After the deployment of Leopard 2A4 battle tanks in the framework of Operation Peace Spring, Turkey has sent flaoting bridge equipment to the northern countryside of Manbij. According to reprots, a convoy with equipment entered Syria through the Jarabulus border crossing and is now near the Sajur river, which serves as a contact line between the areas controlled by Turkey-led forces and Kurdish armed groups. This equpment may be used for a Turkish advance on Manbij.
The Turkeys and their headchoppers have now been emboldened to expand their land grab of Syria as the Kurds simply have not been able to resist or even inflict minor losses to the invaders. This Kurdish cowardice is an indictment of their treacherous role as patsies for Americunts and Zionists have used them and then abandoned them for the bigger fried Turkey. There are even splits between Iraqi Zionist aligned puppet and the CIA created YPG. This is a time for Assad to show some back dealing finesse. The Turkeys are not invincible but very vulnerable to asymmetrical war and high casualties.
I think they made a deal to transfer the control of the territories to Assad once captured but the Turks will play a major role in Syria’s reconstruction. They already awarded themselves a large real estate contrat of 27 billions $ aimed at housing the 3 Mil Syrian refugees in Turkey. Also Universities, and more. I already have a hint how Syria will pay for all of it. East Euphrates oil fields.
100% concur with your sound analysis.
As always Turks aim to please. Here generously improving infrastructure in northern Syria
The Syrian military must enter manbij,The kurds don’t have reality check of the situation,they will loose manbij to the Turkey military just like they did with Afrin. The Turkey governments must not be allowed to get expend its territory gaij, Erdogan is after to create the ottoman empire and he must not be allowed.
lol….. what the fuck is SAA waiting for.
Retake manjib.Kill thew SDF traitors..end of Story. pathetic and ridiculuos just as east of deir e zoor
Russian approval and that is not about to happen.
The only ones who can scare off the Kurds from their places without much confusion is Turkey.
This is a well-devised plan to teach the Kurds their place in this arena called Syria.
After the betrayal of their American friends, they learn that they either join Syria under Al Assad’s government, or they will suffer.
Mmm or cross the Euphrates behind Kobani and cut it off.
SAA has to sit it out.
Turks kill SDF.
SDF kill Turks.
SAA watching, how their enemies kill each other.