Turkey Bleeds From Iraq To Syria


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Turkey Bleeds From Iraq To Syria

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Turkey Bleeds From Iraq To Syria
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Turkey Bleeds From Iraq To Syria

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

Kurdish forces in Iraq and Syria continue to bleed Turkey. Ankara is currently ramping up its efforts to deal with the threat posed by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party  in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and its affiliate the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northern and northeastern Syria.

In the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Operation Claw-Lock, which was launched by the Turkey on April 17, is still ongoing. As of May 5, the Turkish military has carried out dozens of raids and airstrikes on PKK remnants in the areas of Metina, Zap and Avashin Basyan.

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense claims that 63 members of the PKK have been killed, wounded or captured as of May 2.

Ankara acknowledged that eleven service members have been killed since the start of the operation. However, the PKK, whose fighters have been showing fierce resistance, claims that up to 218 Turkish officers and soldiers were killed in hostilities.

Operation Claw-Lock is the most recent in a series of offensives Turkey has carried out since 2019 against what it calls “terrorist organizations” in northern Iraq. The Turkish operation was condemned by all sides in Iraq, including pro-Iranian armed factions. Despite the condemnation and the rising cost, Ankara appears to be determined to go on with the operation.

Meanwhile in northern and northeastern Syria, Turkey continues to fight the YPG, the core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and its affiliate the Afrin Liberation Unit (ALF).

On April 22, a Turkish police officer was killed when the ALF targeted a Turkish military vehicle near the town of Marea in the northern countryside of Aleppo with anti-tank guided missiles. Several other service members were reportedly wounded.

On May 3, the ALF revealed that it had carried out a series of attacks against Turkish-backed militants between April 23 and 30. The Kurdish guerilla group claimed that 14 militants were killed and two others were wounded as a result of the attacks.

On May 4, two attacks attributed to the YPG and the ALF targeted Turkish forces in the area of Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Indirect fire hit a Turkish position in the outskirts of the town of Kaljibrin. Later, an attack with an ATGM targeted a Turkish military vehicle near the town of Kimar. As a result a Turkish officer was killed.

The Turkish military and its proxies’ response to the recent attacks by Kurdish forces was shy. Between April 22 and May 4, a series of intense artillery strikes targeted SDF-held areas in northern and northeastern Syria. G_3(A) The Turkish Ministry of National Defense alleged that dozens of Kurdish militants were “neutralized”. However, Syrian sources reported no real losses.

The recent attacks by Kurdish forces may be an attempt to deter Ankara, who has been reportedly preparing to launch a new large-scale military operation in Syria for nearly a year now.

Turkey’s struggle against Kurdish guerilla groups in Iraq and Syria will not likely end any time soon. Ankara attempts to take matters into its own hands will not succeed. Without real cooperation with the legitimate governments of Iraq and Syria, Turkey will continue to deal with the threat of Kurdish forces.

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The maharaja

The irony of this story is bordering on sarcastic!

Jon Cohen

Since neither side bans abortions, both should negotiate because they have nothing much to fight over.


This show is becoming boring.
Can we end this and do something fresh in East Asia please.
Australia is ok too.


Were ok you mean!


Love to all units of PKK, YPG, SDF for their great work


Okay good for you..🖕🖕🖕📴🪳💩💨 James Bond

José Oliveira

There are ZERO news about this in MainStreamMedia.
I guess that for the “free press” of the West, wars/invasions made by NATO countries against darker people are not a problem…
The hipocrites even had the nerve to expell Russia’s football team from Qatar World Cup, while still receiving the country that’s currently bombing Yemen…

And Russia’s government is completely silent too, because this is indirectly in its interest:
1- shows how ex-USA allies (SDF, YPG) are treated when USA no longer needs them;
2- it’s one more attack on the history book of “defensive” NATO gang;
3- gets rid of Syria’s alternative Kurdish government in the northeast;
4- Russia, by not stopping Turkey, is playing the long run card: see the accumulation of reasons for EU to be further appart from Turkey, and slowly get Turkey closer to one day change from EU intentions to Eurasian member;
5- and maybe even from NATO to Shanghai group of military cooperation (with China, India, and Russia)

Meanwhile, the Kurds are just cannon fodder in the imperialistic proxy wars during this change of the Global Order. Will middle-easterners between Iran and Saudi Arabia ever have a chance of peace and development?


