Turkey Deploys Battle Tanks In Libya To Support GNA Forces

Turkey has shipped U.S.-made M60 battle tanks to Libya to support the Government of National Accord (GNA), Turkish sources reported on May 30.

The sources shared a photo of one of the battle tanks supposedly delivered to GNA forces. The photo was taken in the vicinity of the Libyan capital, Tripoli. The Turkish military and its Syrian proxies are mainly deployed around the city.

The Turkish Armed Forces operate more than 1,500 M60 battle tanks. A part of these battle tanks was upgraded by Israel’s IMI Systems to the Sabra Mk II standard. It’s still unclear if the battle tanks sent to Libya were upgraded.

Turkey Deploys Battle Tanks In Libya To Support GNA Forces

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In the last few months, Turkey shipped loads of heavy weapons to GNA forces in Libya. The weapons included BMC Kirpi mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles, ACV-15 armored personnel carriers (APCs) and even T-122 Sakarya multiple launch rocket system (MLRS).

The Libyan National Army (LNA), the GNA’s main foe, is receiving comparable support from its main backers, the UAE and Egypt.

The recent increase of arms shipments to the GNA and the LNA indicates that the situation in Libya is spinning out of control. The country may be heading to a large-scale military confrontation.


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Porc Halal

So what?!…


What a kafkaian idiotery, just sinck the ships BEFOR they enter the country. If you leave them stoking up weapons your no more able to stop them afterwarts fightibg you andBRING MORE SUPLIER. Now there logistic is and Gna and Turkey is vulnerable , after warts they are strong and only you are vulnerable.

Brother Ma

For sure. I support Russia against Turkey any day but what has Putin done! Too weak to fight in Libya against Turkey or wants to be friends with Haftar and Erdo at the same time.

Spiritually,Russia is also losing respect in Greek,Cypriot,Bulgarian ,Serbian and Egyptians eyes ,all who don’t trust the Turk.

Haftar should have ignored Putin and sunk a ship or two. Did Haftar think he can win againstTurkey easier now that they have made a beachhead or early on when they had nothing incountry!


Concerning countries with a civil behaving leadership, Russias strategy is very thoughtful, and effective.
Sadly when one confronts people like Erdogan, (or the US), you either dominate, or are dominated.
The new surge and push by Russia in the last days seems to indicate Russia is now adapting to this reality.
But attacking Turkey directly seems to be off the table still, and this may still prove the decisive point for GNA to win further.
Not to speak of EU, who is too coward and ignorant to confront the turks, even with their mission now that was created exactly to stop the Turkish arms flow.


Putin and Erdogan have a secret deal to split some of the middle East between them, they will have some small loses and spending for the appearance but the investment worth on long therm.

In order to keep other countries away they have to keep the conflict ongoing.


They surely have split their areas of influence, just as Russia did with dividing Syria with the US years ago.
But Russia badly wants the conflicts to end, to go back to business as usual, and Russian elites and Oligarchs want equally badly to have friends in Washington.
Turkey on the other hand has no such considerations, and is ready to light up the whole MENA region. A new Ottoman Empire can only be build through violence and oppression, and they have no qualms to execute this Empire building on this way.
So you see, there still is a big difference, at least at this point in time.


I don’t think a sane person can see the ottoman empire as a reachable objective, though Turkey is spending money like crazy this times, I suspect the money come from CIA. Just a shot in the dark.


Correct attack now, you even do not need so much sophisticated weaponry they got American ships on far easiers ways and they leave certain ports do they?
I think because of Trump, not because of the Americans, Erdogan still survives and I am afraid Biden is an over- sext- dement- Hilary who is also gone lose. So make Trump use his brains, ore find the reason why he keeps Erdogan alive ( big money) and the Erdogan house of cards tumbls down. Ok one other way is get rid of Erdogan.


Well, i don’t think Erdoğan’s policy and ideology is much different from the other Turkish parties, with the sole exception of the Kurdish minority party.
They all are ultra nationalists on the verge of pure fascism, only difference is how much Islamism they put into their policy..
Erdoğan is just executing what the majority of Turks believe in.
So those who dream that Turkish policy would be much different if Erdoğan would be gone, are having false hopes i think..


I am afraid you are fully correct and that is the reason Turkey does not belong in the EEG or in NATO. Turkey is far more dangerous as an hostile non-reliable and cheating partner as they would be as an recognised enemy, what he in essence is now.
But can it be worse then now? When Erdogan and Akp is gone I hope the others might be more reasonable and pragmatic.Still expecting reason from an Islamist is like expecting the jews to leave Israel. Pragmatic: they will as long as you not turn your back.
Trump is the biggest obstacle in an appropriate reaction to the everlasting Turkish aggression and lawlessness , the cowardly European government does not help either but after each election more people force them to not repeat the futher poisoning f or civilisation by more muslims. I think we should lock or borders not for Russia but for them muslims and Africa they do not bring anything, they only demand. But maybe the weapon industrie likes it to much.

Brother Ma

So when can Russia “put the boot into ” the Turks? It looks like Russia can pack up and go home. Africom says it is sending troops to Tunisia . The Turks are building up forces in Libya. So Libya is rapidly becoming a Wild West town,again since 2011, policed by yankeezio sheriffs and turk deputies who will do all the “heavy lifting”.


Exactly – we have been screaming for 6 months that Turkish forces should be targeted before it is too late – apart from useless threats LNA has failed to stop the Turkish invasion – now it is too late.

Mustafa Mehmet

losing whos respect ? greek..greek cypriot..bulgar..serb..and ..egyptian….we turk having sleepless night …you are all clown


Turkey started deploying regular forces (mainly TB2 UCAVs and operators ) last October – I simply do not understand how LNA/HoR Libya think they can win a war by letting the enemy build up , strengthen, re-inforce every single day,with no hindrance. Make no mistake (as Arab armies always do !) that the enemy whether Turkey, Israel, NATO have NO restraint in their determination to wage full scale war on Libya. The enemy must be hit where it hurts – that means striking aircraft on the ground in Misrata and Tripoli and ships in port – no good complaining about Turkey ignoring UN/EU arms embargo if you are being defeated on the ground now.


Correct, maybe the up ed in Ahval news is correct saying that Turkey and Russia agreed to split up Libya, as they did with Syria , between them two.
And without further war profit from the natural resources. Erdogan can this way establish a new califat for Islamic State, Moslim Brotherhood and dump terrorists far away of Turkey, do not pay them and with the possibility to get easier in Europe


If they have to fly in f16’s they are vulnerable, in full combat mode they may have a 1000 mile radius if they must start with excess tanks it cost weaponery. The shortest distance is 650 km so they can spend some time in Lybia but without tanking ( ideal to take out) it is no fun. What do you think Erdogan was doing in Tunesia whit his felon moslim brother?


They don’t fly alone but with stratotankers and AWACS.
Besides, Watiya airbase is getting renovated to house F-16’s.


So attack now do not wait until they arrive. Of course the question is have they experienced pilots because most of them are now jailed by that visionar no good Erdogan. Learned that he can only realy man 30% of his planes, not to question the quality f the remaining pilots, me is told they do are religious and sycophant.


Use them wisely Turkey, too bad we can’t upgrade more of your tanks.

Analing<>very Hard

you are full of deep shit


I don’t like trolling, you should have changed your name when I gave you a chance. Blocked.

Analing<>very Hard

I win lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Try upgrading your own first, Hezbollah made shit of them the last time you sent them outside the occupied territories.