Turkey Bans Dutch Ambassador, Suspends Diplomatic Flights & High-Level Govt Meetings – Deputy PM

Ankara has banned the Dutch ambassador from entering the Turkey’s territory, as well as suspended all diplomatic flights and high-level government meetings, due to the incidents with the Turkish ministers in the Netherlands, occurred on Saturday.

Turkey Bans Dutch Ambassador, Suspends Diplomatic Flights & High-Level Govt Meetings - Deputy PM

Photo: AFP / Yasin Akgul

Ankara has prohibited the Dutch ambassador to enter the Turkish territory, suspended all diplomatic flights and high-level government meetings, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said.

Currently, Dutch ambassador to Turkey Cornelis Van Rij is on leave from returning to the country. In addition, Dutch ministers have also been barred from entering Turkey, as well as all diplomatic flights between the two nations have been suspended.

“We are doing exactly what they did to us. We are not allowing planes carrying Dutch diplomats or envoys from landing in Turkey or using our airspace,” Kurtulmus said. “Those creating this crisis are responsible for fixing it.”

He also added that the government further recommends the Parliament revokes an official friendship agreement between Turkey and the Netherlands.

He also added that the government further recommends the Parliament revokes an official friendship agreement between Turkey and the Netherlands, noting that the Amsterdam’s actions, which prevented the Turkish Foreign Minister from landing in the country, and mistreating the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies were a sign of the collapse of Europe.

In addition, on Monday, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli said that Ankara intends to reconsider the agreement with the EU on curbing the flow of migrants. According to Canikli, his government will make a revision of the agreement with Brussels on restricting the flow of migrants and refugees, who arrive to Turkey and seek to reach Europe.

At the same time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued to deliver angry speeches against his country’s NATO partners, accusing German Chancellor Angela Merkel of “supporting terrorists.” Last week, he compared the Dutch to the Nazis twice.

Tensions between Ankara and the governments of the Netherlands, Germany and other European countries have intensified after the latter refused to host political demonstrations of the Turkish authorities on their territory.

On Saturday, the Dutch authorities did not allow the two Turkish ministers: Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlutu Cavusoglu, and Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, to address Turkish citizens, living in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam. The Dutch authorities did not allow Cavusoglu to enter the country, and Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya was escorted to the German border.

The Turkish officials were going to convince their fellow citizens to support changes in the Turkey’s constitution, which would significantly extend the President’s powers.

Earlier, the authorities of Austria, Germany and Switzerland also prohibited speeches of Turkish officials on their territories, citing possible security problems.

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Erdogan is the best advertiser of Turkey in Europe, keep going Ergodan, keep going ! Say more ! Refuse entry in Turkey for tourists from Europe ! Let them go in other places to spend their money !


OH WOW, All of Europe trembles at the thought of making Erdodog angry! HaHa


The Netherlands are terrified. We are not allowed diplomatic flights to Turkey anymore, our ambassador is not allowed back and the friendship treaty will be revoked.

Tremble, tremble.

Contrary to Turkey, our diplomats do not use diplomatic flights, they book a ticket. Our ambassador will have to enjoy a longer holiday, which he will need after having been posted in the Turkish sh*thole. Friendship treaty being revoked, we are all happy. Who wants to be friends with Erdogan and now we can demand swifter integration of Turkish nationals.

On the other hand, we will do nothing. We will not go on holiday to Turkey anymore, we will not support any EU payments to Turkey and the sizable dutch investments in Turkey will go elsewhere as far as new investments are concerned.

Turkey is finished as far as the EU is concerned. We will veto a Turkish membership. Let them slink back into their murky waters.


Erdogan is up to usual distraction game – trying to drum up domestic support as his Syrian policy goes nowhere and gets more Turkish soldiers killed. Whenever Erdogan has domestic policy problems, he tries to manufacture a ‘crisis’ with EU – trying to use populist nationalism and Islam as dividing wedge with EU member to distract or rally Turkish public. It’s very predictable Erdogan behaviour now.