the last part was mainly a cristian mix semilar to the coastland of Tripolis, which hardly had any arabs.
You history is well descriebed almost all over, but You dont know most of it. I do.
Yeah come and get it
never trust the jew stooges…they all just follow orders like slaves, that they R
Hard to se any jews in that unless You are infected.
R U a spoke person for the jews?
The same stupidisme as usual from You too representing the region well.
The Holy Choran says You can lie, not that You has to all the time. To simplify for stupidists its even made in easy read posssibilties.
´Camels can fly, if You say so.
I notice you are stupid. still did not answer the question.
Thats no question.
assad is putins ally while erdogan is putins biach…is there a chance for those two to fight each other?
I don’t trust Turkey. But I don’t see how they can negotiate weapons sales with Russia and go to war with them at the same time. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes. Who can you trust in this day and age?
You have to learn the world is more complicated, then you learn by school and Goverment. Russia and Turkey also have a big agreemenet about sharing a new pipeline.
About weapons I would say 2 things. The good american ones were and are too expensive. By that the louylaty goes down and important:Turks wpould like to buy the secret production parts.
USA did not allow that, Russia is same thing for S400. Thats the whole point. Turks would like to make own weapons by modifying from a good beginning. Thats for own use as well as export.
the russians say no. So the Turks in my oppinion buyes Russin ones and by that at least try to get down the price for the american ones. A good try. Turks has a long time plan for being more idependent as well as some of their own can be paid byh export.
The fact that this whole mess is complicated was never in question. That’s why I said what I said. :-)
Yes, its complicated.