“claims that up to 218 Turkish officers and soldiers were killed in hostilities.” yeah right. Ghost of Kiev level of bullshit.


Turkey is like russia,they display the fallen in real numbers,they aint into kweer fakes,
kurds are turds,cia assets what surpises how iranian factions complain for who,biden
the cia,mi6? Makes me wonder how to date no hezbollocks had the balls to fire one single effect shot into israelian land,why? Because iran sadly is messed up by mi6+cia
the fake we hate america and israel ploy is simply a means to prop up cia weapon sales!
Iran needs to get off the cociaine first,then try to prove they are not the friend of bush+co
otherwise,forget it! Atleast turkeys having a real go,unlike hezbollocks!


Yeah sure they ‘bleed’ with 200 killed, which is probably not even true, while russia doesn’t bleed with tens of thousands of killed. What a joke


There are no tens of thousands, it’s all bs ukrainian propaganda, they would have collapsed by now if we had to take Ukrainian claims literally.


Well I do know turkey drones have tank out few tanks and soilders to the point Ukraine soilders have made songs about turkeys drones


Important thing !

the turks are very proud of their Martyr, such pride does not exist anywhere else in the world. You can accuse the Turks of all the lies except about their deaths. it is absolutely not a shame for them it is a great pride. Death is often synonymous with defeat in the world, for the Turks it’s the opposite, it’s a victory. For a Turk to be a martyr is the greatest honor. so if Turkey says that there were 11 deaths, it means that there were 11 deaths. If there had been 218 dead, the Turks would have said 218 dead without any problem.

Adolf Hadrian

EXACT opposite, a former colonel from the turkish air forces, whom i personally know, had said MULTIPLE times that the army conceals the real casualty numbers.
keep watching a haber you fktards


Sneed harder commie lovers, your precious leftist subhumans are taking 308 to the skull in Syria and Iraq right now as these Antifa aligned subhumans are about to lose Sinjar province in Iraq. I hope they all die extremely painful and Excruciating deaths.


Icarus Tanović

Erdogan and his colleagues are mere stooges of evil claw of zionists and Washington. They use kurds as a pretext to justify their aggression on Syria.

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović

But Anus Syria belong to Turkey.


These comment sections are becoming ………………….difficult


This is the whole point of troll brigades, to degrade the discussion. The last thing they need is for actual discussions to take place.


How the tables have turned on all NATO nations. Turkey is on the brink of economic collapse at 70 percent inflation. The only thing that can save Turkey is for them to completely sever ties with NATO, sign a peace treaty with Syria and then Russia and China can help to revitalize Turkey’s economy. Turkey can be an important player in China’s silk road initiative because of its strategic location. Let’s see how this plays out.

Rodney Loder.

Brother Erdogan is fighring for a place in the new World the old world is collapsing under the weight of false belief, I can’t understand people believing that the homosexual Sid Loder is Jesus just because he handed me over to the Israeli maggots via the Freemason swine.
Anyhow it won’t work but no-one has told Brother Erdogan. If they did he’d give up on Syrian land grab and just support Brother Assad.




Inflation in TUR hit 70% — THIS MONTH. The Sultan’s days are numbered, and Idlib’s liberation will be soon.


jelly brain what turkey economy has got to do with.all this.. whole world economy having a hard timel at the moment not just Turkey. Clueless liquid brain idiot


What has Turkeys economic collapse done to the popularity of the PKK?

For reference OECD puts Turkish inflation at 60% making the currency worthless


I guess the pkk crew got some aid from Ukraine.


Why aren’t the Western stooges hysterical over Turkey invading two countries? Or sanctioning Israel for shelling Lebanon and Syria and committing genocide against the Palestinians on the land they stole from them?

WT Baker

All this war, conflict, whatever you may call it has one thing in common; it’s all because of the collapse of the British System aka. City of London-Wall Street financial-political-military industrial complex. That’s the dynamic which has unleashed another 100 years war in the nuclear weapon dominated theater.
